AFM - Am feeling so much better now than I did last week.
I consider myself very lucky to have recovered quite quickly I think.
Bleeding only lasted a day or so, then pink spotting for a day and now hardly anything - only when I wipe and only once a day or so, other times it is clear.
Decided to do a hpt this morning as I did one the day before I went into hospital and it was VERY positive, this mornings is almost negative, had to wait at least 3 minutes for a second line to show and its so faint, its almost not there.
I have to say that my NHS experience was an excellent one. I went in for 8am, was in my own private room by 8.30 where DH was allowed to stay with me throughout. They gave me Misoprostol via fifi at 9.15 and I was told to stay lying on the bed. It gave me mild period pains so I knew it was doing its job.
They came for me at 11 and wheeled me down to the theatre, I was knocked out about 11.15 and came round in recovery just before 12.
I immediately burst into tears, felt so sad that it was truly all over and relief that I was all done - emotions all mixed together.
They wheeled me back to my room and a nurse went and got Darren. They did my blood pressure and it was ''textbook perfect'' as the nurse put it.
Darren was shaking like a leaf, bless him and more than relieved to see that I was ok.
I was in quite a bit of pain at that point so they gave me strong painkillers, a sandwich and a cup of tea. (Amazing!)
The painkillers
took about half an hour to kick in and then I felt great, really spaced out. They redid my blood pressure and it had dropped really low, so I had to stay a bit longer, but was still home for 2.45pm.
All in all a good experience.
I have to say this experience did seem to be more thorough than the last one. Last time I wasn't given the Misoprostol beforehand and certainly no antibiotics. This time I had rectal antibiotics and painkillers whilst under the anesthetic as well as an injection against DVT.
I had Metronidazole, Azithromycin and Diclofenac and they also sent me home with a 3 day course of Diclofenac.
I took a pic on my phone of my notes so I could google what I'd had
Just telephoned the doctors surgery to request a note for another week. I feel ok, but just not quite ready to go back to work (plus why rush eh, might as well enjoy some of my time seeing the past 4 weeks have been hell on earth)
Hope everyone is ok on this very windy Monday morning. What to do today??
Might go and have a coffee with my mum and dad... (well tea as I STILL can't stomach the smell of coffee - hope it goes soon as I miss my coffee)
Promise to start reading peoples journals soon - I want to get to know you all