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It's probably me just worrying about his head Libby but the doctor did warn ab out it at his 2 month appointment so it scares me. Jerusha is yelling a lot and now I've started getting more strict about time outs when she does it. I hate to say it but I have started having to let her cry it out at bedtime again or else she wont go to sleep til midnight which isn't cool.

I hope the supplements help you Libby. I took some for 4 days 3x a day with no results. So now I'm onto making smoothies with coconut water, cooking with coconut oil, and snacking on almonds.
Krissy - I've been praying for you.

Nicole - I'll be praying for Daniel and Jerusha.

Libby - Sorry about the supply issues. Ethan's still exclusively breastfed. I' m in no rush to start solids but I hear solids can slow things down.
Yeah sounds like we do the same thing with Siena that you do with Jamison with sending them to their rooms! Although Siena is a big diva so sometimes that isn't enough!! And yeah I definitely don't have an oversupply problem with nursing... it's always me constantly trying to figure out how to make more! Colton is 95% for height and weight, so that may have a bit to do with it! But I also think the daycare wants to overfeed him... he's definitely thriving yet they'll say he was still hungry and needs more!

And Krissy all the pains are so hard to decipher, huh?! Especially when it seems like different stuff from other pregnancies. Good luck!

Nicole, sounds like I am harder on Siena haha because we often have her cry it out at naptime and bedtime! She cries less lately if DH puts her down, so that's what we've been doing lately. If she asks for me to put her down and I do... then she doesn't want me to leave her and she'll cry. DH can just say ok promise me you won't cry and then I'll bring you some water... and it works!

The mothers milk tea and Motherlove Special Plus pills don't work for me. At least not to where I can see a difference. I eat lots of smoothies with protein and fiber, flax, spinach, veggies, fruit, cocoa, green food powder, all sorts of add-ins... but that's more to try and keep from getting sick because can't use any time off right now until it builds back up if I can help it!! I wanted to try this stuff called Maca powder, but not sure if I can while nursing... fenugreek is on its way! But wanted to try and use up the motherlove pills first. Hmm.

Oh and haven't started solids yet with Colton. Putting it off until 6 months, when he'll need to get iron from food...
Krissy's ultrasound went great!! Heartbeat 160, measured right on and they even saw the little leg nubs kick!! I'm sooooo happy for her!! But I'm still mad she made me wait so long on pins and needles before she texted!! ;)
7 months old today!! And soooo silly!


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Yay Krissy.

LOL Libby, your boy is bigger than mine. Dont worry though. Colton should even out around a year old. Thats when Jerusha's percentile's went from 90's to 70s.

Well, took both my kids to doctor. Jerusha got half a flu shot and her Hepatitis A. She is in the 80th percentile for height and 72nd for weight. Doctor said she doesn't have sensory issues. A lot of toddlers don't like water on their face apparently.

No helmet needed for Daniel, yay! However I apparently havent been taking care of his circumcision went enough because the skin had reattached to the ridge and he screamed when she popped it of. Anyone deal with this before? Apparently I have to make sure the ridge is visible every time I change his diaper.
Thanks everyone! misty I am so sorry!!!!! But right after the scan I had to call my dad then we had to go to the store to get josh stuff for work. then I was the one driving so I could not text. I had to wait till we got home sorry!!!!!

But yes like misty said baby is doing great! The tech would not say if she saw where the spotting was coming from because the radiologist had to read the scan, but I will say that after I had the abdominal scan I had a lot of spotting when I went to empty my bladder. then when I went to the bathroom after I had the internal scan there wasn't any....so who knows. I did have some more after I got home. BUT baby was happy in there. we were even able to see it from the abdominal scan and got the heart rate that way to! still had to do the internal so she could get better pics for measurements. but overall she was super nice and made sure that the first thing she did was find the baby and show me a heart beat so I was thankful for that. now to keep our mouth shuts for another 4 weeks before we even tell the kids. shouldn't be too hard since it has already been almost 4 weeks since we found out! crazy!!!!! I will try and post pic from my phone in a bit.

misty-thanks and sorry again. tyler is so freaking cute!!!!!

Nicole-glad the apt went well. and yeah my kids HATED water anywhere near their faces at the age and still now! avarie especially had an issue if water got in or near her ears at all she hated that feeling. now she puts her head in the water to rinse so yeah they chance.

so now just have to convince the dr for weight restrictions at work and then I will be happy!
YAy KRISSY!!! This is so exciting!!! This baby is already so loved, I'm sure. Now to get past the exhaustion! Yeah it'll be hard to keep it a secret but what a wonderful secret it is!! Yay for seeing/hearing the heartbeat!!!!

Nicole - Ha yeah Colton is BIG. Siena was smaller, like 75-80%, so wasn't sure what would happen! Good to know that he might ease back later... DH and I are both regular size... not huge... so was confusing where he was getting it from!

Oh water on her face was the problem? I HATE water on my face... I won't stick my face in the shower stream... I always face away from the water... and I won't dive into pools or the ocean... only way I even get my hair/head wet when swimming is when I intentionally bend backward to wet it! So I tried hard to not let Siena be like that... but she is just as bad... gets upset when her face gets wet in the bath before we even use any soap so I know it can't be burning her eyes etc. Gah, it’s a pain.

Yup, same issue with the circumcision! Actually, TWICE that's happened... first time, I didn't even know I was supposed to pull the skin back so dr showed me how to clean it. Second time, he had to pop it off like you mentioned and it was red underneath so I felt bad!! So now I know how to do it.

Misty - Adorbs!!!!
Yay, I'm happy... DH is being awesome lately, Siena wasn't a raging lunatic last night or this morning, and I pumped enough milk for my first session of the day! Woot woot! Now to get Colton sleeping better... think I may need to cut him off from some of his night feedings... but that will be rough... ON ME!! Because if I don't feed him when he wakes, its impossible to get him back to sleep fast... so I end up being awake like an extra hour until he falls asleep again... and that means he's an hour closer to being even MORE hungry. Ack!
It's ok Krissy, I forgive you ;) Just soooo happy that baby was happy.

Libby!! We didn't get a 5 month pic of Colton!! Or did I miss it? Still having the same supply issue stress that you're having. I guess I'll just pump what I can and when I start running out of milk to take to the daycare I'll have to start supplementing with formula there. I should start having her feed him more solids there so he doesn't drink as much milk then more milk at home than solids lol. Does that sound bad? I don't know that that would work anyway cuz he still drinks 6-7 ounces even after eating cereal!! I'm just so lost on what he should be eating for solids, how much and when. It's been too long since I've had a baby lol.

I didn't know about the whole checking the skin for circumcision deal. Yikes. I pull it back and wash it well at bath time but not every diaper! Didn't realize.

Supposedly that job I applied for is supposed to make a decision this week. It's government tho so who knows... They're always slow and behind.
Misty, as far as solids, I always started with veggies so that they could learn to like veggies and not just fruits. They say to choose a veggie and introduce a new veggie every 4 days so then you can watch for allergic reactions.

Daniel has been on rice baby cereal for a week. He likes it pretty well. I know I cant put cinnamon in it yet so I put 3 drops of his Vitamin D into his cereal for some flavor. We will start veggies whenever DH is able to come home this month. I have decided that Daniel wont be staying over at the in-laws until the new year when he is eating more solids and hopefully then he will accept a bottle.
Misty - Oh whoops! Yeah I didn’t post a pic. We had pro pictures done Saturday... so I probably took one with my cell... but I'll also see if I took one on the day he actually turned 5 months... ha not sure!

I haven't started Colton on any solids yet. And I may skip cereal if he does well with iron-rich puree foods. How much are you pumping versus how much he drinks at daycare? I am pumping one side and nursing the other for my 2 evening nursing sessions... that gives me a couple ounces to make up for the days when I pump less since I never know when that will happen! Also, I do have a freezer supply... so I freeze Friday's milk and thaw milk Sunday night for Monday. I am trying not to supplement at all with formula because I did that last time and made things worse. Some days, Colton didn't get as much milk, but I just nursed him as much as he wanted when I had him. One of the daycare workers gets on my case about that, but I try my best to ignore her!!!

Only have to pull back the skin once a day. So you're ok Misty!

Yup govt is slow, ha. Good luck!
Nicole - The vitamin D drops in the cereal is a good idea!!

And I plan to try sweet potatoes first because I think they are high iron? I'll have to relook at that soon.





Aaand random I took today of him sleeping


well we had our scan today, it was amazing but tiring. we we being scan for a hour and a hlaf because we had a trainee scan me but we didnt get a say in the matter! he was scaning me for a hour and cut it short he had to be told off hundreds of times for getting it wrong. the best example is that he was meant to be scaning babys hand and he scaned the foot and wondered why it was the wrong shape!

the last half an hour was better because the expert scanned me and she told be exactly what she was looking for she was brilliant.

baby is perfect jumping, doing sumersaults waving, he/she got annoyed and mooned the sonographer for 10 minutes, i couldn't stop laughing baby has a good sense of humor like his dad

we heard the heartbeat so many times it was amazing, we got close up pictures of the face too
That's awesome, Zoey!! Glad all was well. Are you going to find out the sex if you're able?

Libby love the pics! Especially of his leg propped up sleeping. Made me giggle. As for pumping it depends in the day. I'm probably a good 5 ounces shy of what I pump compared to what he eats. I have about a 2 month supply frozen. I take a week's worth of frozen milk to the daycare every Monday. I take at least 100 ounces figuring on him drinking (3) 6 ounce bottles a day plus milk for cereal. That supply will dwindle quickly being that much short pumping everyday though. I need to start pumping on weekends before I go to bed at night since he won't eat for a lot of hours after and pump after I feed him in the morning since I'm so full from all night.
Hey Ladies! Sorry for being MIA lately. My headaches are back with vengeance!! My period is suppose to start this Saturday, if not sooner and I'm guessing these are probably hormonal headaches. I think the only way to fix them that I know of, is to go on some sort of birth control, which I really don't want to do. I've heard that certain birth controls can affect your supply and I don't want to take the chance of it passing through my milk to Sara. I just don't trust it either! I've spoken with too many people who have gotten pregnant while on birth control. We've always just used condoms and have never had an oops or accident with them.

Sorry, I'm rambling.

Nicole, hope your daughter is getting better. Samuel used to do the whole cry before going to bed, we did the timer for awhile. When the timer went off it meant it was time to start getting ready for bed. He's a pretty independent kid and likes to feel like he's in charge of himself. I don't mind it. But he knows that we're the boss. Honestly, I don't know how we got where we are with him, but he's a pretty good kid, but he was a total shit head for a time in the past. I think it's just a phase they go through, because it's passed.

Libby, Cute pictures!! My doctor has never given percentiles for kids. All kids are different. All kids are born different lengths and weights, so it only makes sense that they be different lengths and weights as they grow. When you put them all into a group, parents start getting paranoid and freak out because baby a isn't as big as baby b or baby b isn't as long as baby a. blah blah blah. I kind of have to agree with your daycare worker. If Colton can eat more and he's hungry. Feed him. Don't worry if he becomes a fatty. He'll be healthy and once he starts moving around he'll start burning even more calories and need to eat more. I understand you're having a supply issue, but he's only going to get bigger and want to eat more. Also, cereal is iron fortified. You can buy vitamin d drops with iron added too. That's what we used to give Samuel.

Misty, I found this for you. I used to use a similar website when we had Samuel, hope it helps. https://www.babycenter.com/0_age-by-age-guide-to-feeding-your-baby_1400680.bc#articlesection2 I think I've told you before, but with Samuel we fed him three meals right from the start at 4-5 months. At first it was cereal 3x a day then it went to veggies 3x a day mixed with cereal. I agree with Nicole, we didn't give samuel fruits until he was closer to a year because babies tend to want to eat sweet stuff, so they wont want the veggies because they aren't all sweet.

Krissy, so excited for your scan! I bet you're feeling better. When will you know about a doctor giving you weight restrictions? Do you have an appointment to see one today? I think you said you did in text, but I can't remember much anymore.

Zoe, that's awesome about your scan as well. I don't like medical students. If I walked in and saw it was a student I would have walked out and rescheduled. I had a bad experience with a med student giving me a papsmear and no more. I don't trust any student near my lady parts. All in all, happy to read you were able to see the baby and get some neat pictures.

Aspe, maria, PDX, Grace, Angel and anyone else that I may have missed... I hope you're all enjoying you day and things are going well for you all!:flower:
he was lovely just took a hour too long!
yeah i wouldnt let him near my ady parts if he asked (he didnt) i definatly would want someone who knows what they are doing goinfg there
Oh, I'll take a picture tonight since Daniel is 5 months now!

Daniel is 17 lbs 2 ounces and 26 inches long. Jerusha is 30 lbs 9 ounces and 37 inches tall.

Daniel has started hardcore teething since he is now biting during nursing sessions.

I am depressed about my milk supply. I tried nursing and then pumping 2 days ago and after 20 minutes I didn't even have a full ounce even with doing both breasts. Going to try smoothies with coconut water for a week and if that doesn't work then I'll just deal with it.

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