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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

try seeing if maybe a moderator to the site can help you with the photos if you want kitty...its a shame you are having all that trouble posting them...

it is so great you got to see her moving on screen...I don't think I get another sonogram since I already had the 20 week scan at 19 weeks...so next time I see lo will be when he is born from what I have heard...unless there is an emergency situation...and while I would love to see him again on screen I do not want emergency situations...my dr. still listens to the heartbeat every appointment thought...whether she is suppose to or not she does it because it makes me feel better lol...

well it has been a lazy day today...only did the kitchen and cleaned out the doggy kennel that my little old dashhound sleeps in...now I need to make dinner though...so up and at it we go again...

catch you ladies tomorrow...
How was your birthday spa day Jode???
How are you (Jode & Kitty) both doing these last few days???

Today was a nice day for me..my birthday today and we went out after lunch time and registered at Babies R Us (that was fun) and then OH and kiddos bought me the Pack N Play Yard (play pin), diaper bag, and more adorable clothes for baby Benjamin :) which made me soooo happy...then we all went out for dinner...now we are home relaxing and watching movies...but I thought I would pop in and see how all was going...

It is just the product picture (I haven't taken anything out of boxes or bags yet) but here are pics of the play pin and diaper bag :) I love them....I love baby shopping :)


been awful quiet in here for awhile ladies...just wondering how you two are feeling....

Me...I guess I am doing pretty good...I go to see my OB on Friday...it should just be a routine check though...probably just blood work, listen to LO's heart beat and what not...still look forward to it though because even if I don't get to see him wiggle around I get to hear his heartbeat...

Have either of you girls invested in a Doppler to hear the hb at home??? I have contemplated it but just don't know...I mean I am feeling him move every day now...not hard movements that hurt or anything...but definitely feel him (especially after I eat) and that is reassuring then I always get to hear the hb at the dr. appointments which are still every 4 weeks...so I don't know that I really need one...other than it would be cool for the kids to hear...they still can't feel him kick from the outside...he is stubborn lol...I can watch him make my stomach jump all over but lay a hand on the belly and instant stillness lol...

okay...well here it is...22 week bump...I still don't think I look pregnant in every day clothes because I have to pull my shirts tight around my tummy to look like this...but, atleast I do look like I have a bump when I pull my shirt around it lol...I still haven't bought any maternity clothes...I'm just sticking to my lazy day t-shirts and stretch pants lol...


whelp...let me know how you girls are doing....
Hey m2h hope your well! I had a Doppler from 11-18 weeks it was cool listening to bubs Hb everyday but I got rid as soon as I could feel him! Personal choice really :)

Bubs is kicking me very hard now makes me feel a little sick someways he must be kicking my organs lol.. 17 weeks left! Crazy how fast them first 17 weeks went by so we will soon have our baby's!

Hope your well kitty!

Il put a pic up of my latest bump

Here's my latest bump pic xxx


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oh that is a wonderful growing bump jode...I know...just a few short months left till their arrivals and I can't wait until we share pictures of what they look like here with us :) so excited...

Currently I am having the hardest time with sleeping positions...He is kicking where I can definitely feel him and I swear I feel him kick my hand but family says they can't feel it yet...I see him make my tummy jump too though lol...so I don't know if it is just wishful thinking from me or if he is kicking strong enough that I feel it from the outside...oh well if not it will be even stronger in a week or two...but his movements don't keep me from sleeping...I end up on my back and it is uncomfortable and it wakes me up and then I have to go to the bathroom and then I have to get back to sleep then my back hurts and I am up again and of course have to go to the bathroom and then takes time to get back to sleep...lol...see a trend here

How are you sleeping....?

Hey kitty...how are you doing hon?
I am sleeping terrible! I'm really paranoid about sleeping on my back always thinking I'm harming him and then there's the toilet trouble lol

I no it will be so Nice to share our pictures!

Does it get cooler there in winter?

Kitty how are you and your princess x
It does get cooler in winter...but it stays hot for sooooo long...we wont start cooling back down AT ALL until late mid to late October (but it will still be hot just not as hot)...then we will be cool in November and half of December then freezing half of December, January and maybe even February if we are lucky lol...by March we will have nice weather for a little while...What about you guys does the weather get better for y'all?

Toilet trouble...oh my goodness (TMI) I am so far beyond constipated it is not funny...nothing helps...lol, I love being pregnant but the miserable symptoms could so go away and I would not be the least bit unhappy about it lol...

You know at first I was worried about sleeping on my back too...but my dr. has told me the body would wake you up long before you could do any harm to the baby that way...mostly it is just "suggested" to try and sleep on your side because laying on your back has the baby laying on things that could actually make you hurt a bit more than necessary...when I lay on my back for more than 10-15 minutes I wake up because my lower legs and feet start to go numb...but then I re-position and my legs are fine...

so try not to worry jode...you aren't hurting him at all...he is quite happy in there right now :)

Do you guys sing or read to your little ones yet??? I haven't started reading to him but I sing to him and play him music...he likes country music...I tried to play him cutsie baby songs...nope, he just likes country lol...
Went to the Dr. today...first time I've seen her since my allergy scare with the ant bite (I hate allergies lol)...anyway, Benjamin is doing just fine...She listened to his hb and it ranged in at 162 so still nice and strong...Last appointment was our big scan and he weighed (I thought 8.5 oz but she said...) he weighed 9 oz. and was right on target for the average percentile...we heard him wiggling around on the Doppler monitor so much that she was having to chase him to be able to get a read on the heartbeat lol...he had been kicking me aaaaaallll morning lol...my poor cervix probably has bruises for it's brusies lol...

how are you ladies doing this Friday???? anyone bought a crib or basinet yet??? we bought the play-yard with the basinet top...which technically would be okay for the first couple of months but we still want to get the crib before he arrives...
Hi ladies! Sorry I went MIA for a bit. We were on vacation last week and had a ton of things going on. We stayed put but got the registry done and started clearing out the nursery. :) FUN!

Can you believe how far we've come! I'm loving this 2nd trimester. I can sympathize with you on the sleep problems... but I'm getting through it. I am now sleeping in a separate room (the nursery, actually) because I need all these pillows around me to keep me comfy. HA! :)

The little girl is doing well. She had her measurement check up last week and is 1 lb. 1 ounce. Hee!!!! She's moving around crazily .. I love it! We also went to our c-section class (what to expect) and did the hospital tour. Pretty cool! I feel comfortable with everything now.

Happy belated birthday M2H! Hope it was a great one... however, I bet next year will be even better. YAY!!!!!!!!!!

You guys look great with your baby bumps. Man, I still have yet to figure out photos. I will try again now. LOL! I have no patience for technology. HAHA!!
aw I'm sorry you are still having photo problems kitty...I have seen some ladies put their pics on photobucket and then just place a link in the post to the photobucket page with their photo. I don't know if you would want to try that or not.

I am glad you guys had a good vacation...getting the registry all done was surely fun...I registered at 2 different places but still have a few things I need to add on to the lists...I can do that online though...

Do you have a theme for your little princess??

Hey Jode how are you doing this week??

I've been doing pretty good...sleepy...but like you girls i'm making it. I sleep on top of pillows and encased with pillows lol...I look ridiculous...but it helps some. I have got to get myself in the habit of getting up earlier though. Our older kiddos go back to school on the 26th and that means me getting up at 5:00 to get lunches together and breakfast started...and right now I am shutting my alarm off at 7:30 ever morning and sleeping till 8:00 when the kids wake up lol...5 is massively different than 8....gotta get use to it again..

have a good week ladies...check in from soon with updates :) I love reading how you are all doing and how your lo are progressing :)
Hi girls. How are you doing? I'm hanging in there. Things get tougher as the days go on. I'm not sleeping well and now I'm obsessed with baby kicks. LOL! I get so nervous when she doesn't kick a lot during the day. I find myself poking her. Poor baby girl.

Yes, we have a theme. We're doing Jungle Jill (from Babies R Us). Cute little girly jungle animals. :) So cute!
Hi kitty...we all got pretty quiet there for awhile...I'm doing okay for the most part...I have a few days here and there where I feel like my head is going to explode from emotions...I never know if it is just me being depressed in general or me being pregnant lol...but OH is precious and helps and we get through those days :)

I can hear ya with the sleep issue...I now sleep with two pillows under me three pillows around my upper back, neck and head, and one under my feet...and still have to wake up to shift 90 million times a night...on top of that getting up at 5 in the morning now trying to get back in that habit for when my older kiddos go back to school on Monday...it's a definite adjustment when summer allowed us to sleep late...

aside from that things are okay as far as being pregnant :) Benjamin wiggles a lot during the daytime so like you when he has a quiet day I worry and poke him lol...I don't poke hard though just enough to say hey there wiggle for me :) ...Dr. said he is well protected and a little poke wont hurt :)

We are doing the peek a boo monster set from babies r us...I like the little monster themes it is so cute...

So when is everyones next dr. appointment??? I go on Sept 9th...This Monday I made 6 months :) only 3 months left to go...time is creeping up on us...
Hi ladies, just checking in...it has been pretty quiet lately...I suppose it is just us settling in to our nice little pregnancy routines and getting ready for lo's to arrive. I hope you are both doing well and having many wonderful days.

Today was nice for me. It was OH's birthday, labor day and my dad came up for a visit...no one had to work or go to school so we slept late, went out, came home, ate, watched movies and now everyone is sleeping and I will head to bed in just moments...it was a very nice day :)

Today my LO is 26 weeks and on Friday I go to see the OB for the check up...if I am not mistaken it is just one more week and on week 27 we are considered third trimester :) so awesome...time went so slow in the beginning and now things just seem to be zipping by...I can't even imagine how wonderful it will be to hold our little boys and girl come December...

Okay girls, check in and give an update so we know we are all still here :) Have a great week!!

AWE...I just looked at my ticker and have only 98 days left to go :) in to double digits now :)
Hi there, ladies. How are you both doing?? I'm doing well... we enjoyed our long weekend. It was nice to relax but now I'm starting to 'nest' - cleaning, organizing....... and freaking out! LOL!! Like you said, M2H, it's starting to go by verrrry fast! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi there. So I came onto the forum tonight to look up what types of pains I had tonight. It scared me! I had a few the last 2 weeks or so but they were isolated incidents. Tonight was different... it happened three times in a matter of 15 minutes. The pain was so bad in my lower pelvic area and crotch (TMI, sorry!) that it takes my breath away. Sooooo painful! I called my sister-in-law (she had my nephew at 25w4d) so I wanted to know what she felt. She said her pains didn't stop... they were continual. Mine stopped after those three. I plan to call my dr tomorrow - funny, I just saw her today and things were fine. Perhaps it's just Braxton Hicks contractions. It freaked me out. Have either of you had anything like this before?

My husband was working and didn't answer his phone. Ugh... there will be a discussion tonight when he comes home about that.

Hope you girls are both well!
My goodness kitty, sounds scary. I do know that Braxton hicks are not suppose to hurt but that some women say that they indeed do hurt them...that is sort of what it sounds like to me. I get those pains where my tummy gets all tight (the uterus tightening) and the pelvic area gets really achy too...but it generally passes pretty quick and my dr. said it is nothing to worry about it is completely normal...I do hope you get in touch with your OB though...because 15 minutes is an awfully long time for it to last like that...Please keep us updated.

Jodi, how have you been hon? Haven't heard from you in awhile...

I went back to my OB today and all was great. Measured my tummy, took all the vitals, listened to lo's heartbeat...She said we go to every 2 weeks now so I go back on the 20th...and about 3 to 4 weeks before he is due she will do an ultrasound to check on his growth and make sure all is right for baby day :) I can't wait...I wasn't sure if she was going to do a growth scan or not...I know some OB's don't do another scan after the 20 week anomaly scan so happy I get one more :)

Well ladies...gotta go flip a hamburger patty...lol...dinner time...I will chat with you all later...
Hi there. Things have been quiet - no more pains, thankfully. I did let my dr. know - I guess they're not concerned. I keep celebrating after each week goes by now. My nephew was born at 25 weeks and that was stuck in my head. He is now almost 2 years old and has caught up on all milestones. ;) Goes to show you what technology can do these days. He was in the NICU for 3 months though. Scary.

They scheduled my c-section. It's amazing to know the actual date now. Yay!!! M2H I'm lookin gat your middle ticker and we're only 2 babies away from our arrivals!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!?!?! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited now!!!!!!!!!!!
I know, I can't believe...we are that close...I am looking at the one that says 12 weeks 6 days left...and can't believe that not long ago I was ONLY 12 weeks along and going to see my little squishy on a screen....now we're just a little more than 12 weeks from seeing them...

When is your C-section scheduled for???

My OB asked me about induction...I am kind of torn on it...there is (at this time) no medical need for me to be induced and I am so thankful for that...and had she not brought it up I would never have considered it...but since she did I have to at least look at the pros and cons of it...I really don't like the fact that the medicine they use (the synthetic hormone to jump start labor) makes the contractions so much more intense...however I am more worried that OH will be stuck at work when I go in to labor and I will be home with the kids or something and it will get all complicated...plus I really want my doctor to be the one to deliver him and not someone I don't know and am not comfortable with...I do plan on taking the epidural as soon as it is available to take...I underwent a great deal of abuse in my childhood (physical/sexual) and that much activity going on down around the lady parts is kind of making me nervous...physical exams are difficult enough as it is...and typically put me in a mood that takes days to get out of...I am really nervous about the actually labor/birthing part of pregnancy as I know that in one sense I will just be ready for him to be in my arms and it all to be over (everyone says that is all I will be thinking) but the other part of me says they don't know me like I know me and I may be thinking that but I am also worried that I may be triggered or something and along with labor pains I will have flashbacks and all and make the labor process more difficult...which I don't want to do...so...

Pros to induction: OH knows when baby day is and will for sure be there for his birth and at the very least the following day. Pro number 2 is my doctor will for sure be the one to deliver. Pro number 3 the kids will be tended to with an adult either in the waiting area or at a house with someone we trust so they aren't left freaked out about what's going on. (not necessarily a pro but something that makes me not so much against it is...) that after 37 weeks induction is considered safe for baby whether medical need or no medical need is around...since I know exactly when conception took place since we did assisted conception with Artificial Insemination I know for sure how far along baby is...plus my OB doesn't want to induce to early...she just mentioned inducing around time so that it is scheduled and everyone who needs to be there is there...so we are talking like week 39 sometime...

CONS to induction: there is no medical need. It increases the intensity of contractions (some women say epidurals make this better to handle, some say it didn't make a difference still hurt like hell). Induction once increases the chances of it being necessary in future pregnancies and last that I can currently think of is Induction increases the chances of needing a C-section either with that current pregnancy or with future pregnancies.

So...any input on what you guys think would be greatly appreciated...Me I like the idea of everything being planned...however...I also like the idea of having the birth date be a mystery...I just don't like the thought of OH being stuck at work...I am really torn about what I want...originally I didn't want to even consider induction...and now I just don't know...

sorry for the long ramble of a post...hope you girls are doing wonderful today. Kitty so glad things have quieted down for you and things are progressing nicely...Jode...sure are missing you girl...Really hoping everything is okay and something hasn't developed that is keeping you from checking in with us...

TTYL for now girls
Hi M2H - first off, I'm sorry to hear about the things you had to endure in your childhood. I'm happy that you have conquered it and are here making a new life! :)

If it were me and I was given the opportunity for induction, I would do it. I see many more pros than cons in your list. As for the pain, medication is key and you seem to be OK with that. Now if you were against medicine, then I'd be a little cautious since it intensifies labor pains.

My section is scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving. Either the 26th or 27th. I need my surgeon in the OR as well since the reason I'm having a csection is bc of the major surgery I had years ago. I can't push or else I could push out the new pouch they made to replace my large intestine. It's that low. Crazy, huh?

You'll make the right decision. Is this something you have to decide soon?

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