***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

Oh and my son has turned into a minuturevGordon Ramsey! Anybody else's little one sensing change and acting up?

Even hubby pointed it out today that he is being a horror
Congratulations wantabelly he's adorns😍

AFM having lots of BH they've moved down to my abdomen so hoping something is happening there. Almost full term yay! I def think I'm the last to deliver!
Congrats wantabelly!! He's gorgeous, glad he's home and doing well with you now! :happydance:

Mimzy; I think she was just unsatisfied by colostrum-only and was wanting more :haha: now that my milk is in, she's latching a LOT better. :thumbup: When she misses the nipple, she gets instantly mad, and she's impossible to latch on when she's screaming. So I'm learning to keep her calm and attempt latching. If she gets angry, out comes the syringe! :haha: My milk letdown is pretty strong, so as that builds up I think it spraying in her mouth will help too. :thumbup:
Congrats wantabelly!! He's beautiful :)

My LO has turned into an absolute nightmare too :dohh: he's refusing to sleep at night so I'm exhausted!
Happy Halloween!! Wonder if any babies will be born today/tonight!?

I feel like I've gained a ton of weight this week, I heard its suposed to slow down now, so maybe its fluid? I do feel really puffy. I can't stop eating though, & I just feel like I want all the wrong things, I need to remember to keep it healthy for baby, & for my energy if I do go into labour but all I want is cake & more cake!! I'm struggling to sleep at night now too, something I always thought I was quite lucky to get away with this pregnancy. I just feel generally 'tight' on the pain front, my pelvis & tummy feel tight & sometimes it'll turn into a strong BH but never goes anywhere. Lots of back ache & a bit of a dodgy tummy.
Due date :( feel like my body is useless and doesn't know how yo go into labour on its own :( feeling very down today

My son is also being a nightmare he is throwing hissy fits left right & centre this week it is exhausting but when he isn't he is just gorgeous :dohh:
Happy due date twag! I hope baby doesn't keep you waiting much longer :hugs:
Yay for your due date Twag! Don't get so down on yourself! Your body knows what to do, gotta have some faith and trust it. :) Try doing some positive affirmations. Your mind can absolutely stop your labor so banish those negative thoughts and visualize your body naturally and easily going into labor and having the perfect birth you want. This site has a whole list of affirmations and visualizations you can do. https://www.positivebirthstories.com/affirmations/

My midwives and Hypnobabies program also recommend doing a Fear Clearing session. You just get relaxed, ask yourself what your fears are about this birth, and start writing whatever pops in your mind. You might need to write the same sentences over and over again but just keep writing it every time it comes to mind until it stops popping up. Doing this releases those fears from being bottled up in your mind and reduces stress. It will make you feel more confident and positive by being free of all those negative thoughts. :hugs:

Yesterday I had tons of BH and they are definitely getting more intense than before, and lasting at least a minute. I don't feel any pressure down there yet but when I was changing for bed last night I looked in the mirror and I swear my bump looks like it changed shape, like a bit lower down. So maybe baby is working on getting engaged.

I got a little nervous last night because an acquaintance who had the same due date as me just had her baby yesterday! DH and I went out to dinner (while we still can!) and when we got home her new baby was all over Facebook. I was like Okay time to pack some of the labor bag lol!! So there I was at midnight packing the diaper bag lol :haha: Most of my bag will be just clothes so I can't really pack much of it until the day of since I need to wear them until then, but I got the baby's bag done.

And yesterday I sterilized all the bottles and pump parts and etc, and washed our bed sheets. I also finished sewing my rocking chair cushions Thursday. I did most of the big tasks while dh was away (he got home Monday), so yesterday I also gave him a lesson on how to do the cloth diapers haha. We practiced on an old doll I have lol! :haha:
Your body absolutely does know what to do, Twag. :hugs: I hope Issy proves that to you in the next couple of days!!

Happy Halloween everybody!! Strange to think my due date is tomorrow! I do not regret being induced though... my head could not handle pregnancy any longer. I'm doing much better emotionally having her out, even factoring in the crazy postpartum hormonal rollercoaster. :thumbup: I miss my bump though :wacko:
Due date today. No baby but he is now officially called Ben as Dh has finally talked to me about it, so today is not a total loss.
MrsBump, great news on settling for sure on a name! I remember your DH was quite upset about a second boy - is he coming around?

We didn't have a middle name for Zoey until Sunday. It was really stressful for me, not knowing what she was going to be called! Maybe just having a name set will let you relax so you can go into labor now?? :hugs:
Congrats to all the babies that have made their arrival safely!!

As for me, I'm still 9 days away from my booked c section. I keep feeling she'll come early, but so far no major signs....so I'm likely in for the long haul. I've had increased back pain this week, and some BH but nothing major, or super uncomfortable.

Keeping my fingers crossed that baby girl comes soon!
Happy due date twag and mrsbump hoping baby won't keep you waiting much longer.

had trouble sleeping last night ended up trying to clean the kitchen but my husband stopped me and pretty much dragged me to bed. so just in bed for an hour colouring.
this morning I scrubbed the carpet in the living room, my husband is going to go over it tomorrow with the carpet cleaner. I feel exhausted, ton of Braxton hicks and a few contractions, can feel him trying to engage again. pressure down below and in my bum. why in the bum I don't remember having that in past pregnancies?
Still pregnant and now officially overdue again boo :(
Awww Twag xx. I fear I'll be overdue too she's showing no sign of wanting to come soon 😌
She's my first full term babe so I'm excited about that 😊
Yay for your due date Twag! Don't get so down on yourself! Your body knows what to do, gotta have some faith and trust it. :) Try doing some positive affirmations. Your mind can absolutely stop your labor so banish those negative thoughts and visualize your body naturally and easily going into labor and having the perfect birth you want. This site has a whole list of affirmations and visualizations you can do. https://www.positivebirthstories.com/affirmations/

My midwives and Hypnobabies program also recommend doing a Fear Clearing session. You just get relaxed, ask yourself what your fears are about this birth, and start writing whatever pops in your mind. You might need to write the same sentences over and over again but just keep writing it every time it comes to mind until it stops popping up. Doing this releases those fears from being bottled up in your mind and reduces stress. It will make you feel more confident and positive by being free of all those negative thoughts. :hugs:

Yesterday I had tons of BH and they are definitely getting more intense than before, and lasting at least a minute. I don't feel any pressure down there yet but when I was changing for bed last night I looked in the mirror and I swear my bump looks like it changed shape, like a bit lower down. So maybe baby is working on getting engaged.

I got a little nervous last night because an acquaintance who had the same due date as me just had her baby yesterday! DH and I went out to dinner (while we still can!) and when we got home her new baby was all over Facebook. I was like Okay time to pack some of the labor bag lol!! So there I was at midnight packing the diaper bag lol :haha: Most of my bag will be just clothes so I can't really pack much of it until the day of since I need to wear them until then, but I got the baby's bag done.

And yesterday I sterilized all the bottles and pump parts and etc, and washed our bed sheets. I also finished sewing my rocking chair cushions Thursday. I did most of the big tasks while dh was away (he got home Monday), so yesterday I also gave him a lesson on how to do the cloth diapers haha. We practiced on an old doll I have lol! :haha:

Sat here with tears rolling down my cheeks after reading those amazing birth stories & all the positive affirmations. I feel really empowered now!
Oh and my son has turned into a minuturevGordon Ramsey! Anybody else's little one sensing change and acting up?

Even hubby pointed it out today that he is being a horror

yes my little guy is the same :wacko: he has been a nightmare to get down to sleep at night!

Due date today. No baby but he is now officially called Ben as Dh has finally talked to me about it, so today is not a total loss.

happy due date and glad you settled on a name we have not yet :dohh:
Just had some horrible news. A friend of mine who had her second baby 3 weeks ago took him to hospital last night and he has meningitis. They don't know if he will make it and even if he does there is a high chance of brain damage, blindness and deafness. Have been hugging my little boy all day. Makes you count your blessings.
Oh god Mrs Bump that is so scary :( poor things
Aww Coral I'm glad it helped you! I love reading birth stories and watching peaceful birth videos, I always cry at the end haha!

Mrs bump that is awful news! I feel so bad for them, hope their baby pulls through ok. <3

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