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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

Here's the little man..

So ladies half way there, have you guys bought anything yet?


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Great news, Jode! :) I now call my scans "visitation rights" - LOL!! Yay! We're halfway there!! I keep putting in milestones in my head. This last scan was a big milestone... and now the next one is 25 weeks. My nephew was born at 25 weeks - verry small... he was 2 lbs. We were lucky, he is now a chubby, normal little 18 month. :) We love him so much!!

My mom is coming to stay with us for awhile once the baby is born. Since I'm having a c-section, I'll be limited to what I can lift and my husband is finishing up his Masters and will have a job by then so he won't be around too much.

Oh M2H, how many people are we talking that will be staying with you?? I can understand how you feel.

We haven't bought anything yet. My mom got us this cute little ballerina onesy that I have hanging on my closet door. I get ecited everytime I look at it! :) :) :) :)

Love the pics of your little prince, Jode!
Jode...he is such a cutie...I love being able to see their little spines and nose and everything it is so amazing...

My OH took me to a babiesRus which I had never been in to....we looked at all the big items but didn't buy any of that yet...we did however pick up like 4 little outfits...I will post pics later...and I decided on a crib theme (since we rent the house we are in we can't paint or do wall paper or anything like that but I want to get the entire nursery set for the "little monsters" theme at babiesRus....it comes with the crib accessories and the night light and stuffed animals and lots of adorable stuff...are you girls decorating a nursery???

people...hmm kitty...we are talking atleast 4 people...my partner's parents (2) and her oldster daughter and girlfriend (2)...all wonderful people...but with 2 of the 4 having bipolar and neither of the 2 taking medication we tend to have approximately 3-5 days of happiness before they both start cycling and having major mood swings...couple that with a just had a baby and still adjusting hormonal woman....yup...I no likey the outcome...we are trying to suggest to my in-laws that they come down like the week before so that they still get to see their granddaughter also...but the 4 of them are only overlapping for like 2 or 3 days...keeping fingers crossed that by December they agree to it lol...if not we will handle it...they are all wonderful people...I love them dearly...I just think 2 ladies with a mood disorder plus me coming off of pregnancy hormones may not mix so well and it worries me some...

I think it is wonderful that your mom is coming to help you kitty....it will be great bonding time for all 3 of you....
So ladies...how are you all doing this weekend? I hope it was a beautiful enjoyable time for you both...

me...it started out great...on Saturday I took the kids to a pokemon event they go to every week...and we took one of there friends...I also got bit by an ant (very allergic) had a bad reaction popped Benadryl in my mouth quickly and dashed home before I wasn't able to drive...luckily (though it was scary) it did not get to the point where I could not breath this time...however...now I have been worried all today and yesterday that the reaction and medicine combination could have done something to the baby...been so upset but trying not to upset anyone else :( very hard...I'm calling my OB tomorrow just to ask because I really need someone to put my mind at ease and I don't go for another appointment for over 2 weeks...I keep thinking I may be feeling baby still moving around (at night especially right before I go to bed when I'm laying down)...but then because of all of this I second guess myself and think of all the other things it could be..."oh it could be an upset stomach" , or "it could be gas", or it could be because i'm upset"....*sigh*...I posted in one of the other forums hoping to get a response from someone who has had an allergic reaction while pregnant before and find some reassurance but to no avail...I am just a little bit sad and freaked...cannot wait to talk to the dr./nurse someone and get someone to tell me anything...

please keep your fingers crossed that they say i'm just over reacting...goodness gracious never in my life have I ever prayed for the response of "you are overreacting" more times than I have since finding out I was pregnant...

sorry for the long ramble ladies...I needed to get it out where I knew someone would listen...I really do hope you girls are having a nice time...have you all started looking at cribs or swings or anything yet???
Hi M2H. Wow, girl - you sound nervous. Trust me, you are fine. Don't be worried about the Bendryl. I've taken it at least 5 times throughout this pregnancy and it's fine. I asked about it to my dr. and they said it was OK. I just don't like to get into the habit of taking something for sleep. I promise, all will be fine. K? :)

Ohhh yeh... having 2 women with mood disorders around you right after giving birth might be distasterous. I hope things work out! I'm having mood issues... I think it's bc I don't sleep anymore. :( So hard to get comfortable. Ugh!

We haven't started looking for stuff just yet. My husband and I are on vacation in 2 weeks... we plan on registering then and planning out what we want for the nursery. We are currently living in an apartment, so we can't paint either. I was going to put decals up of some sort. We'll see!
Thank you for the encouragement kitty...I got through to my OB's medical assistant today..they said that the benedryl was fine (like you mentioned I don't want to take it regularly though)....and they said that the allergic reaction in itself (the whole itching from head to toe and tingling mouth, tongue, etc...) should not have affected the baby at all so they will see me at my next appointment on the 9th...it sort of puts me a little more at ease...but now I am so overly cautious about where I put my feet when I am outside and what shoes I wear when I go out the door...and it is borderline on obsessive...it is driving my OH crazy lol...on the upside I think that means all those flips and flutters I have been feeling at night is little Benjamin then and not the other excuses I have said it could have been...makes me happy cause that means he has been more active...and Today marks 20 weeks...half way through...getting exciting...

Oh it is so great you guys are going on a vacation...are you going far away or staying close by to your home??? I hope you have a great time...We didn't do vacation this summer because we brought family down to our house to visit on 2 different occasions and chose to do things like museums and festivals and stuff close by...it would have been nice to go away for a little though...

I understand the sleep thing...I wake up so many times because I roll over on my back in my sleep which makes my back hurt then I wake up...or I get so overheated I wake up in a sweat...it is ridiculous...but it will all be worth it in the end...have you thought about maybe getting one of those sleep preggy pillows??? I have contemplated it...suppose to make a difference

We have only bought a few outfits so far and a cute baby monster bib...we have started looking at nursery furniture though...but not registered or anything...round about what time do you think a baby shower should be held??? are you guys putting on your own or is someone in your family going to throw it??? I'm not sure how we will do ours just yet...probably at my grandmothers and as a group effort...but still thinking it out...

Jode...how are you doing sugar??? Hope your week has gotten off to a good start....

Editing this post to add photos...sorry for bombarding you girls...lol was just excited about actually buying stuff...even the small stuff...






and this was bump at 19 weeks...
Cute outfits, M2H! Adorable! Yay!!

I'm happy to hear you're feeling somewhat better about the Benadryl and that whole episode. :)

Thanks! We're actually staying put. We plan to do a few day trips but nothing crazy. My husband has a big exam at the end of August to complete his Masters and will need to spend some of the time studying. I plan to clean out some closets and get the baby's room in order. :) YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!

On the preggy pillow front... my friend let me borrow her snoogle and I didn't like it at all. I bought a body pillow and do much better with that. Last night I set up a barrade of pillows around me. My husband barely had any room! LOL!!!! I told him that I'm making a life and that his needs come second. HAHAHAHA!!! We laughed.

Jode, how ya doing? Hanging in there??

Cute bump, M2H! :)
LOL kitty...I am glad he enjoyed the comment too...in all honesty its true though lol...MY OH came home the other day and not only had I barricaded myself around with pillows but in addition to my memory foam pillow I had also stolen hers lol...she didn't wake me up though she just used one of the throw pillows from the couch...I felt horrible later but I had not planned on passing out before she got home...

I do feel some better for sure...I still get paranoid moments but I guess that I should get use to that for atleast the next "FOREVER" LOL...but like right now I felt little flutters in the tummy and that reminds me he is ok...

Master's work is tough...I wish him luck with his class...Staying close to home can be fun for vaca because you get the luxury of going out and the convenience of sleeping in your own bed :)

JOOOOOODDDDEEEEE...how ya doing hon...hope all is well in your neck of the woods...I hear it got awfully hot over there the other day...

Today I cleaned house...cleaned cleaned...it felt good to have that energy...I have to purchase a carpet cleaner though or hire someone to come clean carpets...with 5 dogs...I want ALLLLL floors deep cleaned before little one arrives...and have to get the dogs use to staying out of my room where he will be...I loooove animals...and mine are great with children...but I also know my dogs are clumsy and loud and I would not want them knocking stuff down in the baby zone or waking him up when he does sleep lol...

Well...the last thing on my list today is laundry...so off to that never-ending task ladies...hope you are all having a marvelous day...
Hey ladies hope your both well! We are both doing great, lots of kicking going on in my belly!even seen my belly move yesterday... Wow lol

I haven't took Benadryl myself but I have been taking Zantac for my severe heartburn! The doctor said its fine.. I do worry though! I keep getting terrible headaches, but I feel guilty taking one paracetamol so I take it if its reallly bad!

Cute stuff M2H I have only bought some baby grows upto now a giraffe and a picture for the day il upload some pics in a min!

Yes it's been super hot over here no one is used to it haha I just keep complaining! It's awful.. I couldn't live in a hot country all the time jees.

It's night time here now and I'm just relaxing watching some tv while hubby is at work.

Im 27 this Sunday so i am going for a spa days and staying in the city in a 5* hotel and things treating myself! As the OH is going to a dance festival lol I'm not very happy he's going the weekend of my birthday but I'm seeing it as him maybe holding onto his freedom before we get tied up in winter! Bless him..
Here's his first teddy I love giraffes since I fed them at Busch gardens


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Here's dads present I got last week I love this!


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And this is my bump at 19 weeks I'm abit rounder now hehe


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cute bump jode and adorable giraffe...I have no clue what kind of stuffie I want to get first but I believe all kids should have one lol...

Our b-days are not far apart like our due dates...cool...I turn 28 on he 31s...just a week away...My grandmother' bday is 2 days before mine so sunday we are driving down to see her...it will be the first birthday I have gotten to spend with her in 8 years as I was living in California for several years...so I am excited...I hope you enjoy your pamper day :)

It is always hot over here...never below 90s and 3-4 days of the week have highs in the triple digits....yuck...

well as I never got off the computer to start that laundry I suppose I should go do it now lol...my energy streak left me when I sat down to eat earlier lol...atleast the house is done...

ttyl ladies
Ohhh so cute, Jode! I love the giraffe and the gift that you got your husband. :) Adorable bump! I heard carrying boys vs girls make your bump differ. Mine is is definitely my entire stomach not just a little basketball. LOL!! I'll have to post a pic but everytime I try to something goes wrong and it never uploads. So irritating!

Glad to hear you're doing well and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy your day of pampering. :)
kitty...I upload my photos to my photobucket account because then it gives me a direct link that works with this site to add it to my posts...don't know if that helps but maybe it will work for you...

boys and girls do tend to carry different...boys are said to be lower and more to the back so the bump you see tends to (like you say) look like a basketball lol...where as girls carry higher and towards the front so you have more of an "entire" tummy bump going...

of course it is always different for everyone...I have a friend who looked exactly the same with both pregnancies and she had a girl then a boy...so it depends...

So, last night I believe I felt Benjamin moving around for like 1 hr. and 1/2...it was so weird and crazy but awesome too...at first I thought it was just gas (sorry I know that's probably tmi) but then it kept going and going and it would be flips then like a little fish swimming then an occasional jab to my side lol...it was cool...it was reassuring to feel him...

hope you girls are having a good week so far...
That is such a reassuring feeling! It does feel like fish swimming around. :) My LO is mostly active at night. During the day I don't feel her as much.

I tried opening an account on Photobucket but I'm still having issues. Ugh! I'll try again when I get home.. perhaps it's my work computer and the firewalls they have in place. Who knows.

I'm so sleepy today! How are you gals?
Horribly tired myself...I woke up at 2:00 a.m. not able to go back to sleep my 12 year old woke up at 3:00 not able to go back to sleep...OH got home from work at 6:30 and I finally took a nap for about an hour...

Our LO is definitely more active at night too Kitty...generally starts flipping around in there around 7-8 and will move off and on until 11-12....it is so amazing...

I'm sorry the photo thing is giving you trouble...maybe try going to your internet options on your computer and delete your cookies...sometimes when that builds up it can block certain things from happening properly...

How are you guys feeling in your pregnancy??? I've heard this is around the time that most consider the best part...because you are use to the hormones and mood swings and kind of deal with them, you are uncomfortable but not to the point of being unbearable and your energy is back up...aside from not sleeping well at night I have to say I agree with this thought...I have actually had energy all week to keep up on my laundry and house duty and get things done in a day to where I feel productive...now if only if only sleep would cooperate lol...
Hi gals!
I agree with you M2H, if it weren't for the sleeplessness -I wouldn't complain at all. I sometimes have trouble with different foods that I eat. I stay away from fried, greasy or spicy foods. If I eat it, I get wicked bad stomach pains. I'm learning what to eat and what not to eat.

I had another scan today. My cervix is back to being 4 cm - dr. is very happy with it now. :) I got to see the LO and she was very squirmy. I love seeing her! Hee!!

I will continue to try uploading these photos. :)

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