Hello Ladies
My baby boy made his appearance Wed. morning at 9:51am.
I last updated after my midwife appointment on Nov 3rd. and I was discouraged that I was still only 2cm dilated. I went and took a long walk after my appointment. Then me and DH got busy and both 'finished' I felt a little different lots of Braxton Hicks but nothing really unusual. I took two Benadryl hoping to finally get a good nights rest at like 10:30pm. Finally feel asleep at 11pm. I then woke up at 1am with a contraction after it passed I went back to sleep then it happened again, the next time I started timing them and realized they were occurring every 10 mins. I got up made sure DS stuff was all ready to go and when they continued and only got stronger after a hour I woke DH up and called my mom to come get our son.
I labored at home for 7 hours, we arrived at the hospital which is very close to my house less than 10 mins, around 8am. Then less than two hours later he was here! I planned for a water birth. Got in the tub when it was time to push because I was in the shower before than and I just couldn't get comfortable, I hated it. So I got out tried pushing on all fours and that wasn't working so I moved to the birthing stool and within five pushes he was out! It was truly amazing
I'm so glad my baby boy is here and he's healthy. I was so worried about this birth but it was soooo much better than with DS.
Lome those affirmations are what saved me. I was able to remain calm and work with my contractions rather than tensing up like I did with DS.
Breastfeeding is challenging. My nipples are flat and he's having a hard time latching and getting a good latch. We are keeping at it though. So far he is eating every 2 hours or so and he's having a lot of dirty diapers so I know he's eating enough. I broke down and used a nipple shield this morning because I just couldn't take the pain anymore
hoping to see a lactation consultant today.
Soon ladies you will have your babies too!!!!