TBH no idea which way it will go I don't feel pregnant but nor do I feel Like AF is about to arrive. If AF does arrive then we'll try again one more month then take a months break as we've got a trip to the US late Jan/early Feb and if we kept going I'd still be I the risky early stages whilst we are there - I don't mind going pregnant but past the risky time but I don't want the added stress of being in the early stages of pregnancy and on my holiday!
hun i really do hope you get your bfp! both times ive been pregnant i really thought AF was about to show...i even had a scan at 3 weeks and the dr said that the lining of my cervix was so thick and was i expecting to start my period to which i replied yes...only 5 days later i got my bfp! so I do hope you get your bfp!! fingers crossed and sending lots of baby dust...
AFM, I have had the fear so badly today. Tummy and hips are achey and it just takes me right back to last time I was pregnant. I know it's normal, but I've been caught out twice with MMCs when I thought everything was OK so just don't feel I can trust my body anymore. I have a Drs appt tomorrow so she should arrange for an 8wk scan so it will be good to start the ball rolling. Sorry to winge when I've been so lucky.
I hope your dr's appointment goes well tomorrow and that she will reassure you that all is ok...its only natural to have this feeling after two losses but I do hope that your bean is a sticky one and you go on to have a happy and healthy 9 months...maybe try to do something during the day to occupy your thoughts and to distract you...you're really not winging!!! this si the place to vent and all what your feeling is exactly what we all are probably going to experience when we get our bfp...good luck tomorrow hun...wish you all the best x x x
My cycles are between 33-35 days long. Last cycle was 33 days, because I took soy. I'm hoping to push it up even further taking soy again. We're definitely close in CD. I think we'll start BDing over the weekend and try for every other day to every 2 days.
I hope you catch your egg this cycle Tweak!!
AFM...had a BFP dream and now I've woken up in a weird mood as it felt so real. Damn you subconscious messing with me when I was doing so well
NSN i'm so sorry your dream upset you
..sometimes we think about things so much that they become reflective in our subconscious...I was thinking about my baby and then i had one of these dreams the other day. It was so realistic...but i really really do believe that its something positive, that our dreams our subconsciously letting us know that we're going to get our babies soon...fingers crossed for you hun and hoping that dream will become a reality really soon.
I'm 34 and DH is 37 and this is our first time trying. We did get a BFP two years ago when not trying and that turned into a chemical pregnancy. We started trying officially in September - but ov had already happened. Tried again in October and got 3 BFP's on FRER. Went to the doc and got a BFN on a blood test. They would not do a quantitative test and said that I must have purchased a bad test. Um, no. Symptoms mixed with BFP's leads me to believe that it was another chemical.
Trying again this month using OPK - guessing at ov around the 15th!
I am so sorry for your losses
Welcome to the thread, this is the most amazing thread i have come by in terms of support and genuine understanding...I hope you catch the egg this month and go on to having a healthy and happy nine months...
Feeling slightly better today but still pretty bummed out. AF came yesterday so we are going to start ttc again this month. I just past the 2 year mark of ttc and nothing to show for it but 4angel babies. I took 2 (not one) months after this last mc because I just needed a break and was in no state to deal with another mc if it had of happened. I have spent the last 2 birthdays mc'g and I'm so ready to have my luck and all of ours turn around.
So sorry AF came yesterday hun
Its strange how now we measure time in our lives by what would've been our EDD and ttc time, I am so focused on ttc it has become my new way of figuring out time! I can imagine how it feels to ttc after two years as im not that far behind you, its been a year and half for me. But just think that in that two years time you could have an 15 month old child...i really do hope you catch your egg really soon hun
Afm yep ive started my mission, we
at the weekend, then yesterday am and this morning, not sure whether to skip tom then do fri, prob ov somewhere between friday and monday? Dont wanna burn him out!
to all xxxxxx
Good luck hun hope you catch the egg...!!
To all the new ladies...welcome!!!
AFM im on cd 14 and have BD sunday and Tuesday i have no idea about when i will ovulate as im not using opks..were kind of just going with the flow this month...just going to bd as frequently as possible fingers crossed that november is going to be a good month!! bring on the bfp's!!!