A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Hi girls - called the dcotors office - they want to do betas today and again on Friday. I'm excited, but nervous. We will see what's going on. I'll keep you posted.
Best of luck...it's the fastest, and best way to tell which way this is going so far, Beach. I wish you nothing but the best, and I pray that your levels skyrocket from today until Friday. If they don't, and you're headed for another miscarriage, it was truly better that you found out now, rather than finding out after the idea sinks in a bit more. I know that since you've experienced recurrent losses, you are already guarding your head and heart, and expecting the worse. :hugs: Sometimes that's the best we can do for ourselves in our position.
Beach... sending pos sticky vibes hun and really hoping this is your rainbow baby! :)
Thanks Wookie - so true, those of us that have experienced a loss are a bit more tainted when it comes to getting excited about BFPs. It's hard not to expect th worst. I just keep telling myself that it has to work out sooner or later right??? Hopefully the Betas will come back good.
Hi everyone, tried to have a proper catch up with everyone while Elsa's having her morning nap. Sorry I've not been around, I've been lurking but not always time to post!

NTAT - amazing news about your scan. So glad that everything looks like it's going to plan. Just take each stage at a time and hopefully you'll be holding your baby in a few months time! :flower:

Nicki. - Glad you are getting some tests and can completely understand the frustration. Hopefully these tests will mean that you can get the help you need to make your next pregnancy your rainbow. Hang on in there!

Thurl - :flower: lots of :dust: to you.

Soop - you are always so positive and lovely on this thread and I wish so much that you fall pregnant again soon. I'm sorry you're finding it hard :cry: Anniversaries are so tough, but it does always feel a bit better when they pass. I can completely relate to feeling a 'delay' in moving your life on. Maybe while you're trying you could give yourself a new non baby related project to do? We renovated and moved into our house (I'm not suggesting anything that big!) but it helped to look back on that horrible year knowing that it wasn't all about our losses. Anyway, lots of :hugs: and fingers crossed for 2013!

Beach - Yay! :happydance: There's definitely a line there - I often can't see a faint line on the laptop but I can see yours! Fingers crossed for your betas.

Wookie - getting there now - 33 weeks! Only 4 weeks until you'll be considered full term! You all ready?

Emme - How are you getting on? Hope Jonathan is giving you lots of joy and a little bit of sleep :winkwink:

Buttercup - I think you're body falls pregnant when it's ready again. As long as there's no infection risk from DTD then if yo want to try, do. My body has always taken a little while to get back on track so it's dictated to me when we'll get pregnant again.

Oyi-Welcome, and sorry for your losses. This is a group of lovely, strong, positive women and you'll get lots of support here :hugs:

Lexi - lovely name, glad you got there in the end :winkwink:. We've had times when Elsa's sleep pattern just changes, but it normally goes back again - being awake at night is hard though! I always think that as long as Elsa is clean, fed and warm enough there's probably nothing much that I can do and just ride the storm. Could she have wind? Or be brewing a poo? Sometimes that wakes Elsa up, and did especially when she was tiny. Hopefully the HV will be able to help.

NSN - been lurking in your journal, will post there when I get a moment :flower:, but you know what that's like!

Sorry if I've missed anyone - :hugs: and :flower: to you all!

AFM and Elsa, we got a date for Elsa's op a few days ago - it's on the 21st Feb. We've got to head to GOSH on the 20th for pre-op tests (about 4 hours of them!) and then she'll be admitted at 7.30 the next morning. She's be 2 nights in ICU then 2 nights in high dependency when both me and DH will be with her then onto the normal cardiac ward for how ever long it takes her to recover - hopefully no more than a week. She's doing really well at the moment and it breaks my heart to think about what she's about to go through, she really has no idea! Everyone says that she won't remember but I worry it's going to affect her in some way and I can't bear the thought of leaving her while they put her to sleep :cry:. Just trying to concentrate on the practical things like packing for now and trying to take the rest as it comes. Most of all I'm looking forward to it all being over and having her home safe and well. Please keep your fingers crossed for us and I'll post a update when I get a chance.
Beach, did you get your beta results from yesterday yet?

DH and I didnt bd last night.. I fell asleep :dohh: but I did an O test this morning and I still havent surged yet so thats good for now. If I dont surge today, I have another folli scan set up for tomorrow morning so I will see where they are at. Im hoping my lining and follis grew a little more so that my dr will be happy although from what everyone is telling me... 16mm folli and uterine line at 7 isnt bad for cd11 on clomid (50mg) so who knows :shrug:

Hope everyone is doing well! :flower:
nicki--Oh wow well thats good they found something that might have caused the mc's Hopefully its only a fibroid or polyp. Have you been scanned before and they missed it so maybe that is what was causing the losses. :shrug: Hopefully that was it and by this summer you will get your sticky bfp.:hugs:

oyinkan-welcome so sorry you have been through that. Were they missed mc's like were you able to see the heart beat before the mc or did you mc with out ever seeing anything? Are you able to go see someone I would think after 2 2nd trimester losses they would do something. Again so sorry but hope you get a sticky bfp in a few weeks:hugs:

Beach---Yay!!!!:happydance: Praying [-o< the 6th time is the charm as it was for me so far. When will you get the results back. FRER looks good. Have you taken anymore test today? FX :hugs:

Thurl--Any news I see no af yet?

NTAT--yay!! almost 10 wks :happydance:..When's your next scan.

mommylov--hopefully you been getting so :sex: in since you O today or tomorrow :winkwink:

kmp--congrats!!!!:happydance: I had my first TA at 12 wks so that was exciting. So nice on getting a scan every 4 I think after my next one at 18 to 20 wks then I won't get one till 30+ wks but not sure.

Soop--GL is af still gone??
heheh thanks Monroe.. I actually fell asleep last night :dohh: what a do do I am! I took an O test this morning and no surge yet and I have another folli scan scheduled for tomorrow morning. Hopefully they see a nice thicker lining and bigger follicles!

How are you feeling?
Good look with it:flower:. If no surge yet then get some tonight:winkwink:. FX for bigger follies and thicker lining can they put you on progesterone to thicken it more?

Tired, and stomach growling but not hungry. My dh rolled over this morning and was holding my stomach and he said wow that is hard. I said yeah thats what it does however I have ben noticing in the morinings when I wake up my stomach is always hard then it goes softer during the day but there are times when I can feel it tightening up randomly. I have read its braxton hicks but wouldn't it be to early or them? I cannot wait to find out what I am having. I kinda feel like once I find out it's official. I will also anounce it on FB then. I hope a girl b/c of the reason my dh wants a boy lol. But really the main reason is it would be the only one in the immediate family and close outer family however I would love a boy too. For some reason I think a boy would be easier then a girl. And our plan or a boy first to watch over his sis would work if (the second is a girl.) I really think if it is a girl that he will want to try right away for a boy so they can be close in age and he can still watch over her but I think I will need a break from pregnancy for a while lol.
Thanks! They have me on Minivelle (estridiol patch) since tuesday to try and thinken the lining a little more. They want me to start progesterone I think when I O but Ill ask the dr again tomorrow.
Beach :yipee: So so please to see your line, it's so clear! I have everything crossed for your tests :hugs:

Nicki I have posted in your journal, but just to say as always your positivity is amazing, everything is going in the right direction hun :hugs:

Lady I will keep everything tightly crossed, will be thinking about you :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:

I have a nice visit from the :witch: today, so here were go again..... :dohh:
Good look with it:flower:. If no surge yet then get some tonight:winkwink:. FX for bigger follies and thicker lining can they put you on progesterone to thicken it more?

Tired, and stomach growling but not hungry. My dh rolled over this morning and was holding my stomach and he said wow that is hard. I said yeah thats what it does however I have ben noticing in the morinings when I wake up my stomach is always hard then it goes softer during the day but there are times when I can feel it tightening up randomly. I have read its braxton hicks but wouldn't it be to early or them? I cannot wait to find out what I am having. I kinda feel like once I find out it's official. I will also anounce it on FB then. I hope a girl b/c of the reason my dh wants a boy lol. But really the main reason is it would be the only one in the immediate family and close outer family however I would love a boy too. For some reason I think a boy would be easier then a girl. And our plan or a boy first to watch over his sis would work if (the second is a girl.) I really think if it is a girl that he will want to try right away for a boy so they can be close in age and he can still watch over her but I think I will need a break from pregnancy for a while lol.

I too thought the same thing and want a boy first for the same reason but I have an older brother and he was just mean to me growing up lol We are 6 years apart though so I too wont be waiting that long. I hope no matter what you have, he/she is happy and healthy :flower:
Well, little Haribo now measures 10 weeks and has tiny little fingers and toes. All looks fantastic!

It was an internal scan as she wanted to check everything in detail and see about the bleeding too. Haribo was sleeping at first but woke up whilst she was trying to measure, and moved his/her hands about, :cloud9: amazing to see. She spent ages showing us his/her head, legs, arms and fingers. Plus she showed us the placenta and the cord. I could have stayed there all day.

She couldn't see any reason for the bleeding :shrug:

I have now been discharged from the FS and my next scan will be my 12 week one. It was a poignant moment and quite emotional. I couldn't thank them enough for all that they have done for us over the past 10 months or so.

Here's Haribo

Ahhh wow NTAT your pic is amazing, so so pleased to hear how well everything is going :hugs:
Wow ntat big congrats hun you must be so relieved! You're gonna have a baby!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: x

Beach keeping my fx for you x

Soop we had months of bding everyday during fertile time with no success but i had a crappy lp 10-11 days max, i was ovulating so the prog test didnt help but when i added prog during lp i got bfp 2 out of 3 month. Dont give up, pester your gp, good luck. My parents are fine thanks for asking, they moved house last week though so everythings been very chaotic at the mo. :dohh: x

Lady Elsa will be in good hands at gosh, but i can imagine how terrified you must be, keep us posted. :hugs: Neve has been on infacol and things are a bit better, i also think she hated her crib but shes getting used to it a bit more now. On a good night we get 7 hours broken into 3 stages x

Thurl boo for af but yay for a new cycle good luck x

Nicki when do you hear from coventry? x

Monro 2nd tri! Not long til you find out :thumbup:

Wookie you are so close now, do you have a birth plan? x

Emme hows it going? Those first couple of weeks are tough x

Welcome and good luck to the new ladies sorry if i missed anyone xx

My little monkey is asleep on me as i type she will wake up as soon as i put her down! Its so hard to get anything done my house is a dump!!
Nights have been a little better i put her in her crib, she has a moan for a while but she does go off. Dh went back to work straight away and when he comes home in the evening he still does work upstairs, he held her for all of 10 mins yest, its so hard, sometimes i just want a little break from her. Like having a long soak in the bath instead of a 5 min shower. I do feel like a single parent some of the time. I do all the night stuff even at weekends.... Moan over! lol. Will add a few recent pics, she has changed and grown so much its scary xx oh and shes 9lb now x
Neve jan2013 072.jpg

Neve jan2013 024.jpg

cant add anymore as it keeps saying file is too large xx
Awww great to hear about the scan!!!! What great news NTAT!!

Lexi, your baby is darling :)
Lady - I can't imagine how you're feeling about Elsa going into hospital, but GOSH is wonderful. Do you get to stay in the hospital? When my friend's little boy was there they got put in family accommodation right across the road. I am sending you lots of :hugs: and positivity for what must be a worrying time but it will be so wonderful when your gorgeous little lady is on the mend.

Monro - yes I have had a 3D scan before but thiS wasn't picked up. So it's either a new development or they missed it before - both are quite possible!

NTAT - ah look at lovely Haribo, you must be so happy! :happydance:

Thurl, damn :witch: :grr: sorry sweetie but I hope your plans for the next cycle pay off big time!

Lexi, Neve is a beauty! Love the bath pic, she's not quite sure what to make of it! I hope hubby remembers that, even though he is working and wants a bit of a rest at the weekend, you are doing the most important job of all and sometimes need a break too!
Results from prof Q take 4 - 6 weeks, it's been 1.5 weeks already though so that time has flown by.

Beach, when will you get the results from the two lots of betas?

AFM, I am focused now on finding a Holiday for April to help pass the time / have something to look forward to while the ttc is on hold. The search is on! :)
Lexi, Neve is just gorgeous!!!

Beach, keeping my fingers, toes, and hair crossed for you tomorrow!!!!

AFM- I'm 33 1/2 weeks along, and I'm done with Lamaze/childbirth classes. I take my breastfeeding class next week. I was diagnosed with a marginal placenta previa at my 20 week ultrasound, and at my 24 week and 32 week ultrasound, it has only moved 1 cm away from the cervix. I'm still on pelvic rest (no sex or internal exams), but they've removed the diagnosis of the previa, and it's being called a "low lying placenta". Since my placenta is posterior, it will have to be at least 3 cm away from the cervix for me to deliver vaginally. I get scanned again at 36 weeks, and if at that time, it hasn't moved up, it probably won't, and they'll schedule a c-section for me in my 39th week, which is the week of March 10th. So, we'll see! Otherwise, baby Hannah is in the 50th percentile for everything, and she's 4 1/2 lbs currently! She loves to practice gymnastics in my womb daily!!! :cloud9:
Kmp - congrats on your scan! I have everything crossed for you!

Soop - any sign of AF yet? I hope she stays away!!!

Lady - I can't believe Elsa's appointment is less than a month away. I am sure she will be fine with the surgery and not remember a thing. Then you can put this all behind you and move on to better times! Are they doing the procedure at a Children's Hospital. I hope they have accommodations for you to be close.

Mommyluv- hope you were able to get one Bding in tonight!

Monroe- 14 weeks already!!! Wow how time flies! Hope it will be 6th time luck for me too. I can't remember, did you do anything different this time?

Thurl - sorry the damn witch arrived! Your charts are looking good, but have you talked to a doctor about Clomid or something to help you O sooner?

NTAT - Congrats! What a great scan pic! I can't believe you can already make out fingers and toes, how exciting!!!!

Lexi - Awwww the pics are great! Totally understand what you are saying about DH. Have you thought about hiring a sitter? My girlfriend was having the same issue and finally she just started hiring a sitter since DH wasn't helping out. She really just needed some time to herself.

Nicki - how about a nice cruise to get your mind off of things.

Wookie - I can't believe you only have 45 days left! How does that marginal placenta happen? I have never heard of that. Are you ok with a delivery either way?

AFM - had my betas yesterday. I meant to call today for the results but I got so slammed at work that by the time I finished they were closed. I go back tomorrow for my second set.

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