8 dpo looking for buddies " 4 BFP" "Welcome Jacob "(old thread )

AFM, its cd7 today and my temp is 97.41. My current chart seems to favor both of my previous charts in a few temps so let's see how it goes this cycle. Well i was very busy yesterday with DH. DH wanted to take the practice test for the ASVAB so he went to the Armed Forces recruitment center to take it and he decided to go tooooo..........the ARMY. And here is the jaw dropping news that nobody expects.....i am signing up with him also. They sat us down and talked to us and we pretty much spent the whole day asking questions and we passed the practice test. We take the actual ASVAB tomorrow. They have a program for married active duty soldiers. The program pretty much let's us live how we are now meaning we will be living together just depending on our jobs, we will either be at the same job or going to our own job every day like we do now. So that's great. I actually talked to a woman who is a Sergeant and both her and her husband are enlisted. They live together and they are happy. Also they have children. She told me there is no certain time frame where I have to get pregnant. She said i can get pregnant whenever I want and just like civilian life, I work until i go on maternity leave so thats great. Also, we will have paid housing, paid tuition, food etc so its pretty much like we are living for freee. The only bills we would have to pay is phone, cable, internet and our car payment but other than that..everything is free if we live on base which we are planning to. I know this is a shock but I believe this is the best decision. Also, since we both will be enlisted..we both get a G.I. Bill of $45,000 max which can either be used for school after we leave the Army for us or be for our children's college tuition which we plan to use for the kids. Now, this will really be great because we would have stability, we will be financially set and we could have kids with no worries. Oh and they have free healthcare and dental and also life insurance :thumbup: As our kids grow up they also get our benefits so we are set :thumbup: Oh and once we passed the ASVAB and pick the specialty job that we want out of the options....we will be sent to Basic Training for 10 weeks innn........October! So atleast DH and I can go to the doc, see what's wrong get everything out the way and by October, if i dont conceive before then, we are on our way to training. If i do get pregnant, well then I will still join him on the base just after he get out of basic training. Whew well this was a long and shocking update. So I am done ranting :haha:
OMG! MzSwizz...my jaw is on floor - from both shock AND awe!! That is AMAZING! What a life-changing decision! I admire you more than I can even express... truly! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Skittles - I think you would have been better off sticking with just the highlights... :D So sorry you are sick too! GAH! How flippin' miserable! :hugs:

AFM - Went to the doc yesterday because I wanted to see if she would give me meds so I could at least be on the mend by Monday's IUI, but nope. She said it's viral... an Upper Respiratory Infection, but both she and I know that I am extremely sensitive to these and it will turn into a full-blown sinus infection just about the time the weekend rolls around - and just in time for my IUI. So, we are waiting till the end of the week to start the antibiotics, because they won't do me any good right now.

I have been trying desperately to keep my body clear of anything other than Tylenol since starting the ttc process, but I am so dang miserable that I HAD to take sinus/cold meds just to get through the day. I SO wanted to stay home in bed with a cup of hot tea, but I'm a contractor so I don't get paid sick days. I'm working 65+ hours right now between the two jobs (and DP is working nearly as many) just to TRY to keep up with the cost of the donor sperm and the medical treatments/meds so I just can't afford to take any time off. If I don't get my BFP soon, I'll have to choose between my mortgage and donor sperm. Dang. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I was straight! :haha::haha:

OK, my "poor me" rant is over... for the moment :blush:
Hello ladies

@Mzswizzz, WOW, I wish you the best on your new endeavor with dh. Hope everything works out for the best for you guys :hugs:.

@HitTheJackpot, I did drink a lot of tea too. My doctor always told me , tea, lots of tea and any kind. I also use mucinex, which is pretty good and it also has guaifenesin that is good for cm (only use it when I am in a hurry to get rid of it, 2 days top). Another thing that I add in hot water is fresh garlic. By the way, mine is all gone. I always use natural medecines because I hate buying medecine.

As for me I am waiting for ovulation. This cycle also, I am doing the the relax bd. So much more enjoyable. Not that it was not enjoyable before :haha:.

I don't know why, I feel like this month wil be different. I ate all the right food, and only drank water, no alcohol meaning my little Moscato wine was non-existent this month.
AFM, its cd7 today and my temp is 97.41. My current chart seems to favor both of my previous charts in a few temps so let's see how it goes this cycle. Well i was very busy yesterday with DH. DH wanted to take the practice test for the ASVAB so he went to the Armed Forces recruitment center to take it and he decided to go tooooo..........the ARMY. And here is the jaw dropping news that nobody expects.....i am signing up with him also. They sat us down and talked to us and we pretty much spent the whole day asking questions and we passed the practice test. We take the actual ASVAB tomorrow. They have a program for married active duty soldiers. The program pretty much let's us live how we are now meaning we will be living together just depending on our jobs, we will either be at the same job or going to our own job every day like we do now. So that's great. I actually talked to a woman who is a Sergeant and both her and her husband are enlisted. They live together and they are happy. Also they have children. She told me there is no certain time frame where I have to get pregnant. She said i can get pregnant whenever I want and just like civilian life, I work until i go on maternity leave so thats great. Also, we will have paid housing, paid tuition, food etc so its pretty much like we are living for freee. The only bills we would have to pay is phone, cable, internet and our car payment but other than that..everything is free if we live on base which we are planning to. I know this is a shock but I believe this is the best decision. Also, since we both will be enlisted..we both get a G.I. Bill of $45,000 max which can either be used for school after we leave the Army for us or be for our children's college tuition which we plan to use for the kids. Now, this will really be great because we would have stability, we will be financially set and we could have kids with no worries. Oh and they have free healthcare and dental and also life insurance :thumbup: As our kids grow up they also get our benefits so we are set :thumbup: Oh and once we passed the ASVAB and pick the specialty job that we want out of the options....we will be sent to Basic Training for 10 weeks innn........October! So atleast DH and I can go to the doc, see what's wrong get everything out the way and by October, if i dont conceive before then, we are on our way to training. If i do get pregnant, well then I will still join him on the base just after he get out of basic training. Whew well this was a long and shocking update. So I am done ranting :haha:

wow i loved reading ur post im happy for both of u and i wish u the best of luck :)
well ladies..i know i've been off because i was busy but now i can properly update.

AFM, im on cd9 and my temp is 97.61. I'm still experiencing spotting so it looks like AF might end soon. I haven't been on because DH and I have been pretty busy. We took the ASVAB yesterday and we both passed :happydance: Now, decisions have been changed and made. As far as the Army goes.....we are NOT going to the Army. But as far as the military goes...we've decided completely to go forward with.........the NAVY. The Navy is the type of military branch that we want to be in. You get to travel, the benefits are MUCH better, when it comes to pregnancy...they make sure everything goes well with the pregnancy and they take care of the women, pregnant women WILL NOT be on a ship if they are pregnant even if they are only 6 weeks pregnant :thumbup:, they have the Buddy Program which is a program that the government created for only 2 people to be able to be stationed together. For example, husband and wife, sibling with sibling, best friend with best friend. Which is pretty good. As far as deployment, dh and i cant be on the same ship because of what happens in the early 1900s when the Navy first was created. They dont want the whole family on the ship just in case, God forbid, if something happened to the ship..the entire family wont be gone and the legacy will be able to continue on. So we both will be assigned to ships but will only be on the ship for deployment and drills. Deployment wise, we will not be stuck at sea for months without seeing land. They are in the water for 2-3 weeks and they stop at different locations on the way to the destination and have 4-5 days off where we can just visit the location and the days off dont come from our vacation time which is good :thumbup: They also said if either of us are deployed, we can call each other when we go to a location, say where we at and we can fly out and be with each other so thats pretty awesome :thumbup: All of our questions were answered and there was no gray areas compared to the Army and we DONT have to worry about combatitive jobs etc because the Navy Seals etc are the combatitive ones. We WILL be able to see each other during basic training, just wont be able to sleep in the same bed. The only time we will be away from each other is when we do job training and deployment. But even if he deploys i can still take some time off and go vacation the location with him so its a win/win for us. I've talked to my friend in the Navy and she is happy. She said we would love it and she has enlisted for 8 years :shock: So i know she loves it. The pay is MUCH BETTER than the Army and they have great careers. Basic Training will NOT be 99% hard fitness work because the Navy isnt combatitive. They are mostly in classroom training with a small percentage of working out to stay fit of course and swimming. Which i feel is better. And they said they dont yell and be all in your face like the Army because they feel that wont help you push yourself. Everything is pretty much what works for us and they work with you so its great. From hearing Navy stories, you would think they are terrible but actually talking to people and especially our family currently in the Navy, its not bad at all. Oh and for sea sickness..they give you meds because everyone will get sea sick the first time around so atleast i know just in case. So yes the Navy is where we are heading. We are already doing the paperwork for the background check so we can push forward with the medical/physical. One we pass background check and the physical which is a normal physical check up..we decide our job and then decide how soon we want to leave and then receive the date we will leave out to basic training etc. So we are excited about this new journey. For now, we are putting ttc on hold until we get in and stationed and then ttc because we want to be situated first. But we still will go to the doc on July 23rd to figure out everything and then we wait which I have no problem doing. Im ready to travel the world with my DH and start our careers and family!!! :happydance:
Hey ladies!!!

@mzswizz, I hear you. Whatever works the best for the family. I like the fact that you are open to new option in your life :thumbup:.

@HitTheJackpot, how are you?

As for me, 1 dpo. I ovulated yesterday, I think?. Well, the ovulation pain was horrible. But, we had to do the bd. Meanwhile Poor dh was almost not able to perform, because we dtd too much :haha:. Lucky, he healed real quick.

Been busy the past few days also. Dh favorite uncle back home has been admitted to the hospital and he's not doing too well. They don't know if he's going to make it or not. So, I have dh roaming the house, feels like I have a naughty 2 yrs old. I might have to tie him to the sofa, it's driving me :wacko:.
Hi girls!

MzSwizz - Lots of big decisions! Sounds like ya'll are making the choices that will be best in the long run! Keeping you guys in my thoughts!! Keep us updated!

Kaiecee - How ya feelin?

Skittles - Keeping DH and Uncle in my thoughts! I'm good, thanks for asking. I think I'm finally on the upswing from this URI. :thumbup: Amazingly it hasn't turned into bronchitis, so I'm pleasantly surprised... typically by now I'd be nearly bedridden :haha: I worked my day job from home both yesterday afternoon and today, called off from my night job yesterday, too, so I have gotten a TON of sleep which made all the difference.

And I LOL @ "healed real quick!:" Ahaha! Isn't that always the way?? :haha:

Still planning on the follicle check on Saturday morning. If they look good then IUI on Monday. I started to feel the pain from the follies tonight when my bladder started to fill up, so I know they're growing, or at least one is as only my left ovary is a bit ouchie so far. Both months previous I had 1 mature follicle on each ovary, so hopefully that will be the case again. :shrug:

:hugs: I think I'm off to bed. The naps I have gotten in the past few days have me wide awake right now... need to try to unwind!
@skittles-tie him to a chair :rofl: Your dh and uncle will be in our thoughts. And whoo hoo for being 1dpo! And yes, we are opened to new options and what's best for us.

@hitthejackpot-thanks and will keep you ladies updated. Also GL on Saturday :thumbup: Got to get the follicles growing.

AFM, today is cd10 and the spotting is gone so AF has left the building on cd9. Well at least i only spotted for 2 days and it only lasted 9 days this time :thumbup: Also, I've noticed my temps are in between both of my previous cycles' ranges so I don't know what to expect this time. But im thinking im going to ovulate because my temps are a little higher than last cycle's temps :thumbup: Well, right now, we've just been busy trying to get all the info from our family so we can fill it out in our paperwork. We've been pretty tired lately and this is the first cycle where we havent really been dtd because we've just been so busy. Also, now our nephew will be graduating high school in a few weeks and now he has decided to join the Navy too. But we kept telling him that he may not be stationed with us and just because he is our nephew doesn't really hold any significance. But he still wants to do it so we are supporting him and his mom (my SIL) is happy of his decision because she wants him to become independent and a man. Now, in order to make a decision for the Navy, we've talked to my friend Jeyvis who is currently enlisted and my dh's cousin who is going to retire in January after serving 20+ years in the Navy and also my godbrother who is currently enlisted and wants to retire in the Navy. We've talked to all and told them the things the recruiters said to see if they agree or they disagree. Majority of the things were accurate and they said training may be changed to 13 weeks now but they are not sure but if they said 8 weeks then its probably still 8 weeks and 13 weeks wont take effect until the following year. So we are pretty confident and all of them want to stay in there so that must mean something. We heard from all 3 different lifestyles how the Navy is. My friend is single, my godbrother is married with no kids and dh's cousin is married with 3 children. So if they can do it, we know we can :thumbup: The days are starting to move faster which is good because then i get to see my ob/gyn and figure everything out before we do leave for training but that's if we arent set to leave before then. But we shall see. If i cant get it done..then i will tell him my situation so he can put in notes for my next ob/gyn to do it. So everything will work out for us :thumbup:
Good morning!!! not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 dpo and I am in need too vent. Sil from "hell". I know, most people get along with their sil. I thought I did!. But "miss thing" is trying me.

The nerve to tell me that if her and her mother where in the country dh would of not got married at city hall. Even if she was here. Is she for real!!!, what does your opinion has to do with the way I decided to get married!!!!. Do you and I'll do me. Not everybody wants to wear a gown and have a party. I just wanted to be dh and I. Is there something wrong with it? NOT!!!!!

Your culture, your culture your culture, who gives a crap!!!!. My culture says otherwise. My dh likes me the way I am. The bible does not say to obey and be a slave to your husband. What's wrong with letting him do the dishes once in a while. Does it says I have to serve him the food after I cooked it?, why can't he serve me the food that I already cooked!!!!!

I did not want dh to fry his eggs with oil that she had fried her meat with. My man!!, am I not allowed to tell hhim it's not healthy for him, specially when she freaking burned the pan!!!, seriously!!!. I was ridiculed and made fun of as being too health cautious and that people do eventually die. She basically told me that I was being silly. I told dh that when he gets sick, i'll make sure that I send him back home to his momma and his sister. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!, I WANTED TO SMACK HER!!

Now, for the worse. B@#$% had the nerve to tell me over and over why dh and I did not conceived yet. Howwww come I did not used the dry leaves that her mother had sent me. Ohhhh, if I had drink it I problably would of conceived already. My mother in law had a gap of almost 10 yrs between dh and her. Pleeeeease, why would I drink tea that was not measured, and was not prescribed by a doctor to me, specially dry leaves that I do not even know.

WWWOOOOOO!!!, I thought that I would of feel better, but it's just fueling my upset. Yicks. I have to have a talk with dh when he gets back from work.
@skittles-That SIL needs to mind her own business. Trust me I been there with family members. Always saying this and that. It's like I dont tell you have to raise your kids and live your life so dont tell us how to do ours. What matters is that you two are happy and when it comes to decisions, you two talk it out to make a sound decision. At the end of the day, we all lay our heads in separate beds at separate houses. So unless she is your DH....she needs to shut up and worry about herself. Thats why those type of women are single nowadays because they worry about other people's relationship other than theirs. And i totally agree with you about the dry leaves. I wouldnt take anything from them neither. How you know that they would cause more harm than good. That's what we got doctors for?! She needs to mind her own business. If she doesnt like the way you two are living then she needs to leave. Either way it goes, you two are still going to live your life so she can KICK ROCKS :haha:

AFM, im cd11, temp is 97.53 and the opk is negative. DH and I dtd for the first time this cycle this morning. It was actually DH who initiated before work so it took me by surprised because i thought he was tired but I guess not :winkwink: DH and I, well let me rephrase that to I, am trying to complete our applications for the background check. I am almost done with completing mines. Now I just have to be done with mines and then finish the other half of DH's and we are good to go. I'm going to complete mines and then save it and then complete DH's and then send both off at the same time :thumbup: It's been a pretty tiring week and I have to go to work today. Then im off for 3 days yay :happydance: DH and I have decided that we are going to sell this house whenever we go into boot camp etc because we don't want to continue making payments for the mortgage if we already know we are not coming back to this house. We have already been trying to save up to move because this area and this house are nothing but headaches and stress and we just want to get out of here. Hopefully, today flies by so i can come home and start my 60 day endurance program on the kinect. I must say the UFC trainer game is working well for DH because he is getting smaller and you can REALLY see the difference. So i'm happy about that.

@mzswizz, thanks for the support. I talked it out with dh and typical male, he did not see anything wrong was said or done. But, he sure remember that I said that when he start bugging healthwise I will send him to his momma :growlmad:. Men!!!.

But today I am going to teach them both a lesson. No cooking, no cleaning and keeping my mouth shut. We will see.

Today is 4 dpo and I wish it was a more enjoyable day. At least I am not symptom spotting :haha:. Sil is keeping me distracted.
Skittles - UGH! What a mess! You sure don't need any of that ever, let alone right now when you're just 4dpo. Hang in there, but keep doing what you're doing. There is NO NEED to take crap from ANYONE, I don't care WHO they are or who they are related to! You deserve better than be spoken to like that!

MzSwizz - Kudos for following up with the forms! Sometimes the other-halves don't always have the best follow through :D YAY for DTD just for fun! :happydance:

AFM - Had my follicle check this morning and it went great! I have three follicles, all on the left ovary, but one of them is waaaay to big at 38mm. They said that it could be the big one from last month that just hasn't dissolved yet, but even if it is a new one, follicles larger than 25mm rarely contribute to pregnancy, so we are relying on the remaining 2 on the left. They are at 18mm and 22mm which is textbook size, so that's great news! There are 2 on the right but they are too small and will likely not mature, which is fine with me... I think the chance for twins is quite enough for me :D

Soooo, I'll be giving myself the trigger about 10 minutes from now and will have the IUI at 10am Monday morning! :happydance: :thumbup:

Spent the rest of the day with my partner... she and I went to a nice breakfast, then both had 30 minute massages, a little shopping for a new outfit for me to wear to our friend's engagement party, which was very nice, then home. Spending the evening together, going to pop some popcorn and watch some Deadliest Catch episodes from the DVR.... nice and relaxing! Church in the morning then taking it easy the rest of the day, just doing some grocery shopping and light housework. :happydance: What a great weekend!

@HitTheJackpot, thanks. We talked it out and I realized that she is still a kid in her way of thinking and doing stuff. She's getting married in july, so, what goes around, comes around. She going to have 3 sisters in law :haha:, so I'll see how she will deal with them.
Now it's 1 am and we are watching korean drama, my favorites, 2 nights in a row. Finally something that we have in commun.
By the way, good luck with the iui today. (I hope I spelled it right)

Sucks being 6 dpo and trying to relax, but it seems impossible. I went to bed at 3:30 am watching dramas with the sil, and was woken up at 6 to be told that my uncle in law had pass. So, I had to wake up poor dh to pass him the phone. From that time until now I am restless like crazy. It feels like I am in a frozen moment were I cannot get my muscles to relax.

I hope today brings me a little relaxation in any form or shape because I sure do need it. Were is my trusted bottle of Moscato when I need it!!!. Shame on dh cousins for drinking all my wine.
@HittheJackpot-GL on your trigger IUI today! Would be exciting if you do conceive and with twins!!!

@skittles-Aww no :hugs: Hopefully you and DH have a brighter day today.

AFM, im cd13, temp is 97.80 and opk is negative. It's pretty strange that my temp keeps rising. Yesterday's temp is 97.71 and today is 97.80. I guess its just my body doing its own thing. I know I havent o'd yet for sure so i guess thats all that matters. Well, we've finished the paperwork for the Navy so now we just wait and see what happens. We've just been preparing physically for the training so atleast we dont get into it with being physically out of shape. So now we just patiently wait for that. I think my body is doing its own thing. I have clear cm but it has no stretch to it. But it was pretty weird. My temp went up and i have this clear film of cm. It's kind of like the type of cm you get when you get aroused (sorry tmi). But whatever my body is doing, hopefully its something good and not me not going to ov again. Im just hoping i do ov this cycle so atleast i can see if my ob/gyn theory is right. DH and I were talking about ttc and he seems excited about ttc while in the Navy :thumbup: He was already saying hopefully we get good doctors and if its necessary, they prescribe the best drugs and we end up conceiving rather quickly. So its looks like we will be ttc as soon as possible. But im thinking like a couple months after we get settled in so at least we get adjusted to our work schedule etc. But at least I know that dh still wants kids and he still wants them as soon as possible. So im thinking this will all work out for us. And here's the pics of my recent opks.


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@mzswizz, hopefully you ovulate this cycle.

@HitTheJackpot, how did it go. Are the little swimmers heading south yet.

Woke up today with a headache. I can't believe that I went to bed at 2 again. Maybe that is the reason I get this headaches, I need my sleep :haha:.

Went to the council to get dh passport renewed, thinking that it will only take a day or two for emergencies. Nope, it takes 7 business day. Sucks for dh because the funeral is this saturday. I seriously thought that it will not take that long. I end up getting a temporary passport the same day last year. I guess every country is different. Kudos for Europe.
Hi girls! Just a quickie tonight, but wanted to check in. I'm headed to bed here shortly as the discomfort today from my left ovary has been intense. The IUI went just fine. No problems at all, so as of 10am I am officially in my TWW. Let the waiting begin!

But, between the two mature follicles that are adjacent to each other and the leftover follie from last month that is gigantic... ovulation today has been quite painful... more so than I have ever experienced anyways. I have been doubled over in pain several times today and was only comfortable when I was finally able to take a nap after falling asleep in the recliner. Sooo... I'm taking Tylenol and climbing into bed. Will catch up more tomorrow when I'm at work :D
@skittles-Thanks and i love your avatar :thumbup:

@hitthejackpot-glad everything went well and hopefulyl you wont be in pain tomorrow morning. yay for going to be in the tww tomorrow!!
Hi all!!!

@mzswizz, it's my "now" picture, lol.

@HitTheJackpot, yicks, but at least you know you are ovulating. Nice. With my ovulation pain I can take some aspirin and it's gone. Hang in there :hugs:.

7 or 8 dpo for me today. Dh had me wearing wedges with a long dress, his favorite, not mine :nope:and I took a spill at the market. My hip and booty hurts. I have never fell in my whole life. Well, if I count that time back when I used to live in Massachusetts where we woke up with ice everywhere. I was in the bus yard where I worked and I found myself literally looking at the sky :haha:. I didn't feel any pain, I actually laughed it off. I sure do not missed the snow and ice. I was getting tired of it after 18 yrs.

Now ladies, I know that when you are pregnant you should avoid all spills. But is it also dangerous in the tww?.

I feel pain under my belly also.
@skittles-i think you should be fine. i think you wouldnt have to worry unless you are always falling then that will be a problem. But accidents happen so i think if you are pregnant, you will be fine. And speaking of falling, I remembered when dh and I were dating and i was at his house and i was walking towards the living room to ask him a question, i ended up slipping on water and fell right on my booty and all me and dh could do was laugh :haha:

@hitthejackpot-how are you today?

@kaiecee-where are you?

AFM, im cd15 today and my opk is negative which means....ov day is today :happydance: My temp dropped significantly from 97.71 to 97.14 :shock: So i am definitely ov'ing today which means I will be 1dpo tomorrow yay :happydance: This cycle, even though on my chart it has the prenatal vitamins, i haven't been taking them routinely. So i missed A LOT of days. I think i have taken them probably 3 times or so :blush: It would be pretty funny if I do get pregnant because of the fact that my mind and DH's mind has been sooo focused on the Navy that we were willing to put TTC on hold. Either way it goes...we are still going to go to the Navy. Our plan is if im not pregnant then we go to boot camp together etc. But if i am pregnant, dh continues the enlistment process, i move when he gets stationed, and by then I should be almost ready to give birth so it will work out fine. Then once i have the baby, i think i will wait maybe 6 months and then continue with my enlistment process so we both can be active duty officers :thumbup: So i think it will work out fine for us. I know one thing i got to work on is swimming. Im a pretty okay swimmer. I dont get to swim alot but i can swim. I just got to practice more. Now my dh can swim like a professional and im more on the novice level :haha: So got to practice that because swimming from one side of the olympic pool to the other in 14 mins and floating for 5 mins is part of boot camp and they will only do that once. So i just have to practice so i wont psych myself out and fail. Well now its all a waiting game now :coffee:
Mornin girls!!

Sorry I haven't been around very much... things have been a little crazy around here so I haven't been online much at all.

MzSwizz - :happydance: for ovulation! :thumbup: Sounds like a good plan you and DH are putting together! Will keep sending good vibes your way re: Navy AND TTC! :hugs: And who knows... sometimes it is when you stop trying that you actually succeed!

Skittles - I agree! Great pic! And, glad you talked it out with SIL. That has got to help your stress level in so many ways! It's a bit of a relief, I'm sure. At 7 or 8 dpo, I think you'll be ok re: fall, aside from the soreness, of course. If there is a little one in there, it most likely wasn't implanted yet and is still pretty squishy, so should be able to withstand the fall, I'd imagine. Just remember, I'm no medical professional :D :haha:

AFM - the O pains eased significantly overnight on Monday, so I was feeling much better yesterday. Still had the occasional pang, and pressure when my bladder started to fill up. Today I barely notice it. Thank goodness... I never understood the cramps and pain that my cousins used to go through with their cycles in high school. Boy, I sure do now! :blush:

Had a wicked headache all day yesterday but the air pressure was changing so I'm sure that is what it was related to. Feeling fine and froggy today, though! No ailments to complain about :haha:

DP is convinced that we will succeed this month... she is so excited that it is contagious! She made me promise to eat 2 tbs of wheat germ every day and is now making me breakfast and lunch to bring to work every day, to make sure I "get a good and healthy menu for the baby." She's so cute :D :haha: Have to admit, with the earlier IUI, low stress, and my mental attitude, I think we have a really great chance this month. FXed!!

Have a great day, ladies! Will check in later! :hugs::hugs:

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