Hi everyone, tried to have a proper catch up with everyone while Elsa's having her morning nap. Sorry I've not been around, I've been lurking but not always time to post!
NTAT - amazing news about your scan. So glad that everything looks like it's going to plan. Just take each stage at a time and hopefully you'll be holding your baby in a few months time!
Nicki. - Glad you are getting some tests and can completely understand the frustration. Hopefully these tests will mean that you can get the help you need to make your next pregnancy your rainbow. Hang on in there!
Thurl -

lots of

to you.
Soop - you are always so positive and lovely on this thread and I wish so much that you fall pregnant again soon. I'm sorry you're finding it hard

Anniversaries are so tough, but it does always feel a bit better when they pass. I can completely relate to feeling a 'delay' in moving your life on. Maybe while you're trying you could give yourself a new non baby related project to do? We renovated and moved into our house (I'm not suggesting anything that big!) but it helped to look back on that horrible year knowing that it wasn't all about our losses. Anyway, lots of

and fingers crossed for 2013!
Beach - Yay!

There's definitely a line there - I often can't see a faint line on the laptop but I can see yours! Fingers crossed for your betas.
Wookie - getting there now - 33 weeks! Only 4 weeks until you'll be considered full term! You all ready?
Emme - How are you getting on? Hope Jonathan is giving you lots of joy and a little bit of sleep
Buttercup - I think you're body falls pregnant when it's ready again. As long as there's no infection risk from DTD then if yo want to try, do. My body has always taken a little while to get back on track so it's dictated to me when we'll get pregnant again.
Oyi-Welcome, and sorry for your losses. This is a group of lovely, strong, positive women and you'll get lots of support here
Lexi - lovely name, glad you got there in the end

. We've had times when Elsa's sleep pattern just changes, but it normally goes back again - being awake at night is hard though! I always think that as long as Elsa is clean, fed and warm enough there's probably nothing much that I can do and just ride the storm. Could she have wind? Or be brewing a poo? Sometimes that wakes Elsa up, and did especially when she was tiny. Hopefully the HV will be able to help.
NSN - been lurking in your journal, will post there when I get a moment

, but you know what that's like!
Sorry if I've missed anyone -


to you all!
AFM and Elsa, we got a date for Elsa's op a few days ago - it's on the 21st Feb. We've got to head to GOSH on the 20th for pre-op tests (about 4 hours of them!) and then she'll be admitted at 7.30 the next morning. She's be 2 nights in ICU then 2 nights in high dependency when both me and DH will be with her then onto the normal cardiac ward for how ever long it takes her to recover - hopefully no more than a week. She's doing really well at the moment and it breaks my heart to think about what she's about to go through, she really has no idea! Everyone says that she won't remember but I worry it's going to affect her in some way and I can't bear the thought of leaving her while they put her to sleep

. Just trying to concentrate on the practical things like packing for now and trying to take the rest as it comes. Most of all I'm looking forward to it all being over and having her home safe and well. Please keep your fingers crossed for us and I'll post a update when I get a chance.