A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Big congratulations Emme! Glad Jonathan is here safe and sound. Don't feel bad about having drugs to help you through, it's important to do what feels right at the time, not what you think you should do - you don't know what it feels like until it actually happens!

Wookie, I was about to say exactly the same thing abou BF, your milk doesn't come in until 3-5 days after baby is born. if baby feeds and gets the creamy colostrum, that's all they need to start with and then your body will start to produce milk at about the same time as baby needs more. It doesn't look like anything's coming out but it is. My milk cam in at about 4 days I think but it I'm not exactly sure as I didn't get the engorgement that some people get (it was pretty non eventful really!) but I just fed Elsa whenever she wanted it and we managed to stay in tune with each other. I had a few days when literally all I did was feed (growth spurts when my supply needed to increase, you feed even when you think there's nothing in there and that tells your body to make more) but if you keep the faith that your body knows what to do you WILL produce enough. I'm still feeding her now and probably will for a little while yet, and it's now the easiest, loveliest thing :cloud9:.
So so so happy for you Emme :) looking forward to seeing the photos and thanks for sharing your story in detail. We love detail!

Mommylov...I am sorry you got AF, and that you're feeling so down. I totally understand, it's hard work, it really is. But I've heard a lot of ladies get lucky with clomid so I really really hope it works for you. Good luck

Hi everyone else. Hope you're well, we've had loads of snow in London today so have been outside making the most of it.
Hi girls! :wave:
Sorry I have been away so long. We sold our house in 6 days in December and it was nuts trying to get packed and moved to a house my husbands family owns that also had to be gutted for us to move in. My personal life has been crazy so I took a break from TTC! I tried to keep up with the thread but just got too far behind.

I am going to try to read back, hopefully I don't miss anyone.
Congrats on all the BFPs and births since I was last here!!!

Emme - Congrats! Can't wait to see pics!

Lexi - congrats on your little one - the pics are so precious! I was laughing :rofl: when you said she crapped on DH after all his complaining at the hospital, MEN!!!

Monro - so glad things are going well for you!!! Great scan pics! :happydance:

NTAT, kmp - congrats on your BFPs!!!

Wookie- happy 32 weeks! Gosh how time has flown, it won't be long for you!

Ayclobes- not long for you now either! Hope you are feeling better!

Mommylov - good luck on the Clomid! It does work for many girls!

Nicki, Thurl, Soop - how are you girls doing?

Ladyfog- glad Elsa is doing so well!
Hi Beach. I have been wondering how you've been. And also haven't heard from Soop for a while (:wave: hello if you're there Soop)

I don't blame you for having a ttc break Beach - you've had a whirlwind of a life recently by the sounds of it. Are you all settled in now?

So I had my Prof Q apt today :) despite the snow causing havoc around the UK I made it to Coventry! I didn't actually see Prof Q but the other consultant who runs the clinic - Prof Jan Brosens (or Prof B as he shall now be known). He was lovely, he said my lining was a little thin but not too bad (tbh I reckon I'm only 6dpo so understandable) and then did the biopsy. Ouch! It hurts for 10-15 seconds, it's bearable but definitely eye watering, but soon passes.

Results take 4-6 weeks, even if my nk cells are normal he is recommending taking progesterone from about 7dpo, and clexane (?) anyway. He was def anti aspirin, especially before a BFP, which was interesting as I've def heard others say this as it interferes with implantation, but i know some people say to take it from ov! Another case of conflicting advice that us ladies have to deal with.

On my way on to Stoke now, staying in a hotel tonight as have a work do tomorrow. Just want to go home and see DH though. Ah we'll, will see him tomorrow <3
Hi Beach :hi: missed you, hope you're all settled now in the new place.

Nicki - glad its all done for you hunny. Time to chill now and the long wait for results :dohh:
Prof Q is anti aspirin too hence why I'm on the clexane. She wanted to put me on progesterone from 7dpo too but when I mentioned DH's low sperm count, she changed her mind as apparently progesterone can make it harder to get a BFP. Something to think about?

AFM - I'm going out of my mind with worry. Had mild cramping last night and this morning and now I'm bleeding again. Lightly, but heavier than last time and its made its way out on to my knickers this time.
I have made a docs appt for tomorrow and am hoping they can refer me to EPAU as I cannot wait until the 31st for my next scan.
Hoping and praying that little beanie is still ok in there but I'm rapidly losing hope :cry:
Oh so sorry NTAT :hugs: so scary isn't it, so many ups and downs. I am hopeful everything is fine, but I know you won't be able to relax until you've had a scan. I don't know how other EPUs work but the one I go to is just a pop in service, you can often wait for hours but at least you know you'll get seen eventually. There is no way you can wait til 31st! Thinking of you :hugs:

Re progesterone, Prof B said to start taking it from about 7dpo so about when you'd expect implantation. I'd not heard about it getting in the way of a BFP before... Did Prof Q explain how/ why this is?
No, it was on the telephone conversation we had about my results and it was a bad line so I struggled to hear parts of what she was saying.
She just asked about how long it takes me to get pregnant generally and so I said a while due to DH having a low sperm count and she said that she normally suggests progesterone from 7dpo but would recommend me not too given the circumstances as it can be harder to get a BFP :shrug:
NTAT, sending sticky vibes your way and hope that everything is ok.
Thanks girls! Not quite settled yet, we are only living at my husbands family's house only temporarily until we find something. So another move on the horizon for me UGGH!!!

Nicki - glad you got in for your appt today. I really hope you get some answers. This process is soooooo frustrating!

NTAT - I know exactly how stressed you are so I am sending you a super BIG hug! :hugs: and saying lots of prayers that everything is okay. Last time I had bleeding I read a lot of posts where women had bleeding and ended up carrying to full term, hope that's the case for you too!!!
Thanks Beach - yes frustrating it is! It has been nearly 3 years of ttc for me now, in some ways the time has gone really quickly but I never thought we'd be in the same boat after all this time.

I hope you haven't had to unpack all of your boxes Beach so you can just move them again.

Those of you who remember PATIENTLY might like to know she is 30 weeks pg and expecting a little girl :) She is keeping away from BnB for now but will try and pop back after her LO has arrived to tell everyone about it.
Thanks Beach - my scan is at 11.10am this morning - nervous is an understatment!

Nicki - we have been TTC for 3 and a half years so I know how frustrating it is.

Excellent news about Patiently, I have wondered about her over the past few months, she had a really tough time with her family etc so its wonderful news that she is expecting.

In two hours or so, I should know if little Haribo is ok. The bleeding has almost gone again now so hoping it was just a blip but as I've had so many negative experiences at EPAU, I can't shake the impending sense of doom. I'm sure you all know where I'm coming from with that.

Thanks for your support girls, I really appreciate it :hugs:
Well, to my immense relief Haribo is still going strong and measuring exactly 8+4.
My first time for a successful tummy scan too :happydance:

I am over the moon as you can imagine. The EPAU lady was talking to me afterwards and I was watching her lips move but didn't take anything in. Think I was in shock :haha:

Due date has moved to 31st August but I reckon it'll change again by 12 weeks.

Thank you all for your support and words of encouragement - very much appreciated!

Oh and here is a very grainy Haribo :-)

Yay new so pleased for you x

Thats great news about patiently! :thumbup: x

Nicki hope you get some answers from prof q x

Beach youve had a busy old time of it, hope you find yourselves a lovely house soon x

Afm seriously sleep deprived..... baby likes to wake up at bedtime til 3am! Last night was the worst she was crying loads. I dont know if she just hates her crib or its colic/wind. Am going to try infacol and speak to hv next week. x
mommylov--so sorry af got you. Be careful on clomid though you might get 2 or 3 instead of 1. :winkwink: Don't know from experience but I heard it works pretty good. Do you do opks or do you temp? GL. :hugs:

thurl--I see you caught the O but have you asked the dr why it keeps getting later and later or is that a symptom of pcos? GL 7dpo today. Do you plan on waitng for af to hopefully not show or are you testing soon. :happydance:

kmp--praying this is your sticky baby. did you get the blood test back yet? :hugs:

Wookie- I believe you and Ayclobes are next:winkwink:

Nicki--gl hope you get some answers:hugs:.

beach --thank you. thats great about the selling your house so quickly. Hope you find one soon. :thumbup:

NTAT--congrats about seeing your little one.:happydance:. I know I felt doom and new I was having etopic around 5 wks . Luckly I have had no bleeding. were they able to find out what the reason for that is. Have you ever been checked for mullerian anomilies, Like bicornate uterus? Just a thought. Its rare but it can cause that especially when its around the time for af. did they tell you what the hb was. so happy for you. :hugs:
NTAT - popped into your journal to see the great news, I am super happy for you!!

Nicki - its been about 3 and half years for me too :cry: and I am getting OLD!!! Ugh! We HAVE to get our rainbows eventually right!!!??? When when sold and had to pack up our house I tried to pack things in a 6 month box (if I wasn't going to need them for a while) and a current box if I was going to need it. To prevent having to repack a whole house again (which was just awful!). I only have a few things now... like 4 dishes, 4 glasses, etc so hopefully we don't get any guests for dinner or realize that something I packed in the 6 month box is something I need! :shock:

Lexi - hope you can get her on a regular pattern soon so you can get some rest.
Thanks Monroe! I know I thought the same thing re multiples. Funny thing, when I went to pick up the clomid, the pharm said that I needed to take 3 a day... thats 150mg/day! I said Um that doenst sound right and told him this is my first time on it. Turns out that they had it wrong and changed it to 50/mg a day. I said that god I asked... Im not trying to be the next octo-mom with 8 babies! heheh I have a scan this coming tuesday to see where my follicles are at and hopefully we catch a nice healthy eggy this cycle! :)
Hi everyone,

Had such a busy week again I haven't had time to come on here, sorry for being behind with all the news :flower:

NATA so so happy to hear how well your little haribo is doing, love your scan pic! :happydance:

Nicki I will pop over to your journal to catch up on how your appt went, hope all went well and you're doing ok :hugs: I am absolutely delighted to hear that patiently is 30 weeks pg, I last spoke to her in her journal when she got a bfp, but as she disappeared I was concerned that something had gone wrong again, please pass on my cheers to her x

Beach lovely to hear from you, sounds like you have been very busy! congrats on moving house :hugs:

Lexi sorry to hear about the sleep deprivation, I can't offer any advice but I hope things settle down soon :hugs:

Monro... nearly 14 weeks! :yipee: There is no point asking the docs about my ovulation, all they say is that I have pcos and that's that! still, atleast I'm ovulating on my own, I guess that's a good sign. I am having very different things happening in this 2ww, my boobs started to get sore from 4dpo and are now really painful, my cp is very different too, I'm don't think it's that I'm pg, but if I'm not pg I hope it means my hormones are balancing out a bit :)

:hi: to anyone else I have missed :hugs:

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