Ladyfog - I hope you're doing okay today
For a ticker, some girls like the ones from here: -- that tell you how big baby is .. you can also search for pregnancy tickers and see what comes up. Once you get the code, go to User CP then Edit Signature and paste it in there.
NSN - Sorry the dream had you in a funk. They do that to me too, when I have them. Totally throws off my whole day.
Raspberry - Any news yet?
BeachChica - You're more than welcome to join our group.
Sorry about your losses
You'll find a great group of girls here for support.
Soooo, I think I've had a change of mind regarding next cycle. I know I said I was going to go to the doctors, but now I'm thinking of taking a break. It's going to be around the holidays, and I'm not sure if I want to endure testing and everything before Christmas time. We may just quit EVERYTHING - no OPKs, temping, checking CM or CP .. nothing. Not sure though. In some ways, I want to, so I can focus on my weight loss, but I desperately want a baby as well. To see so many friends out there getting pregnant and having babies, makes me feel worse that I don't have mine.
We'll see