7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hey girls,

Transfer was today, we had 3 embryos that made it to day 5 but only 2 of them were of any good quality to transfer. 1 was a 5BB hatching blastocyst and the other a compacting morula which is the stage before a blastocyst.
Mark only wanted to transfer the hatching blastocyst but I wanted to transfer both because the embryologist said that the morula would only have a 50/50 chance of making it to freezing so I thought it'd have a better chance inside my womb than developing in a lab.
He took some convincing but agreed in the end so I am now PUPO with 2 embryos!

Can't believe I'm in the 2WW again! Gonna try to keep busy so it flies over. Taking Evie to an ice cream farm by Chester tomorrow with my sister. Hope the weather remains sunny!

Edinburgh, glad Leo is home and recovering! Hope he keeps getting better.

Betty, saw your drunken pictures on Facebook. I was laughing my head off and slightly jealous! Everyone needs a blowout at some time

Keeping everything crossed for you Tina.. you should be testing right about the time I go on holiday. Can't remember if my hotel has Wi-Fi!!
I'm so glad Leo is home. He still doesn't want to drink much or eat but it's so much easier being able to offer him little bits here and there when you have access to your own kitchen. We were in a private room classed as infectious so Matt and I had to agree to scrub to the elbows every time we left his side. My mum has been amazing looking after Mia this week and I totally forgot her birthday on Thursday so we were going to take a cake up today but when we called she said she and my step dad had both come down with sickness and diahorrea. I feel awful! To be fair though, they were fully exposed before I knew what was wrong with Leo. They thought he was having a reaction to his medicine before Mia got sick.
I couldn't believe how badly cramped the sick kids ward was. They are building a new sick kids opposite us and it's really needed. Not enough room to swing a budgie in there but the staff were great.
Ab, it's nice to see you facebook, enjoy your gins!
I'm off to get my hot water bottle. I forgot to pack my pill when I went to the hospital so I'm now on my second period in 2 weeks. I'm just giving it 7 break days to run through then I'll run the rest of my pack and the next together. It's made my face break down something awful. Have a massive crusty nasty on my forehead and 2 new members of the team starting Monday. Grr.
I hate auto correct so much.
Lovely rest of weekend all!
Tina.... I have all my limbs crosses for you!!! I'm so pleased mark said yes to having two transferred, I'm not sure I understand all the lingo.... I just hope it bloody works!!! You really do deserve this BFP!!!! I'm with you all the way!
We had such a fun day.... My hangover kicked in later in the day but actually wasn't as bad as it should have been! I'm say here with a glass of wine now... I've bleached my hair (I was having a moment on madness!) and it's just gone horribly wrong!!! Asda is shut and I have a family BBQ to go to tmrw so I'm going to have to go out in disguise in the morning for a colour.... I'm think of going bright red?! Must be a mid life crisis or something!!!!
Edinburgh, I'm so pleased Leo is finally home, can't believe what you guys have been through!!! You seem so relaxed with it all, I would be hitting the wine and vallium! :) hope you guys are back on the mend soon... Also, I'm sure your mum will understand that you have had lots on your mind and will totally forgive you xxxx
Hahahaha betty I can't believe you bleached your hair!! So are you blonde now? I can't imagine you blonde. I've never been anything but blonde, well not for very long anyway! I dyed my hair dark brown when I was about 16 but left the dye on for too long and when I washed it off it was black! So I put a blonde dye on because I looked like Mortisha Adams and it went ginger. Safe to say I've never dabbled with home hair dye kits ever again haha!

Edinburgh, wish I could give you a big cuddle. It's so unfair that Leo is going though all this the poor little man. A local radio station by us has just raised £65000 to build an extension onto the side of our children's hospital because it's overcrowded.
Let's hope that things are on the up now and you can enjoy the summer without anyone getting sick!

Test day is 17th May. I haven't got any tests in the house so there's no chance of me testing sooner.
A hatching blastocyst is good Betty because the hatching stage is the final stage that an embryo goes through before it attaches itself to the womb. My embryo wasn't completely hatched but we could see it partially hatching out of the shell. Here's hoping that it finishes the process inside my womb!
A morula isn't classed as a great embryo for success but I've read so many success stories from ladies who've had a morula put back in. I guess we never know what will happen! I can only hope and pray, and man am I gonna be praying with all my heart.

Morning ladies!!!
Tina..... How are you feeling????? Thanks for explaining, God it's such an intricate process isn't it? It really amazes me what they can do!!! :)
I've been awake since 1am with alfie :( he has fussed all night, he is now in his own room as we were getting no sleep due to him thrashing about and snorting all night :( :( sleep deprivation is REAL! I can't leave him to cry as he wakes vivienne and she is already a rubbish sleeper!! I've gave in and got up at 5am ans brought him in with me and now the little buggar has fallen asleep (will happily lay across my chest and fall asleep) I can't deny I do love our little cuddles but i would prefer them after I've had a t least 4 hours sleep :)

My hair is now red and its a million times better than what it was but I still look like a cheap hooker :) will be going back brunette very soon!!!
Haha betty ,how's the hair?? You looked gorgeous on your pic. Did you get any pics of it bleached ? I can't imagine you with blonde hair. I'm thinking of going lighter, highlights ...My hair is black, unless I've got Shit loads of make up on, I look ill and older! I think it's too harsh. I can just imagine you in asda , shades on, hood up, hoping nobody sees you ! Haha
How's Alfie getting on in his room? Oscar used to go to bed fine,but recently he's been kicking off Big style. I've made the mistake of bringing him to our bed when he's been waking through the night and now he wants to do it all the time :(
I only do it because I can't let him scream for long as his room is right next to Joe and to be honest ,I'm knackered ,I just want to sleep :/

Edingburgh, how's you & kiddies? Are you all better now? What is sick Kids? I'm glad Leo Is home with you now. It's horrible being sick, I had it last week, Joe Thursday and Aaron Friday, just hoping Oscar doesn't get it .

Tina, HORRAY for your hatching blastocyst! Sounds like something off alien! Haha
So glad Mark agreed with the 2 going in there. How are you feeling??

Ab, your kiddies are gorgeous. It's great seeing you on fb. I have to apologize now, I tend to be quite crude on there! Haha

Joe had a great birthday, didn't do much on the day as he was at school and we all were coming down with this bug. Az took him to go ape on Sunday and we went for a birthday tea at Frankie and bennys. Oscar and I went to go Ape with them ,thinking I'll have a nice walk through the woods with Oscar. Big mistake, absolutely nothing there for kiddies. The walk was horrific with a pram loaded with stuff. I ended up dumping the pram back at the car and just walking Oscar around the woods. He can say 'stick' now ,so kept finding them and shouting 'STICK STICK'

Only he can't say it properly, so it sounds like he's shouting 'DICK!!!'

Oooops xxx
Morning lovelies!

Hope you are all doing well :D

Frisky, I'm glad that Joe enjoyed his birthday! Love that Oscar knows how to say Dick haha... it's an important word! I use it every day when Mark pisses me off.

Betty, your hair doesn't even look that bad! I think you look nice with some red in it. What are you gonna do? Just get a dark brown dye? Hope you've managed to catch up on some sleep since the last time you posted.

I'm okay girls... had some cramps on 1 day past transfer and then on days 2/3 but behind my belly button. Yesterday and today really been suffering with hot sweats. It's not like me to want the air con on in work but I feel like I'm burning up. Could just be the progesterone... I am telling myself to expect the worst so if my period does come then I can say "I told you so" to myself. I'm keeping my guard up so I don't get hurt. Been through this twice already and I know how cruel the meds can be to make you feel something that isn't really there!

My AF is due any day now really so I am checking for spotting like a crazy woman every time I go to the toilet.

Going cray cray in this 2WW!

By the way... I dreamt about you ladies last night! For some reason Frisky/Betty were in the Asda together and I heard that you guys were there so I came to meet you. We met for the first time in the Asda! :haha: Can we please arrange drinks? Lets stop saying we will do it and actually set a date!

Hi girls.... It's the WEEKEND!!! What is everyone doing??? I am going to leeds for the weekend with the girls, whoop!!! I'm already very anxious for my hangover!!!! Is there any point in saying I'm going to try and take it easy???? Lol!!!
Girls, the hair is bad! The hooker look is just not what I want right now but daren't put on another dye just yet as its already had 4 on :( !!!
Frisky, it's better alfie being in his own room, some night he sleeps for 6 hours straight through and other times he fusses all night, not sure why, I can't let him cry either as his room is right next to vivs and she is already a light sleeper, like you, I will do anything just for some sleep!!
Tina.... I totally understand how you are feeling, on one hand you want to get excited because this could be what you have dreamed of for the last 3 years but on the other hand you don't want to set yourself up for a broken heart :( you're in a very emotional situation and all I can say is that we are all here for you my lovely :) how are you feeling today??? X

Ps: my fucking car window got smashed yesterday, some dicked shot at it with an air rifle :( thank god the kids weren't in the car.... Bloody chavs!!! That's my brand new posh car!!! :(
That was meant to say dick head not dicked :) it's too early!!!
PPS!!!! Tina.... I love that you had a dream about us all meeting in asda, that's probably about right!!! Lol!!! In the booze Isle no doubt :) :)
I'm actually going to Manchester next month but it's for a university reunion and only for one night so I doubt I will have time to meet up with you crazy kids! But I'm gonna see what the drive is like and if it's not too bad then I can always arrange another trip over there!!!
Tina,I honestly have everything crossed for you. Maybe even twinnies/triplets lol.

Sorry some of you have been unwell.

I'm with you on the sleep deprivation. Frazer is usually up from 2am,for anything up to 2 hours . I just put him in with me as I am too knackered to keep putting him back in his own bed,although some nights he does drop back off in his bed with a bottle.

Hope you enjoy your weekend Betty.

Good luck with testing tomorrow Tina,or are you waiting to make sure af is a no show?

I'm working all weekend! !! xx
Oh bloody hell betty, how annoying is that? Will your insurance cover it ? Enjoy your night in Leeds, love it there, went on a hen do there a few years ago. As if your gonna take it easy though ? Haaha.....And you do NOT look like a hooker you loon!

Tina, bless you. How are you feeling?? This has been tough for you, I think you are amazing . I have everything crossed for you. Xx when Is test day again?

Love the asda meet! Haha What shall we do about meeting up in real life then? Will have to be somewhere which is central for us all and GOOD ! Not Asda though please!,Haha
I think it should be a boozy affair too, or is that just me??

Ab, hope work isn't too bad for you over the weekend . It's my 'single mum' weekend as Aaron is on call xx
How far is Liverpool from you betty?? If we hook up, I'm gonna get a room somewhere for the night and a TRAIN! Haaha Xx
Good morning lovelies,

Betty, the little shits breaking your car window!! Did you see who did it? Enjoy your weekend in Leeds! Is Chris having the kids on his own all weekend? We've only got Evie and Mark would literally have a breakdown if he had to have her all weekend on his own. I've never been to Leeds, heard it is really good though and yes you should definitely make it a boozy one!

AB, sorry to hear you're working all weekend. If it's any consolation I hear the weather isn't going to be the best.

Frisky, I've been to Newcastle which isn't far from where Betty is I think... and it was a couple of hours drive. I'm happy to meet anywhere! I think we just need to get a date sorted. Yes it must involve booze, and copious amounts of dancing... followed by a kebab!

I'm feeling okay, test day is in 4 days time... if I make it to that point! Went to the park yesterday afternoon after picking Evie up from school because the weather was gorgeous!! Had a slow walk around and then when I got home I started cramping again, but this time it felt like period cramps which frightened me. So I was on spotting watch all night but the cramps only lasted for about 20 minutes and then went. Woke this morning and my boobs and nips are still sore, had another hot flush and no cramps as yet. I'm scared that my AF is trying to come... I bloody well hope not! She's due any day now, but so far so good.

We're going into town tomorrow, gonna get the train and take Evie to the Liverpool shop. Mark told her he will buy her the liverpool kit, some frilly white socks and some new red converse to wear in the summer. He's that desperate for a boy that he's trying to turn his daughter into the football hooligan that he is!

Ladies, can't believe we're 402 pages into this thread. I keep getting nervous bump n baby will shut us down!
Tina, I can't even imagine the emotional pressure you are under. You are so brave missus and you seriously deserve a break! I think we can all understand your mind set with the self preservation thing so I'm going to go with blind faith and enthusiasm on your behalf! X
Betty, that sucks about your window. Nothing in life pisses me off more than mindless damage of things someone has worked really hard for. I think it's why I get so upset when I think about refugees from war zones. I just can't imagine a life where everything you've ever worked for is just gone. No insurance, no liability and then no means to rebuild. Sorry, Saturday morning rant over. Obviously need more decaf!
Hope work isn't too brutal ab. Weather is meant to gray over later. I too am single parent this weekend. Matt has lost too much time studying with Leo being ill and all. He's going into uni all weekend so I'm taking kids to zoo today with my aunt and then to mum's tomorrow for a belated birthday lunch for her and my brother as we missed both when everyone was infectious.
I'm with everyone on the sleep loss front. 3 days this week we've had less than 3 hours. Leo has been crying and groughing continuously in his sleep. I think he's teething but last night might have been a growth spurt too. He went through 4x 210ml bottles on top of all his food as usual and an extra dinner last night! And there's not a peckin on him. I'm so tired all the time. It is a miracle I havent fallen asleep at the desk yet.
I'm going on holiday a week tomorrow! Can't wait. Mia is pretty excited too. She is big enough to really enjoy it this time. Hopefully Leo is ok on the plane. We're flying from Newcastle this time as it was much cheaper so fingers crossed for no a1 traffic issues on our way down!
I'm happy to meet up over the summer. I can ask my mum to help Matt or even to take the kids for a weekend and Matt and I can treat it as a weekend away, even though I'll abandon him a bit to spend time with you lovely ladies. I don't think Liverpool is too bad by train if we book in advance. Manchester is probably as far as Id want to drive. Might be further away for some of us but there's always special train and hotel rates available in London with a bit of advance planning. I honestly don't mind. I don't think we have plans any weekend from July on.
Have a lovely weekend x
Oh edingburgh, poor you ....I don't know how we actually function with lack of sleep. Hopefully the teeth will cut through for you soon and Leo sleeps better. It's awful for them too isn't it, especially when they don't know and can't tell us what's wrong.
So Jel your going on holiday....Bet you can't wait. Leo will be fine on the plane. Get some books and cheap little toys for the journey.

Tina, I've just seen your post on FB...Are you ok? Has af arrived this morning? I really hope not xxx

I'm just about to take Joe swimming, Oscars upstairs screaming the house down because he wants to come in our bed . I'm leaving Aaron to deal with it as I just give in Xx
I too saw your fb post Tina,hope it wasn't af xxx
How are we all ladies!?
Betty, how was Leeds? The pics looked fab, looking gorgeous as always xx
How far is Leeds for everybody? Thinking of our meet up xx

Edinburgh, how was the zoo? Looks like you got great weather for it.
We were at a family do yesterday, the weather was gorgeous so was able to sit in the garden and drink wine. We were home for 6, headache got me at about 8. Az got called out as soon as we got home too. Xx

Tina, im worried... Hope your ok beautiful xx

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