8-12 dpo??any symptoms yet?? all welcome :D

Hi everyone!!

Kate - your discussion with DF about names cracked me up! I know what he means that some names don't sound babyish.... but how on earth does does he figure "margaret" to be babyish!!:rofl: By the way.... does he know that they actually grow up and don't remain babies.... hehehe:haha: Sorry... it was just sooo cute.

6 Weeks!? Wow, yay! I will be finished 6 wks on Monday - Eeeek! It is starting to sink in with me too.....:baby: I have booked my NT scan for 4th jan but I am not sure when to have just a stickybeak scan before then.... maybe at 8 or 9 wks.... we saw little G's HB at 9wks.... so.... will prob wait till then - think it will be 7th Dec.

Your dream sounds delightful! I actually dreamed last night that I was spotting (!) but it was only a touch and really light in colour and I wasn't worried at all.... hmmmm....:shrug:
You know what my latest thing is..... when I am having these cough attacks, not only do I gag, but a little bit of pee escapes....!! Veeeery frustrating... But still not complaining!
Hugs to you....:hugs:
haha im glad someone else understands that aspect to the names :rofl:

im in abit of a pickle today.. abit pissed off and abit worried.. sorry for the language.. but wait till u hear this..
i have a "friend" who ive known sincei was 12.. we went to school together..and she never liked david.. even thou david tried his best for her to like him and hes always nice to her etc..
i think its cuz she doesnt like men... annwayy start of this year she started being nice to me and david.. saying how she was silly etc.. me thinking ok.. maybe she really is sorry turns out she was using me to tell her parents she was staying with me in the city but she was actually staying with a girl shes goiing out with :wacko: sorry if i confused u.. but i ran into her mother in town and she ws like.. i thought rachel was staying with u.. i was like huh??!!?? ermmmm no first ive heard of it :dohh:

sorry for the long novel just had to get that out of my system. her poor mother is now so upset and worried as she doesnt know where she is so i now ive been dragged into this and her parents think ive kept it quiet from them.. so im feeling overall stressed out today and not good at all :(

and now ive started getting horrible cramps and back pain.. :cry: im sorry for the long whinge i hope your having a better day than me,,
Hey Ladies,
How's it going? I am managing my day ok. I am very sleepy and I slept soooooo much last night. I even slept in the car on the way to the train and on the train into work. I just feel pregnant. I haven't felt any symptoms to lead me to believe AF is on her way as or yet. My spotting has slowed and is on and off, nothing heavy. I am getting ssome sharp pains in my sides and a pulling pinching type sensation in my lower abdomen. I am extremely gassy. No headache, good sign for me. My throat is a little sore and I have been coughing on and off with some sneezing. My nose is stuffy and my mood is blah today. Like I am just so tired please don't bother me! I have been nauseous on and off all morning and my temp is still high. I have been unable to hold off on bathroom breaks for more than an hour. It seems I go to the bathroom every 45 mins. I just want to go home and lay down and sleep! Another thing, that happens when AF comes around, chocolate cravings; they are just non existent. In fact I can't even eat chocolate.

Things seem promising, but I won't get my hopes up just yet. Ok, just a little, but not too much. I will keep you guys informed.
Wow ronnie! Your positivity is awesome!! You go girl!! Get that BFP!!:happydance:

Kate - sounds like your "friend" rach is in more of a pickle than you babe!! Don't worry about it - shake it off!! YOU have much bigger and better things to worry about now...... you're a mummy.... YOU and your health are priority number one.... let go of that high school kids/lying to your folks crap! Sorry hun.... just want you to see that it's soooo NOT important in the greater scheme of things......not compared with you, DH and little bean....:hugs:
if I were you I'd go soak in a nice hot/warm bath..... in fact if I had a bath then I would go soak myself in it.... but I don't....:nope: oh poo...:cry: I want a bath!! Bl@@dy hormones.....:wacko:

EDIT - sorry hun, I wasn't implying that it was your crap, but in fact your friends crap...
awwwwwww we have a bath but i dunno if i could get in it and out with this back pain :cry: my friend has just called me saying how come u didn lie for me blah blah i was like grrrr i didnlie for u but i didn grass her up either..

thanks hun :hugs: i hate being dragged into stressful situations like that im just gonna try relax...

how are you and little G :bunny: :D
That's the best idea hun.... to relax....:sleep:

Me and little G are well thanks....:thumbup: She has me printing off colouring pages from the internet with different characters so she can colour them in.... she is obsessed!! I have to buy more paper on monday cos she is about to clear me out! Now we have pages of ponies, fairies, princesses, disney and looney tune characters all over the house! They are out drying cos after colouring them she puts dabs of glitter glue on them.... soooo cute and she is very clever at it too..... bless her!:cloud9:
Got to go off with her now cos we about to colour in tinkerbell fairies!!:thumbup:
awwwwwww bless thats so sweet... once they start something they just dont wanna stop :) its sweet.. i hope you have fun :thumbup:

im graduating in two weeks wow thats gone quick.. one sec we were in october talking about it ages away and now its the middle of novemeber :wacko: my teddy bear is coming :happydance: and my friend Naomi so i wont be alone :D she and her OH share the house we live in at the moment we let them use the spare room for college its a three bed room house.. the third room will be for LO :D so exciting
Oh how great that you will have david and your friwnd coming to grad.... and after all that talk that you were gonna be all alone... tut... that's wonderful, will make it all the more spesh....:hugs: Good idea to let a room out to your college friends, do you think they will hang around long once bubs is there screamin her box off hahaha! Sorry, sure it will be just fine!
Ok so I'm already over this colouring fest that giulia has me taking part in....:dohh: she just keeps going and going!! Now she's asking me to sharpen pencils that have worn down (almost all of them!) aarrgggh! I have no patience at the mo.... just as well my MIL is making dinner tonight.... see, told you she was acting nicer..... hmmm..... she must know......:wacko:
haha maybe she does know :p its ok though cuz u can relax with G :) even if it is sharpening pencils lol making great memories together :flower:

well our house is abit odd tbh.. the first floor is an office for a medical centre, then second floor is our house, its kinda like an apartment but not really, second floor has 2 bed rooms bath room living room and the kitchen then the third floor is our bed room and the 4th room but is smallest perfect for a nursery :D so being on the third floor they wouldnt really hear the baby from there bedrooms etc.. we did them a favour at the start of the year.. and both love kids.. the babys not due till july and the lease is up then.. so they have plenty of time to move out if they want to.. but im sure they wont mind my best friend naomi is already ok with it and very excited.. i was thinking about calling my bubs naomi if its a girl.. just cuz she will be the god mother :D and its a nice name i think..

i bet your mil knows... maybe she saw the test.. or hear u talking to R about it?? :shrug: or just "knows"... who knows.. my mom gave me a speech today about rising children is not what i think... i was abit like well do u know what i think its like i know its not all cuddles and smiles but i know its worth it :thumbup: and i wudnt rather be doing anything else
You know what hun? NOBODY is ever 100% ready for children and what they bring. It don't matter what your age or what you're like! Some will find it easier and more natural but I don't think you can expect a person who has not had children to be totally aware of what they are facing. But that's the fun part!! And as long as you are prepared to learn from them, you will be just fine.... I think the people who struggle in raising kids are those that stubbornly think it is them who have to teach their kids everything and are closed off to learning valuable lessons from these little darlings.... just MAO of course hahaha!
Your home is laid out a bit unusual, but sounds like it will work with the privacy you will have upstairs... and your friends sound sweet! The name, Naomi, is lovely and I think she wld be super-chuffed about that!
I don't know how my MIL cld know apart from just "knowing" cos the test is in our room and has never been left out anywhere.... ralph and I don't talk about it around here much and plus my MIL is a bit deaf.... altho, as the saying goes: There is no more deaf a man as one who does bnot wish to hear..... so maybe she has "selective hearing" if u know what I mean!!:haha: Or she may have heard me gagging in the bathroom after a coughing fit..... or maybe she doesn't actually know at all. Last time with G she said she knew mainly cos I stopped drinking coffee, but now I don't drink much anyway so she wouldn't be seein any difference.... oh who knows! I just don't know if I can wait till jan to tell my mum and my sister.... I know they'd go shopping straight away!!:thumbup:
Oh but then thinking of that makes me homesick.... cos I'd like to go shopping with them.....:cry: oh man, I hate this distance thing sometimes....
How's your back hun....?:hugs:
we rarely agree on names.. boy names we mostly do.. but girls.. davids soooo picky :dohh: i love venessa.. but he hates it :( said doesnt sound very babyish im lke well nessa for when there younger then they can change it when older.. but no.. oh well i tried lol.

Haha that is hilarious, please don't tell me that he is one of these people who wants to call their baby "Tootsie" or "Sonny" and forgets that the child will grow up someday and may want to be taken seriously in a business meeting or down at the Working Man's Club!

I can pretty much guarantee you that everyone who is called Venessa (or Vanessa) was a baby once :haha:

PS no offence intended to anyone who is called Tootsie or Sonny or who has named their kids one of those :winkwink:
yeah i totally agree thats there is always more to learn with kids.. its constantly a learning curve... but you go with what you know and feels right for you.. everyone is ready at different times for children etc... and if anyone has a problem with that then meh i dont care :D
as long as my OH is also ready and wanting.. then thats all that matters to me.. i think hes more broody than i was :haha:

ohhh she might of noticed something.. or maybe just being nice.. who knows. im sure my parents both know... my dad keeps wanting to feed me :wacko: i feel like shoutingdo i look like a need to eat... :blush: i look like ive eaten too much... *sigh* also i used to have the ability to ermmm tense my belly in hehehe but now i cant as i feel so bloated.. and my tummy has gone rock hard

awwww im sorry about the distance thing ... my mom is the same her sister and mother live in the uk.. while she lives in ireland alto she gets home sick she wudnt leave ireland lol..
i get home sick to live in the uk alot.. esp when my nephews and niece are over there... if something happens i wanna be there.. its hard sometimes..

sure why not tell your mother and sister now... :flower: i know your prob dying to hehe
i dont have a sister to share this with.. which makes me abit sad... but itsok cuz ive got a bump buddy to share it all with :hugs: :kiss:
we rarely agree on names.. boy names we mostly do.. but girls.. davids soooo picky :dohh: i love venessa.. but he hates it :( said doesnt sound very babyish im lke well nessa for when there younger then they can change it when older.. but no.. oh well i tried lol.

Haha that is hilarious, please don't tell me that he is one of these people who wants to call their baby "Tootsie" or "Sonny" and forgets that the child will grow up someday and may want to be taken seriously in a business meeting or down at the Working Man's Club!

I can pretty much guarantee you that everyone who is called Venessa (or Vanessa) was a baby once :haha:

PS no offence intended to anyone who is called Tootsie or Sonny or who has named their kids one of those :winkwink:

haha i tried pointing that out to him also.. i think he hears what he wants to.. like trishy said selective hearing :haha:

he wants a girly name :dohh: and i think Venessa O'Shea sounds like a very indepantant women name like sucess full i dunno does that sound stupid?? :wacko:

oh well its def a no from him on that name ill keep trying tho :winkwink:
Gosh I know what you mean about not being able to hold your belly in!!hahaha Mine is already big and now its big and hard!! Argh! Maybe that's how my MIL knows!lol
Yeah, you two will be just fine.... if you're broody now, imagine looking down at that little face that gets a little more like yours every time you look at it....:cry: it's so beautiful!!
About the distance thing - I don't always feel like that but I guess its times like this that I miss the contact between my female family members.... but I'm glad I have my belly buddy too....:hugs: and while I do have a big sister, I always wished I had a little one to lay all my wisdom onto and to coddle.... I hope its ok that I look upon you that way.....?!:winkwink::hugs:

I think I will tell them after my first scan.... yep maybe round G's bday....?

We just had dinner and I feel like I ate a lead balloon..... ohohohhoohh :sick: not good....:nope:

PS - I like the name venessa..... but I happen to know of 2 (not very well) but they are both crazy.... one is crazy in an eccentric kind of kooky way and the other is loopy, round the twist kind of crazy.... sorry hun, just trying to make it easier for you if you don't get to use it haha! Wow, I think I'm crazy!
Hope you don't think I am.....:wacko: hehe...:hugs:
awwww how could i think your crazy :hugs:

awwwwwwwwww you know your the sweetest thing.. im perfectly ok with that. :D i always wanted a sister i even remember asking my parents cud i havea sister when i was like 4-6 :wacko: i remember they said no way, no more thank you!! one girl is enough.. not sure what they were trying to implying hehe :haha: i was an angel...:angelnot:
but also it made me and my mom closer... i mean im the only girl and my mom is thankful for having at least one girl.. she has 2 step sons and two sons lol and my grand parents only have two grand daughters altogether not many girls in our family..
and in davids family its the same so no aunties for my bubs.. well now they do :D

im sorry to hear u feel abit sick... maybe its cuz your mil coooked :shrug: haha nah only messing . yep that sounds like a good idea, i think we will tell davids parents after xmas.. im sure they wont be a thrilled as my parents will be.. but meh they will be ok after a while..
hun im so bad i cant stop craving salt.. i even asked on the pregnancy section is it normal and why.. cuz lately i wanna put it on everything.. i dunno why...
Awwwww.... thanks hun!! Or should I say, sis....awwww hehe!:winkwink:
Sounds like you were a handful hun! Don't go chokin on that halo....:haha:
I would be honoured to be a surrogate aunt for bubs - eeeek!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: That was a cracker about my mil cooking lol!! Good point really.... hmmmm...... hehe

Craving salt huh?? Maybe you could try having some of those fitness drinks that have salt in them for exercising.... cld ease the cravings and will give you fluids at the same time....? Dunno, otherwise just be sure your water intake is up there if you are taking in a lot of salt..... I know, here comes the nagging..... NO I'll stop right there! See! I did it! No nagging.....:thumbup:

Hun.... I am off to bed soon.... gotta get miss muffet off first, hopefully without a struggle (last few nights have been like WW3 cos she just doesn't want to know about going bed)..... *sigh*..... confused really, cos she ain't sleepin in the day anymore so I reckon by 9pm she should be tired, right? WRONG! Oh well, we'll get there.... Let me know if you have any ideas up your child-care sleeves...:thumbup: g'night then lil sis....:hugs:
awwwww how sweet :hugs: well im very chuffed :D

as for the not wanting to go to bed thats a very normal thing for children her age tbh... shes nearly 4.. so sleep is not something bothering her right now lol the only thing i can suggest giving her a warm shower as u have no bath lol and put some of them baby oils in her skin a it will moisture her skin and 2 make her fall sleepy and out like a light.. it works for my 4 year old nephew hes become difficult to get to bed too and now he always asks for the magic baby stuff b4 bed :rofl:
like baby johnsons jasmine and camomile i think it is.. its in a purple bottle..

as for the salts im just terrified of having too much salt but dont want my bubs lacking in anything.. its hard really to know whats best... ill just try to balance it i guess..
Good morning hun!!

Yes, I could try the bath/shower thing with G... we used to have more of a routine so that could be the prob... have to make a regular bath time (we have a large plastic baby bath that she still fits into!) Good idea about the massage oil too....!:hugs:

Re: the salt.... I think if you're craving it then you shouldn't worry too much, as long as you re-hydrate yourself during the day (gee, that water lecture just keeps coming up doesn't it??!!:dohh:)

So how you feeling today!?:hugs:
good morning :hugs:

lol its ok i realise the importance of needin enough water so its ok and as a person who usually forgets its prob a good thing u remind me lol.. lately though ive been drinking so much cuz my body is always wanting it..
im ok i didn get any sleep last night :shrug: i dunno what thats about.. i had abit of a tummy discomfort.. not painful.. just felt weird and i couldnt get comfortable so all night i was moving turning one side then the next.. so i never really slept
other than that im alright.. :D

how are you feeling :hugs:
I'm feeling ok.... was better before but DH came back from our house for lunch today and was having a bit of a gripe about the work to be done and in no uncertain terms made me understand that we aren't even gonna be able to move into our place for at least another few months....:cry: I'm so stressed about it it's killin me tbh... I thought I was doing well having accepted delay after delay and now another one....:growlmad: I so want to spend some relaxed happy time during this pregnancy and all I can see is us being stressed to the max up until the birth and then probably far worse afterwards.... sorry.... but its just f'in crap.....:nope: Not happy jan!

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