8 dpo looking for buddies " 4 BFP" "Welcome Jacob "(old thread )

@skittles i miss miami because everyone is down there. Being in ft. Lauderdale sucks because only a few of our family members are up here.

@actively it could be IB. Just watch it for a few days and then test if af is a no show.

AFM, Well i dont know what to make of my temps nor my chart. Dh and i have decided that after this cycle, its going to be no more temping for me. I might just use the opks or maybe not. And just wait until our appt with my ob/gyn in july. Today, dh and i have our appt with our recruiter at 1pm so dh is home and im only going to do 2 1/2 hours of work today. We dtd today just in case i am ovulating. So we shall see.

@mzswizz, I hear you, somtimes we do need a break. I give myself one, once in a while too.

@hithejackpot, how is everything going for you, did you tes yet?

As for me cd1 as of this am. I thought that I would of been more sad, hmmm, but I guess that I am getting better at it. Dh told that I should stop looking at everyone else and to keep myself occupy with other stuff. So, my goal for this month is going to be, losing my little belly :haha:, yep, we call it the little belly. I am going to be doing tae boe "boot camp". I used to do it for fun before, I was helping my friends lose their weight by working out with them. So, now it's my turn. Let the fun begin tomorrow morning.
Have a good day everyone.
Hi ladies,

MzSwizz - I'm confused... where did your crosshairs go?? :shrug: Can't blame you on the temping... somtimes it can cause much more stress than it is worth!! Holy Crap! CONGRATS on the Transit Operations Agent job!! That's excellent!! Now you can get away from your monster of a boss, right?? Gla things are moving along re: navy!! :hugs:

Kaiecee - 3x per day? Sheesh! I haven't seen 3x per day in eight years! LMAO!! :haha::haha: Then again, I don't know that I have the ENERGY for 3x/day anymore! :cry:

Skittles - I'm glad af wasn't too terrible on your emotions today. That's great re: excercise! If I'm not preg this month, I'm going to start doing Zumba that they offer at our gym. If I am, I'll stick with the treadmill and some lower-impact weight machines etc. I'm 60+ lbs overweight and need to rein it in! I was once 307lbs and a size 26/28 but lost 120lbs and wore a size 12... put 60 back on in the last three years though and feel like crap about it. I am working on doing something about it though... so any forward progress is good! Doc warned me though... no dieting while pregnant. Excercise is fine, but no dieting! So glad you found a positive diversion! :happydance:

Actively - Hmmm... wish I knew for sure what to tell you, but I think MzSwizz gave good advice!

AFM - no big news to report at 10dpo. The acne seems to be getting better... it appears to have been worse 6-9 DPO, so I'm crossing my fingers that it was an estrogen surge or something positive!! The only other "symptom" I can say I have even remotely noticed is that my bbs are indeed a little sore on the sides... like they get just before O. Though, they could also be sore because I press on them eighteen times a day CHECKING for soreness! :haha::haha:

I haven't tested yet... have that scheduled for Sunday morning, first thing, before church. That will be 13DPO and I was dertermined that I wasn't going to test on a weekday. I want to be able to spend the day with my honey, regardless of the results... and doing testing before we go to church will give us some much needed spirituality, also regardless of result.

Sending baby dust to each of you!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: and :kiss::kiss::kiss:
@skittles Speaking of working out. DH and I will be doing physical training with our recruiter once we have a set date on when we are leaving for boot camp so i will be right along with you :thumbup:

@hitthejackpot Thanks and yes I dont know where my crosshairs went but its okay. Now i dont know whether i o'd or not. But im not going to stress about it because I have alot on my plate already.

AFM, its cd25 and my temp is at 97.52 so nothing really major. Just pretty much waiting for AF to come my way because it looks like it will be another anonovulatory cycle again, oh well. As far as the Navy goes, we will know when we are leaving for boot camp on Wednesday after we pass the physical and pick our jobs. So I am excited. As far as the new job goes, depending on when we are leaving to boot camp will determine if i take the job or not. I dont want to take the job and then leave that following month or so. If its soon then I will let another person get that opportunity. Today is payday :happydance: I was thinking of going to the store to buy more opks but I dont know if I should. I'll figure it out. Now about the swimming test in the Navy, they said they will work with the people who arent good swimmers and also there are going to be Navy Seals and Navy Divers in the water with us while we are doing the test so just in case somebody goes under water or cant manage, the diver will hold them up to catch their breath and then release them or the Navy seal will do the same so im more relaxed about the swimming test now :thumbup: Also, our recruiter is going to give us the number to a lifeguard who use to be a Navy Seal so he can train us on the swimming and help us better ourselves so will be contacting him when we get his information. Hopefully, he can train us so we will pass with flying colors and the pool isnt olympic size...its actually a little bit bigger than an average size pool so im really happy about that. So everything is moving forward and im just ready to begin. Now i must admit, I wont be able to come on BnB for a few months while im in boot camp and job training, but once we get stationed and everything set up, then I will be back on :thumbup: Well that's it for me now.
It's Friday... finally. However, it isn't starting off so well...

Traffic sucked donkey toes. It’s POURING and I got SOAKED when I stopped for a bagel this morning. My office is an icebox, so now I’m wet AND cold. My shoulder feels like it is on fire from an injury I suffered a few days ago, so make that WET, COLD, and IN PAIN. Add SLEEP DEPRIVED, HORMONAL, and BLOATED to that list. *WAHHHHH* I wanna go hooooommmmmmmmeeeeeee and crawl back under the covers with DP and the pups!

Ok, now that that's out of the way, we can continue with our regular programing:

Morning Girls!!!

So last night was miserable... I woke up at 2am because my right nipple (???) was so sore that just brushing against my sheets (yes, I sleep nude ) :blush: was painful. Painful enough to wake me from a deep sleep. Of course, that got my little brain going re: tww (did I just sleep funny?? Is this really sensititivy and tenderness??) Then I felt a queasy... so with all that, I had myself awake until 5:30 am (my alarm went off at 5:55 am, of course). So, at 2, I got up and went to the bathroom, had a few gulps of water and laid back down. Twenty minutes later, I realized that it wasn't likely that I was going back to sleep, and thinking that it had been long enough since my drink of water, I went ahead and took my temp. It was 97.6 (which is low for the trend I have been on with my temps) ... so I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling until 5:30 with no water and no getting out of bed, at all. Very little tossing and turning. I took my temp again and it was 98.1 ... so which one should I use?

Wow... this post was all about me... sorry about that
Well, now i give up on the lines of the digi opks...this is the really confusing part. It looks like im going to get a positive opk soon judging from how dark this line is. Is it just me or is this line darker than my positive opk's line?

Today's opk 2012-06-01_09-28-25_725.jpg2012-06-01_09-28-35_228.jpg

POS opk @ cd20 opk cd20.jpg
@hitthejackpot-since you waited 3 hours with rest to take the lasttemp, i would say use the 98.1 temp. And fxed this is it for you. i have a feeling its your bfp in the making.

Cd 2 and my body is aching everywhere, like always with af. I feel like I was in a fight and I lost.

Today I woke up and went to my cabinet where I keep my personnals and I look and look, no pads. Just the empty bag looking at me. Who uses someone else pads and leaves the empty bag?, seriously, sil is lucky that she flew home yesterday, because she would of get it. I have no problem that you use it, it's not like it's a garment, it's a necessity, but at least let me know that it is finish, so I would know to buy some more!!!!. I have never been out of pads since my teenage years. I always buy them in bulk and replenish, but never ran out. That girl used up eight months worth of pads, well at least for me it would of been 8 months or more, for her it was 2. No problem, but let me know, sheesh!!!.

Well, on the sweet side dh picked up some on his way home this afternoon, I used pantiliners until I could go to the store. So, that was really sweet of him. I did not even have to tell him, he just did because he noticed the empty bag when he was taking his shower. But, mister bought me some "poise", yes "poise" I just knew that there was something wrong with the name. I googled it and found out that they were for incontinence :rofl:. Not that I am laughing about incontinence, but the whole thing was funny, it made me forget about my pains and aches for a few.

@hithejackpot, oooh you naked girl :haha:. I was introduce to the whole nakedness soon after I got married. Who would of thought, me, the missy with all the pj's in the world, but I did not have a choice, now I only used them when af is visiting, and only the bottoms :haha:. Now I am a veteran :winkwink:. By the way, I used to do the zumba once in a blue moon, I bought the cds just for the fun musics, silly huh!. I lent them to a friend 2 yrs ago and I am still waiting to get them back.

@mzswizz, I got inspired by your usage of opk's, but now I am getting scared to use them again, so, they are confusing huh?. Should I just do the preseed?
Aww! Thanks MzSwizz! I sure hope so! Re: the lines... it does look a little darker... but I don't know much about the OPKs... I tried using them a number of years ago when we were going to try but never caught the smiley face... not even once. So I got frustrated and gave up! Glad the swimming part doesn't scare you so much now! Good news that they will help you!

Skittles - So sorry about af :( stupid :witch:! :growlmad: and inconsiderate sil! :growlmad: :hissy: Have yourself a :wine: and say :finger: to af! How dang SWEET of DH but sooo funny in a super cute way! Oh I :rofl::rofl::rofl: at that! Re: sleeping naked ... I'm gonna hate it when I have to start sleeping with clothes on when any kids we have get old enough to get out of their own beds! :dohh: But for now, I wouldn't have it any other way! God forbid there be a fire in our house... the neighbors would get quite the show! :haha:

AFM - temps are still right where they should be. Re: my temping question... someone on another forum pointed me to a "temperature adjuster" which asks for your temp, what time you actually took your temp, and what time you usually take your temp, and it adjusts it for you to what it should have been if you took it at the right time! I'll go over to that forum and get the link and edit to add it so you girls have it. It's a pretty cool tool! :happydance:

DP was so adorable tonight. She took me to a local fair tonight and she KNOWS that I love me some killer giant fair tenderloins with pickle and mayo. So she went and ordered one for me but the guy only put one pickle slice on this GIANT sandwich so she said to him "Man, I hate to ask, but can I have more pickles? I have a pregnant woman on my hands and we sure don't want to short her any pickles!" :haha: :awww: :rofl:

So my day ended much better than it started, thankfully! Keeping my fingers crossed and [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o< hard. Signs are good so far... I'm driving myself MAD with symptom spotting, so I'm SUPER glad that I only have till Sunday morning to wait. :happydance:

Ok... here is the link to the temp adjuster: https://www.whenmybaby.com/basalbodytemperature.php
@skittles-Dont you just hate it when that happens re somebody using pads and dont let nobody know that its finished :dohh: And that was sweet of your dh and very funny. I think my dh would've done the same thing :rofl: Actually the digi opks arent confusing. Its only confusing because i look at the lines. On the box it says just read what the digi says and disregard the lines and i see why now. So you could use digi opks and preseed. I use to use the opks with the lines but my opks always looked positive to me so it was pretty hard to tell.

@hitthejackpot-aww how sweet of your dp. And yes your temps are looking amazing woman! If only my temps did that. And re the sleeping naked...i think we all do :rofl: I was never one to lay with clothes (well i was when i was living with my parents but i use to tend to strip down in my sleep :haha: ) and once i got married it was in full effect and of course dh doesnt complain about it :rofl:

AFM, its cd26 today, my opk is negative and my temp is at 97.60. DH and I dtd last night so we ended the day with a bang :haha: I spent my day off running errands and spending time at my SIL's house talking to her and the kids. My nephew passed the ASVAB and he is on the same process we are on so thats good. Hopefully we all get shipped out at the same time. DH and I are thinking about having them put Japan as our guaranteed base when we are done with boot camp and job training. Either Japan or England. We are not sure yet. Today, I have to go into work and I get off at 6:15pm booo. I havent even gone in yet and im ready to come home :haha: Well, Sunday kicks off the busy week. Sunday, I have to take our pay stubs to our recruiter so he can finish processing our financial documents, then Monday i have to go to my niece's graduation. She is graduating from Kindergarten, then on Tuesday i have to go to my other niece's graduation. She is graduating from the 3rd grade and then that night we have to go to the Marriott hotel in Miami (paid by the Navy) so we can do the physical (all day event), pick a job and know when we are being shipped to Chicago which we will know on Wednesday. Phew all those events make me want to just :sleep: Now, last night, I've noticed that I was just leaking creamy cm. When i say it was weird...it was weird. I mean I was just sitting there and next thing you know, I noticed white/creamy cm all over my thighs (sorry tmi). And every time I clean it off, it comes right back and more. Even dh says it looks like I just finished dtd..thats how much it was :shrug: Well, we dtd afterwards so if it was anything close to me about to ov or already did...we just covered our bases. Well thats all for now I suppose.

@mzswizz, what you have with the runny cm, I only get that in my tww time.

@hitthejackpot, did you test yet? :winkwink:

As for me cd 4 and the flow is almost gone, :happydance:, I can't wait because I have been having some really erotic dreams lately.

Yesterday I went to the graduation of one of my friend's daughter. I can't even imagine that so many years has gone by. I used to change her diapers, and now she is heading to college. I felt like I was left behind. Everyone had a teenage kid there, even dh could not stop himself from making the comment, usually he will keep quiet because of me , but it was so amazing. By the time our kids will be going to college, theirs will be married and have kids of their own. Where did the time go?, I wish that I did not wait so long to get married, but at the same time I did not meet my other half until now :dohh:.

This mean war on this cycle, I need my little munchkin as soon as possible.
usually with runny cm i am in the tww or possibly will be o'ing soon so i dont know. And yes let's make babies for 2013!!! We got to have children. im like the last of my generation who doesnt have children yet. Heck even my baby cousins who are 18 and 19 have children :dohh:

@hitthejackpot-today is test day!!!! any news?

AFM, its cd27 and my temp is 97.63. It is rising slowly but surely. And today starts the hectic week. I have an appt. with the recruiter at 2pm and then at 5pm, I have to go to my best friend's (the one who is pregnant) wedding dinner at 5pm today (yes she is now getting married :shock: ). So i will be busy later on today. I dont know what to make of my temps but im just going to continue it out until next AF. And then after that its bye bye to temping and the opks because on july 23rd, i have our appt so im not going to bother with temping etc. Im just going to let nature take its course between next af and july 23rd. Im going to do some cleaning around the house today because we have been sooo busy with work etc that the house work has been slipping our minds. So now got to get back to the house work. Well let's see how today plays out. Oh and I just noticed its 1 month, 2 weeks and 6 days before the doc appt :shock: where does time go? Lastly, i was tinkering with FF and if my temps go to 97.75 or higher, then i will get dotted crosshairs on cd19 and i will be listed as 7dpo :shock:
Hi girls. Wish I had good news to share... :cry:

BFN this morning at 13 dpo.

Didn't feel like talking about it all morning, even with DP, though she kept checking on me to see if I was ok. I'm glad that she didn't take it as hard as I thought she would have. Me? I'm in a really deep funk today and just can't seem to pull myself out. Went to church and it seems like everyone wants to stop and chat to see how "the girls" - meaning me and DP - are. I put in my *I'm so happy, everything is great! Oh, we're so happy to see you, too!* face, and I hated every minute of it, which sucks. I felt so fake, and I hate that. I normally love to see the people at church. Not today. I just wanted to cry.

I just want to be naked in bed and crying my eyes out all day. :cry:

This sucks.

I know there is still a chance until af, but I'm not holding my breath. I think we're going to take a break. We'll see.
HitTheJackpot, :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2: :hugs2:, because I know that words are not going to help.
TYVM, Skittles. Hugs always help! I'm still pretty down today, but trying to put on a brave face cause DP is very concerned and I hate worrying her. I'll be fine, I know I will... it'll just take a few days. What makes it harder is the fact that we keep finding ourselves talking about taking a break to recover financially for a few months before trying again. I don't think DP will let that happen though... she always manages to figure SOMETHING out. We shall see.

I too, think about how old DP and I will be when our kids do certain things such as HS Graduation. I think that's normal when children come "later than is traditional"... DP mentions it often as well since she's 46... she has 10 years on me (I'll be 37 in July). She worries ALOT about her age when it comes to children... her mom died at age 48 when DP was 16, and her dad died of a heart attack at age 65 - about 15 years ago.

Those thoughts are impossible to keep out of our heads at all times, but I just tell myself that we will plan for the future, while preparing for the unexpected... and we will deal with whatever comes along WHEN it comes along. Otherwise I drive myself insane with worry.

MzSwizz - Goodness, you're chart is sure doing funny things! *hugs* Hang in there sweets!
@hitthejackpot :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: For you honey. I think we all worry about age when they graduate HS and go to college etc. Thats another reason why I wanted to try early on. Im glad we started trying now because now whatever needs to be fixed, can be fixed now and I dont have to worry about it hindering us later on in life. Dont worry about the bfn...if anything..if you stare at it long enough...you would get a bfp...well thats what i do sometimes :rofl:

AFM, its cd28 and my temp is 97.43. Really dont know whats going on but not worrying about it. I had a wonderful time last night. DH and I went to my friend's wedding dinner and it was nice and fun and the food was great. Her belly is getting bigger and she was telling me how she kicks hard now :haha: She even asked DH when is her daughter getting her playmate and she is expecting it to happen soon because they have to be in the same age group. You should've seen DH's face when she told him that :rofl: I always told him she said that but I guess he thought I was making it up :haha: Well, today I have to work later on and I just came back from my niece's award ceremony. Will post pics below. If no conception this month, then we will go into WTT until we are back together and will be able to dtd which I believe will be alot after being away from each for months :rofl: Well this is day 2 of the hectic week and Im taking it pretty well. Im a little tired but I can still manage. Also, I keep getting this darn runny/creamy cm :shrug: And its LOADS. I even told DH to remind me to check myself because I was so wet down there that I thought AF had decided to come early than expected. But when I did, it was only that cm :shrug: Weird....i know. Oh well. Its all a wait and see game.


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Cd 5, and af is gone :happydance::happydance:. I don't know if it's (tmi) or not, but I started to do use a tampon on the last day of my flow, and it seriously help with the last day nasty spotting. I don't have to worry about that smell, ewwww. I always tought that tampon were not meant to be used :haha:. Now that I am married I put them to good use.

Yesterday one of my bestfriend visite with her family and we had so much fun. It made me miss the old time. Her son is turning 15 and her daughter 8. I can't even imagine how the time flew by. I spoil them rotten :haha:. She can't wait to do the same to my kids, she said she has to hear the "auntie this and auntie that" every time they spend time with me, ha ha ha.

But, it's funny, when you know the person and know how much they care for their kids, there is not feeling of envy or any negativity. It's the same way I feel when I see somebody posting their bfp. I feel happy for them, it almost make me feel like an honorary auntie.

@mzswizz, you and I both did the graduation round this weekend. Don't you find it funny how they have the elementary kids posting for the funniest picks ever. I have so many picks of friends kids were the poor kids are standing straight with both hands on their sides and a big cheesy smiles. So adorable. By the way, have you test yet?, The runny cm sound like symptom of a few bfp posts that I have seen before.

@hitthejackpot, how are you today? :hugs:. I give the :thumbup: to your dp.
@skittles-yes i know what you mean about the poses :haha: And my niece is a little diva as you can tell by the way she poses :rofl: And i did do a test i think yesterday but it was negative so i dont know.

AFM, i just realized i have been putting that I am a day ahead in my cycle :dohh: Today i am actually cd28 and my temp is 97.49. I am just doing a quick update because I wont be on here tomorrow. Well, today DH and I dtd this morning. Also, we went to Miami, he went to get the car transferred into his friend's name and I went to my niece's presentation ceremony. Then dh was still in Miami and I drove up to the house to pack our belongings for the hotel today. So now I have completed that and just waiting for DH to get home so we can leave and go to the recruiter. We get sworn in tomorrow :happydance: Also, last night dh and I went out to eat as our final day of eating out before we go into the Navy. Before we went out to dinner, i had this excruciating pain in my right ovary and it didnt go away until I took tylenol and went to sleep when we got home. It was so painful that I couldnt even breathe out while laying in bed because if i did, i would have to hold my breath because the pain was so bad. I dont know what that was about but now no more pain and im feeling great. Well thats it. So talk to you ladies on Thursday. By then I should have all the info :thumbup:
Mzswizz - Good luck!I'm so excited that you are moving forward with something that you want so much! :hugs: So sorry about that pain, but glad it's gone! Could have been a cyst bursting...

Skittles - I used to be strictly a pad girl... the thin ones, with wings :haha: but I too, have recently discovered how much more I prefer tampons, especially on the heavy days! Except since taking the Clomid I can go through a super tampon with a back-up pad in an hour for the first 2-3 days... that drives me crazy! At my follie check before IUI, the doc said my uterine lining was more than twice as deep as they "typically" see... and that all has to go SOMEWHERE! :dohh:

And I agree with you... it feels so much better to be happy for the BFPs than envious of them! I love to share their joy... and look forward to them sharing our joy with each one of us in time, too! :happydance:

AFM - temps have been dropping drastically the last three days and started getting the light pink tinges of af today. I'm not sure if tomorrow will be day 1 or Thursday. DP and I are 90% sure that we can't afford to try this month :cry: and maybe not even next month :cry: :cry: We have put ourselves behind on so many things to have these last three tries ... cell phone, power bill, car payment... even the mortgage. Starting in July we will be able to lower our mortgage by nearly $600 per month which will nearly cover the sperm and shipping each month. I don't know... we will see.

Going to talk to the doctor on my 1 day to see at what point we start looking at other factors/look at changing meds...etc. If we do have to take a financial break, I'll use the time to get my body into better condition to carry a baby. I am also looking into preconception massage, but that is just another expense to worry about.

Gah... sorry girls, my brain is running a million miles a minute right now. Just got home from my second job and I'm still wound up from that.

Going to go cuddle with DP and try to make her feel better :haha: about "disappointing me" ... she cried when she told me we would have to take a break :cry: Poor thing...

smoochies and hugs ladies. TTYS!

Cd 6 and loving the fact that af did not leave me with any little nasty spotting this time. Nice!!!. I have been drinking so much water that I have to go every half of an hour :haha:. But it's doing the job.

Today I have started my workout with the Tae bo. So much fun. Dh is also doing it, just to keep me company. We also started the 1 hr walking, which we split in 2, 30 mns in the morning and 30 in the evening :happydance:. But, I am not trying to lose the weight that I have, just shaping and toning. Dh does not want me to be too small, he loves the extra meat that I put on:winkwink: and so do I. So not going back to a size 2, I am enjoying my voluptuousness .

Took my first opk this afternoon, just for the heck of it, and of course, negative. I'll officially start on cd10. I better watch out, so, I do not get addicted again to peeing on a stick.

@mzswizz, have fun on the training. I hope that you and dh pass all the courses :thumbup:

@hitthejackpot, :hugs:. :hug:. If I say more I'll get pissed at doctors and their high fees for something that should of been for free. Sucks.

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