7dpo 2ww anyone else in same boat.

Heyyyy, haven't been on for a while, only bd twice this cycle and on cd 14 already, with dtd tonight but I think I'm gonna be out, not enough action this cycle for me. Haven't thought about it to be honest tho.
Have u o'd now? How u feeling ? Xxxxx
hey :)

Nice to hear from you :) How are things with your nan?

You never know the twice might have been enough especially if it was around the right time and you havent been thinking about it much so you have prob been alot less stressed :) Have you had any signs you have o'd yet? if not keep going just incase lol !

Yeah im feeling good aswell, Im currently cd 18, had a chat with oh and have decided we are going to just NTNP for the next cycles try and be more relaxed about it, it happened before and should happen again !Im still going to keep a track of af etc so i know roughly my cycle length. TMI alert i noticed this cycle I had alot of ewcm - i wasnt to sure if I had, had it before but there was no mistaking it this time and we bd at least twice when I had it so fingers crossed.
Im between 1-3dpo today im not sure what day I o'd as i didnt use opk's and had ewcm for 3 days. FF has me down for getting af between the 4th - 7th June due to having one 27 day cycle and a 30 day cycle last month so def going to try hold out testing till between 2-4 june :)
hey :)

Nice to hear from you :) How are things with your nan?

You never know the twice might have been enough especially if it was around the right time and you havent been thinking about it much so you have prob been alot less stressed :) Have you had any signs you have o'd yet? if not keep going just incase lol !

Yeah im feeling good aswell, Im currently cd 18, had a chat with oh and have decided we are going to just NTNP for the next cycles try and be more relaxed about it, it happened before and should happen again !Im still going to keep a track of af etc so i know roughly my cycle length. TMI alert i noticed this cycle I had alot of ewcm - i wasnt to sure if I had, had it before but there was no mistaking it this time and we bd at least twice when I had it so fingers crossed.
Im between 1-3dpo today im not sure what day I o'd as i didnt use opk's and had ewcm for 3 days. FF has me down for getting af between the 4th - 7th June due to having one 27 day cycle and a 30 day cycle last month so def going to try hold out testing till between 2-4 june :)

My nan is just enjoying the time she has left and I'm spending as much time with her as possible. So hard to see her so ill!

Anyway, yeah NTNP is a good approach and I'm gonna try take that approach, easier said than done eh haha.
Erm ff has me fertile atm, I ovulate around cd17 which is tomorrow so we are bd'ing at the right time, I've slacked so much with temping but will temp tomorrow to see whether my temps gone up and then I,l know whether I've o'd, but I'm not gonna religiously temp, just as and when to get a little idea but I know my cycles are slightly long around 33 days so I o cd 16-17 ill just bd whenever I can and hope I catch and see that :bfp:
So laid back this time though, been so busy that I didn't realise I as so far. Into my cycle it's absolutly flown don't you think.
That's good with the EWCM Hun I'm crossing fingers and toes for u. Our time has to be round the corner...... :hugs:

We have the right idea being chilled about it, likely to happen much easier that way just seems hard, glad I've been so busy tbh, I will not test before June 11th, nowayyyyyy!!!


Yeah i think so, i was constantly finding my mind wandering at work so im just going to take a step back after this cycle. Its really hard but i hv to or i feel i will drive myself up the wall.

Yeah time has just flown by xxx fx for u that you see that bfp!

Yeah i think so, i was constantly finding my mind wandering at work so im just going to take a step back after this cycle. Its really hard but i hv to or i feel i will drive myself up the wall.

Yeah time has just flown by xxx fx for u that you see that bfp!

Hey how u feeling?
I'm starting to google every twinge lol which isn't good but I can't help it :dohh:
Need to test but I still have to wait at only 7dpo xxx

Yeah im alright thanks just been super busy x thts me cd 28 nomaf yet i would usually get af every 28 days however iv had a 30 day cycle so not late yet. Ive not hd much this cycle so dnt think im pg x u had anything thts making u think u could b? Xx trying not to tedt is so hard ive tested loads this tww all bfns nearly tested today but stopped myself i wont b testing again unless i dont get af by fri x

Yeah im alright thanks just been super busy x thts me cd 28 nomaf yet i would usually get af every 28 days however iv had a 30 day cycle so not late yet. Ive not hd much this cycle so dnt think im pg x u had anything thts making u think u could b? Xx trying not to tedt is so hard ive tested loads this tww all bfns nearly tested today but stopped myself i wont b testing again unless i dont get af by fri x

Aww I didn't realise you've been testing.....tut tut haha hard though to hold off eh.
Well I've started a thread about my cm have a look at the pic I've added to it, I don't usually check and I decided to last night and there seemed to be a lot of creamy cm. don't know how good or bad that is. Also for the last 3 days lower left side I've had twinges and niggles and like a popping sensation however last night and this morning it's gone.
Erm at the very start of my P/O I was really shattered and couldn't get up for work was close to being late for about a week it was really bad, however this week I've started getting up with less of a struggle and I've been going to bed the same time so it's weird.
I don't have anything else really.
I'm testing a week tomorrow if I can hold out lol.

We need our :bfp: desperately. That's good that you've kept busy :thumbup: that's the key. I don't temp or anything just lots of bd :sex: lol

Yeah im alright thanks just been super busy x thts me cd 28 nomaf yet i would usually get af every 28 days however iv had a 30 day cycle so not late yet. Ive not hd much this cycle so dnt think im pg x u had anything thts making u think u could b? Xx trying not to tedt is so hard ive tested loads this tww all bfns nearly tested today but stopped myself i wont b testing again unless i dont get af by fri x

Aww I didn't realise you've been testing.....tut tut haha hard though to hold off eh.
Well I've started a thread about my cm have a look at the pic I've added to it, I don't usually check and I decided to last night and there seemed to be a lot of creamy cm. don't know how good or bad that is. Also for the last 3 days lower left side I've had twinges and niggles and like a popping sensation however last night and this morning it's gone.
Erm at the very start of my P/O I was really shattered and couldn't get up for work was close to being late for about a week it was really bad, however this week I've started getting up with less of a struggle and I've been going to bed the same time so it's weird.
I don't have anything else really.
I'm testing a week tomorrow if I can hold out lol.

We need our :bfp: desperately. That's good that you've kept busy :thumbup: that's the key. I don't temp or anything just lots of bd :sex: lol


Will have a look in a mo,

All sounds really postive for you thou keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

Im well and truly out af got me at lunchtime :( I hope its my turn soon :(.

Like i said before im really going to try NTNP as im not sure i can handle doing this to myself ( constant testing and seeing BFN's). Its really hard!

Ive booked an app with my doc as I had spotting twice this cycle so want to make sure nothing is wrong as I have never spotted in between periods before so its kind of worried me, im sure im due a smear test anyways so will get it all out the way at once.

Im keeping everything crossed for you and really hope you get your BFP this cycle if not at least you know il still be here hahah !

Was checking my ff chart and ive had three cycles now one 27 days, one 28 days and one at 30 days so im not really sure when im ovulating obv it must be between cd 13 & cd 15 so just going to keep that in the back of my mind and hopefully ntnp works for me :) This morning I just felt like giving up altogether but i know thats just cause i was really disappointed :) I hope this cycle ends positive for you!

Keep me posted il keep coming on and having a look how your doing etc xx

Yeah im alright thanks just been super busy x thts me cd 28 nomaf yet i would usually get af every 28 days however iv had a 30 day cycle so not late yet. Ive not hd much this cycle so dnt think im pg x u had anything thts making u think u could b? Xx trying not to tedt is so hard ive tested loads this tww all bfns nearly tested today but stopped myself i wont b testing again unless i dont get af by fri x

Aww I didn't realise you've been testing.....tut tut haha hard though to hold off eh.
Well I've started a thread about my cm have a look at the pic I've added to it, I don't usually check and I decided to last night and there seemed to be a lot of creamy cm. don't know how good or bad that is. Also for the last 3 days lower left side I've had twinges and niggles and like a popping sensation however last night and this morning it's gone.
Erm at the very start of my P/O I was really shattered and couldn't get up for work was close to being late for about a week it was really bad, however this week I've started getting up with less of a struggle and I've been going to bed the same time so it's weird.
I don't have anything else really.
I'm testing a week tomorrow if I can hold out lol.

We need our :bfp: desperately. That's good that you've kept busy :thumbup: that's the key. I don't temp or anything just lots of bd :sex: lol


Will have a look in a mo,

All sounds really postive for you thou keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

Im well and truly out af got me at lunchtime :( I hope its my turn soon :(.

Like i said before im really going to try NTNP as im not sure i can handle doing this to myself ( constant testing and seeing BFN's). Its really hard!

Ive booked an app with my doc as I had spotting twice this cycle so want to make sure nothing is wrong as I have never spotted in between periods before so its kind of worried me, im sure im due a smear test anyways so will get it all out the way at once.

Im keeping everything crossed for you and really hope you get your BFP this cycle if not at least you know il still be here hahah !

Was checking my ff chart and ive had three cycles now one 27 days, one 28 days and one at 30 days so im not really sure when im ovulating obv it must be between cd 13 & cd 15 so just going to keep that in the back of my mind and hopefully ntnp works for me :) This morning I just felt like giving up altogether but i know thats just cause i was really disappointed :) I hope this cycle ends positive for you!

Keep me posted il keep coming on and having a look how your doing etc xx

That has gutted me to see af has got you Hun I'm sorry :hugs:
Least we can be together next cycle if af comes and gets me, ur quite ahead of me cuz I have a long cycle, although urs being 30 days sometimes means we are close all just depends doesn't it.

Ntnp should really help so try so hard. Ive not given in and tested which I'm really surprised about....only 9dpo tho so it's wayyyyyy too early and I really can't be doing with the :bfn: it's heartbreaking isn't it !!


Yep same here but on to the next one I just need to keep telling myself its still early days :)

Yeah, If i would have had a 30 day cycle then we would be close it just doesnt seem to be able to make its mind up lol !

Im defo just going to go the NTNP route because im just like urself I hate seeing the BFN's i feel like you cn cope better when u dont test early because when you do u just think thats it im out and spend alot of time being down :( where as when you get ur AF its not to bad cz u know it wont be long until you can try again. I spoke to OH last night and both have decided just to NTNP i think its best otherwise im just going to crazy lol !

Had a look at your other thread, I get that cm alot after ov but if you dont normally get that it could be a really good sign for you :) its whats different than normal that counts :)

Im keeping my fx crossed for you and hope you stick it out without testing :) not to long now 6 days, going by your signature.

Yep same here but on to the next one I just need to keep telling myself its still early days :)

Yeah, If i would have had a 30 day cycle then we would be close it just doesnt seem to be able to make its mind up lol !

Im defo just going to go the NTNP route because im just like urself I hate seeing the BFN's i feel like you cn cope better when u dont test early because when you do u just think thats it im out and spend alot of time being down :( where as when you get ur AF its not to bad cz u know it wont be long until you can try again. I spoke to OH last night and both have decided just to NTNP i think its best otherwise im just going to crazy lol !

Had a look at your other thread, I get that cm alot after ov but if you dont normally get that it could be a really good sign for you :) its whats different than normal that counts :)

Im keeping my fx crossed for you and hope you stick it out without testing :) not to long now 6 days, going by your signature.

About the cm, I don't usually check so for all I know it could be like that all the time lol so I think after this cycle I'm gonna take the same approach as you. Really need to. I go on holiday July so that's someone to look forward to and that's what I'm gonna do just look forward to different things I have planned and not obsess anymore. Whether ill be able to go through with that is a different story haha.
I have caved and tested fmu this morning, pic attached. :bfn: to me, I see nothing :cry: but then I'm only 10dpo....yeah ill keep wishing haha.


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He, im the same but i will try my hardest lol! 10 dpo is early so ur not out yet xxx
hey ,

Just wondering how ur getting on? I see ur ticker says ur 15dpo? any sign of the witch or otherwise.

Really hopin af hasnt got u x That me just fin af a day ago so just going to take it easy as poss this cycle and be as relaxed as I can xx
hey ,

Just wondering how ur getting on? I see ur ticker says ur 15dpo? any sign of the witch or otherwise.

Really hopin af hasnt got u x That me just fin af a day ago so just going to take it easy as poss this cycle and be as relaxed as I can xx

Hello :flower:

Wow you're off again then :happydance: get :sex: and chill as much as possible :winkwink: and who knows hun, you could be getting your :bfp: this time wohoo I'm getting excited for you:happydance:

Af hasn't got me yet, but m sure she will, outbreak of spots, nothing else really so the :witch: won't be far off I don't think :cry:

I was really relaxed about it this cycle tbh so god knows why it doesn't work for me, a week tomorrow I have my hospital appt so lets hope I get some answers :coffee:


hoping the witch doesnt get u but if it does really hope the hospital app does give you some answers, could just be something that needs a quick fix and could be really easy for u after that xx

Im just back from docs this morning, I mentioned on here before that before I got af I had a bit of bleeding not long after ovulation so went and seen the doc. He has scheduled a smear test and wants to see what that brings up, he has took details of my cycle etc aswell, i mentioned to him about getting a dull ache up until i get af and he says when i first notice it thats me ov and thats when i have to get busy hahah I felt like a right dope i never even thought of that! Will go for smear test and see what the results say :)

I spoke to doc as he knows im trying again and he just said do what you can but vital not to stress myself as he said I wouldnt believe how may people he sees that once they stop stressing it happens so its really made me think that im defo going to try ntnp x I know during tww im going to think about it i think thats inevitable when you want it but ive promised myself im not going to test until day af is due at least x

As doc says i fell preg before and it will happen again :)

Fingers crossed that both of us get our BFP's this year at least, saying as there is only 6 months of it left! crazy !! lol x

hoping the witch doesnt get u but if it does really hope the hospital app does give you some answers, could just be something that needs a quick fix and could be really easy for u after that xx

Im just back from docs this morning, I mentioned on here before that before I got af I had a bit of bleeding not long after ovulation so went and seen the doc. He has scheduled a smear test and wants to see what that brings up, he has took details of my cycle etc aswell, i mentioned to him about getting a dull ache up until i get af and he says when i first notice it thats me ov and thats when i have to get busy hahah I felt like a right dope i never even thought of that! Will go for smear test and see what the results say :)

I spoke to doc as he knows im trying again and he just said do what you can but vital not to stress myself as he said I wouldnt believe how may people he sees that once they stop stressing it happens so its really made me think that im defo going to try ntnp x I know during tww im going to think about it i think thats inevitable when you want it but ive promised myself im not going to test until day af is due at least x

As doc says i fell preg before and it will happen again :)

Fingers crossed that both of us get our BFP's this year at least, saying as there is only 6 months of it left! crazy !! lol x

Hey sorry I've not been on for some time.
Just an update, still no af.... Is crazy, I have done two ics and both neg, may do a FRER fmu tomorrow. I've not been this late before I don't think.

I had my hospital apt yesterday, I have to have 3 blood tests, 1st one to be done between cd1-5, 2nd to be done cd22 and 3rd cd 28, she said most people have just the two tests but as my cycles are longer I have to have the three. Then I have to take oh sperm sample within an hour of collecting it to the hospital. If my bloods come back ok (showing I'm ovulating) and his count is ok, then I have to have my tubes dyed and xrayed to make sure there's no blockage. So at least the balls rolling :happydance:

My nan sadly passed this morning so it's a relief that she's no longer suffering but I'm devastated :cry: life's so cruel, not going my way at all atm.

Your gp s definite right, no stressing and it'll happen :winkwink: the nurse at the hospital said to me it's surprising how many people have tried for some time, gone for tests and because they're under going tests and getting answers it's a weight off their shoulders and they end up conceiving lol. She advised me to steal clear from opk and fertility monitors etc, nd sex morning and afternoon is way better than evening ;-) sperm isn't stressed in morning, whereas after a day at work it's more stressed and tired. Not sure how true that is.


Ohh fingers crossed u get ur bfp xxxx

Yeah ur right least the ball is rolling and you will start getting somevanswers soon hopefully x it all sounds very positive x

Really sorry to hear about ur nan its always really hard to lose a family member xx

I think its better to stay away from all that i was just getting so wrapped up in it, im just going to track when i get af so i know my cycle lengths x the advice she gave you sounds really gd xxx

Ohh fingers crossed u get ur bfp xxxx

Yeah ur right least the ball is rolling and you will start getting somevanswers soon hopefully x it all sounds very positive x

Really sorry to hear about ur nan its always really hard to lose a family member xx

I think its better to stay away from all that i was just getting so wrapped up in it, im just going to track when i get af so i know my cycle lengths x the advice she gave you sounds really gd xxx

I have such a busy couple of weeks coming up, funeral, holiday, birthday, new job so hopefully I shall keep myself busy :) that's is definitely the key isn't it.
I still haven't tested again, I did last week I think it was but really don't feel the urge as I don't feel pg so think sod it lol. But I'm coming up for 2weeks late now. Maybe fmu tomorrow morning I'm not sure. I'm so bloated its unreal and my sin is just terrible, but the stress of my nan and new job could be to blame for all this..... Time will tell eh :coffee:

So you've took a backseat now and just bd as and when and of course as often as poss and just hope you catch? Xxxx
Yeah i think the key is def being busy x
Wow 2 weeks late have u been tht late before? Im keeping everything crossed for the bloating sounds really positive. Xx

Yep this cycle jusr bd everyother day, i dont know how many dpo i am just know tht af is due 2/3 july so if af doesnt show. Il test on the 5/6 july as iv been caught out being 2 days late before.

Iv tried not to symptom spot but have noticed today bbs are really sore and heavy today, i usually get tender bbs though so will just need to wait and see xx

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