A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Beach...that's a + hpt there. Looks like a definite BFP! You didn't get a trigger shot or anything that could leave you with a bit of hcg in your system, did you? If not, you're most definitely pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Thanks Wookie - No I haven't had anything or even really taken anything this time around for that matter. I have been pretty lax with all my vitamins and everything. I am just so confused why it would be so light!!?? I will test again in a couple days.
Wow, beach - tentative congratulations to you. That is a definite second line. Sending you sticky dust :dust:

Nicki - I've replied in your journal hun but big hugs :hugs:

Oyinkan - so sorry for your losses but welcome. This is a great place for support :hugs:

:hi: Wookie
I can see the line Beach, sometimes it's hard to pick up on photos but its def there!*
I know the anxiety of getting a line that's not as strong as you like. All you can do it test again tomorrow (or the day after if you can bear to wait that long) and see if there is any progression. I have all my fx that there is! :dust:

Hello oyinkan :wave: sorry for your losses, hopefully it will help talking to us ladies as we know what you're going through :hugs: FX for your BFP soon!

Afm - well I thought the primary purpose of today's tests was Thromboelastography (or TEG) which detects clotting abnormalities that Aren't conventionally detected. I think the test is just done at St Mary's. But I also*had another 3D scan. The good news was my ovaries looked good, they have looked slightly PCO in the past but not today and There was a corpus luteum on the right ovary from ovulation.*Unfortunately there is something on the left hand side of my uterus that they can't quite make out - either a polyp or fibroid or maybe scarring from having had 5 erpcs. The doc wants to do a hysteroscopy to find out, and the waiting time for this is 8 weeks. It is done under general anaesthetic in day surgery - If its a fibroid or polyp they'll remove it at the time, if its damage from the ops they'll put in some coils and hormones which they'll take out 4 weeks later.*

I have an apt on 13th March for repeat bloods and then an apt on 23rd April to go over all the results. 23rd April ... It felt like it was just New Year and now I'm wishing a third of the year away. It's going to be 3 months before ttc can start again :(

I was feeling very grumpy and frustrated earlier as i'd just got myself psyched up for getting back on the ttc wagon but am feeling a bit better now - as it has been pointed out, best to get this all sorted out now before getting pg again, it's gives the next one an even better chance.*

I am off to make a strong coffee! The giving up can wait a bit longer now :)*
Wow congratulations beach will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Maybe its light because it was a late implanter? :hugs: x
Hi girls, well appt went ok. They saw two 1 cm follicles on the right side and saw a bigger one on the left. I forget what the size was on the left. She said that it was less than 2 cm on the left which she would like to see it at 2 and she said that I can get there within the next few days. She thinks I will ovulate on or before friday. She gave me an estrogen patch that I have to wear for the next 4 days or until I ovulate. Endo lining was at 7 and she wanted to see it at 10 again said that I still had a couple of days to see if it got to that point but I think the estrogen should help with that too if I understood right. So in a nutshell, EVERYTHING is borderline. Sigh. I dont know how I feel about this... I told dh that I feared havign another apt with bad news and he said well this wasnt BAD news, just not great news. Looks like I am going to O from the left and I just hope that follicle grows and my endo lining thickens up. She also advised against pree-seed. I dont know why but she wasnt happy when I told her that I had used that in the past. Since I didnt use it with my 1st pregnancy, Im hoping that I will be able to get pregnant without it again. I just felt like I needed it since all the procedures and everything. She also wants to run a progesterone test on me 7 days after my + opk again this cycle. She also wants me to use the crinone again so we'll see.

Daily :dust: to you all!
Beach I never see faint lines on the screen and I see that!! Oh god how I hope this is it for you!! fx so tightly!

Lexi as everyone said that is a beautiful name!

Nicki, believe me I understand. After my ectopic that lasted from my lmp of october 1 2011 until January 30 2012 I had to have an hsg in feb and than a hysteroscopy/laparoscopy in march and then another hsg and laparoscopy in may and THEN had to wait for healing time to ttc!!! Every time he told me a few months I wanted to scream at him as the thought was unbearable! My only advice is don't look too far ahead, look toward each goal separately. My saving grace was that I didn't know before exactly how long it would end up taking. If you told me in December 2011 that I wouldn't be pg again until now, I would have had to been locked up!! One more thing I know you mentioned, but knowing something has been "fixed" will make you feel much better about your next pregnancy. If I had not had my surgeries I would think this time was no different than the others, but if it is a large fibroid and it is removed that could account for your losses and fixing will hopefully get a happier ending.

Afm I am very, very happy today! I had my first appt. with my high risk dr. and actually had an abdominal ultrasound, my first ever! I did not think at 7 weeks they could do it, but sure enough saw and heard heartbeat in the 130's and I am measuring exactly 7 weeks which was 7 weeks 2 days from lmp, but 7 weeks is exactly when i thought I o'ed. So yep Christmas Day did it! Due date is now Sept 16 instead of 15th and he is gonna see me EVERY 2 WEEKS with a scan every 4 weeks! I guess kidney disease has one advantage...
Hi girls...sorry I've been MIA, just got to the point of feeling v blah about it all, just had the 1 yr date of the 2nd loss and have had that whole "we haven't moved on since then" feeling. Just nothing happening at all! Dh tried to say it's a lot for my body to bounce back from. Tried quite hard this month, again, so hoping for good news. Cd31 today and so far no af...hoping she stays well away after a random early af last month (cd25).

Anyway....Beach I can see the 2nd line too, that's great news! I hope the next test shows more for you.

Nicki, sorry you have more ttc delay but I hope the procedures sort everything out, once and for all x

Lexi, yay I love the name! Well done on settling on one, hope it feels right and that you are getting some rest. How are you finding everything? More pics pls, those last ones were gorgeous. How are your parents, btw?

And Emme, yay congrats!! I'm so pleased everything is well, thanks for sharing your story. Pics pls! :hugs:

Thurl, I hope you aren't out hun xx
Hi girls - here's the morning test. There is definitely a 2nd line but it's light!! What do you girls think? It was a late O and looks like late implantation for me this month :wacko: Here we go again...


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Beach, you're definitely pregnant. My advice to you would be to go get beta hcg tests done...one today, and then one on Friday, so see if your hcg levels are moving in the right direction. It's faster than just "waiting and seeing", and it's far better to go off the levels, rather than faintness/darkness of lines on pregnancy tests. Pregnancy tests are merely DIAGNOSTIC...they don't tell you how pregnant you are, nor do they predict an impending miscarriage or chemical pregnancy. They merely tell you if you're pregnant or not. Often, the lines do get darker the more concentrated your urine is, or the more hcg is present in your system, but sometimes they don't either. I find that the dye used in the FRER are not as dark as they used to be, for example. Getting your hcg levels drawn at the lab would be the way to go for your piece of mind, seriously. All it takes is a phone call to your doctor, request that they test your levels, and drive for a quick poke today and Friday.

Good luck...I have everything crossed for you!
I agree with Wookie, to get your betas done and you'll know the score more than the hpts will tell you x
beach - I also agree with the above advice about getting your betas checked. Trying to analyze the darkness of lines on those hpts is going to drive you crazy.

soop - Sorry about the one year mark. Have you guys thought about going to a reproductive endocrinologist (assuming you haven't already)? I saw an RE after one year passed since my last miscarriage and he evaluated me for both recurrent miscarriages and general infertility since it had been a year and I wasn't able to get pregnant again. Ended up having to do some clomid/iuis then eventually IVF but it was worth it because I am now 15 weeks and 5 days pregnant. The natural way just stopped working for me after that second miscarriage.
Soop, I totally understand how you feel. This is my first round on Clomid (50mg) and I too am terrified that I will not be able to conceive naturally again after mc#2. My folli scan didnt go great yesterday.. not bad but not great. I read nottoop's journal and its really inspiring to know that you are not alone in this journey. Science has come a long way and hopefully you will get the answers you are looking for and have your rainbow baby. :)
Notop and mommylov, thank you x I'm going to go back to the doc either Feb/March, they said I can't have any investigation until 2 years of trying has past. So I will go then and pester them. Notop that is great news you have got that far along, I'm really happy for you. I might try to pop over to your journal too for inspiration x
Mommylov I hope the Clomid does the trick for you. I haven't had whether my follicles are working or not. I had a scan a while ago, but it was at a point in my cycle where they wouldn't have been any. I had a 21day blood test and was told that was normsl....who knows. Holding out for this month but not sure what to think. I've been feeling really hot and have lower back ache...but no sore boobs or anything. Which is weird, consider I'm technically due af tomo! Hmmmmm.

That's great news about Patiently, btw x
What's going on with Patiently? I must have missed the update?
Soop, I was in the same boat with my first dr. A little history... got preg the first time and had a miss mc at 8 wks and a d& c 2 days later. The dr said to come back after which I did and she cleared us to try again 2 months later. Fell preg again but this time she ran a qual blood test and said I wasnt. I was late and no af and litterally 15 +hpt.. digis and reg. She lied to me and told me she ran a beta the second blood test. Went to the er that night because I had some mild cramping and they were able to see what she did and told me that she did another qual. She told me I was not pregnant and never was and to call her in two weeks if I didnt get my period. The er said I was pregnant but it was very early (3-4 weeks). Found a new dr (my dr now) and told her my story and she felt awful and ran all sorts of blood work and tried to give me prgesterone but it was too late and I mc that next week. Normally they tell you that they dont do any kind of testing or monitoring until after you mc 3 times or if your are over 35 (Im 32) but since I was devesated from everything my dr is monitoring me closely and said "We will get you pregnant with a healthy lo and go full term". The point I make is some drs go by the book and others really understand what we are going through and try and help us acheive our dreams. Is there anyway you can try and talk to your dr or maybe look into changing to one that will hear you out? I really hope you get your rainbow baby soon!! xx
Hi Wookie - patiently is currently about 30 weeks pg and doing well :) I have been messaging her on fb but she is steering clear of BnB for the time being.

Soop! So lovely to hear from you, I've often wondered what you're up to. Totally understand why you've been staying away a little bit. I hope pestering the dr pays off I really do :hugs:

Beach-ditto what the ladies say about beta blood tests. When it's too early to see a hb on a scan its the only way really of putting your mind at rest. Fx for you.

Glad te apt went well Mommylov :)

Thanks for the kind words kmp, Hi everyone else :)
Thanks Nikki and I really hope you are able to get things sorted out. Its a bummer to have to wait to ttc but its great that they are trying to really make sure you are able to have a healthy lo and pregnancy. Sending you lots of sticky dust and good thoughts for everything to go smoothly :)

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