5 dpo-- let's help each other!

I suppose your right, but it's hard to hold on to that hope when for so long it hasn't happened!

Oh hun you still have time
Your 10dpo today right ? It could be implantation bleeding.
I didnt get blood with my lo until the day my period was due and i freaked because i got bfp day before none the less i bled the whole pregnancy and had a healthy baby at the end who came 4 weeks early.
Oh and the day before my bfp was a bfn
Sooooo..... try again if af doesnt come.
:hugs: girls xx

I also feeling out, every time I wipe I'm getting brown/red streaky cm with mild cramps so guessing she will make an appearance right on time on Tuesday :(
Yea AF is supposed to show Tuesday, I'm 10dpo today. Tmi- every time, in past cycles when I spot before AF, it starts when I poop. That's what happened this morning, and it's like less than dime size, and very pink, nothing since then. But I use the first response early detection, shouldn't it show?! But I got 2 OPK positives 2 days in a row so from the 2nd day I'm only 9 dpo... We BD'd both. It's just like almost devestating seeing the bfn! I was so sure this month, I was staying positive these past 2 weeks and today that was all shattered. Makes me want to give up! But not cuz I really want a family! My husband doest deal with emotions well, so I think that makes it harder on me! So glad I have you girls, even if I repeat myself and blabber and what not! But *sigh* it sucks! I guess we'll see how the next few days go, but I'm counting myself out this cycle.
I think in general men don't deal with ttc as we do, it's harder on us, we are much more emotional plus it's our bodies and we put all the work in. I definitely struggle with my emotions while my hubby seems to breeze through, although I think that's a front, but then men don't like to show their emotions.

It's hard to be positive and believe it will happen when you have been trying for so long and have had so many bfn's. You have to have hope and believe that it will happen. Ttc is emotionally draining, it's so so hard to keep strong when one cycle after another passes and still no pregnancy.

Have you tried anything different, I tried SMEP this cycle and I'm going to try it again next cycle, also have bought preseed. Makes me feel better knowing that we are going to try something new, makes me feel better. X
We've done every other day... Or tried to! Then when I get a positive OPK we do that day and the next. So ive done opk's 2 months. Preseed just the 1 month, and only used it 3X. I think I wanna try harder to literally do every other day. Til OPK positive then 3 days in a row. But it's hard with work and just life! I seriously am considering taking time off the week I ovulate... But it's not paid time off so.... I'm not sure! And I plan on Using preseed EVERY time!

What is SMEP? I'll try ANYTHING!
I don't think we could manage it every day, I don't use opks but I seem to know when I'm about to ovulate just by going by ewcm. Been checking it so long I just know when it's at its peak and I always ovulate the day after. We only used preseed on the last day as it only arrived that day, so def going to use it as I approach ovulation.

What about reflexology? I've been reading about it and it sounds quite positive. I want to try it but can't afford it til the new year, but if I haven't conceived by Jan then will definitely try it. I'm also going to get strict on my diet, I've been on self destruct since my friend announced her pregnancy and its a very very bad idea for me to gain weight as as soon as I do ovulation is delayed and cycles are longer. Perk of having pcos. X
I'm 10dpo (I think, didn't test but I'm pretty sure as 10 days ago was the only day I had EWCM) and yesterday I had what seemed to be spotting... I thought AF was due but it quite abruptly stopped! I did do erm 4 pregnancy tests but they were way too early and I was just being ridiculously hopeful so I'm just going to pretend that I haven't tested and instead test when it is actually possible to get a positive!

This is month 1 of TTC... I've been really anxious this month so I am worrying about getting a BFN :( FX for you all xxx
Cookie- I was looking this morning into maybe doing some yoga! I think I need something to help me be more stress free! We'll see though, it is expensive, and I also don't want to go alone. I see a chiropractor regularly and he says that should help... But obviously everything I do hasn't been working yet! I've been eating fast food waay too much! So that HAS to stop! But I love it! Lol!
That's the thing, I need to reduce my stress levels... It's not even that I am stressed a lot about Ttc, it's everything else in my life. I get wound up alot about silly things . I definitely want to do something to relieve the stress in my life. Wound up right now about the treatment of my son in hospital this morning... Although it's a legitimate reason but hubby is downstairs with his feet up and I'm overthinking things and getting more and more angry.

My friend who has been trying for about 13/14 months now is going to try reflexology soon, so will be interesting to see if it helps . I like the idea of yoga, my friend is a yoga instructor but she's about 17 miles from me, might see about joining her class for a few weeks, if I get the gist of it maybe I can follow workouts on YouTube or something.

Welcome lil bumpy xx

Hey just catching up with all of your posts. FX we all have later BFPs although I feel out for this cycle as well.

Hang in there ladies…it is an exhausting and emotional journey. xoxoxo
Ok I thought I'd check my cervix, why? I just like to torture myself a bit more!!

TMI as I have no clue but my middle finger reached up until my knuckle, it was very hard/firm almost like rock! and I think a little bit open? It felt quite squishy and in a circle.

Help, is that normal for AF due of is there still a chance? I've also stopped spotting this evening.
Oooh! I'm not sure exactly! But I'd say hard would be good! Like it's not letting anything out!? I wanna check mine now!! Haha! But I have no clue what I'd be doing!

I also have had NO spotting anymore since the tiny pea size pink first thing this morning... I'm just so confused and not sure what to think. I've been having pelvic pain, I wouldn't say cramps... So maybe twinges again... Ugh ok now I'm ready for this week to be over so I just know if AF is here or not! Haha!
I didn't took a while to feel around, I did it sat on the toilet, feels very strange but quite interesting, have a go :haha:

Same, I think my spotting was due to dtd! Hope so anyway. I've been on the sofa with my LO since Friday night but I've brought my cheapie tests down for the morning, af due Tuesday so if I am it should show up by now.

Are you testing in the morning too?
Yea I usually try and test in the morning! Although I feel like all my friends who are preg, or have been in the past, tested in the afternoon and got bfp... But I drink water ALL day I'm sure I'd dilute it!
I may have a feel around up there, lol! This last bathroom break I had, I think there was some more pink, it was faint but not clear so :/ ugh
I told my husband he needs to be more sensitive to me lol! Just my mood today!
I decided I'm taking a relaxing bath tonight! Today has sucked! And Im soooo not ready for the long work week.
For those of you who have been ttc for awhile have you tried clomid or getting referred to a specialist. Sometimes our bodies are working perfectly but the hubby isn't. So maybe the men need to get tested? I've noticed quite a few ladies who have hubbies with low or no sperm.
I also have seen a few ladies try all different supplements so that may be worth checking into. I did try vitamin b6 and mucinex and that helped conceive my daughter. Thinking I may have to restart.
I'm feeling pretty out this month as well. No real symptoms to report. 3 negative FRER as well. But we didn't put much effort into baby making either so it's my own fault.
AF is due fri or sat so I'll wait a few days before I test. FRERs are not cheap and I don't want to see that negative again anytime soon. I swear I stared at it from every angle trying to will it to be a positive. It didn't work.
Baby dust to you all!
Do you find yourself always going to the bathroom just to check :dohh: I feel quite wet that's why I keep thinking this is it she's 2 days early!

I take all kinds of vitamins already, we have conceived 2 children already, not saying everything goes smoothly once you've had kids as it doesn't I understand problems creep up on us at any point, my GP wouldn't entertain me until at least a years worth of TTC. This is our 5th cycle. It took us 9 months for both (NTNP) previous pregnancies but now that we are actively TRYING - nothing!
What is clomid? I was reading today, pumpkin seeds help men's sperm count! I know they help women create more CM so I'm out to buy those tomorrow for the both of us! I think I'm gonna talk to my specialist and see if he has any supplements for DH to take, and maybe me too, like for infertility. I currently take folic acid, iron and calcium but I want to see what else that would HELP create whatever my body is lacking to make baby!
Clomid is what is prescribed to help a woman ovulate.
Oh! So mucinex helps too??? How so? Like does it create CM? Kind of weird! Lol I just picture it taking mucus from your nose to your V! Hahaha! I mean seriously I feel like I'll try ANYTHING! I decided I AM taking off work 3 days during my fertile time! Then I'll be home Saturday - Wednesday and not stress during baby making time!

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