This is the test I did this morning
Morning ladies...well my temp has crept down again to 36.5 and I had pink when I wiped so I think af will follow shortly. I did my test and got evap line as is so often the case with blue dye
I have everything Fx'd for the rest of you and deep down I'm still hoping against hope that af will not follow for myself but I really think it will now.
Thanks for the support ladies. I have bad cramps and a brown discharge with a bit of light red not a flow but still it doesn't look good. I think I will have flow tomorrow.
Yes Macydarling it's a cheap blue dye test. They are horrible but all the chemist had. I've had evaporation lines on them before. Even though it's blue in colour its really thin and only the right side of the vertical line.
Mpenzi77 I feel your pain hun I really do it's so awful seeing bfn or evap. You have no sign of AF though so I'm really hopeful for you! Please let me know how it goes if you do it tomorrow. I will keep everything crossed for you!
OMG just got me out of the blue.
Awww thanks Gemlou and kitten.
Gemlou well I'm pretty sure its Its not heavy yet but fresh red blood.
WTF??? No warning, no PMS? That's not playing fair.
OMG that sounds so confusing for you! I know what you mean, you just want to know one way or another, right?
Especially since you know when you ovulated and how long your LP is, it seems like everything is just trying to confuse us. Grrrrrr.
Well I hope she still stays away from you, and you too Kitten.
I'll still be stalking this thread!!!
Oh Mpenzi it's just awful isn't it! I feel so damn defective I just wish my body would do what it's meant to. I have a docs app for something unrelated to this tonight, I think I will take the test I did yesterday in and explain what's going on and just see what he thinks.
I'm so worried about what they might find when I have my lap & dye in's been a long year ttc with a chemical pregnancy in Oct and now this really weird cycle. I cried my eyes out last night on my fella.
Kitten I'm still keeping everything crossed for you when will you test now?
I'm off to college so glad it's only a half day as I'm still cramping really bad.
Thank God for this site and you lovely ladies to talk to. xx
Oh Mpenzi it's just awful isn't it! I feel so damn defective I just wish my body would do what it's meant to. I have a docs app for something unrelated to this tonight, I think I will take the test I did yesterday in and explain what's going on and just see what he thinks.
I'm so worried about what they might find when I have my lap & dye in's been a long year ttc with a chemical pregnancy in Oct and now this really weird cycle. I cried my eyes out last night on my fella.