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Sooooo....had my obappt yesterday and she quickly went over my scan from the week before. The Dr I was suppose to see was out of the office so I had to see the one I hate! Anyways she comes in thge room for all of two min to tell me they found that pelvic floor of Blake's kidneys are both measuring bigger than they should be. Said to redo scan in 3 weeks to see whether it is the same worse or better. If better I get to stay with this on if one of the other two I go to a specialist. Sucks having to wait so long but from what I have read it is a common birth defect in boys that in 90% of cases resolves itself. So figures crossed that is the case.......sigh just wish this week would get easier!

On the plus side josh is buying me the pregnancy sleep pillow I want so hopefully it helps.

Oh and my kids have not had school since last Thursday due to the weather and the r driving me up the wall!!!!!!!
Krissy - I'll be praying for Blake. Hopefully it's all normal when you go back. When do they expect the weather to get better?
Grace I live in Michigan and I don't think it will ever get better lol. But the wind chill warning was finally lifted today, has been on since Friday we have had like -20+ whedn wind chill factored in. Fingers crossed kids go back tomorrow lol. And I appreciate the prayers!!!!

Oh good news get my w2 Friday morning so we get to file taxes Friday....yayyy....can't wait for extra money!!!
Uhhhhhh.....this is your Cap'n speaking..

Krissy - I live in Texas and they shut the schools because there was a chance of snow. Nothing happened and all the people from up north were walking around without jackets laughing at us.

Janelle - How cute! Make sure he's not drinking on the job.

AFM - Milk supply is down again and I can't get Ethan to take more than a couple of ounces of formula. Poor thing just moans at the breast because he wants more. I've tried bottles, sippy cups, & regular open cups. The only thing he'll take is the open cup, but he's done after a couple of ounces. Hopefully he'll get the hang of this soon. I don't like him being hungry. Other than the moaning at the breast he's acting fine. Dr appt tomorrow. So I will ask him for some advice on what to do.
Janelle....very cool!!!!!! Oh and u suck for being some where warm lol

Grace my cousin lives in Alabama/Georgia line now her husband is stationed at ft bennings and the shut down even his job today for what I consider a dusting of snow she said people r freaking out down there BC they don't know what to do with snow lmao!!!!!

Just a few days away from 20 week mark and only 7lb weight gain so far yay
Haha love it, janelle!

Grace, pregnancy prbly dropping supply. That's what Janelle will say!! I hope he gets to eating tho :( Believe me I know the worry. Tyler hasn't eaten well for weeks cuz he's always sick. As for how he's doing... not good. He was coughing and crying all night Monday night so I stayed home tues and took him to the dr again. She said his lungs sound fine and his ears look fine so decided to prescribe Augmentin for sinusitis. He'd just finished amoxicillin for an ear infection but she said that wouldn't touch sinus issues. Well Tuesday night he threw up twice in the middle of the night then again at 6:30 this morning. Called drs office. Nurse said stop the antibiotics which I hadn't been able to give him his meds this morning cuz he puked as I started giving it to him. He's been mopey, whiny and sleeping all day then puked at 3:00 so I called again saying look, something has to be figured out. He's not getting better, he's getting sicker!! Is it just virus on top of virus on top of virus?? So nurse talked to dr who said we could do an antibiotic shot. It's given 3 days in a row. Oh also he's had diarrhea for a good week and a half. So we went and got the shot. We'll see if it does anything. He lost 3 ounces in weight since yesterday, 5 ounces since last week.
Oh poor Tyler. He's had a rough few weeks. I hope the shots work, but I thought antibiotics don't work for viruses. Or is that something else I'm thinking about. I agree he needs something though. That's a lot of vomiting. I can't imagine him being mopey. I really hope he gets better soon.
Anyone talk to Libby? A lady online that lives in Birmingham said her son had to sleep at the school because she was stranded at a gas station and the school buses weren't running. Not sure if Libby is in Birmingham but I'm pretty sure she's in Alabama.
Misty, being pregnant won't automatically drop your supply, but it can be one of the first symptoms if someone has a good supply and all of a sudden it drops. Just like not pumping after a baby doesn't fully empty your breast will tell your body to make less because the baby isn't eating as much and therefore your supply will drop.

Grace, try to increase pumping sessions and make sure you're eating enough protein and healthy snacks through out the day. Are you drinking enough water? If all else fails look up a le leche league leader in your area and contact them. They are super nice and can give you some good advice. Since we started feeding Sara two meals a day my supply dropped. I called and spoke with a leader and she said to cut out one meal and to try fenugreek with blessed thistle. You're pregnant so I don't think you can take it, but they might have a better suggestion.
Either way the cutting meal out along with the herbs helped. She wasn't as full all the time and nursed a lot more.

AFU, we didn't do a damn thing today. We went to sleep last night just after 9 and I was so delusional I woke up and had a panic attack because I didn't know where I was. Sara isn't wanting to sleep in a new place. She slept between dan and me last night. Wasn't exactly pleasant waking up to a baby butt in my face this morning, but naps have been easy today so, hoping she goes to bed easier tonight.

Other than that, how have you ladies been?
Janelle -I talked to a lactation consultant today and she told me no pumping while pregnant. I am getting plenty of water but I wasn't eating enough. I had an extra meal yesterday because I was feeling faint and again today because the lc suspected I wasn't eating enough to sustain lactation and pregnancy. Now Ethan is getting satisfied at the breast again. My nipples are hella sore but my supply is back up.

AFM - Cramping in my cervix has started. I had this with Ethan but I was further along. Dr said it was just stretching pain. I guess pregnancy really does change things. Ethan met with the neurologist and got a clean bill of health!!! Praise God. Dr said he's using both sides equally (initally he favored his left side more) & his crawling looked normal. I'm so happy things are turning out okay so far. The drs orginally told us he could be in a wheelchair unable to speak, he could have a limp because one side of his body could be much weaker, or he could be completly normal. I really believe God heard our prayers and gave us the best outcome.

How is everyone else?
Janelle.. Hope you are enjoying your vacation. As for kit kat bars, hazelnut and peanut butter are still available. As for cookies and creme, never heard of it or seen it.
Baby P had his 4 month needles on Wednesday. He is almost 13 pounds. Remember when you said someone was pregnant because you were spotting.. Well, I dreamt you were lol

Krissy.. Weather can get pretty cold here. -20's but feels like (in the range of) -30's. I think it was you who mentioned the "snow" they had in Florida. There was news articles floating around on Facebook. They really wouldn't want to see what we gets/got. But I understand it took them off guard. It just throws us off because we are used to snow. Sorry to hear about Blake's kidneys. However, it isn't a for sure yet. Even if, and if, you said it usually resolves itself, so thats good. Nonetheless, I can imagine how you feel.

Trying.. I was about 3.5 months before we told people, other than our parents whom were told the same day we found out. Speaking on that, on February 6, it will be exactly a year from when we found out. Crazy how much happens in one year.

Misty.. I really hope Tyler feels better soon. It really sucks when our babies are sick.

Grace.. Yay on your appointment and milk supply bouncing back around. Happy to hear about Ethan's appointment.

Baby P has dry skin, maybe eczema in some spots. All the doctor said was to use baby Aveeno. Well, the bottle is almost gone and he still got it. Opinions?

I had a period December 27 and again January 30. So far one each month. I was getting worried I was not going to get one this month, but rather, go back to being irregular. Hopefully I stays regular, with hopes of easier to get pregnant the next time if we decide.
Lol aspe, I'm flattered that you dream about me, but we have a no glove no love policy. So, no pregnancy scare here. :)

Grace, I've read that you have to eat a lot during breast feeding. So it would make sense needing to eat even more if you're pregnant and breast feeding. A lot of people think that 3 meals a day is enough but really to have a good supply you need to snack a lot . I feel like I'm always eating. Just finished a spinach salad. Its hard to eat enough healthy foods too. Like calorie wise. Happy to read it's back. I wonder if she said no pumping because it can cause contractions?

Afu, I'm so freakin tired! Sara decided to wake up at 3 and not go back to sleep. She's been nursing a lot for comfort and my nipples are killing me! She's napping right now. Hopefully, she gets her shit together by tonight and let's us sleep. I hate sharing a room with two kids.... BUT other than that, we're having fun. Gonna go to the flee market today and no idea about this weekend but I think we're going to the zoo in Miami on Monday.
Ps Grace, Ethan is going to kick butt and be a healthy mister man who all the ladies want to snuggle up to. You just wait. He's going to be just fine! :friends:
Janelle - She said pleasurable cramping during breastfeeding happens automatically but we dont feel it because our uterus is so small now. As it gets bigger, the cramping isn't so pleasurable anymore. I personally haven't noticed it. But she said the jury is still out on pumping so she advise people not to pump during pregnancy just to be on the safe side. Your vacation sounds nice.

Aspe - What kind of lotion were you using before the Aveeno? Maybe give the Aveeno more time.
Aspe...thank! I take comfort in the fact Mr. Blake kicks my butt all day lol. Oh a really good thing to use is called aquafor..... I think that is how u spell it....anyways Joshua eczema pretty bad and we greased him up every day and worked wonders! I even took him to the dermatologist and that is what they said to use.

Grace....so happy to hear Ethan is doing so well!!!!!

AFM....I don't think my kids ever going back to school! They had today off again...at least they acted better with their daddy being home...but they are now calling for another 8" of snow and thge roads are not even cleared from what we got this week!!!! Then more snow Tues and wed next week.....ugh right now they miss one more day they will be going to school the day the baby is born.....starting to stress...
Janelle.....have I told u lately u suck? I want that 80 degrees!!!!!! We did hit 30 today heatwave lmao!!!!

AFM we went out to lunch at steak n shake omg I love their mushroom buggers and had chili so freaking good!!!! Also went shopping got my pillow for 40 and a new pair of US Polo tennis shoes for 20 so good deals.... Can't wait to try out my pillow....and snowing the whole time....yuck!!!
Thanks grace!!!! Actually only 19 weeks BC planned section happy dance!!!!!!!!

OK thought be q good idea let kids stay up late so they sleep in nope up early.....fml
Oh my pillow was a huge success last night! No hip or back pain this morning. I also made plans to go thrift store shopping with my mom tomorrow gonna be fun have:) not been out shopping Ina long time together. Sounds corny but my mom is pretty much my best friend lol

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