***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

Hey everyone it all sounds like were all gearing up. I cant believ im 36 weeks on sat! Just 1 week till full term and no need for nicu bed lol il try persuade my consultant to hold off for another week even tho im going maaad. Th hospital has a hairdressers downstairs so im goin to get my hair done tomoz when i get paid. Im looking forward to that x
Aley I remember how you were 4cm with your son and still not in active labor! Looks like you are on that track again being as you're already 2-3cm dilated and no contractions. In a way you're lucky it took me hours of intense contractions to even get to 4cm :wacko:

I've read to get the baby engaged...walk up stairs two at a time, child's pose, being on hands and knees and swaying back and fourth, and pelvic tilts.

AFM: I'm 37 weeks today:happydance: I had one contraction last night that woke me up from my sleep and I was so relieved that for once it wasn't in my back but in the front! Maybe baby is in a good position and I won't have back labor the entire time this time! I had a pretty intense cramp in my right hip today too but other than that nothing really going on. I don't see midwife again till Tues and not sure if she will check me. Reality has not hit that newborn baby could be here any day now:shock:
cat, one more week wouldn't be so bad! At least then she'd be full term :flower: I hope you can get through it... you're SO close to the end, either way!

Mimzy, hehe -- yeah, my body seems to like to dilate gradually at the end of pregnancy. I was hoping to be 3-4 cms yesterday, but I think I'm just getting greedy :blush:

Hands and knees --- I guess that means I should really get down and clean the bathroom and kitchen after all. :haha: If I'm going to be on the floor swaying around I might as well be cleaning something - 2 birds, 1 stone and all that!

Its a miracle to do stairs at all for me, the idea of doing 2 at a time scares me - I am not sturdy, I worry I might hurt myself??

Hooray for full term, Mimzy!!! :happydance:
I'm 11 days away from induction and reality hasn't hit me yet either. :wacko: I'm really struggling to fully grasp that I'm having a baby. It still seems surreal and like I'm going to get pinched and suddenly wake up from a dream!
Hope your all keeping well

I caved in today and ordered a new pregnancy pillow.

Also ordered a load of stuff, bumps wrap and some oscha blankets oh so looking forward to that! Got the newborn clothes washed and new the nappies are on! Finally getting sorted.

Tonight I shall pack my hospital bag!!!
hoping everyone is ok, haven't been on since Friday.
Anyway ended up going to hospital Saturday evening because of reduced movements and pains. Was on the ctg monitor for over an hour, midwife comes in and stays I don't know why but baby hasn't met the criteria. They did a test to check for pre-term labour which luckily came back as not being in pre-term labour, but because of the pains and because baby didn't meet this criteria (no idea what criteria they have to meet) I got a admitted. I went in at 5pm and was told at 8pm that I would be admitted just after 9pm I finally got onto the ward.
I came out today after them doing loads of tests to try and figure out what is causing the pain. they can't find a reason, some of the doctors said it was spd another said it was because of having had to C-sections already. while doing the tests they found out I do actually need iron tablets after being told 4 weeks ago I didn't, I've also been put on folic acid as my levels for them are low and i'm not on stronger pain killers.
I did get my section date while I was admitted, they are doing it at 38+3 because of the pains, roll on November 11th. The way baby is being I doubt i'll make it, he keeps going really low to the point it feels like I have a bulge between my legs, and Braxton hicks are getting stronger.
Hey everyone no induction again and i rekon thyr wont b tomoz. At least i no next sat i will b as long as delivery suite isnt too full!! Im so jealous of u with easy pregnancys!!! Wish i could just sit bk and relax.. my new motto oh well maybe tomorrow lol... and im so peckish!! X

Littlesteph hope your doing better now your at home? X
thank you, felt really ill last night and not too good today, everything seems to making me feel sick. keep feeling baby drop down then wiggle back up.
hope you get your induction date soon I know you have been waiting awhile now.
Nov 11 to c-sect is so close, steph!! :hugs: Hopefully you make it to at least 37 weeks, only a couple more weeks to go for that! Sorry to hear you had to spend the weekend in the hospital though... wish they could tell you more decisively what the pains are from!

cat, next Sat will be here before you know it!

I was having a lot of (painless, sigh) contractions last night. They were irregular and only lasting about 30 seconds. I wasn't timing them exactly, just keeping an eye on them. They slowed down when I finished with laundry, but I was still getting an occasional one even when I finally went to bed. :shrug: I was very worried for a little while that I was in labor, because DH was on night shifts and I didn't want to be forced to call MIL :haha: So it was a relief to wake up still pregnant this morning! She can come tonight though - I'm totally cool with that. :haha: The painlessness of the contractions doesn't mean anything to me, as I had the painless labor last time... I really don't know if contractions will hurt this time or not. That sounds like an exciting thing, but its also very confusing because I really worry that I won't know if I go into labor. :wacko:

This morning I lost a massive gob of mucus plug in my toilet paper and when I got up and looked there was even more of it floating in the toilet. SO DISGUSTING, but makes me wonder if the contractions last night weren't doing something?? I am too massive to reach around my bump and touch my cervix, so all hopes of being able to monitor my own dilation this time are out the window :rofl:

Now that DH is done with night shifts for sure until after baby arrives, I'm going to see what I can do to get her to drop down a bit. I keep thinking I look lower, but she still feels really high up and I don't have much pressure down below, so I think she's not engaged. :shrug: Might even try to have sex tonight :rofl:
thank aley, kinda hoping to go into labour before the section date even though it would mean rushing down to the hospital as soon as it started as wold still need a section.
loosing that much plug sounds promising, maybe it won't be much longer for you.
I'm so done with my body pretending to go into labour. I know it's only practicing but it's driving me crazy. Loads of braxton hicks again today. Think I will have to skip my blood thinning jab tonight just in case but no doubt it will turn out to be nothing again. My pelvis is so painful now that every movement hurts. I'm so ready for him to come out but he is just messing me around.
MrsBump, that's how it is for me too - contractions almost constantly especially while walking. They don't bug me overly much, as that's how it went for me last time too and I ended up with a very easy labor so I guess I feel it was worth it? They say that prodromal labor makes active labor easier, so it helps if I tell myself that this time too. I know you won't get a dilation check, but you could be dilating slowly already, which is encouraging too, right? :thumbup:

As for my plug etc... I don't know. I don't feel like I have much longer, but I have convinced myself I'll be induced so that I don't get too excited over nothing :haha:
Wow how am I 38 weeks 2 week wait commenced 👍
Ah you guys are getting so close, it's a race! I can't wait to see all these babies!! :)
I'm having loads of braxton hicks at 34 weeks its so uncomfortable. & bub seems to never stop moving, I can't tell if its her pressing against me or braxton hick sometimes. She seems to be awake all day and sleep at night while I'm sleep than as soon as I get out of bed she starts stretching than she up kicking, rolling away 😍 Can't wait to meet my precious babe💕💞💖💗💜💓💋
Oh twag the tww is so much worse that during ttc........

Fingers crossed your little princess appears soon
I went to the hospital last Wednesday because I had a lot of contractions and pain (like the period pain) they put me in the observation room for 24h. The lab test result was that I had a UTI. They gave me something for the pain and antibiotics. In the night my contractions got worse so doctor ordered Brethine to stop the contractions. At least in the morning my doctor visited me and check on me and released me. I'm officially in rest for the rest of my pregnancy. I'm 1cm dilated.
Marie, I hope the bedrest isn't too hard on you :hugs:
I am now on bedrest, too, until I deliver. I am "at risk" of pre-eclampsia, so we are doing weekly scans and will re-check my urine next week. My dr expects that we will deliver sooner than expected, but not sure how soon. Oct 28 will put me at 37 weeks. It'll probably either be then or the week after that.

Can't wait to hear how everything plays out for you ladies in the coming weeks!!

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