63 (&counting) Lucky MARCH testers come together!

I swear by clomid. I took 25 mg clomid four times so far and got pregnant every time. I lost two but once I got pregnant in the first cycle after the miscarriage when I believe the HCG made me more fertile. I took femara twice but it didn't work for me.
I took clomid this month too, really hoping it does the trick and I get a little rainbow in nine months.

I'm new to this forum and will be testing on March 13. Please add me to the list. :)
I got another super faint line today a i don't know if they're genuin or nasty evaps though.
28329- how frustrating. I hope you get a solid answer soon.

My temp was still elevated this morning. I also had some horrible hot flashes all night long. Hopefully they are positive signs.
I'm keeping my FX for your Krissie!

Well I got a significant temp rise this AM, but I'm not convinced that I have O'd already. My post O temps are usually above 36.8 and it's not unusual for me to get a rise like this on CD 12 followed by a little drop and then another rise again. If temp stays about the same or drops a little tomorrow I'll think that tomorrow is O day (as long as it's followed by a rise). Guess we will see what the next few days bring! We'll keep BDing!
Well I've been tracking my symptoms and today a new one has started... sickness! Or I think it is haha got another 8 days till Af is due. Had slightly tender nips and stomach cramps which I never get inbetween periods. Trying not to get my hopes up and trying even harder not to test!!!
Morning ladies!
I woke up today really dreading tomorrow because I have to have an ultrasound :( when I had my follow up ultrasound back in January after the mc there was a tiny ovarian cyst and the doctor wanted me to have another ultrasound done at the end of February.
It just makes me so sad having to go have this done knowing there isn't anything there. (part of the the reason why I think I had gotten my hopes up for February)
Hi ladies! New to this forum :) I'm not in the tww yet but I'm on cd 4 and on my second day of Clomid 100mg so I'll be in the tww soon hopefully and will be testing in March :) Excited to get to know all of you and see some BFP's this month <3
Hi ladies,

My ob/gyn did blood work two weeks ago (ended up being 8dpo, though I didn't know if I had actually Od at the time.) I got my results today and I'm basically just annoyed.

In a nutshell, I have PCOS. I've known this for years so to have a doctor who also knows this hand me blood work and say, "Yep, you have hormone imbalances from PCOS," without offering any sort of help regarding it, is really frustrating. He was completely unhelpful and doesn't seem to understand my wanting to regulate my cycles, not just to get pregnant.

He basically said there are two things I can do.
1) Go on BCPs to have a regular cycle, which I absolutely do not want to do (duh!)
2) Induce ovulation, which DH and I want to wait another 6 or so months for.
I know that means I have a lot of hope left, since we haven't even begun with fertility meds. I'm just still feeling really defeated about not being able to have a normal cycle, and not having a way to correct that, rather than put a band-aid on it by using BC, or use meds to induce O.

My thyroid still has room for improvement, so depending on my next thyroid test in 2-3 months, we may ask for a dosage increase.

Blah. I just feel gross today.
smurphy you should look into acupuncture, ovaboost (which contains myoinositol which is supposed to be great for women with pcos) and vitex. There is no guarantee you will be able to regulate your cycles or O without meds, but TCM via acupuncture is a good place to start if that's your goal.
28329.. I hope it is a real line! I thought I saw a faint line on the picture you posted, but then when I looked away and looked back I didn't see it anymore, so I feel like my eyes were playing tricks on me. It seems like there may be something very faint on there though.

It's so hard not to know for sure! But we will have answers soon... Best of luck! :)
I got this today so should ovulate tomorrow

Officially nearly first 2ww since loss


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Hello ladies! Happy March testing to everyone!

If you would be so kind as to put me down as testing on March 17th, come oooooon lucky St. Paddy's Day! This Irish girl needs is hoping for an Irish luck baby! Also, March is my birthday month AND March 25th is the anniversary of me and Hubby's first date so it would be amazing if this was my month! :wohoo:

I was supposed to begin Clomid this cycle but unfortunately I had to go out of town on a family emergency before I had a chance to pick up my prescription. I have it now, though, so if this is my cycle then I'll start up next month.

I'm on CD 11 today and I just started some light ovulation spotting (which has happened the past few months), so here's hoping, fingers crossed! It's right on cue with my iPeriod app.

Good luck to everyone!:dust:
I feel so silly to symptom spot already but have been so hungry the last two days and needing to go to the bathroom much more often too.
Hello ladies! Happy March testing to everyone!

If you would be so kind as to put me down as testing on March 17th, come oooooon lucky St. Paddy's Day! This Irish girl needs is hoping for an Irish luck baby! Also, March is my birthday month AND March 25th is the anniversary of me and Hubby's first date so it would be amazing if this was my month! :wohoo:

I was supposed to begin Clomid this cycle but unfortunately I had to go out of town on a family emergency before I had a chance to pick up my prescription. I have it now, though, so if this is my cycle then I'll start up next month.

I'm on CD 11 today and I just started some light ovulation spotting (which has happened the past few months), so here's hoping, fingers crossed! It's right on cue with my iPeriod app.

Good luck to everyone!:dust:

Me and my hubby met on march 17th and his birthday is 20th!
ohh I had a bit of a temp drop this morning. My post O temps are usually in the 36.8-36.9 range so I'm like 99% sure I haven't O'd yet. Might happen today or tomorrow!!
smurphy you should look into acupuncture, ovaboost (which contains myoinositol which is supposed to be great for women with pcos) and vitex. There is no guarantee you will be able to regulate your cycles or O without meds, but TCM via acupuncture is a good place to start if that's your goal.

Thanks for the suggestions, Belle. I actually have myo-inositol, but it felt really redundant, since I'm already on 2000mg of Metformin. They both help with glucose intolerance. I didn't find it helpful after months of using it, so I stopped. As for Vitex, I keep seeing advice to use caution with PCOS (even though it's viral with PCOSers.) Depending on what's wrong hormonally, it can actually make things worse. You need to be on it for months to see benefits, and I'm not really willing to pump something into my body for months without knowing if it's going to improve things or worsen them. On acupuncture, I'm considering it but I will probably keep putting it off for a while.

I'm trying to just focus on the lifestyle changes I began making last year. I keep picking it up, falling off the wagon, picking it back up, etc. The good news is that I've lost about 15% of my starting weight and I haven't put it back on. When I stop paying attention, I just stall. But with such a big amount left to lose, stalling isn't ideal either. So I'm going to try to be more diligent with it and also try to eat/avoid foods that can help/hurt my hormone imbalanced and thyroid.

I also ran out of my normal multi-vitamins so I finally started my prenatal ones today. Hopefully they benefit me a bit more.
New to this forum. I am 32, this is my second month TTC. Husband and I stopped trying to have children in 2009 after several miscarriages, but we are giving it one last go.

I will probably test on March 28. Okay, realistically, I will probably test way earlier than that, but put me down for 28th!
Hi ladies,

Hope it's okay if I join you. AF is due on the 9th, but I'm not entirely sure when I ovulated since we weren't charting, it was a bit of an oops when I saw on my app that it was prime O time.

Our last four pregnancies have ended in miscarriage (both early and late) so I'm beyond freaking out but here's hoping.

And since I'm confessing stuff, I'll confess that I've ordered like £30 worth of tests from the cheapest to clear blue and FRER so I'll likely start wasting them from tomorrow. :blush:

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