8 dpo looking for buddies " 4 BFP" "Welcome Jacob "(old thread )

Hi everyone!!

5 dpo and enjoying this cycle day. I was to see my primary at the end of the month, but he called and said he had a cancellation this morning. I guess the fact that I never call for an appointment before my physical is due surprised him :haha:. After evaluating me, he concluded that I was stress out from ttc, duh!!!. I was told to either take a break or to tone it down, meaning go out more, find distraction, and to involve dh more into the ttc world, share my thoughts and fears with him.
My primary is also referring me to a specialist, so, I might be going for some tests soon :happydance:. He still thinks that I should of waited to ttc in light of all the situations of losing my gran, mother, aunts in a matter of 2 yrs. He says that could be a factor too. Let's hope it is and not something wrong with my body.

I feel a little better knowing that my anxiety is not back. Now its on me to relax and try to make it happen. But I still think it would be a good idea to give it a break. But, I don't know how to give it a break, because I feel like my body has been programmed into the baby making mode. Even when I try not to think about it, something or someone reminds me of it. It's easier said than done I guess. I see a couple of members with the icon ntnp and they are still obsessing the same as we are. Oh well,I do what is best for me which is to keep on going. Let the battle continue.
I hope the best for your

I got an earlier appointment so I go Thursday to the docs and I can finally hear the heart beat I got an earlier app. Cuz still don't keep things down
@skittles glad that the anxiety isnt back for you. Just try to relax and sometimes a break from ttc is just what us women need. And glad that friend is out.

@kaiecee-no heavy lifting. and why did he move it forward?

AFM, wow sorry ladies I havent been on much. I only have 5 days left before I leave and I must say, I have been very busy getting everything sorted out so I can finally relax before leaving. Im very excited to go in. I cant wait to see DH. My family is coming around now about me leaving to go to the Navy. And they even bought a webcam so we can video chat once I get out of boot camp. We received the formal invite for DH's graduation on August 31st :shock: Cant believe he is graduating already. It doesnt seem like he has been in there for like 3 weeks now. Time surely is flying. Speaking of time, I am already on cd14. I havent been really paying attention to my cycle at all. I just want to say that Im going to miss every last one of you. Im so glad that I have you women in my life going through my journey as well as letting me into your journeys. We have been through good times and bad and even whacky times :haha: But we have all kept each others' spirits high and always was willing to give out a helping hand and I must say, you ladies made me who I am today as a woman and a wife that is ttc. So i want to say thank you for everything you ladies have done and will do for me in the future :hugs: And one more thing...i am officially an E2 yay :happydance: AIRMAN APPRENTICE CLAYTON!!!!

@kaiecee, hope the doctor can prescribe you with something that can help you.

@mzswizz, you can say it again, the time does fly by. It seems just like yesterday that you and dh were going to get information about it. I wish you the best in your journey. Hope to hear from you soon.

As for me, 8 dpo and wishing the tww was over so I can take my needed break from ttc.
I had dh reading the threads from the ltttc and the 35 and older and he finally understand what we go thru to conceive. In his mind he just thought that we bd and sometimes look out for the best day. Mister was clueless about charting, opk, and all the other stuff we had to do :haha:. Now I remember how he used to tell me in the middle of tww to come to bed so we could make that baby :rofl:, poor man, if it was that easy, I would not be waking him up in the middle of the night to bd and we would of been parents already and trying for #2.

Since I decided to take a break, it feels like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, like my muscles can finally relax. No more looking at my calendar for the tww, no more looking out for ovulation pain. The middle finger is going to be happy too, no more cm checking :haha:.
I will see be checking up on everybody, but maybe once a month instead of 3 times a day.
Let the countdown begin!
Today was the first time I got to hear baby's heart beat :) it was in the 160 range healthy heart :)
hello ladies. just coming in to check on ya. I know i havent been on much but the time has finally come. I will be starting the journey tomorrow. I go to the hotel tomorrow and will leave for boot camp on monday. Im excited because im ready to see dh and sad because im leaving family, friends and you ladies here. But the good thing is that I wont be gone for long so hoping by the time i come back, there will be baby bumps and labor stories :thumbup: i have been so busy that I have no clue what cd im on :haha: so im just going to wing it. Eeeek im excited. Im really going to miss you ladies. But im going to tell you all like I tell my DH..."it's never a goodbye, it's always see you later." So I will see you ladies in a few months time but it will NEVER be a goodbye :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
So finished my move I'm exhausted and I never fought as much as I did with dh in the last 2 days :( I hate moving !
Hello ladies

@mzswizz, I wish you the best on your new job. We will miss you. By the way, I am pretty sure that you will have access to the internet, so we will hear sooner from you than you think :haha:. Be safe.

@kaiecee, happy that everything was fine during your visite. I can't wait to have them too :happydance:, let's hope it's in the near future. You and I both have been fighting with the dh. Mine and I just made up and hour ago. I made him sleep in the living room, thinking that it was a punishment for him, wrong, I end up punishing myself because I could not fall asleep 3 nights in a row :haha:.

@hithejackpot, how are you and dp doing?. Hang in there:hugs::hugs: and 2 for dp:hugs::hugs:.

As for me, af got me this morning :growlmad: 3 days early. That haven't happen to me before. I thought it had, but dh told me it was because I had calculated my cycle wrong. Oh well. That means that I am officially stopping to try like a lunatic. The next cycle will be a calender checking, a cm checking, symptoms checking, ovulation checking free month. Lets see how it goes.
By the way, is it normal for me to spot pink off and on all day and for my cervix to have white lotion like cm now?. You know, just that one last question :winkwink:.
Everything is ok with dh and me now he's even gonna buy me my silkie chicken I wanted as my pet since I'm in the farm area lol
Hi girls...

My appologies for my extended leave... but I'm afraid it is going to continue. My mother passed away unexpectedly on July 28 at the age of 61 and my life is in complete turmoil right now. I posted this on the other thread I am active on so am just doing a copy/paste because I can't type it all out again... know that I am thinking of you, and I send sticky vibes to everyone often. I hope MzSwizz is living her dreams! I don't know when I'll be back... might not be for months, who knows. I just don't know what each tomorrow is going to bring right now.

Know that I think of you all and send positive vibes and energy your way as I am able. I just can't bring myself to read all the stories right now - good or bad - I'm just too emotional, but I desperately miss talking with you all and keeping up with each of you. Losing my mother so suddenly has proven to be far more than I know how to handle, so my time is precious and I am spending most of it surrounding myself with my family and loved ones. I would really rather isolate myself and cry, but what good would that to do me?

I had a bit of a second blow when I called my doctor's office to see about how this changes things re: ttc. I was hoping to keep on my schedule to start trying again in September so I could throw all of my energies into that rather than thinking so much about all I have lost. The doc said that if I wanted to start again on schedule that they would do so, but that they strongly suggest I wait longer... maybe until after the first of the year to start again. Even then, they said it depends how my stress levels are... the nurse explained that during times of extreme stress that the cortisol levels in the body drastically increase and can have an affect on ttc and on a developing baby. While I can see their point, and I believe that they probably have a valid point... it just sucks that I have to wait.

My family doc also cautioned that the makers of Clomid say that 6 cycles is a lifetime max for the average woman... after that alternate methods should be considered. The fertility specialist said that yes, that is generally what the manufacturer tells gynos, but that under a specialist's care, it is different. I have had 4 cycles on clomid 50mg. I have had absolutely no time to research about any of this, just going off what docs have said... I suppose I'll have to wait.

I have decided to start seeing a counselor for a bit that I had seen a number of years ago. She knows my story with its ins and outs, and knows about the complicated relationship I had with my mother, so I'm going to see if she can't help me with this grieving process. I have also decided to get a tattoo in honor of my mother... that isn't exactly the way SHE would have wanted me to memorialize her, but it works for me ... so now, I just have to start figuring out what I want and design it.

I have started to work on shifting my thinking from "My mother will never get to see my baby" to "My mother is holding my baby right now... and will send the little one to me when the time is absolutely perfect." That has helped some...

Also had a reiki massage yesterday to try to help with the tension and release some of the grief and negative energies that I am most certainly holding on to. Silly me... I cried through the whole session and probably worked against what the poor massage therapist was trying to do... ha!

On a different note...I had mentioned before that DP and I were going to start eating healthy/organic/natural etc ... and were going to do an herbal cleanse. That started about 20 days ago and I'm down a little over 18 pounds. I'm going to have to buy new jeans this weekend... either that, or a good belt!

Well, just know that I will continue thinking about you all. Much love to each and every one!! *hugs*
Hello everyone.

@hitthejackpot, I am very sorry to hear of your mother's death. Having lost my mom 15 months ago, I know full well the grief and sadness you are feeling right now. I know that the thoughts are no doubt overwhelming that nothing ever will quite be the same. Just remember a mother is with us always, first in her lifetime, then forever in our memory. My thoughts are with you.

@mszwizz, I hope that everything is going well for you.

@kaiecee, how are you?, how's the little one treating you?

As for me, my little break is going well. Today makes it a little over a month since I stop ttc actively and it is actually doing wonder for my mental state. I am loving not having to check every little pains, aches and twinges. My stress is fading little by little. I am going for another month and I'll start ttc in october. I'll be in touch.
i am back for right now. Well, im currently still in boot camp but i have bad news (well bad news for me). I am leaving boot camp :cry: I ended up getting a muscle tear in my right knee and then not long after i got really sick to the point I had to go to the E.R. since they didnt know the cause....they are sending me home on a medical discharge. I guess everything happens for a reason though. I must say boot camp was pretty easy up until this point when I got injured and sick. My DH will be graduating on the 31st of this month so im proud of him and will make it to his graduation...hopefully. I think I am leaving boot camp next week but not too sure because I have to wait until my name is on the departure list. I have to admit, I am ready to be home and Im ready to see my DH. My plan now is to be a Navy wife and just let my DH do the military work. Atleast it will work out better for us in the long run. I will continue school and also working but now i can be home with the kids (when they come) so this is my update!! And......I MISSED ALL OF YOU LADIES!!! :hugs:

How is everyone doing?

@mzswizz, sorry you got hurt, feel better.

@kaiecee, seeing that the little munchkin is growing. Congrats on having a boy!!

As for me, battling a UTI as soon as I woke up this morning :growlmad:. When I thought that Dh had went to work early he came back and surprise me with cranberry juice. What a sweetie pie!!!. He actually googled uti remedies, hmmmm!!!!

As of today I think I might be between 6 and 8 dpo, af is due on the 18th.

This past 2 months I had spotting from 5 dpo until af, so, I made and appointment with my doctor, but I also google "spotting" between period, and I found so many scary reasons, but one that caught my attention was hormonal imbalance. The cure was Evening Primrose Oil. I tried it right after af this month and so far no spotting. I found out later that it was also good for ttc :dohh:, so unknowingly I used something good for ttc :happydance:.

The 23 will be my official day starting to conceive again. So, I'll see you ladies in 13 days. Take care.
Ya I'm still sick all the time I haven't gained any weight yet but baby is good and moving all the time :)
The weirdest thing is that the first month I decided to eat brazil nuts and Pinapple juice I got pregnant it says it helps ur lining and to get pregnant :)
update about me...prepare yourselves lol: Well, I have went on a vacation to Connecticut to visit my DH from the 15th-18th of this month. I had a proper AF on Sept. 11th and it ended on the 17th. DH and I dtd from the 15th-17th like normal because AF just doesnt stop our fun lol. Well, now ovualtion for me is all over the place like usual. I have bee ntemping or anything i just let mother nature take its course. Im currently on cd16 and starting around cd11 i think (havent been keeping track) i had quick sharp cramping and it was on and off for like 3 days and then around cd14 (the day after i tried to check my cervix)..i had light spotting so I thought great another AF right after this but then it stopped the same day (was there for a few wipes and mixed with discharge) and well it is now cd16 and i have yet again spotting mixed with LOADS and I do mean watery LOADS of cm. Its kind of like the aftermath you dtd. So i have been leaking like crazy since around cd12 on forward, along with cramping, bbs hurt for a day, my cm was a yellowish tinge for some odd reason and now im having on and off spotting. It would be just my luck that we ended up conceiving on the vacation and it would be great because im moving up there in November which means if i did conceive, I will be almost 3 months so thats great. Well now its just a wait and see. Oh and i have no clue when the next AF is do. It seems like my body is getting more normal AFs because they are not as long.
update about me...prepare yourselves lol: Well, I have went on a vacation to Connecticut to visit my DH from the 15th-18th of this month. I had a proper AF on Sept. 11th and it ended on the 17th. DH and I dtd from the 15th-17th like normal because AF just doesnt stop our fun lol. Well, now ovualtion for me is all over the place like usual. I have bee ntemping or anything i just let mother nature take its course. Im currently on cd16 and starting around cd11 i think (havent been keeping track) i had quick sharp cramping and it was on and off for like 3 days and then around cd14 (the day after i tried to check my cervix)..i had light spotting so I thought great another AF right after this but then it stopped the same day (was there for a few wipes and mixed with discharge) and well it is now cd16 and i have yet again spotting mixed with LOADS and I do mean watery LOADS of cm. Its kind of like the aftermath you dtd. So i have been leaking like crazy since around cd12 on forward, along with cramping, bbs hurt for a day, my cm was a yellowish tinge for some odd reason and now im having on and off spotting. It would be just my luck that we ended up conceiving on the vacation and it would be great because im moving up there in November which means if i did conceive, I will be almost 3 months so thats great. Well now its just a wait and see. Oh and i have no clue when the next AF is do. It seems like my body is getting more normal AFs because they are not as long.

Well I hope it's ur month ill have my fingers crossed for u keep me posted :)
thanks Kaiecee-hows everything going with your pregnancy?

a little update about the spotting, it is off and on and mostly discharge :shrug: Here's to confusion. DH already thinks I'm pregnant because of the cramps and then the spotting and then the spotting after i checked my cervix. It has not increased neither which is keeping my hopes high. It has been getting lighter if anything.

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