63 (&counting) Lucky MARCH testers come together!

You might be onto something there Belle. I take 5-htp for depression and I had run out around Valentine's day, started taking it again that Friday. Found a study that looks at 5-htp and prolactin: "Regarding 5-HTP, an increase of its serum level was observed in all the groups with amenorrhea with the highest value in hyperprolactinemic patients."

But the thing is, I have been taking it since last April and at double the dose I am presently taking (it isn't safe for pregnancy, so I halved my dose to TTC). Why would it cause galactorrhea now and not all those months of higher dose?

I can't actually afford to get any medical care for TTC. >.< If I can't do it on my own, I'm going to be TTC for probably a decade before we opt for intervention/treatment.
Krissie I hope not!

I hope we all get luck! I've been trying for 3 years ugh!

I had my consultant appt today I have been referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic xx
Wrapunzle I don't know why it would be showing up now if that's what the cause is. It's a simple blood test to get it checked though and might be worth considering if AF shows. I don't think it would be that difficult to treat and elevated prolactin can make it more difficult to get pregnant. If your meds increase prolactin it would be worth getting checked out anyway

Wanting sorry to hear you've been trying so long! How do you keep going? I have 3 years in the back of my head as my quitting point lol You must be much stronger than me :) I hope you get some good luck soon!
I'll be sure to mention that to my doctor if AF arrives.

Wanting, I'm sorry lovely, that's such a long time to be trying. :(

I've had four pregnancies since my son in '13. But lost them all. We'd both said we didn't want to deal with anymore losses, but here I am. Sigh.
I don't know how you ladies keep trying. All my love and support to you :hugs:

Belle I guess I could go straight to the lab and have the test done, I'm sure I can interpret the results myself and that would make the whole experience a lot more do-able for us financially without the doctor's visits to ask for it and hear results. My fiancé has bigger health issues than I do, we are still paying off his major knee surgery.
Pink/wrapunzel!! I totally just posted about this exact same thing on the TTC Clomid buddies thread! I had milk coming out of my nipples in the shower this week and I haven't breastfed in 3 years!! The only time I ever leaked without nursing is when I got pregnant with my last dd! BUT I haven't even O'd yet so I know it's not a preg symptom for me lol...I may have to ask to have my prolactin tested I suppose!
Woaaaaah 425. That's kinda scary. Do you think just thinking about newborns and nursing could do it? Ummm, before I ever had a pregnancy/baby, I bottlefed kittens and my nipples would feel itchy and weird while I did. Years later after I gave birth I realized that feeling with the kittens was the same as let-down

No denying it today .

Good lucky ladies .
Can I be added, please? I have finally got a positive opk today on CD35! So hopefully ovulating tomorrow at long last. I only have an 11 day luteal phase so will be testing on the 15th.
Wrapunzel it doesn't really worry me honestly. I leaked a ton through both of my pregnancies and then was like a jersey cow once I gave birth, I fed my first dd and three other babies for 2 years through donated milk, my second daughter I nursed for 16 months and also donated for 2 babies, I have a ton of milk lol. I truly think mine is from all the hormones I've put into my body the last few cycles. Each cy has required Provera to jumpstart and Clomid to get so but I still haven't O'd so I'm hoping these signs mean my body is getting with the program :) I took it as a sign that God said alright your body is ready let's make a baby <3
Woah. You are a CHAMPION. I just hope to be able to pump at all this time around, last time I didn't respond to it.
Is this normal on cd7? It's darker irl.

Four2Five is that an OPK? I get second lines my whole cycle on OPKs, the darkness fluctuates all cycle but never gets as dark as the control except for the day I'm peaking. LH is pretty much always present in your system in some amount.
Thank you Tmom! I knew it wasn't + but was surprised to see it so dark so close to af...I just had to begin my POAS addiction lol. Today is my last day of Clomid and I was just told not to test for a couple days after my last Clomid pill due to possibly getting a false +
Those ladies with the milk discharge. If you're not pregnant this cycle you should consider getting your prolactin levels checked. Elevated levels can cause nipple discharge and can result in infertility.

Belle, is that right? I've had discharge both on BCP and off it. I still do today (only when squeezing, never leaked). Gyno wasn't concerned.

Aaaand of course I no longer have health insurance, so I'm not getting anything checked out anytime soon.
I am probably around 11 DPO, and testing tomorrow. My husband and I have tried for 9 cycles with no luck, so not expecting anything tomorrow.
Praying you get a BFP tomorrow archer!!

Do you shoot archery? My husband and I both are now hunters :)
Thank you! We do on occasion go to the archery range, but it's actually a reference to a video game :p

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