Hiya ladies
Meg Amanda how are you feeling today...I hope much better
Talia? Earth calling talia lol?.....how are you?
I'm hoping your not checking in bc baby is keeping you busy love...
So how did it all go?...birth story ? Boy/girl?
Hope you are well love.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Ashley? Did you plan to use opks this cycle?....how are you...miss you on here.
Sis? How are you my dear?....what's your pgy symptoms love? How are you feeling?
Sheena?....2dpo today right?....this half of the tww draaaaags right?....I hope it's treating you kindly.
Natalie...been shopping again yet lol....I loved this buying cloths and stuff....makes you feel excited about it all dosent it.something kind of calming about it all.
Hope you are well love.
Well afm...I'm 6dpo...I have bbs that are so sore ...I have my sauneoff ready and waiting if pete try's to grab them again lol bahahahahaha....this is a no go zone for now haha...he is one brave man if he goes against my advice.lol
So confession time......I caved and bought 50 tests the other day.ooooops.lol
I was accidentally on purpose stumbling across amazon and somehow I don't know how well I sort of do lol I ended up buying three different types of tests I haven't tried befor...
I hope they do not let me down I the way of Evaps...I am SICK Of them.for once I would like to see a test that has a genuine second line on it...geeees.
Good luck everybody...I'm rooting for you all.
