smurphy you should look into acupuncture, ovaboost (which contains myoinositol which is supposed to be great for women with pcos) and vitex. There is no guarantee you will be able to regulate your cycles or O without meds, but TCM via acupuncture is a good place to start if that's your goal.
Thanks for the suggestions, Belle. I actually have myo-inositol, but it felt really redundant, since I'm already on 2000mg of Metformin. They both help with glucose intolerance. I didn't find it helpful after months of using it, so I stopped. As for Vitex, I keep seeing advice to use caution with PCOS (even though it's viral with PCOSers.) Depending on what's wrong hormonally, it can actually make things worse. You need to be on it for months to see benefits, and I'm not really willing to pump something into my body for months without knowing if it's going to improve things or worsen them. On acupuncture, I'm considering it but I will probably keep putting it off for a while.
I'm trying to just focus on the lifestyle changes I began making last year. I keep picking it up, falling off the wagon, picking it back up, etc. The good news is that I've lost about 15% of my starting weight and I haven't put it back on. When I stop paying attention, I just stall. But with such a big amount left to lose, stalling isn't ideal either. So I'm going to try to be more diligent with it and also try to eat/avoid foods that can help/hurt my hormone imbalanced and thyroid.
I also ran out of my normal multi-vitamins so I finally started my prenatal ones today. Hopefully they benefit me a bit more.