8 weeks or less and here we come baby!:)


Jul 18, 2011
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Well ladies here we are finally in 3rd tri wooohoooooo!!! I can't believe we are in the final stretch and in 3 months will be meeting our little ones!! I am so excited to be here. So how is everyone doing today? I hope all of you are feeling as good as I am.:) Any new updates / new scans / bump pics I would love to see as I am sure all of us would. I will be adding my bump later on and the new bed I just purchased for my sweet little princess!! It is just a basic travel crib and not a pack n play about a foot to a foot and a half smaller then a pack n play! I wasn't going to go all out since this is the last baby and I will just be getting rid of stuff after she grows out of it. Getting close to being done buying everything. Anyway I am adding the pic of pack n play against the size of my LO's bed...her bed is on the left. Again Looking forward to all the updates and anything else you ladies want to add!! Hope you are having a great weekend!!:hug:


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Hiya :flower:

Congrats to us all on third and final trimester :happydance:
I will post a bump pic a bit later feel like i look fat today cos my bump looks so low at the bottom.

Had physio yday for my spd she had a talk with me and gave me a tubagrip (like a boob tube for belly) so will try that see if it works. I've got apps for the next 3 weeks...Consultant a week on monday @ 28weeks 4days,
then the week after physio again @ 29weeks 5days,
then midwife at 31 weeks 1day
then every 3 weeks after im told.

I'm getting or should get measured at 28week app wondering what im measuring i still worry as im still less weight now as what i was before pregnancy.:happydance: another 3 lbs before im back to previous pregnancy weight. xx

hows everyone else? x
Ps how much longer we eggplants for? i dont think an eggplant looks 14inches at all :s lol whats the next fruit?
I think we are eggplants this last week then we are squash!! they don't look as nice lol. Then we become honeydew then watermelon then done!! W00t w00t!! Can I ask what do you ladies think of my little princesses new bed? I know its plain but I wasn't going for fancy I just wanted opinions! I think I am just too simple lol.
I think it looks lovley & comfortable & like the colour :D
she will be all snug and cosy in there :) xxxx
i think its lovely mines was supposed to come today but didnt grrr :) x
The bed looks lovely! Totally understand the urge to keep it simple, this is our first, and I've had to exercise a lot of restraint to keep from going overboard, but I know I'll be grateful for the simplicity and lack of clutter later on.
Hi ladies. Just noticed the thread. Woohoo...its great that we are finally here. We stay eggplants till 29 weeks u think...we seem to have been them for a while now lol. Do we stay on each fruit for 3 weeks now? Iamblessed - I really like the bed you bought, itsvery cute. Looks very cosy. No real updates for me this week, its been pretty uneventful. I did have my 28 week appointment which went well, bubs is measuring perfectly. She is head down but not engaged, so no doubt she'll move again haha. Dont see midwife again til 32 weeks then every 2 weeks after that. Heres hoping this final stretch continues to go quickly xx
I am 30 mins away from joining you!!!! I've been buying wallpaper and paint for the nursery today, i cant wait to get cracking on it tomorrow. Hope everyone is feeling well.
Hello! My next appointment is on Tuesday. Dreading it a bit. I hate having blood taken and I'm really not too keen on the midwife at my GPs either which doesn't help matters.

Rib pain has eased a little but somehow I have hurt the ligaments in my foot which isn't ideal! I never thought this would be in my top three of things I miss from pre-pregnancy but I cannot wait to be able to pop a nurofen!!

Also I felt baby switch positions this week. Last week it looked like my bump had dropped but baby was still transverse. Now I feel like head is down and it's bottom is sticking way out. Sideways on I look like a capital B! I have to say it felt very odd and made me a little squeamish the way I felt it move. I cringe at the thought of feeling it again only when baby is much bigger and there is less room!

Hope you're all okay. xx
Here we are in third tri! :)

I've got my 1 hour glucose tolerance test on Tuesday. ...I really hope I pass!!
GL for Thursday CaliGinger! I hated the GTT last time.
My first son was breech so I'm hoping this one stays head down, he was at last check and it's a lot more comfortable than it was last time tbh. I don't have a head in my ribcage :haha:
Hey Ladies :flow:
Hope everyone's doing well.
Can't believe we're on the home stretch!
Hubby finished painting the nursery yesterday & it looks fabulous! Got the carpet fitter coming in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to get organised in there!
I've got my 28 week mw appt on Thursday, what happens on that one? Is it just another general check up?
I can totally relate to the pelvic pain. Hellish! Got pelvic support belt & crutches.. The crutches are only for if I'm walking quite far but I've been a home body since being signed off work as rest is the only things that seems to help, so not used them much. Yup can't wait to be able to neck some decent painkillers either but by the time I can I won't need them. Fingers crossed.
Yay for 3rd tri, the final stretch can't believe how fast it has gone before we know it we will be term and getting ready for our lo arriving.
Hi all nice to see most of you in the 3rd tri now x Im not official for a couple more hours but what the hell :happydance:

Iamblessed im lovin your crib and im like you as this baby is deffo my last haha x Sorry to hear your feeling abit sick again and hope it passes x

Hey mrsc must be awful havin spd my sister had it and said it was so painful :hugs:

Im getting really excited now about meeting the baby and today i have been to my mums and she is knitting the most beautiful blanket i have ever seen :thumbup: xx
Woohoo for 3rd tri! :happydance:

Thanks once again for starting the thread Iamblessed, your cot is lovely :flower:

Hope everyone is keeping well, not long now til we'll be holding our little ones, it's gone by so fast :)
Loving your little girls bed Iamblessed. x

Notnic, why are you getting bloods or is that the norm? I have my 28 week app tomorrow. Not sure when I get seen again after that. She said that she will tell me what way baby is positioned but Im not sure what else will happen. I havent been weighed since my booking in app so I would imagine they might do that but who knows.

Caliginger and Hakunamatata, good luck with GT. Im hoping I dont have to get one!

So I still havent bought a thing yet. Reckon at some point soon Ill have to get my finger out and get on with it but Ive been suffering with excruciating back and hip pain for almost the last week so cant walk very far or it starts killing me. Not sleeping because of it so pretty shattered too. Im being referred to a physio so I reckon they will probably give me a bump support to help ease it a bit. going on major shopping spree once Im feeling better.

Oddori, you sound like you are in terrible pain. :( I hope you feel better soon hun. My ailments seem minor in comparison. xx

Hope you are all fine. Was reading a thread earlier about buying dishcloths to wipe your foof after you give birth and peeing in the shower instead of the toilet and am completely freaked out now!! What on earth are we letting ourselves in for!! :rofl:

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