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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

Oh goodness, that is low...but I am glad you will have the right doctors there to make sure all is well for you and baby...A thanksgiving baby is awesome :) that is great kitty...and I bet you can't wait to hold LO in your arms...it's not to much further away :)

No, it isn't something I have to decide right away...I mean, considering there is only a little more than 12 weeks left I do need to decide soonish so as to actually get a decently scheduled day and time if that is what we want...but I still am so wishy washy about it...OH I think would feel better about induction (even though she knows I don't really want it so she has said she promises she can get to the hospital as soon if not before me if we aren't together because her work is closer to the hospital than our house) still I think she would prefer the induction because then we know the kids are tended to also...I am just real hesitant about doing it because of the intensified pain it could cause...OH and I have talked though and I know she leans more towards inducing while I just don't know yet...so I go back to the OB next Friday and I think I will talk to her a bit more about it...find out what her process is as far as what she does to induce, what kind of medicine is offered if pain is to intense and the likelihood of it turning in to a C-section if labor doesn't progress with induction...once I have those questions answered I will come back talk to OH more and then make my final decision...which means at my following appointment in the first week of October I would be able to tell her YAY or NAY and see about scheduling dates if we chose to go that route...

Thanks for your feedback on it though kitty...

I sure hope Jode is doing okay...I know we all get pretty quiet sometimes but she has been very quiet a long time and I just hope everything is ok with her and her little one...
Good call.. get as much information as possible then make a decision. :)

I know - she hasn't been on in quite sometime. I hope all is well with her.
Hope your weekend is off to a great start kitty...

today was such a busy hectic day for me I am just wiped out...ready to lay down and pass out till morning...my goal is to have the kids in bed early tonight so I can crash...don't even care if they are asleep as long as they are in bed lol...

Have a great weekend ladies...
I am so sorry I haven't been in touch! I've had no Internet for a long time! Everything is fine with me no my little man haven't read back to an posts as I've been gone for so long! I hope your both well!

Here's my latest pics of him xx
Hello everyone look at me yawning


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Hi Jode!
Happy to hear all is well. :) I can't make out the pic! LOL!!!! You should see me .. I was literally turning my head to each side. LOL!!
I see it now!!!!! How cute!!!!!!!!! OMIGOSH!!! You can totally make out what he looks like! So so cute!
JODE!!!! Great to hear you are well hon, and your little guy too...omg he is a cutie...I love the 4d pics because you can see the entire face and what they look like it is so amazing...I wont get another scan until about 3-4 weeks before he is due but I suppose I can wait that long...

I am glad you are back up and running with internet...

Morning Kitty hope your week got off to a good start too...

I'm just about to take the last kiddo to school and get my errands going for the day...hope to be back home soon though as I think I over did it yesterday...I am so stiff and I swear I feel like I am walking like john wayne lol...I have to look ridiculous...I am 28 weeks today :) and so excited as that means I am 7 months with just these last 3 months to go...OH and I have discussed it and we have decided to go ahead and be induced...I just don't want the Doc to induce before 37 weeks...so hopefully somewhere between the 30th of November and the 7th of December...as close to due date as possible :) will know more after I talk to her on Friday...

Okay ladies...any new bump pics??? I will post mine later today once I am home?? Also, I was hoping we could exchange email addresses before we all deliver...I'm not sure how hectic it will be after our lo's are born and I would really love to keep in touch with you two even if we are not able to get here as often as email or even cell phone...I'm fine with cell texts and stuff but totally understand if others are not comfortable exchanging that :)

Talk to you girls later today...have a great one.

M2H (Mel)
7 month bump

Hi ladies! Nice bump, M2H. I'm still having issues posting photos. I'd love to exchange email addresses. I get nervous posting stuff - and have kept most things off Facebook too. It would be great to keep in touch and not having to hop on this site all of the time. I'm sure our downtime will be limited anyway once the little bees arrive. YAY!!! So close! So close!
I'll send you my info via private message then and you can respond however you want :)...

I wonder why the photo thing is giving you such a hard time...that is a shame...

hope all is well with both of you girls...
Well hello ladies, our little thread has been pretty quiet for a few weeks so I thought I would pop in and update and hope to hear one from you two also.

I took the 28 week glucose test 2 weeks ago and got those results back last week. I passed!! YAY!!! everything thus far has been progressing so nicely...and OB says I am right on track with everything. I have only gained 15 pounds since being pregnant so OB was very happy with that...I would like to keep weight gain at 25 by the end of third tri...I wont get upset if I go over that because it shouldn't be by much but 25 total would be nice...OB says if I can keep it at hat most of it will be baby and placenta and I wont have much to loose :) YAY...

I went to the Dr. again today for a check up and Benjamin's heart beat as so strong and loud it was amazing...I still love hearing it even though I feel him very strong now I cant get enough of his heartbeat...Measuring my uterus everything is going on target...so thins are looking good for me. I go back every 2 weeks 3 more times and then November 22nd is also the final ultrasound (growth scan) and I should be 37 weeks then from that point on we go every week for a check and not long till arrival time :) so excited...can definitely feel nerve kicking in but excitement too...

So how are things going ladies?? Are you going t have a baby shower??? My sister and OH are planning one in November but I'm not suppose to know...luckily my grandmother can't keep it secret from me :) hehehe...

Talk to you girls later
Hi girls! Sorry I've been MIA. We had a little scare 2 weeks ago. I thought this little one was coming early. I was having contractions every 5 min. They stopped when we got to the hospital. Once I got checked out, all was in tact, cervix was closed and baby was good. They released me on modified bed rest. Now I'm working 1/2 days in the office and 1/2 days at home. Feet up for most of the day. It's definitely helping. :)

M2H, congrats on your 2nd glucose test! :) That is great!! We are down to the last 2 months now! WOO HOO!!!!!!

I had my shower 2 Saturdays ago. It was so nice. We are almost all set with everything. I even washed all her clothes. They smell like babies. Cuuute!!!!!!!

My two new symptoms are heartburn and a very painful sciatic nerve! I can handle it. :)
Oh goodness hon...I am so glad they stopped and things are good again...this is the time when those darn contractions start and it is hard to tell which ones are "practice" and when it is really real...

I hear ya on the heartburn...I don't even have to eat anything to have it...awful symptom lol...I haven't had to many problems with my back but my hips kill me...

I am glad your shower went over so well...We are having ours in a month on November 9th...I know it should probably be sooner than that but...I want time to get our carpets and stuff cleaned before we go bringing everything of little ones into the house...I haven't even taken the things we have bought out of the box yet...

Jode...how are you hon?
Hi there. Ok so are you at the point where you're ready for our LO's to come out?? Ugh... this gets tougher every week for me. I've only gained 25 lbs. but the extra weight is really hard to carry around. Our little one was 4 lbs last week. I can't believe it!! Her movements are incredible now... and they hurt. How are you holding up?? I totally get why you'd want everything clean before bringing baby's new things in. Most of my stuff is still in its package. LOL! I haven't taken much out.. however, I have washed all her clothes in Dreft (I loooove the smell!) and they're all put away. :) I really can't believe we're so close!!

I hope Jode is doing well!
I know, haven't heard from jode and really hope she is well too...

I have only gained 17lbs. to date...but like you it is getting so tough...lo is sitting low and to the back so I have a lot of hip and back pain...getting up and down is difficult and I don't even know what sleep is any more...not to mention I think my hormones have gone completely nuts again...LO's movements are stronger but most the time don't hurt unless he catches me in my ribs...this I have discovered hurts like the dickens...

I went back to the OB today and she says all is in order...I go back in 2 weeks 2 more times and then we are down to once a week visits...it is getting so very close...

Do you have everything little one needs yet, or still gathering things together? We are still pretty bare but that is because I have two baby showers (one church one family) coming up on the 9th and 16th...we are waiting to see what all baby boy gets from these things so we know what we have left to accumulate and all I can say is OH better be prepared for a shopping spree like she's never seen because after the 16th I will be a hellcat on a mission looking for the remaining things needed lol...

Well I am going to crash for 10 minutes doing nothing before I get up and make dinner for...OH is off tomorrow and is going to make dinner for everyone...love when she cooks, A, I don't have to do it then, and B, awesome food...

Talk to you guys later...
Hi there! Yep, I hear you on all of those physical issues. And I now have to take Tylenol PM to sleep. Sooooo difficult to get comfortable.

Working from home in the afternoons is my saving grace. Once 2:00 rolls around... I'm D-O-N-E!

I had my weekly appt. today... next week starts going 2x/week until delivery date. They will give the baby a non-stress test weekly bc of my prior hypertension. Throughout the pregnancy, my blood pressure has been good.. but they want to be cautious just in case. Happy they're on top of things. :)

I can't believe next week is NOVEMBER!! CRAZY!!!! Yes, we're pretty much all set with everything. We even have the car seat base in the car! :) I just want everything in order at home. I'm overbearing sometimes with my OH. LOL!!! I hate messes and I just want everything clean and in order just in case. Poor LO... I don't want her to have to come into a chaotic house with crap everywhere. LOL!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm going back to work for a bit (from my couch!) -- we'll chat soon. Take care of yourself and sending good thoughts to Jode too!
I totally understand what you mean about the messes...I can handle messes not an issue...I have a pre-teen and teenager in the house...and five dogs...but with lo coming I have gone nuts...kids have to do daily chores everyday now instead of just on the weekend...that keeps there clutter and mess way down...(they are good kids they do it)...and the dogs are threatened within an inch of there squeaky toys if the dump my trash or anything else lol...We are trying to find a decent professional carpet service right now so we can have all the carpets cleaned before the end of November...because little one will be here with in the first week to week 1/2 of December...I want no odors or toxins anywhere in the carpets...wish I just had hardwood floors...

We have his sleeping area all set up for the time being and all his clothes washed and I have his little dresser/stand thingie all cleaned out and ready for his things...we have two baby showers coming up and know a lot will be provided for from family and friends (they are awesome)...so that last week of November is going to be baby shopping spree central for me getting the last things that we will need...

I am glad things are going well at the dr. for you...it is good that they keep a close eye even if things have been going well...it shows they have yours and lo's best interest in mind...I go back Friday just for the check up...I will have one more 2 week apt. on the 15th of November I think and then we go to once a week for the remainder of the time...in week 37 we will get a growth scan and I can't wait for that...I'm waiting for that scan picture so I can do my baby's first pictures page in Benjamin's scrap book I am making :)

Well...going to grab a bite to eat and lay down and be lazy a bit...I've been running, cleaning and busy all day long time for a break :)

Talk to you girls later...
Hey ladies...just checking in here. Today I am officially 36 weeks...just 4 weeks left to go and actually a little less. Today we got the confirmation from the hospital that I will go in on the night of Dec. 5th and start the cervix softener and the the morning of the 6th will induce...

We had our first baby shower this past Saturday...and we have one more this coming Saturday...baby boy is just about set...really I think we still have to get stroller, bottles and maybe a few small items like more socks and little nb shoes for outings like church and stuff...not much left though...the shower was so fun too...and sweet...

I go back to the dr. in 2 days and then next week when I go we have our growth scan to see how big baby Benjamin has gotten :) cannot wait to see him one more time on that screen before I get to hold him in my arms :)

Are you girls getting nervous?? I am so happy and excited but at the same time beyond nervous...

Hope I get to hear from you ladies soon!

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