Holly grackamolly Amanda...your bump!...what happend?...lol
Anyone would think your up the duff there girl.lol
I can't quite belive what I am seeing here.
Ashley....that's a nice looking test I sure hope it's the bfp I so want you to get Hun.

...welcome love...I'm a "long termer" lol but for now I just pop in from time to time as I have a busy old turn of events hers and there.lol
Good luck Hun.
M2sam...how are you ....so I forget wher are you in your cycle again?..
Lol sorry my brain is fried today...that and a bud interfering with my only brain cell lol
Talia...anything suggesting baby could be coming yet? Hope so love...
Natalie....ohhhhh your bubba pics are so adorable...I love them.
He is going to be a good looker I can tell...I get a feeling about this lo...he is going to be quiet and content and his little giggle will almost bring you to tears and delight (his laugh will capture people's hearts ) and then when he gets on his lil feet and walking he is going to run you raggid lol...with joy tho.
I can just tell nat that this little boy will be the key to your future Hun....you are going to be a great mammy.
Btw...how's your sister now?....how is she coping?...I realise that being a teenager must be hard for her...how is your relationship with her now?...I hope better.
Well ladies...I'm cd2 today...darn witch barged her way in through the back door.! Lol
Found out the so iui isn't free yesterday.dayyyyyym!.....but hay oh...it is what it is right?
I'll get through this one way or another...we are saving away now like little greedy squirrels lol...
Any who's...hope all is well...
