Buttercup sorry to hear about your losses, I think it's down to you as to when you start ttc again, I have heard lots of success stories with people ttc straight away, good luck
Nicki thanks hun, I don't feel excited though, my boobs are getting less and less sore so I have a feeling I'm out again, soooooo frustrating, I have tested for the last 3 days but bfn's. Hope you're having a great weekend
Never lovely to hear from you, sounds like you are being kept busy

I'm pretty much the same as always, I have ovulated for the last 3 cycles so that's a start

How is little Louis doing? and how is life as a mummy? (apart from being too busy to scratch your arse
Can I ask the group for some help please? Could someone who likes interpreting temps have a look at my chart and see whether you agree with my ovulation date? I'm not convinced that I did ovulate on CD30, I think it was later, but I can't work it out
Hope everyone is having a great weekend