mommylov---oh sorry got you mixed up with someone else on the low sperm count then.

Well whats good is that you get pregnant pretty easily. That was me since the first time i was pregnant. The times when we were trying there was a max of a 4 month span and I was pregnant by that 4th month. Had to quit trying after the twin/triplet mc Oct 2011 and started back trying in April 2012 was pregnant in July but mc at 5 wks then got prgnant with this one in Nov. FX this is your month.
ayclobes--Can't wait for pic!!!
Soop--Awe a puppy will definately be good for you. I have 2 black labs that are my babies. 1 is almost 12 and the other is her son and he is fixing to turn 6. Soop so sorry but maybe she is wrong? Are you sure you O'd when the opk's were positive or maybe you geared to O but did not and O'd later

. I know I see you use to temp maybe that would be more accurate
Beach-- So sorry

. But don't say the your heading to the double digit mc club you still have a ways before you get there and I am praying next time you will get your sticky bfp.

Yours sounds like the same kind I had in July a late bfp then I mc at 5 wks 1 day. I really believe it was b/c of the late implanter I think mine implanted on 13 dpo or 14 dpo. But then I had this one to implant on 9dpo and it stuck. So I bet the next one will be a regular implanter and it will stick. Maybe it has been bad luck and the next one will be your sticky baby.
kmp--lady is right the 1st 12 wks omg was soo slow. However I was never sure when 2nd tri started b/c I had people telling me 12 wks but some apps said 13 or 14 wks so that was confusing (I still believe it was 12). After 12 it went by kinda fast until you get close to finding out then it gets slow again. My dr probably will not do a gender scan till 18 to 20 wks but I got a call in to talk about that. I have an appt for a cervix scan next monday and i will be 16 wks so I was going to see if maybe they could have a peek then. But I feel like that after I find out what I am having it will go alot faster untill probably 30 wks it will slow down b/c you will be anxious for baby to get here. I AM NOT A PATIENT PERSON lol.
Lady- GL with everything.