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Janelle-so yeah the weight restriction thing isn't going to happen but not bc of my dr. I asked her she said she would write it, although did say that what I am doing will not cause a miscarriage. this is bc my scan was complete clear of any bleeds what so ever in the uterus. the spotting that I had was all cervix and most likely bc of the pills. so everything looks good. that being said she said she would still write the resctriction if I wanted it but told me to talk to my work first and see what their policy is and if they will work with me without one. talked to them and they basically told me if I have a weight restriction then I will be fired. so yeah just asking my co-workers to work with me. if it wasn't for the holidays and me needing the job for now to pay for stuff I was say See YA and pay me unemployment....but nope. although after this schedule is done at the end of Dec I am going to more part time hours. and once baby is born I will go to pool and only work when I want to and shifts that works with my family and the baby.

misty-don't feel bad I didn't know anything at the circumcision thing either and I had two boys and they never got infected so who knows.....as far as solids I have those fat babies so I started cereal by spoon at about 3-4months with dr approval. then veggies about 5-6months(including mashed potatoes) 6-7 months fruits and once they were able to hold things for themselves and move to their mouth...idk around 8 months or so I gave them the different snacks like they have these things called crunches gerber makes my kids loved them as a snack and these stars things. I just basically read the lables and asked my dr for recommendations. good luck on that job!!!

Nicole-how is your dads job search?

zoey- congrats! I only got just over 3 more weeks for mine! thought of baby names yet?

Ok I need sleep worked last night and got to work tonight then one day off...after that I am confused lol!
Oh sorry lizzy...........I love the pictures!!!!! so freaking cute!!! I agree with misty that one of him with his leg propped up so cute!
Why has is been so quiet around here lately?

Nothing much is going on around here. November is going to be a busy month for us. We're starting on making this years ornament, although it's going to be too big to put on a tree, so it will most likely be a small plaque. Then I have a foot print craft that I'm working on. It if goes well I will make two and give it to the great grandparents for Christmas, as an additional gift. I've also been busy getting together an advent calendar sort of thing that we can do during the month of Decemeber. I've got little things like, write a letter to Santa, decorate cookies, build a snowman (if it snows), skype with daddy (for when he's in Connecticut) I've made it so all the easy things are done when Dan's away. But I've come up with 25 things, I just need to make little envelopes to tuck all the notes in. I'm also going to make new stockings to go with our new bad ass fireplace and cute stocking holders with our pictures. We're going to go to savers this weekend and look for 25 Christmas books to wrap up and unwrap one every night and read it. Samuel loves to read, so I know this will be a fun and memorable tradition to start.

I found a few things that I wanted to get Dan for Christmas and I went to go buy one of the things today that I REALLY wanted and the listing wasn't listed anymore!!! So, after having a complete melt down and freaking out, I found it on ebay. It's a tshirt that says "worlds coolest dad" with a picture of darth vader. Dan is a star wars nerd. It has a matching onesie for Sara that says "daddy's little princess" with a picture of princess Leia. I think he'll really like it. Either way, I jumped on it and bought it because there were only 4 left!

The other thing that we're doing is every day, I've been cutting out little hearts and writing cheesy messages on them and stashing them in my dresser. I ransacked Dan's cell phone for his leads number. I texted him and asked him if he would be willing to help me decorate Dan's office one day after work. I've been walking around the marina every couple of days, so that is going to be my excuse to leave the house. But really I'm going to go to his work and cover it with as many hearts, pictures, and cheesy messages as I can. It's called a heart attack. My goal is to do it the day before he leaves for Connecticut. He'll be surprised and enjoy it. It's a way to remind him how much we love him and we're going to miss him. The guy that is going to help me thinks its a cute idea. Of course he's always kissing dan's ass and bringing him gifts for our kids and vegetables from his garden. I don't worry about people poking fun at Dan because he'll fire them. Ha just kidding. They all pretty much kiss his ass because they fear of getting let go.

Sara has been sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. She's also been sucking me dry. I would say it's a growth spurt, but she pulls this every couple of weeks. Sounds like a little too often to be a growth spurt. Maybe she's just getting a tooth, or takes after her mom and loves to sleep! ;)

Samuel has been pretty good. He's going to stay with Amma and Papa this weekend so that we can go get him some Christmas gifts from Santa. I don't know if I ever told you ladies, but we were given a fish tank and we set it up and got Samuel some fish, well, I'm almost positive that one of them is pregnant! It's a Dalmatian Molly and apparently they like to have babies a lot! The other is a swordtail something. But after doing some research, apparently Molly's can store sperm for a later use and they give birth to live "fry" not eggs. It's going to be an interesting day when Samuel comes and wakes me up to tell me his fish is pooping fish.

I think Dan is going to be taking his final for one of his classes next week. Which is good!!! November is busy, I need help! Plus, we're doing the entire Thanksgiving dinner at our house! Paying for everyone's dinner and cooking it too. I like to cook a big dinner for everyone, and thank them for all that they've done.

Alright, that's all that's new with us. Holy crap, I wrote quite a bit. I hope you were all in the mood for a little reading. :blush: It's kind of slow here at my house with Sara sleeping so much. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm bored!

...found a recipe for peanut butter fudge, maybe I'll try making that to kill some time.
Yay for the ticker Krissy!!!

Janelle you make me tired!! lol

Still no word on that job. It's really starting to annoy me. If I don't have the job just tell me so I can move on!!! I have GOT to get out of this job I'm in. I can't stand it here anymore and it STRESSES ME OUT!!!!
OMG Janelle you say I am busy all the time!?!? I would much rather have your busy then mine at least I would be home and busy and not away and busy :(

misty- I hate when jobs make you hang on. with josh's current job between the interview and this that and the other it was like a over a MONTH before he got the yes. it sucks!

AFM- Raspberry day!!!! one thing I have noticed is when I work I get morning sickness about 4am or so and just feel so nauseas till I go to sleep. but if it is my night off and I sleep normal then I sleep through it. ok I got to get some food in this house and maybe cleaned up a little bit. oh and get my kids from my moms lol.
Hi ladies....quiet!

so big news on my front.....we decided to give it a go with DTD last night and drum roll please.....no spotting yay!!!! well so far at least! it was so nice to finally have that connection again!

anyways gonna try and get some cleaning done....and some other little things before an early dinner and dropping the kids back off to my moms and then work tonight....yuck!
thanks zoey! yeah we were pretty scared but I told him don't know till we try and if I spot then no more...thank god for no spotting this whole pelvic rest was driving us both nuts lol

how you been feeling?
awh bless :D

i am great thanks! starting to feel less tired ect now which is good :D
right now i really want to buy xmas/baby things but i have no money :(
oh iknow the no money thing but hubby is picking up overtime hours so kids should still have a good christmas
Hey ladies!

Krissy, whoop! whoop! on the sex!! That's exciting! How are you feeling overall?

Zoey, we, and when I say we I mean "I" start shopping for Christmas gift early in the year so that we don't break the bank. We've gotten all of shopping done, now we're just buying small things here and there for our family. Yesterday we hit up a couple thrift stores and bought 25 Christmas books to wrap up and put under the tree for Samuel to open up every night and read.

AFM, still waiting for my period. The longest cycle I have ever had in my life was a 28 day cycle. Well, today is day 30 and still no period. No cramps either. For all you ladies who have had babies before and went months before you pp cycle and breastfed, did your cycle go back to normal? Or did you go a long time in between? After Samuel my cycles went back to normal right away. I'm just kind of confused I guess.
Janelle, have any broken condoms? :wink wink:

Krissy, 8 weeks!! So happy for you! And jealous of the sex...
yeah we arn't that organised haha

seriously annoyed at bt internet though we rang to cancel it in feb well they decided not to cancel it and we have still been paying so we canceled it now but we have overpaid £90 to them and we can't get it back apparently so angry right now

i am never going to use bt again
Misty, har har. No broken condoms. Dan and I were talking and I don't think we've have sex from last period until this last Friday because he's been so flippin' busy with school work. If it's not school work, I've been tired or had a migraine. So, that would be a real mind boggle if I did end up pregnant.
Janelle, I never got my period until I completely weaned my kids so I'm not helpful for that.

AFU, Daniel is working really hard on sitting up by himself. He can now roll both ways but still prefers to sleep on his back. He still wont accept a bottle.
Janelle - My cycles were 28 days before and after my first miscarriage. After I had Ethan, it has turned into 31 days.
Thanks guys. I hate playing the waiting game. I've read that some womens cycles can go as long as 60 days pp!!! That's nuts to me. I guess I'll just keep track and hope it happens at home and not while I'm grocery shopping! I always hated that.
seems everyone was putting pictures of there lo on for everyone to see i thought i would join in ;)



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