Best of luck mrstobe! I hope you LO decides to turn on his own saving you from a c-section!!!
Ahhh I can't believe there is so little time left! I'm trying plan things and every turn I have to remember oh I probably shouldn't plan to be so far away from home at 38 weeks lol or things like that. I was surprised to get the news that she is only in the 27th percentile and is about 3 pounds 10 oz now and the midwife made an educated guess saying she thinks she will only be 6 1/2 pounds when she's born. That seems so tiny as I've been bracing myself for an 8 or above pound baby! It's good to know that I'm just measuring big (fundal height) because I have a short torso. I'm measuring 4 weeks ahead on the outside! Can't wait to get everything ready and meet my baby! Also, this week she's figured out a 'game' where she kicks and I give a little push back and she feels like communication, and I love it!!! Glad to hear everyone else seems to be doing great, who knew these last weeks would get here so quickly!
Congrats on passing your GTT Iamblessed. Now you can concentrate on enjoying the last few weeks.
Mrsctobe - Try not to worry about baby's position or size. It is what it is. The doctors will decide on the best steps for you. Try to enjoy the last few weeks. Baby easily could surprise you!
Its always easy for other peeps to say that thought when they are not in that position. im not worried about him being big as long as he gets out. but you cant not not worry about having a major op that scares the shit out you esp when your mother nearly died having a c section with you.
Congrats on passing your GTT Iamblessed. Now you can concentrate on enjoying the last few weeks.
Mrsctobe - Try not to worry about baby's position or size. It is what it is. The doctors will decide on the best steps for you. Try to enjoy the last few weeks. Baby easily could surprise you!
Its always easy for other peeps to say that thought when they are not in that position. im not worried about him being big as long as he gets out. but you cant not not worry about having a major op that scares the shit out you esp when your mother nearly died having a c section with you.
Mrsctobe. I don't wish to be rude here, but there are plenty of ladies having far worse pregnancies than you are and are definitely looking at a c section in order to give their babies the best chance. You have a healthy, growing boy in there and only approximately 3% of babies are breech when their Mother's go in to labour. The odds are really good for you and if your lo doesn't turn then a planned c section in 2012 would be far the safest way for you to deliver (and they will try to turn baby first so a c section isn't inevitable).
Yes any procedure is scary, but the situation will be managed to give you and your baby the healthiest outcome. Medicine has moved on so much since you were born, so I'm sure the doctors will do their best to limit the risks. There's no guarantee that some of us here won't have a c section for one reason or another and we're all concerned that this might happen. Personally I have a family history of premature labours, pre-eclampsia and heart conditions, so I am well aware that despite all my best laid plans, I may end up with a c section anyway. It's not healthy for me to dwell on that possibility and I don't think it's any good for you to do so either. As the lady running my NCT class said, those women who think they will have a painful and terrible labour often end up with exactly that. Those who think they will cope and have a good experience, tend to do so as they have the confidence and the inner strength to get through it. A little PMA never hurt anyone.
Hi all!
Mrsmctobe: I had to have a c-section for Eamon as he was footling breech and never turned, and it wasn't as bad as I imagined They have come really really far with caesars over the years. My recovery period wasn't long at all. I was walking on the day after the section, showering myself, and was able to do light housework two weeks after, and felt normal again by 4 weeks PP. (I did bleed for six weeks but I know that varies from woman to woman.)
This time I will be having an elective section, not by choice as my hospital doesn't allow VBACs And I am scared as of course it is major surgery but I also know that the risks aren't as high as they were even say 10 years ago with c-sections.