***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

MrsBump, that's terrible news!! :cry: I hope he pulls through OK!
Mrs Bump I hope he recovers so scary it really does make you count your blessings :hugs:
Oh Mrs Bump how awful :( really hoping that he pulls through and everything is ok! :hugs:
I hope the little boy pulls through. What a scary situation.

Went to see the new house tonight.... Sorted where everything is going. Just need to get a move on and pack now!!! So excited.
Mrs bump: that's so sad, hoping baby makes it ok, that's definitely the terrifying part of being a parent

Ladies your babies are adorable! Definitely makes me want to meet my little girl when I see yours :flower:

I may be tired and sore, but finally getting the final things done! All my freezer meals were made today :flower:
oh Mrsbump, that makes me feel sick to my stomach. I am hoping he makes a quick turn around and all turns out well <3
Well its November ladies, we will be having babies this month!:happydance:

How is everyone feeling?

My son is finally feeling better and is off to daycare today and I'm back at work. Although now I have a terrible cold and losing my voice :wacko: I can't believe my due date is this week! I never thought I'd make it this far, I always thought he would end up being an October baby. I'm okay with it though, I want him to cook as long as he needs :thumbup: My FF due date is Nov. 11th anyways so that may be more accurate.

I started using EPO taking two capsules twice a day and inserting one vaginally at night time. I started this three days ago. To help soften my cervix. Also still eating 6 Dates daily and drinking RRLT. Me and DH were busy all weekend and we both finished but that did nothing to help things along :haha: I was a little crampy this morning but nothing major. BH were strong and frequent on Saturday but not really on Sunday or so far today :shrug:

My midwife is going to be so shocked to see my at my appointment tomorrow :haha: Last week she told me to make my appointment but that she didn't think I'd make it.
I'm so looking forward to baby being here soon and not being pregnant any more :haha: every day I'm over analysing every twinge! Constantly checking for my plug each time I go for a wee I'm going mad! :rofl: I'm 39 weeks tomorrow (which is when I started having contractions with my first) and then I have a sweep booked with my midwife for weds
Still pregnant here and 2 days overdue and seriously fed up now!
Midwife comes Saturday if baby hasn't arrived by then and gives me a sweep and books induction
Induction tmrw now. Don't be jealous twag because it's not for good reasons. His tummy hasn't grown in 4 weeks according to the scan and my bp is back up. She did a sweep and my cervix was very favourable so she gave me a 20% chance of going into labour before tmrw morning. Not feeling anything at the moment though.
Just got back from dr appt. My BP is great, and my labs and proteins are great. Looks like bedrest is working for me. The dr I saw today was not my normal OB, since she is out of town, so I'm not really sure what our game plan is. My cervix is not dilating at all yet (37+5), so if they let me wait it out, I'm guessing he'll come after my due date, but my dr may decide to induce before. I've been taking evening primrose, which I'm going to up my dose of, and adding red raspberry leaf tea and capsules. Gotta get my body in gear!
Oh and they re weighed me and I've gained weight. 1lb up on prepregnancy weight now. I guess pregnancy sickeness is a great diet. I also found out they will give me an anti-emetic if I ask for it. So I'm definitely doing that. Can't believe no one even mentioned to me it was possible until today given all my vomiting and dehydration in my last labour. Having lots of braxton hicks. It would be amazing if this sweep works.
Induction tmrw now. Don't be jealous twag because it's not for good reasons. His tummy hasn't grown in 4 weeks according to the scan and my bp is back up. She did a sweep and my cervix was very favourable so she gave me a 20% chance of going into labour before tmrw morning. Not feeling anything at the moment though.

good luck Mrs Bump, having a favorable cervix is half the battle when it comes to induction, I bet they can break your waters and start the drip so faster induction that way rather than gel a couple of times then breaking waters to move to drip if needed! make sure you sip water before you go in ( if they have you fasting) nothing worse when your fasting and then them trying to find veins for drips ouch!

keep us posted and hope all goes ok tomorrow!
Good luck Mrs Bump really hope you go into labour naturally before tomorrow but if not I will be thinking of you hugs
TexMel good news on bed rest working! A lot of women don't dilated that early so don't lose hope yet.

Mrs_Bump good luck on the induction tomorrow. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and baby. That would be great if the sweep worked and you ended up going into labor on your own!
I hope the sweep works, but I'm sorry you've got to be induced MrsBump! At least he'll be here soon! I hope your induction goes well, will be keeping an eye out for an update :flower:
Lome I wanted to thank you for the link you posted with the positive affirmations. I have to be honest that I'm scared of labor. My son's birth was all natural and 16 hours long. The memory of the pain and fear I experienced is taunting. And I need to find away to get rid of that fear and trust my body, that it will know what to do once again. And hopefully I will handle the pain better this time. I'm going to work on these affirmations daily to try and eliminate this fear before labor arrives. Maybe this fear is keeping my labor from starting in the first place. So again Thank You:flower:
It's all calmed down again so sweep hasn't worked as such but the fact I'm already somewhat dilated is really positive. Bens having a fit in there though, I wonder if he's sensing eviction.
He is here!! Went in Sunday after having a mixture of Braxton hicks and contractions every 5 to 6 minutes. Within 5 10 minutes of being on the monitor the midwife said it looked like it was the start of labour, was giving 2 co-codamol and then checked on again 3 hours later, as the contractions were getting more intense I was told I was going have to have my section that day (it was about half 12 Monday morning by this point) just before 3am we finally walked down to have my section, he only just made it term at 37+1 arriving on hubby's birthday weighing 6lbs 1oz. Will up load a photo when we are home as have no idea how to do it on my phone. Did have a few problems during the section with my blood pressure at one point it dropped to 62/28 needless to say I felt very sick so every time it dropped the gave me a boost of anti sickness. We have named our baby Tom Edward. He had some problems at the start and is still in the incubator but is doing well, he's on antibiotics for a possible infection.

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