A home for EVERYONE!

Angel good luck!!!!!

misty- hope tyler feels better soon!

Aspe- hope the fever breaks fast! get better baby!

Janelle- so freaking cute!!!!!!! I cant find the cord to down load right now....grrr....

afm- I feel like a TERRIBLE wife! after trick o treating I came home, kids stayed at my moms, and I passed right out in bed. I got up a few hours later so I could help josh get around for work and see me off like normal but I was feeling so exhausted and nauseas that I could barely get his clothes for him then I laid back down and passed right now with out even knowning it. next thing I know it was 1:30am and josh was calling to tell me he made it to work ok. I was in suck a sleep induced fog I could barely understand anything he was saying. I am pretty sure he was a little hurt by it. but a few hours later I woke up with a clearer mind and I texted him to let him I was sorry. I know I have no need to really apologize but I still feel bad ya? and bad part is...I am still exhausted and I am suppose to work a 12hr shift tonight....help me lol
Hi all, no WiFi at hospital. Just wanted to let u no we've got a baby girl :-D. Born at 23:09 last night, 8lb 1.5oz. Neve Hazel Grace. All ok. Natural birth, no drugs,1hr 15min labour, waters popped in bath after nothing all day and surges hit within 30 secs. Convinced my babies love water and raspberry leaf, Kyan went same way! Baby attaching and feeding well. I'll update as soon as I can Xo
Congratulations! :) Glad labour and delivery went fast and extremely well :)
Congrats Angel!!! Such a lovely name. Glad all is going well.
Angel congrats! nice big healthy baby girl! enjoy her!!!!!

afm just got off a 12 1/2 hr shift! super tired about to pass out now.....OMG I only have 3 days till my scan....seriously? I swear working 3rd shift makes the days fly by!!!! but serisouly only 3 WHOLE days!!!!!!

I need all the prayers I can ladies.....in my heart I know this is my ment to be baby.....but every prayer and thoughts cant hurt right?

ok sleep baby needs sleep lol....
Yay Angel! Congrats!

Will be praying Krissy.

I need prayers that my FIL will find another full-time job quickly.
Yea angel!!!!! FINALLY another girl! I bet you're over the moon. Got one of each. Beautiful name!!!
Everyone sounds like they have perfect little toddlers. I'm not in that group. One way or another Jerusha is going to learn she cannot yell at me and get away with it. Dont judge me.
Nicole-don't mean to laugh at you BUT all toddlers go through that stage! omg I have done every punishment known to man and the one that worked for us was the corner. my kids cant stand it. they do eventually grow out of it but the mean time hang tough! praying for your FIL too bad he lost his job!

how is everyone else doing?

I ended up in the ER yesterday bc of some light brown spotting. the didn't not do a scan bc my ob has me on complete pelvic rest. did do labs everything looks good and hcg is right above 61,000 which is good. I am on activity restriction for now. so no work last night or tonight till I have my scan tomorrow afternoon and I did make an ob appt. for wed morning. I am a little scared but I just keep thinking it will all be ok. I am sitting my butt on the couch or in bed resting and trying not worry. I sort of hope they put me on modified bedrest or really strict work restriction to the point I can just draw short term disability and stay home the rest of this pregnancy.

I did tell josh if it came down to it job or baby there was not contest on that one....baby.
Krissy did they check your progesterone levels when they did the blood work? Glad you're resting and can't wait for scan tomorrow!!!
no they are not checking the progesterone since I am on the pills. just hcg and that came back fine. I am scared poopless for today!

I keep having this sort of pain sort of just annoying feeling that stretches from my hips up the sides of my back. best guess it is ligament pain bc when I change position sometimes it helps.

still very little spotting so I hope that is good. my scan is not till 4:45pm my time which is EST. so I will update when I can. more than likely it will be texting Janelle and misty and then having them update since it will take a while to get home.

ok I am gonna try and relax till got well over 7hr to go.....sigh....
Thinking positive thoughts, Munchkin!! Cant wait to get your excited happy text!!
Please pray that Daniel wont need a helmet for the back of his head. We have tried having him sleeping on his side or belly during naptime but he wiggles his way to being on his back again.

Also, we are going to talk to the doctor about sensory issues we think Jerusha has.
Grace - Bowel movements depend on lots of things... Colton doesn't go often because he breastfed... and then if they're eating solids, that can change things too... its probably ok if it seems like your baby isn't upset, struggling.

Angel!! CONGRATS!!!!! No drugs, oh my!! That is amazing!!! You are my hero!

Krissy - Sounds like you are definitely first tri exhausted! Hate that part but just part of it, I guess. Your DH should understand... if not, remind him!! And yeah in your case you could really use some sort of drs orders for modified bed rest in order to keep from overdoing it with your hectic schedule! That would be nice!!!! And yea those pains could be perfectly normal! All sorts of stuff happening inside you right now!

Nicole - HAAAAAAA. Ok I will say I DO NOT have a perfect toddler!!!!!!! Do not feel alone in that regard!!!!!!!! Siena is a terror!! She is VERY moody, throws tantrums OFTEN (daily, multiple times, even when we only have her in the morning and evening with daycare all day!). I forget to send her to her room when she's crying a ton sometimes and DH will come in and send her to her room... it can be hard to remember to discipline her when she's bad sooooo often. What's hard to remember is it is the age and some kids are just like that... not the parents... I tried SO hard to do everything 'right' with Siena on Saturday because we had pictures later that day... and she kept having tantrums anyway! Once we got home from getting our pictures taken, DH and I got strict again with time outs and not putting up with the bad behavior and that helped our sanity. We don't know if we are handling things correctly... but we don't tolerate the whining and will send her to her room if it goes on after we tell her to stop... not exactly a time out... more just not being around her if she's in one of those moods.

Good luck with the flat head issue and sensory issues... seems like its always something huh? Is the dr saying he might need a helmet? Or just a worry you have? Because yeah I know others who have worried about it but worked itself out after a bit.
Afm ...

Sigh, just got back from pumping and didn't get enough. That happened yesterday and some last week. I've started pumping after I nurse Colton, at least a couple times a day, but didn't do it over the weekend. Hard because it means I have to be home or figure out how to bring a pump with me. I've ordered some supplements that will hopefully help my supply because stuff I'm taking right now isn't seeming to help... also drinking special tea, making sure to eat something with oatmeal daily, drink lots of water, eat enough calories, etc etc. Not sure what is the 'trick' to make more milk... my body doesn't seem to want to produce a ton of milk... while other people seem to get an oversupply when they try all these methods I'm doing. But as long as I pump enough at the other two pump sessions at work, I can pump enough at home to make up for this morning. This is what my life revolves around right now...

Colton slept even worse than normal last night... got tired of feeding him when I KNOW he can go longer in between feeds... so put him in his bed expecting him to sleep.. and he talked to himself, not quite loud enough to really be crying but loud enough that he sounded agitated... for oh 1.5 hours? This was early morning... so basically means I was up for the day at 4 something in the morning... but I did try to ignore him and sleep... kept thinking he'd take a hint and realize mommy was not going to pick him back up! Sometimes it works. At least I realize this is just part of having a baby. And I know if I REALLY needed him to sleep longer, I could move him to his room and sleep train him. But still wanting to try to ease him into sleeping longer... not ready to try the 'cry it out' (CIO) method yet like I did with Siena. Think I ended up giving in and doing that by around 6 months with her... and he's just now 5 months...

And Siena... well she's 2. So there's that. We are used to the tantrums. And Dh is really great with helping with her. So glad for that. I lose my patience at times... hugs to those who have to deal with kids alone... like Nicole! There's times where I just CANT. If I had to do it alone, it would be sending her to her room even more that I already do... in order to keep my cool! Dh has been awesome lately with fixing stuff around the house, helping with the dishes, rubbing my feet, etc... which is helping our marriage a ton. Not that it was needing help because we are fine... but yeah that stuff helps us because makes me want him more, ha. I am much happier when life is less stressful... happy wife, happy life! ;)
Lizzy-happy to hear from ya! um yeah Jamison's nickname is the terrorist...he is just so smart and is into everything and anything and is a pain! I love my kids to death but yeah he has been more of a handful and tantrums lately, and he is 4, so when he starts whinning and crying for no reason we send him to his room and once he feels he is ready to act like a big boy then he can come back out with everyone else. he gets over himself pretty quickly. oh and I couldn't ever keep up with my kids and milk supply mostly bc they were porky and demanded ALOT.

Nicole-I hope his poor little head rounds out for ya!

time is still ticking away....sort of it is now 11am here.....so long to go yet thinking it will help if I take a nap after lunch. also maybe my back pain is a kidney infection? although they said my blood work sunday looked good? I don't know.....

ok I will keep you posted ladies!!!

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