Well another day of not hearing anything about the housing, i will still be in the same position next week, i explained to them that each week they are taking is a week less for me to get things sorted out, 13 weeks tomorrow, fair enough i might go 2 weeks over but i also could go earlier, i don't know how i will manage it all, bugging them doesn't seem to help either, my Councillor is going to call them when im at my next app but its not for 2 weeks and i think i will have had a mental breakdown by then. The housing officer who passed it on to her manager says no news is good news, but also in another way he could have completely forgot to look at them, or something she could easily have asked him if he had looked at them yet just to check, i appreciate that they are busy but this has been going on for weeks and its nothing but stress to me. I honestly don't see whats so hard about the decision yes or no, i don't see why it cant be done but i have a feeling because everything else goes against me that this will too. My sister has her GCSE exams in may she doesnt need the stress of not knowing whats going on either she should be concentrating on that rather than what could or could not happen with this, i've explained all this aswell and its still getting me nowhere x