Beach, I have everything crossed for you too, I so hope the next betas show an increase....
Ladyfog, thank you so much for your kind words, they really touched me Xx And I hope Elsa's op day goes swimmingly and that she recovers really quickly. She seems so healthy, which is great. Bless her.
Lexi, it sounds like you are doing really well, Neve is such a cutie in the pics! How are you this week?
Emme how are you, any pics?
Nicki how are you getting on hun? And not long for you Wookie!
Hi to Monro, mommylov, Ntat, thurl, everyone xxx
Lady I believe I have taken your advice in finding something else to occupy ourselves with during the frustrating TTC time: we are getting a pup! We've always spoken about one and thought why not. He's 7 weeks old, we get him a week on Fri and he's a golden retriever gorgeous little bundle. So excited! We've both booked annual leave to get him settled in. Can't wait!
I'm also having another acu session tonight. I'm not quite sure what's going on tbh, I'm cd37 and no af. Had some very light pink spotting from Thurs-Sat, I mean barely there spotting. I tested on Sat am with fmu and got a bfn. So I'm leaving it as long as my willpower allows this week, or of course if af gets me. It could all be a late implanter etc like Beach, as the opks didn't show a pos as early as I thought. Who knows.....trying not to get my hopes up. It would be amazing if it was something though!
Hope everyone has a good day, thinking of you Beach xxx