8 dpo looking for buddies " 4 BFP" "Welcome Jacob "(old thread )

Hi girls...

Pardon me for a moment while I get some emotion out... I was doing much, much better emotionally for the past few days, even though I could tell the nasty witch was on her way (as Miranda Lambert sings "I could feel the rumble like a cold, black wind."). Well, she (the witch...not Miranda Lambert :haha:) arrived full force about 30 minutes ago. I was fine. No problems. No negative emotions. I was prepared, so did what I had to do and went back to my desk. I sent DP a text to let her know.

Picked up the phone and called the fertility doc's office to alert them of day 1. THAT is when the proverbial floodgates opened. :cry: The admin (she is just a DOLL ... love her to death) even got choked up... she put me through to the nurses but I got their voicemail. I'll be suprised if they can even understand what I'm saying through the sobs! :dohh:

Put my sunglasses on (yeah, like THAT'S not obvious) and went back to my desk to compose myself. Had just gotten back under control when DP responded to my text with "Think of all the cute spring outfits... and a lil girl with a cute spring dress would be great to bring home from the hospital! A March baby would be great…Just in time for St Pat’s day! Or how about a grandson for your dad on st.pats day and a new lil edition for the Lima Parade!

:cry::cry::cry: ~ because I can't believe how sweet that was of her to say... and because I know that we can't afford to try this cycle... such a strange mix of emotions to have all at once :shrug: :cry::cry::cry:

Just talked with the nurse - she said the doc wants us to try for a total of at least 6 cycles with IUI before we look at anything more "invasive" and "expensive", which I can understand. But I have to admit, this is the first time I have had the thoughts of "Why can couples who are simply careless get pregnant when they don't even want to, but yet those of us who want it more than anything have to suffer with repeated failures?" Look at all that jealousy and doubt rearing its ugly head... that does me absolutely no good whatsoever. :growlmad:

*sigh* Thanks for listening ladies. Don't know why I'm taking it so dang hard this month... blah.

Loves all around. :kiss:
Don't worry I completly understand and have been where u have it will get better at least u have a good partner to help u through this and u can vent here anytime :)
Tahnks much Kaiecee! BTW, how are you feeling?

On a positive note... DP just called me. She happened to notice that there are *5* Fridays in June... and Since I get paid EVERY Friday... that is a whole paycheck that we didn't budget for! That means that if we juggle a few other things just right... maybe, just maybe, we CAN have a try in June! :happydance: I mean, I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm still secretly :happydance: -ing inside! It sure wouldn't be the best decision financially... but we aren't ruling it out.

I just relized how terrible it is that we have reduced ourselves to living paycheck to paycheck to simply attempt to have a baby. You're right, Skittles, it is infuriating!!

Something else that we have talked about that would help, is potentially looking for a different sperm donor. The one we have used for the first 3 IUIs was really close to perfect for us... but is on the pretty expensive side. He DOES have confirmed pregnancies, but so far...none for me! hehe... so, regardless of whether or not we can try this month, I think we are going to go "shopping" again for a different donor. Maybe one who isn't so ... expensive? The biggest hurdle we face is that DP's family has Danish heritage and her biggest stipulation was that our donor MUST have Danish in him, so that, in her mind, there might be a chance of the baby getting even a tiny drop of her gene pool. And, I am CMV negative, so that narrowed our donor pool even further. Well, whatever is supposed to happen ... will happen. I just have to be patient. Right? :dohh:
I'm throwing up alot now and always feeling sick :(
Dh helped me pick up puke when I couldn't make it to the bathroom sorry tmi but what a cutie :)
Are u feeling better about everything now ? I'm happy ur gonna still b trying good luck :)

Cd7 and I am enjoying the rest of the day with dh. He found a new job today :happydance:. What would people do without connections. So glad that I have friends that lookout for me and mine. He did not even have to go for an interview.

Now and can go and buy all the test that I want. NOT. I am happy I got the addicton out of my system.

@hitthejackpot, I teared up when I read your post. Some month I feel the same and dh will try is best to me makes me feel better. Last month I went and browse thru the lttc forum, there was that lady that has been trying to conceive for over 10 yrs without success, when she finally found a solution to her ttc issue, she found a lump in her breast, so she had to stop for treatment. One thing she said that I would never forget was " I'll be back ladies", thru everything, not once did she say she wanted to give up. That she the reason when af showed her ugly face this cycle, I was mentally ready :hugs:. And to think that she does not even know how she help me.

@kaiecee, looking good.

@mzswizz, how's the swimming?
AFM, dh and i are officially Future Sailors Claytons!!!! :happydance: We were sworn in yesterday :happydance: We picked our jobs and know when we are going to leave to Chicago. DH is leaving July 5th and im leaving November 19th. DH chose Submarine Electronic Computer Field and I chose Electrician's Mate (EM). So we both are working in the electrical field and once out of job training, we will be known as Fireman Clayton yay :happydance: But im trying to go to boot camp earlier. If i can then I will have a different job so we shall see. Also, we are going to schedule the doc appt before dh leaves for boot camp so yay :happydance: Im cd30 and my temp has been high since yesterday. Even if i get 97.2 tomorrow, i will have my crosshairs on cd19 and i will be 12dpo tomorrow :happydance: So im happy. Everything is working out.
:hugs:Oh Kaiecee... sorry you are so sick! :hugs: Guess we just have to keep remembering that this will ALL be worth it! :D :happydance: And so sweet of DH! I am definately starting to feel better about it all. Just gotta have faith that everything will work out when it is supposed to... at just the right time.

Skittles - **YAY** re: DH's new job! That's most excellent!! :happydance: So sorry to make you teary! LOL re: POAS addiction. But that's heartbreaking about the ltttc woman... gosh, she sounds so amazing! What a story!

MzSwizz - :happydance::happydance::happydance: Congrats Sailor!! That's so exciting! So how long is boot camp? Did you say 5 weeks? Will DH come home after boot camp or be stationed right away? I don't know how this all works :D Will he eventually be assigned to a submarine or will his work be in dry dock? I'm facinated... but I am TERRIFIED of electricity (and I work with the energy company here in an office with a bunch of electrical linemen... go figure) :happydance: for 12 dpo, too!! Woot Woot!

Me? I'm feeling much better. I have resigned myself to the fact that this isn't going to happen on MY schedule. The universe has a plan for me and I just have to be patient. There is some lesson I'm supposed to be learning here, and I figure that I won't get pregnant till I learn it :haha: So, we keep trying ... and we are looking for a different sperm donor, but with little luck. The one that I thought was absolutely perfect was nearly $900 for ONE vial with shipping... so he's out. LOL.

Ack... gotta go. Boss is calling! :hugs: :hugs:
@hitthejackpot-i will see dh once he graduates for boot camp which would be in september and then the next time i will see him is when he comes to the station i am shipped to if he doesnt get there before me. And boot camp would be 8-8 1/2 weeks so you can say 2-2 1/2 months which is no big deal. Im excited and ready. Also, they are looking through jobs for me because I want to leave earlier than November and maybe I can find a better technical job also :haha: So we shall see how this plays out. "Future Sailor Clayton" i love the sound of it :haha:
Hello ladies!!!

@mzswizz, congrats :thumbup:, Dh is next to me , I told him that one of my ttc buddy is going to be a sailor, poor man is so envious, he's dream was to be a sailor. You said that you won't see dh for 2 1/2 months, ooowee!!, you better be ready when he's back :haha:.

@hitthejackpot, happy that you are feeling better.

As for me cd8, good cm production :haha:, the water is doing its job.
@skittles-well i wont see him for 2 1/ months then i will see him at his graduation but then i wont see him for another 8 months when he is gone for job training. DH has already said im going to get pregnant once we can finally be together :rofl:
Ok girls... since we have become so accustomed to sharing intimate details on here... I had something really unusual and really embarrassing happen tonight that nearly sent me to the emergency room! :blush:

Skittles, remember that tampon discussion we had the other night? Well... that was the problem. I had a flippin tampon get stuck! So get this... and I'm sorry, this is very personal... but apparently, my hymen never fully broke. I'm 36 and I never new that before now, and never in my life have I had trouble removing a tampon! But apparently, the way the tampon expanded, caused it to get stuck on the unbroken hymen when I was pulling on it! It took me nearly 45 minutes, an embarrassing conversation with dp, tears because it hurt like a son of a B... and fear that I was going to have to have an ER doc get it :wacko: I finally managed to maneuver and twist it enough to get it past the problem. Then I started crying again out of relief...and pain!

So now, I'm so sore internally that had to take advil and I'm terrified to ever use a tampon again! I'm going to have to tell my RE about it and see if he can do something to fix it the next time I have to go in... yeah, NOT looking forward to THAT. Blah.
@hitthejackpot :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Cant believe you had to go through that. That sounds pretty painful. I use to use tampons but then i stopped because the dryness rubbing against my lining just caused it to be a little painful when i took it out so I just went back to pads and never been happier. Tampon can be a pain at times....literally :haha: Hope that put a smile on your face :hugs:

@skittles-hows it going?

AFM, im cd31 and my temp is at 97.87. FF has finally put crosshairs on my chart and is saying I am 12dpo. If i take off the opks, it would say i o'd on cd28 and im only 3dpo BUT looking at cd19 and cd28 ov for cd19, i had a .5 temp rise the next day and for cd28, i had only a .38 temp rise so im thinking cd19 was the actual ov day. What do you ladies think? Also this is the 3rd day my temps have been in the 97.80s. Actually it went up from 97.83 to 97.87 today :shrug: Also FF has labeled my chart as triphasic :shock: That's a first. Im not taking any progesterone either so its a huge shock. Plus, i looked at my chart to see when i had the right ovary pain which was the same day dh said it could be possible implantation, and it was on 8dpo which is when i got my first dip and it stayed low the following day and since 10dpo, my temps have been in the 97.80s sooo im freaking out because what if i am pregnant :shock: But we shall see. I will take a test the next time i have to pee and see what happens. Well, dh and i got to get everything in order before he leaves so we know what to do and whats going on. I start my new job on the 25th so thats really going to help out alot. So everything is falling into place as we speak. Now, if i am pregnant, Im just going to do what we planned and I enlist after the baby is born like around when the baby is 6 months or a year so no problem. Im just excited about everything actually so we shall see how everything plays out. What do you ladies think about my chart?

@mzswizz, I still think you are already pregnant. And if not, if your dh is like mine, you better be ready :haha:.

@hitthejackpot, I am sorry for your pain and scares. That is the reason that I never used a tampon until I got married :blush:, and I only use it to help with the last day spotting, but the rest of the days I use pads. And now,hearing about your ordeal is making me think 3 times using it again. Feel better:hugs:.

As for me cd 9 and waiting for ovulation. I have started to use the opk even do I know it's too early. But what a poas addict too do!!!, it's fun :shrug:.

Out of contest, but, I just got my Victoria's Secret gift card in the mail :happydance:. I had bought a bunch of new undies last december and a few of them was defectuous, laces unraveling and what not, so I got a refund for them. I so love VS. Now, to the shopping online.
yes dh has already said when we both are stationed..im going to get pregnant immediately :rofl:
Hello ladies!!!

Cd 11, :happydance:, I love when the days goes by and that I do not notice. Almost ovulation and tww. It feels like I just came from tww. I have been keeping up with my water intakes, And the difference is so great, my cm is already clear, just waiting for the consistency to be ew.

Past few days I beat my record, I have dtd once since af has left :haha:. Dh and I have been working double for the past week. He gets home, shower and straight to bed and I am usually already sleeping. We gonna have to remember to bd around ovulation.

I have been busy looking for a job out of state. Dh and I have been talking about moving back to Georgia or Boston, we have still not reach a decision, but it seems like we won't be in Florida for long, yaaaa.

@hitthejackot, how are you feeling?

@mzswizz, Hi!
Hello, I am new to this site. My husband and I are TTC. I have been having some unusual things going on with me, this is our first time ttc and I need some help over here..LOL!

1dpo- cramping ( not af just dull cramping)

2dpo- cramping, cm is dry

3dpo- tired, alittle grumpy, feel pressure in the lower part of my stomach.

4dpo- frequent urination, felt like someone was poking my belly button, twinges, dizzy in the morning, watery cm.

5dpo- I had an extreme hot flash where I thought I was going to pass out. I had to just lay down with the ac and a fan?! Nausea, severe pressure in stomach, twinges. No sore boobs, have had some sharp pains darting threw them but no lasting pain. Vivid dream that I remembered when I woke up and I still do (strange for me).

6dpo- Frequent urination, cramping but not like AF. It just feels like there is some activity in my stomach. Tired , funny taste in my mouth, hungry but can't pin point what I want to eat. Stuffy nose, cold symptoms, boobs alittle sore, if i lay on my stomach. I feel pulling at my belly button and a kind of fluttering in my stomach.

Now I don't know if I am paying more attention to my body because I am ttc, but that hot flash was not my imagination. I have never felt anything like that in my life, I literally felt like I was going to faint. I am just nervous about this, I didn't know what kind of a toll the 2ww was going to have on me, but this is awlful. How long should I wait before I test? And is there a special brand of test I should use?
Any advice would be appreciated.:winkwink:
Hi girls... just checking in. I have had a sour stomach all day and have been sleeping... a lot. Doing fine on this end... set up my follicle check for June 17 and started my Clomid today. Will be able to check in tomorrow from work... at least I hope :D

@supriseme, welcome. Since it is still early, you could give it a few more days and test. Some people test as early as 6 dpo, but personnally I test after af is 5 days late. Being a poas addict I tend to wait now, it saves me money and keeps me from being too disappointed when I see a bfn. As for the type of test, I have used fr, ept, clearblue and the cvs and walgreens brand. Some people gets the online cheapies which also works. I have never bought any, I wish I had when I was going thru my addiction :haha:, would of save me a lot of money.

@hithejackpot, :thumbup: on dp, seems like everything is working out. Hope the stomach feels better.

@mzswizz, any changes?

Cd 12 and poor dh is K.O, he just had a 10 hrs work day and I thought that he would of just shower and jump into his bed, but no, mister had to get his :blush: in. I am happy that dh still dtd even do he is tired. I read about so many other ladies that have to deal with the stress of ttc and they also worry about getting enough bd in for their cycle.
I will definitly have all my kids one right after the other, because at the rate that dh and I works, we might end up in the same situation in a couple of years. At the moment if it was not for dh, we will not even get some bd's in for this cycle. Being too tired makes me forget that we are ttc :dohh:.
@hitthejackpot-gl on the follicle check.

@skittles-sounds nice. Gl on the decision you two make moving wise ans speaking of water, i got to increase my intake as well.

@surpriseme-the earliest i would say 10-11dpo and you can use frer, clearblue, internet cheapies. Just ones that are early response

AFM, well today im 7dpo and as you can see, my temp keeps dropping lower and lower. It is actually the lowest temp i have had during my cycle. Also, with that being said, FF dropped my CL to around 97.6 which is good i guess. I know i said i would like a bfp now but our recruiter said i i was to get pregnant right now, i would be discharged and thats not good. So dh and i have bought condoms and are going to use those until we are stationed back together and get to do whatever we want then. So right now, we are WTT. I dont know whats going on with my temps and hoping this isnt an implantation dip. Also, i have told my recruiter that I want to leave asap so lets see if i could leave before november because if i can it will benefit us because dh and i will advance around the same time, i can get in and be stationed quicker, and also i dont have to worry about slacking in exercise because i know i would be once dh leaves. Yesterday, was with the recruiter, dh and i start physical training thursday so thats good. Also, we went to celebrate our nephew's 18th birthday. So was pretty busy and tired from all the running around. So we shall see what tomorrow's temp looks like. Im cd35 and usually af.starts on cd36 so maybe thats whats going on and if thats the case, maybe i am further along in the tww than i think.

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