8 dpo looking for buddies " 4 BFP" "Welcome Jacob "(old thread )


@mzswizz, the swimming will get better. And with the swimming you will get fit real quick too. I wish I could take swimming too, I used to swim back home, but now I get scared in the water.

The day that I was venting, the 18th I added one extra day on my dpo :haha:. So I am only 12 dpo. I have been wondering how could I have ovulated on the 17th and be that far on my tww :wacko:. I had to go back and read all my post since than and see where I made the gafle.
As for symptoms, no new ones. I am just enjoying the day off with dh and the sil. I just wish that I could go to the beach, but with the holiday everybody and their mama will be on the road. I'll go tomorrow.
Good evenin' all.

MzSwizz - :happydance: for intuition AND O! Woot Woot! :D :hugs::hugs:

Skittles - No worries... after a while it seems like all the days blur together anyways, so what's a day here or there? :haha:

Kaicee - Glad to hear things are improving re: spotting! :hugs:

AFM - I'm pretty disheartened tonight for the first time since IUI and I'm at 7dpo.. My face is starting to break out... which is a sure sign of AF for me, but I'm still a week out from being due for her visit. I'm praying that it is just the fact that it has been so stinkin' hot here in Ohio and I have been out in it/sweating while caring for the horses, but I'm not so sure. I have also developed a migraine, which is another sign of impending AF. :cry: I know I'm not out until the witch actually shows... so I'm trying to keep my spirits up, but between the brain pain, back troubles - I have rods/screws in my back- , and the skin break out... my positivity has taken a hit today. Hoping to feel better about it all tomorrow.

Maybe an implantation dip would help :winkwink:

Hope you girls are doing well. :hugs::hugs:
@skittles-dont worry i tend to mix up my days sometimes. I think it happens to all after awhile of being in the tww :haha: And yes i know the beach was jam packed yesterday. Especially halouver beach. We just spent time with our family and my parents had a cookout.

@hitthejackpot-judging from your temps..they are still pretty high so i wouldnt think its AF. Well my fxed it isnt for you. Also, skin breakouts and headaches are pregnancy symptoms too and seeing that you are 8dpo...it could be possible that what you are experiencing are pregnancy related and not AF related :thumbup:

AFM, im cd21 today and my temp only dropped by .02 with a negative opk this morning. From looking at my chart, I think I o'd on cd19 which would put me at 2dpo today compared to o'ing today which would have me as o day today. From looking at the lines from yesterday's pos opk and today's lines on the neg opk, they were VERY similar, almost the same actually but the positive was a little bit more defined and darker so im assuming that I was actually catching the surge on its way out and not the beginning. Will post pics at the bottom. To me it would make the most since to had o'd on cd19 because my temp dropped significantly and since cd20, my temp has been up higher and hasnt dropped massively. Plus, i was experiencing the sharp shooting pains through my back etc which could probably be the after effects of ov on cd19 yesterday. Not to mention, I had ewcm on cd20 and now i only have a slim amount of it now so i dont think today is ov day. Yesterday, had a great Memorial Day. DH and I spent time with the family and then we helped our nephew study for the ASVAB which he is taking tomorrow so wishing him luck on that. Well today, I got to bathe the dogs and cook dinner and relax before work tomorrow. What do you ladies think about my chart and opks? Do you think its possible that i am right and I o'd on cd19 instead?


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@mzswizz, I am getting the hang of reading opk's now, and yours looks about right. If I get af this cycle I am gooing back to it. I read that even with ovulation pain, there is a chance of not ovulating.

For me 13 dpo and still constipated (tmi). Sucks so bad, I am so used of a in and out routine. Now even dh is making fun of me, it's like I am meditating in there. I even bring the laptop :haha:, since nothing happens. Today I am going to the beach so I can't drink milk.

I am so bloated I look pregnant already :haha:.

Now back to cooking, I am making food for the beach. Already have my lemonade in the freezer and my cake in the oven, yum.
Have fun at the beach!!! Its raining over here so no pool today for us. And i played with ff today and if my temp is 97.75 or higher, then ff will put me at 3dpo and have it as i o'd on cd19.
I will. Getting ready to head out. Dh and I like to go when everybody else is heading home after baking themselves in the sun :haha:. Miami Beach sun is no joke, you have to be sun block ready.

:happydance: on your temp rise.
Life sucks sometimes. I was ready to turn off my laptop when I logged in real quick on facebook, just trying to be nosy, since I do not post or anything else there. And what is the first post on my page?
"Hi fb I've been keeping a joyful secret to some of you but now that I've finally got my answer today I'm proud to say that I'm 18weeks prego and havin a girl!"

Are you serious!!! Everybody that I know is pregnant. We married a couple of months apart from each other. She had her first barely a year ago and now she having #2.

I just need oneeeeeee.

so still spotting after sex they still say its normal but im a little worried sometimes but im starting to get naucous so maybe thats a good sign:)
The cells on the cervix often change in pregnancy and make it more likely to bleed, particularly after sex. These cell changes are harmless, and are called cervical ectropion. Vaginal infections can also cause a small amount of vaginal bleeding.

I google it, not that I know much about it. I just know that if is not heavy bleeding that you should not worry.

If you do not feel comfortable, you should see a doctor at the clinic. :hugs:
The cells on the cervix often change in pregnancy and make it more likely to bleed, particularly after sex. These cell changes are harmless, and are called cervical ectropion. Vaginal infections can also cause a small amount of vaginal bleeding.

I google it, not that I know much about it. I just know that if is not heavy bleeding that you should not worry.

If you do not feel comfortable, you should see a doctor at the clinic. :hugs:

i see my doctor on the 14th and when i called her she told me its normal it never leaks its just on the toilette paper sometimes its a little pink or like old blood darker but i never need a pad or anything like that it just freaks me out cuz with my other kids i never had that... maybe dh is too big lol
@skittles-I know what you mean. Im the same way when it comes to facebook. I never really be on there just come on every now and then to check the updates and there's always either baby pictures on somebody is pregnant on there and im like oh my goodness. When will it be my time?! But its all in due time. Dont worry, we will get our blessings soon enough whether we know it or not :hugs: And yes Miami sun is no joke. DH and I went to the pool earlier this week and I got sunburn for just sitting in the pool for a minute or two :nope: Now i know to put on sunblock. You would think after 22 years of being in Miami...i would know by now :haha:

@kaiecee-yes it is normal to spot after sex. When i was pregnant, every time dh and I dtd, i would have spotting which was the exact same way as yours. It would only be on the toilet paper and not last long. Its just because the increased blood flow plus an irritated cervix. As long as your not in pain and having heavy bleeding, then you are okay.

AFM, today i am officially 3dpo. I got my dashed crosshairs today :happydance: FF is probably confused because of the opk but as long as i still got my crosshairs, i am fine :thumbup: Yesterday was a good day. I cleaned up and I gave both my dogs baths. After that, dh came home early and we cuddled up together and then he decided to let me nap undisturbed so he went on the computer while i took a nap on the couch. But i woke up a few hours later to my husband sounding super happy and talking on the phone. After he was done, he told me that was our recruiter and we have an appt tomorrow to complete the financial part and we are scheduled to take our physical next wednesday :happydance: So things are moving along now. They said the physical is an all day event and they are sending us to a hotel to stay overnight on tuesday so we can be there bright and early that following day. So good news all around I suppose. One, i have ovulated and am now in the tww and two the Navy process is finally coming through. Also he told us that after we pick our jobs after the physical, depending on the availability, it can take 2-6 months before we go into boot camp etc so we shall see how long ours will take. Now, FF has my new AF due date as either June 8th or 9th. And seeing that it says i have a LP of 11 days, that means I have 8 more days before I know whats going on :happydance: So thats not long. I might start testing at 8dpo though :haha: I've talked to my boss and she is letting me make up the hours im going to miss while doing the Navy process so today i was suppose to go in from 3:45-8:15. But now im going in 12pm-8pm and then tomorrow i was suppose to work from 10:45-6:15 but seeing that I got the appt at 1pm tomorrow, I will be working from 10am-12pm and then I have wednesday off so everything is turning out good. Oh and dh and I dtd this morning...i think it was from the excitement of the Navy process :rofl: But now everything is all a waiting game :coffee:
@kaiecee, I know what you mean :haha:. I can't wait to get pregnant so I can take a break. Dh is the, as many time a day as possible:blush:, not that I am complaining but I know the little one will need it.

@mzswizz, by the time I got to the beach I forgot all about the fb news :happydance:. We took some awesome picks. Congrats on things going as well as you wanted. By the way, you get to nap in peace, lucky you. That has not happen in this house yet :blush:. We will see in another year, you have one ahead of me.

For me 14 dpo and still no other symptoms, but the constipation(tmi) :haha:. It feel like af will be like last month, it will sneak in with no fanfare. I have so much to do today that my head is already bursting. The sil like to leave stuff for the last minute, which is a thing that I hate to do. She's leaving early tomorrow morning. I like too be all set and ready to go. I offered her to do hers last week, but she said she was allllllll set. Don't know why, don't care. Now, I con dh into bringing her to the laundrymat, woman power! he he he!. and I get to clean the house peacefully with my Enya in the background, hmm!
Morning girls... I promise to catch up later in the day, but right now I am workin' my butt off, but something is on my mind and keeping me from concentrating, so I needed to come see if anyone has an answer...

So, my chart "looks good" with the consistent high temps, right? My question is this... at 9 DPO, wouldn't my temp stay up during LP regardless of pregnancy? Without a difinitative triphasic pattern, don't the high temps pretty much just indicate that my body is doing what it should be doing after ovulation re: progesterone etc and it isn't actually saying anything about me being pregnant or not. Wouldn't my temps stay up like this even if I wasn't TTC?

I'm trying desperately not to get my hopes up, but at the same time trying not to lose hope all together, which I'm finding is a VERY DIFFICULT balance to achieve, let alone to maintain. My temps are promising, but I have had an ugly skin breakout the past few days. Even my scalp is breaking out, for crying out loud! If I shaved my head I'm pretty sure my head would look like the surface of the moon and you'd find Neil Armstrong running around there somewhere. Timing is right on with AF. Breakouts are the only PMS I have ever suffered so I have nothing else to compare it to.

I have no pregnancy symptoms. None at all. Zip. Zero. Zilch. No implantation dip. No spotting, which I know only happens some of the time. No triphasic pattern. I'm a little tired, but I have been reducing my melatonin to get off of it all together in prep for pregnancy so my sleep patterns are off some.

I hate this. Why can't nature make us with a built-in pregnancy test? Two blue lines on your abdomen means your pregnant ? Sounds good to me! All of this uncertainty is going to drive me to drink. Water. It's gonna drive me to drink water. Dang. Even THAT sucks.

Morning girls... I promise to catch up later in the day, but right now I am workin' my butt off, but something is on my mind and keeping me from concentrating, so I needed to come see if anyone has an answer...

So, my chart "looks good" with the consistent high temps, right? My question is this... at 9 DPO, wouldn't my temp stay up during LP regardless of pregnancy? Without a difinitative triphasic pattern, don't the high temps pretty much just indicate that my body is doing what it should be doing after ovulation re: progesterone etc and it isn't actually saying anything about me being pregnant or not. Wouldn't my temps stay up like this even if I wasn't TTC?

I'm trying desperately not to get my hopes up, but at the same time trying not to lose hope all together, which I'm finding is a VERY DIFFICULT balance to achieve, let alone to maintain. My temps are promising, but I have had an ugly skin breakout the past few days. Even my scalp is breaking out, for crying out loud! If I shaved my head I'm pretty sure my head would look like the surface of the moon and you'd find Neil Armstrong running around there somewhere. Timing is right on with AF. Breakouts are the only PMS I have ever suffered so I have nothing else to compare it to.

I have no pregnancy symptoms. None at all. Zip. Zero. Zilch. No implantation dip. No spotting, which I know only happens some of the time. No triphasic pattern. I'm a little tired, but I have been reducing my melatonin to get off of it all together in prep for pregnancy so my sleep patterns are off some.

I hate this. Why can't nature make us with a built-in pregnancy test? Two blue lines on your abdomen means your pregnant ? Sounds good to me! All of this uncertainty is going to drive me to drink. Water. It's gonna drive me to drink water. Dang. Even THAT sucks.


Morning girls... I promise to catch up later in the day, but right now I am workin' my butt off, but something is on my mind and keeping me from concentrating, so I needed to come see if anyone has an answer...

So, my chart "looks good" with the consistent high temps, right? My question is this... at 9 DPO, wouldn't my temp stay up during LP regardless of pregnancy? Without a difinitative triphasic pattern, don't the high temps pretty much just indicate that my body is doing what it should be doing after ovulation re: progesterone etc and it isn't actually saying anything about me being pregnant or not. Wouldn't my temps stay up like this even if I wasn't TTC?

I'm trying desperately not to get my hopes up, but at the same time trying not to lose hope all together, which I'm finding is a VERY DIFFICULT balance to achieve, let alone to maintain. My temps are promising, but I have had an ugly skin breakout the past few days. Even my scalp is breaking out, for crying out loud! If I shaved my head I'm pretty sure my head would look like the surface of the moon and you'd find Neil Armstrong running around there somewhere. Timing is right on with AF. Breakouts are the only PMS I have ever suffered so I have nothing else to compare it to.

I have no pregnancy symptoms. None at all. Zip. Zero. Zilch. No implantation dip. No spotting, which I know only happens some of the time. No triphasic pattern. I'm a little tired, but I have been reducing my melatonin to get off of it all together in prep for pregnancy so my sleep patterns are off some.

I hate this. Why can't nature make us with a built-in pregnancy test? Two blue lines on your abdomen means your pregnant ? Sounds good to me! All of this uncertainty is going to drive me to drink. Water. It's gonna drive me to drink water. Dang. Even THAT sucks.


@kaiecee, I know what you mean :haha:. I can't wait to get pregnant so I can take a break. Dh is the, as many time a day as possible:blush:, not that I am complaining but I know the little one will need it.

@mzswizz, by the time I got to the beach I forgot all about the fb news :happydance:. We took some awesome picks. Congrats on things going as well as you wanted. By the way, you get to nap in peace, lucky you. That has not happen in this house yet :blush:. We will see in another year, you have one ahead of me.

For me 14 dpo and still no other symptoms, but the constipation(tmi) :haha:. It feel like af will be like last month, it will sneak in with no fanfare. I have so much to do today that my head is already bursting. The sil like to leave stuff for the last minute, which is a thing that I hate to do. She's leaving early tomorrow morning. I like too be all set and ready to go. I offered her to do hers last week, but she said she was allllllll set. Don't know why, don't care. Now, I con dh into bringing her to the laundrymat, woman power! he he he!. and I get to clean the house peacefully with my Enya in the background, hmm!


Lol! Dh isn't happy unless it's minimum 3 times a day
@hitthejackpot-yes your temp will stay up and at the same time, your chart can become triphasic and end in AF but you never know until it starts dropping to your normal AF temps. But fxed for you and no symptoms is a good sign too. Alot of women dont have symptoms and end up pregnant.

AFM, well i got a call back from the Transit Operations Agent job and I got the job :happydance: Now i can save up until we go to the Navy.
@mzswizz, I wish my life was as interesting as yours. Same old every single day here in Miami. You make me miss Massachusetts, remembering all my friends. I always had something to do there.

@kaiecee, they are not normal :haha:. He's addiction works in my favor because I get him to do houseworks and everything else I need him to do. I con him this am to do laundry with his sister :rofl:. So far I have not paid my due yet because I have been out all day with his sis.

It seems like af is on its way :nope:. I am having the low back pain. The butt bone pain and the little twinges in the groin. Sucks.

Next cycle I am using opk's and preseed, the way dh is enjoying the bd I will need it :haha:.
@mzswizz, I wish my life was as interesting as yours. Same old every single day here in Miami. You make me miss Massachusetts, remembering all my friends. I always had something to do there.

@kaiecee, they are not normal :haha:. He's addiction works in my favor because I get him to do houseworks and everything else I need him to do. I con him this am to do laundry with his sister :rofl:. So far I have not paid my due yet because I have been out all day with his sis.

It seems like af is on its way :nope:. I am having the low back pain. The butt bone pain and the little twinges in the groin. Sucks.

Next cycle I am using opk's and preseed, the way dh is enjoying the bd I will need it :haha:.

lol too funny :rofl:
Hi ladies...
I'm confused! AF was due y'day...usually spotting would have given way to full blown bleeding today but all I've had since y'day is brown discharge (sorry, tmi) - enough to make ??M?????????? wear a panty - liner......any thoughts, pls?

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