Hi ladies.

...sorry I been a little slow in letting you all know what happend at my results apt....but here's what happend.....
So pete and I had our follow up yesterday with DR G....
It turns out peters s/a was 9 out of ten good....I will explain...
So quantity was good....quality was good...motility was good...however the "slow'uns" were too high in volume....aparently the executable marker is16....Peter had 8....which is a high reading of useless spermys....
This was not at all a concern with the doc as his words were "this is only one sample" another could flag up totally fine.
So on to my bloods....it confirmed ovulation...a slight abnormality preficular stage but nothing to worry about or treat....and everything else was satisfactory.
So the plan....
We are going to be refered to the local hospital which is a government funded fertillity clinic and we are going to embark on the iui journey now....
My wonderful doctor even stayed after work hours to write the referral for us...this sooo warents a lovely treat...defo have to show our apreciation and thanks somehow.'
So the wait begins...another wait haha...
Hopefully some time soon we will get a letter or phone call with our consultation invite and we take it from there.
This is all by exciting and please don't think my next sentence is a moan but I am also very nervous about it all....obviously I have only had cycle bloods for now but following the consultation there will follow a series of cycle monitoring and tests for myself...this is the real test that counts...I expect the dye test will freak me out the most...I just have this gut feeling with this one you know....
All I can do is hope for the best here...I fully expect I will chew most of my nails down whilst I wait for this all to happen
Tmr I am tempted to ring the ocean suit and ask a few questions -including the one of "errrrrm -how long does a referral take to come through?"
Atleast I will have a realistic time to wait this out and not become a front door or phone stalker...Not be the nutter racing to answer phone every time it rings lol...
So there we have it....the summery.lol...
As for is cycle...I'm 16 dpo...af is due today...she ain't here yet! Maybe she is affraid of my sniper lol....
I am going to re start the q10 tonight to get my eggys in optimal condition for iui when and if it occurs anytime soon....and I also baught some robitssun today for my "lack of" cm latley....ready for next cycle...
No sigh of af yet...I bet she hits when I am not looking the witch! Lol....
Ashley!!!mwowzers girl.....yr opk is amaizballs!.

Yaye....go get that eggy.
Good luck hip uni I really want you to get your bfp this cycle.
Natalie so sorry your sick....had to lol when I see meg say about tea time...lol..hehe...meggy- us Brits call tea time your dinner time.we do have a "tea time" but that's our 3pm break time when we drink tea.lol
Confusing eh lol....
I just call evening meal -dinner too meggy don't worry.
Hope you feel better today nat,
Hey hey momtosam...me too me too...I didn't go in til 4cm ....I was told I was brave and strong like bull.lol...
So I pass this "compliment " to you too love.
Amanda - I worry Hun...how are you?...
Talia....how are you this week dear?
Well ladies...enough of my long ass msg lol....will let you all know what happens ok.
And thankyou all sooo much for your lovely encouragement and words of kindness regarding my results.
