***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

Marie and Texmel, sorry you have been having troubles! My doctor said if you have protein in your urine it means you need to eat more protein. Low protein in the diet can be a cause of pre-E, if that info helps. You need to get 75-100g protein per day. :hugs:

I've been having bladder pains off and on, cranberry juice seems to have made it better the last couple times but the last 2 days it's been hanging on. Not sure if it's an infection or just baby putting pressure on it. If it gets any worse I'll call. My immunity seems to be a bit low lately, hopefully it clears up on its own. Hope yours doesn't give you any more trouble Marie!
Hello ladies!

Hope you are all doing well! I've been keeping very busy, only 5 weeks to go! I get the occasional contraction, I feel them mostly in my back. Also feel massive and have no idea how I can possibly get bigger! Definitely uncomfortable, but I'm not ready for her to come, got lots to do and want to enjoy my last few weeks with just DD1 :flower:
I hope it doesn't develop into pre-e TexMel :hugs:

DHBH :wave: Good to hear from you!

I was told by 2 people on Friday that I might explode if I get any bigger. People are so flattering in their compliments :haha:

38 weeks for me today! 8 days to induction, but nobody (except my husband :rofl:) thinks I'll make it that far!

Deep cleaned 2 rooms yesterday and it didn't so much as give me a handful of contractions! Guess I'll have to switch it up tonight... and try something less exhausting. :haha:
I keep getting told theres no way i'll make it to my section date. i'll be 38+3 so there is a good chance I will. Part of me really wants to go into labour before hand just because I am so done with being pregnant. I feel like my bump can't stretch anymore. been told I have to rest one consultant and by another I have to move around, So what do I do? To be honest I've been doing a bit of both.
Anyone else feeling stupidly tired. I honestly felt like I could have slept all day today. I keep feeling the urge to sort out my bedroom and move stuff about but I know if I did that not only would my husband kill me my mum in law would bring me back from the dead and kill me again.
Aint mother nature clever makes us all soooo uncomfortable and sore we long for labor lol

I am feeling it as well so tired so much I want to get done thankfully hubby helping out so got a few things done today

I have an appointment at 36 weeks and hopefully my fluid levels have improved and baby hasn't gotten to much bigger. I will be so happy to say good bye to my GD as well

Littlesteph we are nearly there no chance they help you sort out your room :hugs:
Almost there!! I'm not tired, as in sleepy....but my entire body aches. All the time lol. So I guess I'm physically tired. I can't bend over, I need a pulley to turn over in bed, and I'm starting to forget things badly. Countdown is on...3 weeks to go!!
Anyone else experienced sharp pains at the cervix? I keep getting these jabs that only last a second, but it is enough to make me twinge in pain. I've had several of them in the last 30 min. Baby is moving a lot, but I also seem to be having BH today fairly often (a couple an hour).
Aint mother nature clever makes us all soooo uncomfortable and sore we long for labor lol

I am feeling it as well so tired so much I want to get done thankfully hubby helping out so got a few things done today

I have an appointment at 36 weeks and hopefully my fluid levels have improved and baby hasn't gotten to much bigger. I will be so happy to say good bye to my GD as well

Littlesteph we are nearly there no chance they help you sort out your room :hugs:

Hubby will be in the week, just need to sort all the stuff out that could be chucked and stuff that could be donated. and then I just got to tell hubby where I want the stuff and he'll move it around for. it just hoping we can fit the cot in our bedroom and still have walking space.
Tex I do when baby moves, he can be quite close to my cervix sometimes which sends a sharp pain right across it, also been getting a tone of Braxton hicks. the period pains and back pains are starting up again, and currently having a major Braxton hicks as I type, which is a little painful were its so tight.
I've had sharp pains for weeks. Every time I move my pelvis it feels like someone is stabbing me. In my case this is probably pgp according to the midwife but there is nothing they can do about it.

Two different random women stopped me in tescos to talk to me about my bump. They both asked when I was due and then laughed and said I'd never go that long. I wish they were psychic and not just random. The pains are just getting too much. Ironically I've had less braxton hicks although my bump was solid as a rock pretty much the whole way round tesco.
Anyone have issues with strangers touching ur bump? I was at the grocery store earlier when a man walks up and embraces my bump! It was so awkward and random, I kinda laughed it off and turned my body the other way and proceeded to leave. Its like he couldn't help himself!
I have had the sharp pains in the cervix but yesterday was like nothing else we went for a walk and the pains in my cervix and groin area actually felt like someone was ripping me in half 😞

12 days until due date nearly single figures yay
I've woken up this morning with awful cramping at the top of my bump :( has anyone else had this? It's making me feel so ill :(
Anyone have issues with strangers touching ur bump? I was at the grocery store earlier when a man walks up and embraces my bump! It was so awkward and random, I kinda laughed it off and turned my body the other way and proceeded to leave. Its like he couldn't help himself!

OMG :haha: weird, thankfully no one has done that to me yet

I have had the sharp pains in the cervix but yesterday was like nothing else we went for a walk and the pains in my cervix and groin area actually felt like someone was ripping me in half 😞

12 days until due date nearly single figures yay

so close yay, getting a few twinges in my cervix as well! really hope it means baby is the right way up at last

I've woken up this morning with awful cramping at the top of my bump :( has anyone else had this? It's making me feel so ill :(

could it be trapped wind maybe! I got awful pain in the top of my bump Saturday but took some galvasicon and they went away
Smile never had the cramping at the top of the bump only pains where baby kicks me!!
A couple of people I've been talking to that I don't really know well have touched my bump & it's such an invasive feeling! If I speak to a pregnant lady & I'm not pregnant, admitedly, I do feel the urge to reach out & rub it :haha: but I would never actually do it.

Lightening crotch sufferer over here too! It's calmed down the past couple of days but when it flares up, ouch, it hurts!

Smile, hope the cramping eases, maybe some BH? I heard you can get them in your upper back if you're prone to back labour so wouldn't be surprised where they could hit!

full term today! Eeek!
Haha! Lightening crotch! A great way to describe it!!! :haha:

I will have it several times within 30min-hour, but then only like one episode per day. It has been happening every day for like a week now, though.

I (of course) googled it and read several places where people said it was the cervix starting to dilate. Anyone know if that is true??

I also read that doing Kegels each time it hurts will help, so I'm at least reminded to do my Kegels. Lol
I have been reading my APP and it says that lightening crotch is where baby is head down and low but hitting nerves you didn't know you had! THIS is very true for me as not only have I had the pains in my cervix but also my groin and down my legs to the point one almost went numb :wacko:
I always just assumed lightning crotch was what it felt like to get hit on the inside of the cervix lol. Dunno if it means anything, it's just a really unpleasant sensation for me! Even with little Missy way up high, I get it!

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