8-12 dpo??any symptoms yet?? all welcome :D

:) thanks hun...

ive been abit cheered up :D my friends sister came over with her cutie pie daughter shes 10 months and just the sweetest thing... funny how babies can heal u :flower: it was sweet..

how was your dinner? i just had mine ahhhh i feel satisfied hehe
4 or 5 dpo not sure...last night a bit of red blood in clear jelly discharge...been peeing like every 45 minutes...the smell of anything cooking makes me wanna be sick, and crampy aching feeling in my stomach (that i'm not sure cuz i'm working graveyeards for a few night and my meals get all messed up) could be hunger pains?

still so long to wait :growlmad:
luv2lift - are you sure you are only 4 or 5dpo?? You have some strong symptoms (including possible IB) for so few days after ov.... that sounds to me like you would be 7 or 8dpo at least! Gd Lk!:flower:

Kate - glad you feeling a bit cheered up hunni - yeah, kids have an amazing ability for that!! Natural healers.... shame they grow up....:dohh:
We had that for lunch and still made me feel icky looking at it on the plate.... for dinner I felt like pizza (homemade of course!) so luckily there was some in the freezer from last time and so just stuck in the oven.... my kind of meal if I can help it! Was at the shops this morning looking for something I could eat easily in the car before my course started.... everything looked gross.... ended up buying bananas and almonds (not like me!) Anyway, only after a handful of almonds did it occur to me that they are loaded with vit A which I think we are supposed to steer clear of..... grrrrr, I hate this analysing we have to do.......:growlmad:
My MIL gave me the ABSOLUTE SH!!!!!!!!!TS today..... I just can't stick her right now.... sorry....ugh!:nope:
How are today sweet....?:hugs:
Upsetting as it is, AF got me. I however am not extremely upset. I'd like to continue trying, but my fiance doesn't want to continue trying.

I have been experiencing the symptoms of pregnancy and a lot stronger than I should, being AF showed up. I wanted to know why, and my fiance of all people suggested that I might have endometriosis. I called my doctor and she said it is a very real possibility as endometriosis can mimic the sypmtoms of both PMS and Pregnancy. I have to set up an appointment and go get some testing done to see if that is indeed the issue. I'll keep following your good news and if anything changes I'll keep you informed.

Bye gals!
Oh ronnie - how very frustrating.... sorry bout AF.... sure hope you get some answers from the testing, so good luck hun and keep us posted!:flower:
I think i'm about 5 - 8 dpo and symptoms i'm getting are very very sore nipples. It feels like they've been cut off if that makes sense to anyone and get very erect with only the slightest touch. Been weeing quite often today aswell, feel v tired (would i honestly feel tired as a symptom so soon??!!), bit nauseous and now and again a bit of a crampy pain in my left hand side. Did do a test today but i knew i shouldn't have as its far too soon and obviously it was negative. My cycle is anything from 21 - 30 days so gonna test on the 25th i think. Only gonna be the longest week of my life!! Anyone else think that its a possibility of this being the lucky month or is it just false hope for me?
Hi Angel!
Having those symptoms at 8dpo is possible.... but at 5dpo highly unlikely (more like post-ov symptoms). FX'd for you tho!:flower:
Hi Angel!
Having those symptoms at 8dpo is possible.... but at 5dpo highly unlikely (more like post-ov symptoms). FX'd for you tho!:flower:

Thanks hun will just have to wait it out i guess xx
luv2lift - are you sure you are only 4 or 5dpo?? You have some strong symptoms (including possible IB) for so few days after ov.... that sounds to me like you would be 7 or 8dpo at least! Gd Lk!:flower:

Kate - glad you feeling a bit cheered up hunni - yeah, kids have an amazing ability for that!! Natural healers.... shame they grow up....:dohh:
We had that for lunch and still made me feel icky looking at it on the plate.... for dinner I felt like pizza (homemade of course!) so luckily there was some in the freezer from last time and so just stuck in the oven.... my kind of meal if I can help it! Was at the shops this morning looking for something I could eat easily in the car before my course started.... everything looked gross.... ended up buying bananas and almonds (not like me!) Anyway, only after a handful of almonds did it occur to me that they are loaded with vit A which I think we are supposed to steer clear of..... grrrrr, I hate this analysing we have to do.......:growlmad:
My MIL gave me the ABSOLUTE SH!!!!!!!!!TS today..... I just can't stick her right now.... sorry....ugh!:nope:
How are today sweet....?:hugs:

hiya :hugs: im alright..im sorry your feeling sickish.. :hugs: and im sorry about your mil..

i have just noticed im craving everything.. :wacko: orange is the worst i cant stay away from it.. soon as i smell it i HAVE to have it... crazy huh? and peppers.. omg i hate peppers but craving them so bought some today and yummm...
my sickness has all gone i think.. tbh im prob only sick after eating too much :blush:

im feeling abit stressed.. cuz i got a big assignment to hand up 2mor but also an exam 2mor.. so ill be up till 2am thats for sure.. but im constantly hungry :cry: and thirsty, then i need the bath room :dohh: so looks like ill be there awhile :cry:

but abit of good news is that i got put in the baby room of the crech today :cloud9: it was just the best ever.. i so wanna do that when im older.. i was basically playing with babies all day or either rocking them to sleep :cloud9:

annnwayy how are u now.. :hugs: i just wanna go to bed :cry:
Hey hun!!

Awwww.... them little babies get you all goo-goo don't they??!!:baby:
Can't you say something to the college about how you've been feeling and ask for an extension? Surely they'd understand....?! Anyways good luck with gettin it done!
Glad your ms has gone! I'm ok tonight, not much to report. Actually not feeling tired which surprises me a bit, cos I'm normally tired as it is, so I thought pregnancy would make it heaps worse hahaha! But no.... good thing I guess!
Peppers....hmmmm...... oranges..... you are sooooo having a girl according to all those old wives tales! AND you were sicky in the beginning.....!!:pink::pink::pink:
Have a great night hun.... even if it is just snoozing......:sleep:hehehe....:hugs:
Hey hun!!

Awwww.... them little babies get you all goo-goo don't they??!!:baby:
Can't you say something to the college about how you've been feeling and ask for an extension? Surely they'd understand....?! Anyways good luck with gettin it done!
Glad your ms has gone! I'm ok tonight, not much to report. Actually not feeling tired which surprises me a bit, cos I'm normally tired as it is, so I thought pregnancy would make it heaps worse hahaha! But no.... good thing I guess!
Peppers....hmmmm...... oranges..... you are sooooo having a girl according to all those old wives tales! AND you were sicky in the beginning.....!!:pink::pink::pink:
Have a great night hun.... even if it is just snoozing......:sleep:hehehe....:hugs:

ooohhhh id love a little girl :cloud9:... so are u guessing that mine is a girl?? i think your gonna have another girl.. not sure why but just have this feeling :happydance::happydance:
either way ill be delighted.. i told david what u taut about it being a girl and his face lit up with happyness and i said so u want a girl then he said yeah my heart melted cuz it was the first time he said which one he wants.. not that he doesnt want a boy it was just first time i saw his thoughts on it.. was sweet :cloud9:
we decided if we have a girl she will be called isabella :kiss:
my evening will be spent in the books.. im gonna start now in 5 mins..

i hope u have a good evening.. we had pizza too... with LOTS of peppers on it :blush:
I love the name Isabella I have always wanted to name my daughter Isabella or Isabelle.

So happy for you =)
ooohhhh id love a little girl :cloud9:... so are u guessing that mine is a girl?? i think your gonna have another girl.. not sure why but just have this feeling :happydance::happydance:
either way ill be delighted.. i told david what u taut about it being a girl and his face lit up with happyness and i said so u want a girl then he said yeah my heart melted cuz it was the first time he said which one he wants.. not that he doesnt want a boy it was just first time i saw his thoughts on it.. was sweet :cloud9:
we decided if we have a girl she will be called isabella :kiss:
my evening will be spent in the books.. im gonna start now in 5 mins..

i hope u have a good evening.. we had pizza too... with LOTS of peppers on it :blush:

Hiya! So you think I'm gonna have a girl hey?! Hmmmm.... I'm not even gonna try to guess cos the last time I was adamant that I was having a boy and was surprised (altho delighted) to hear it was a girl at 5 mths. So, I dunno! The only thing I'll say is that this preg is soooo different! Oh well, know soon enough....
Oh that's sweet with DF.... he will soooo enjoy her, or him!
Isabella is lovely! Reminds me of my friend's daughter born earlier this year, they called her Annabel, which is also pretty!
I am eating like a horse, but still find it difficult to settle on what i want to eat in the first place....:shrug: but really... still no symptoms to write home about.... I went past the clinic of my first gyno, but she has moved! So I have to try to ring tomorrow, see where the flip she's gone too! She was the one we used for first scans, then went to another who I have the appt with on the 4th jan to do the big stuff, like NT etc.... *sigh*. R asked me in bed the other night how I felt about changing nappies all over again.... funny but I hadn't really thought that far ahead yet!!:haha: Sure it will be fine....:baby:
How you feeling tonight?:hugs:
hey hun... im in a cheerful mood today yayyy improvement from the week so far eh?? hehe
i didnt feel like my self at all... its great to feel "normal" again :D
i think you gonna have a little girl yep yep then G will have a sister like u do :hugs: just my guess :D
about the eating thing.. hmm ya me too :haha: i am craving and wanting to eat everything... something which is highly salty i want it.. anything orange, sugary, or just looks interesting :wacko: am i going crazy?? LOL and when i got got home i cooked a huge pasta meal with chicken and lots n lots of red peppers yummmmmyyy!!!!
i feel bad though cuz im scared my baby(ies) will come out huge if i dont stop.. but i cant help it i feel hungry all the time..
last night was horrrid.. i was up till 3 am doing my assignment... only to find out the teacher wanted it friday instead :growlmad:
i got like 3 assignments due next week but its ok i got all weekend but now im relaxing after my panic last night..
david was so sweet though he stayed up with me.. its prob why it took me till 3 am.. :blush: cuz i did end up being distracted.. :blush: oops haha!!

and he made me tea all night to keep me awake.. also you know what im craviing is lucocade... whats that about!!? :shrug: im not sure.. not enough energy i dunno..

yeah i know its hard to think that far ahead.. its like omg in less than 8 months we will have a bubba to look after :D i cant wait!!!!!

:wohoo: it feels great to not be so down.. man i hate hormones lol
Wow you are indeed chirpy today! That's great you feeling good hun...:hugs:
I'm in a pretty good mood today too. My course went well this morning and feeling very positive about the whole thing! The people at this office are soooo nice, I really couldn't have imagined a better scenario - just hope I can now make some money with it hahaha!!
Your craving for peppers is kinda cute! I can just imagine this baby coming out eating curries and such from birth! A big huge peppers-crazy baby!!:haha:
Do you mean hot peppers too?
Lucozade? Isn't that one of those salt replacement drinks I mentioned? Or is just a cordial-type of thing? Haven't had it for a loooooooong time.
That's good about the assignment - now you have it out the way!!:happydance: Kinda worked didn't it - kicked your butt!
Wonderful to see you dancing around the page! Hope the hormones stay UP hun! Mine too, cos I hate being grumpy and yucky - ugh!
I have felt physically ok today, still the same, boring really.... oh well, gotta be grateful for small mercys! Catch ya later luv...:hugs:

What are the other girls on this thread up to??!!:flower:
hey hun.. :hugs: well my mood did not stay up.. infact its come down and gone lower than b4 :cry: i dont even know where to begin... :cry: i just wanna curl up into a ball and cry... the weather as been so bad every where is flooded... so badly i nearly couldnt get home they closed the college early is the river was over flowing and our college is right next to it.. but i got soaked b4 i even got to college. spent all day wet cold and miserable untill 4 when they closed the college...
then i get home and david omg he was a right A hole sorry but there is no other word for him right now.. i was soaked to the bone, freezing and soon as i get in the door he starts saying how the dinner is not done and so much house work needs to be done there was no hiya are u ok, do u need tea shall i start dinner... so instead of going for a shower i decided to just put my pj's on and start dinner and clean up just to shut him up.. as im doing this is comes back in and is like why didnt u go for a shower.. for gods sake go for a shower :growlmad: i cant win!!!!! and then :cry: i told him to stop attacking me and he was shouting at me and now ive got such a pain under my belly button :cry: its kinda gone now after my shower.. but :cry: i just feel so upset hes suppose to be my knight in shinning armour.. not making me feel worse after such a crap day.. *sigh* am i just being stupid?? or hormonal... anyway im gonna go start the dinner... im sorry for the novel i hope your well :hugs: i really wish i could have a hug.. im glad your course went well and enjoying it. :D
omg ladies...!!! it seems like a never ending drama for me.. but our city is totally flooded.. !!! my house is surrounded in 2 ft of water... which is not bad compared to the city which is covered by 3-5 ft of water.. me and david went out for a walk to see how bad it is we walked out the back way up behind davids college down by the other side and we got stuck... about 20 other ppl did too... its so bad we had to get on the back of a truck which took us to dry part of the city and we managed to get home then.. under carparks are full of water... ppl trapped in there homes.. its so bad.. no college this week.. and davids college and all the student accomodations had to be rescued last night!! its so bad.. its wierd to look at your bed room window and see boats.. in the city there are cars floating.. and the worst part is the rain has started again
its on the news i think.. im meant to be driving down to my mothers.. but the lake has over flown.. :S so... i dunno if i can now
heya all, sorry I havent been on here for agessssssssssss!! So busy at the minute! No excuse though!!

I hope your all well!! =) sorry I havent commented lots ....... :dust: to all those hoping for :BFP: !!

My AF was abnormal, so I think I'm still in the running. My flow started off as spotting for 1 1/2 days and then a medium flow for two days and back to spotting for 3 days. I had heavy cramps on day two and then no more, until today when I had stopped spotting. I have been extremely sluggish. I have been eating like a pig, I have been having bad headaches on and off, I have had hip, lower back and knee pain, I have been experiencing nausea, constipation, poor concentration, hot flashes, chills, frequent urination, extreme thirst, slightly elevated temps, bad gas, mood swings and bubbles in my lower abdomen.

I honestly thought I was out until yesterday when I was complaining on the bus about someone eating onions and me having a bad headache and someone asked me if I was pregnant. I called my doctor and told her about my symptoms as I thought at first I might have endometriosis, but after that I think I'll get her to do a pregnancy blood test and ultrasound as well. My appointment is on Dec. 7th. Sooooooo long to wait!

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