Hi girls
Beach - hope you're doing ok hun
Monro - 16 weeks tomorrow

Wookie, mommylov, Lexi, Nicki, Ayclobes and anyone else I forgot

- hope you're all ok.
AFM - hanging in there waiting *taps foot impatienty*
Got my 12 week scan date through and was whilst I was away so I rang them this morning and rearranged. It's now Monday 25th at 2:35pm!
It's the day after we get back from Spain so will either be a fab end to the holiday or a shit one! Hoping for the first option.
Have felt less sick the last couple of days but have had lots of tummy sensations, pulling, twinges, aching muscles so I'm hoping they are good signs!
Thank god it's Friday, I am knackered beyond belief!
Have a great weekend all xxx