***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

I'm sorry your mum is being so difficult mrsbump :hugs: my mum sounds like a very similar character to yours and I've just had to learn to not rely on her for anything over the years (so much harder said than done I know!) xx
Baby feels lower today and I think I'm feeling her turning her head a lot? I'm 36 weeks 2 days today, I gave birth at 36 weeks with my twins with bed rest and a stitch and I had my eldest dd at 27weeks. If I make it to 37 weeks this little bub will be my first full term pregnancy 😍
:hugs: MrsBump, I'm sorry your mom is being a PITA!

Trying, only a few days to full term, hooray!! :happydance:

As for us; we got home yesterday morning. We're struggling a little bit to adjust to life at home, but we'll get there. Sort of a shock to the system to have a newborn again! :haha:
oh mrsbump so sorry to hear your mum is being difficult. you've really not had it easy lately
sorry mrs_bump is there anyone else that can help you out more? :hugs:

Aley glad you and baby girl are heading home!:thumbup:

AFM: I feel like I haven't updated here in awhile...I had midwife apt tues she said 2cm dilated, baby very low, good position ready to come. She guessed maybe I'd go into labor on wed. Well I lost my mucus plug wed. morning. It was a lot the whole thing and I haven't seen anymore since. After I lost my plug things completely stalled. I haven't even been getting BH's like I normally do? :shrug: My son was diagnosed with pneumonia on Tues night so I've been very stressed worried about him and I also have a cold. So maybe labor has stalled because of stress and sickness?

Maybe some of us will have Halloween babies :haha:
Thanks for the support everyone. She rang this morning and said she wouldn't go if I was in labour. She exhausts me, I'm used to it as I grew up with her but when I'm stressed it's a bit too much sometimes. There isn't really anyone else who I'm that close to nearby. My neighbour has said she's happy to look after my son in an emergency and she's lovely but we don't know her really well so I'm not sure how comfortable my son would be, there is also a friend on our estate who has volunteered but they both work full time so it's not necessarily simple.
Mrs Bump sorry she's being a pain, at least you have a backup in case she flakes out on you though. Might not be ideal but I'm sure your son would be ok with your neighbor if it came down to it. Don't stress, kids are resilient!

Mimzy still nothing huh? Might very well be the stress holding it back, which is good in this case though because you were hoping baby would wait until your son was feeling better, so good job baby! Everything happens for the best!! <3

Aley so glad you're home now, I peeked at your parenting journal and saw your pictures, she's gorgeous and I hope the breastfeeding is going better. Doctor sounds like an ass though, I would be hesitant to supplement with formula too when you know damn well it's another issue, especially when you're trying to get your milk to come in! Most doctors really aren't trained enough in breastfeeding. Hope she is getting the hang of it now though! Love the name too, very spunky! She will be a little spitfire with two older brothers! :)

AFM, had my 37 week appointment yesterday (full term yay!) where hubby came with me, and they did a more in-depth overview of the birth center and went over our birth plan etc. It was really nice they even gave me an herbal foot soak during the appointment lol! Everything looks perfect with baby, measuring right on 37 weeks and heart rate was 150. They retested my bloods and she called this morning with the results already. My platelet count has not changed (it was a bit low), and my thyroid hormones looked worse, so she is starting me on a thyroid prescription I have to pick up today. The last thyroid test was 8 weeks ago so hopefully it hasn't been too long with low levels where it could hurt the baby's development at all. I don't think it is severely bad either just a minor hypothyroidism situation. Just more crap I have to remember to take every day lol!
Lome, you reminded me that I haven't posted any pictures in here!! Its just been a little bit on the crazy side since we got home and I never have figured out how to do it from my phone. :haha:

Introducing Zoey Piper! :baby:


Also, my milk fully came in this morning, though there was already a huge increase in supply yesterday. Now I'm a bit on the fence about seeing a lactation consultant - I think I'll give it the weekend and see how she manages now that milk is available and she shouldn't be so hungry constantly! I'm very unimpressed with the doctor though. He's a good doctor for the kids in most ways, but he did this with Ethan too. Never tried to fix the breastfeeding issue, never tried to even refer me to somebody who COULD help with the issue and just told me to supplement. Ethan was fully on formula within a week of that, and obviously I'm remembering that now and will not allow it to happen again! Ethan's issue was different (at 7 weeks he had only gained just over a pound from his birth weight, he was very skinny; it was scary! Too much reflux and a poor milk supply on my end due to poor information from the hospital and doctor!) - but the lack of support from the pediatrician is the same.

Anyway. She's feeding better now that there is more than a few drops at a time for her in there :haha: which has helped me to relax immensely, which is just a positive chain reaction all down the line I think. I also got a lot more sleep last night because she was fuller, so that can only help! :shrug: Instead of supplementing with formula, I'm pumping an ounce or so before a feed so I can give it to her via syringe, as she gets REALLY angry REALLY fast if she gets too hungry. 2-3 teaspoons of milk given by syringe when she gets mad calms her down so that she can latch properly. :thumbup:

Hooray for full term, Lome!! I hope the thyroid meds help, is your strep B cleared up??
Lome yah for full term! :happydance: Your birth center sounds amazing. I would love a nice herbal foot soak :haha: Any guess on the sex of your baby?! I'm sure you and DH can't wait to find out! Are you all set on a name for each sex? Sorry to hear about your Thyroid levels, how is the natural treatment of Strep B going?

Aley Is baby girl having trouble latching or do you think it was just she was really hungry and getting frustrated that your milk hadn't came in? I had trouble with DS latching because he was tongue tied but I didn't find that out till he was already like six weeks old. He also lost weight it was scary. I started syringing him pumped milk early on too. Was able to keep him soley on breastmilk for 14 months but that was insane pumping exclusively. I'm praying this one takes easier and will get him clipped right away if he's tongue tied! I have flat nipples too though so have to use a shield at first to get them to poke out :wacko: UGH breastfeeding is hard but so worth it:thumbup:
Yay for full term Lome

Mimzy hope your son is better soon

Mrs Bump I am hoping our babies decide to come this weekend :hugs:

Afm - I think I have lost all of my plug the last few days as have had loads of it and bump & baby are so low! Today had an attempt at seeing where cervix was and omg so low and soft whereas previously I couldn't find it at all so hoping a good sign &#128077; also seem to have had a good old clear out:blush:
Aww love the baby!!! She is so adorable!! And yes, doctors DO NOT know anything about breastfeeding. Is there a Lactation Consultant you can see? Most are in the hospitals and are always willing to see people. My doctor tried to tell me my son needed supplements when he was born, he was 5 lbs. 13 oz. and I never did any formula and now he is 18 months old has only been sick 2 times in his life!! He also is perfect weight and height, so you do what is best for you!! Doctors don't always know everything!!!

AFM- I have 2 cm and 80% effaced and this is what I was when I went into labor with my son so now I am just WAITING, impatiently!!! lol I am so ready! Would love to go into labor tonight or tomorrow!!! I am going to have sex with the hubby tonight-hopefully that helps hheheehe
Popping in to announce the early arrival of our son at 35 weeks. He weighed 6lbs 7oz and was 18inches long. Born 10/22 he had some breathing problems because he is premature and I didn't get to hold him or have him in my room with me for a couple of days but he is doing good now and we are home Thank Goodness!


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Congratulations!!! I am so happy you are home with him now! I am sure it was scary in the beginning but it seems you guys are doing well!!
Congratulations on your beautiful babies ladies, they are adorable.
Still no real signs of anything happening here. At this rate I'll be one of the last to have my baby. Don't really want him on the weekend as the hospital only run 50% staff so its more risky. Good news on the cervix twag.
Congrats Aley and Wantabelly! They are both beautiful and I'm glad to hear you are all home and doing well!

Can't wait to see if we have any Halloween babies this weekend! Only a few more weeks until all of us have our babies in our arms!
Aley - Good idea on the syringe, that's a great alternative, I wish more Doctors would recommend that before formula. I'm reading a breastfeeding book right now by Dr. Jack Newman and he pretty much rips to shreds most doctors on their lack of breastfeeding knowledge lol. So glad she is feeding better & your milk came in!

Still working on the strep b treatment, just started it on Tuesday so I'm about halfway done, we're going to retest on Tuesday and see if it worked, if yes then great, if no we're going to give it one more week with their other suppository type and retest again. I've been taking apple cider vinegar 1-2x a day as well and yesterday my urine pH had gotten noticeably more acidic which is a great sign and hopefully means it's working, acidity apparently discourages bacteria growth so here's hoping! Also I am betting that the bladder pains I was having before were because of the GBS possibly causing little infections, and I haven't had any of those pains since last week so that's a good sign too.

Mimzy - I am soo thankful to have found this birth center, they are so great! I still think it's a girl for some reason, we are so excited to find out soon! Pretty set on names but the boy name is still iffy, girl name is Isla Mae, and boy name is Mackenzie Hart. We both like the girl name better though so we're kinda rooting for a girl haha.

Twag and Amcolecchi good luck! Hope those are all good signs!!

Mrs Bump you won't be last lol I feel like I'm going to be last! Maybe you will be the Halloween baby haha :)

WantaBelly Congratulations! Sorry it was a rough start, but so glad he is safe and with you now. He is beautiful! And what a great weight too, maybe he was further along than you thought lol!
congrats wantabelly, that's a brilliant weight. glad he is doing well.

AFM. I can feel baby trying to engage. its such a strange feeling, it actually quite hurts. been getting more contraction like pains and hubby says I've started nesting. went through our bedroom and chucked away so much stuff that we just didn't need or didn't use anymore. 6 bin bags later. didn't realise we had that much stuff in one room, rearranged the bedroom a bit to make room for the cot, tidied the living room yesterday and again today, really want to scrub the carpet as its a little grubby from hubby's shoes and where the boys drop their dinner but hubby just won't let me do it. this evening I went through the bedding cupboard and rearranged that and put baby bedding up the top to make it easier to change baby's bed in the night if we needed to.
had some pretty painful tightenings today and massive amount of back pain, keep feeling pressure down below and for some reason in my bum, So ready for him to arrive now the pain is getting unreal yet my cervix hasn't changed, its still high and close, dose feel soft though. and there is no pattern to the contractions or Braxton hicks what ever they are.
Evening all.

Congrats wantababy so glad your home and can get settled into life with a newborn.

We signed all the papers today so it's OFFICAL we move house next Saturday yes that's right at 37+6 I'm moving house. Not the brightest idea ever but better doing it before baby arrives. Just hope they stay put till then!

Today my daughter dressed up for Halloween at school. So cute I had to share


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