A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle did Samuels car seat show up then? Be safe.

Grace, thanks and yes he loves water bottles!!! lol
Ultrasound appointment went great. Saw baby, saw the heartbeat and got to hear it as well! Right on point with what we thought 6 weeks and 5 days
Awesome Tryingmommy!! Congrats! Now you need a ticker :)
TryingMommy - That's great news!!!

Misty - Have you heard from Janelle? I'm wondering if she made it back okay.
Now I'm just trying to decide when to tell my grandparents. They were like parents to me. I feel like I need to tell them soon.
No I haven't grace and I texted her earlier too. Makes me worried.
I'm okay. Just tired. I'll write the whole story later when I'm more awake. We didn't get home until 7 am. I'm beat. I'll post tomorrow. Good night ladies.
Yaaay.to the scan glad all is.ok. Ticker is needed

Sorry about the.flight home hope you got some sleep.
Grace how are you feeling? What time is your appt Monday? I'm anxiously waiting...
Misty - I feel fine. My appt is at 8:45 and I found a sitter for Ethan!
Okay, so Wednesday we got a call from United saying our plane would be arriving later than usual. Our original flight was supposed to leave at 6:10 with an hour and 45 minute layover in San Francisco. It wasn't that big of a deal because we still had more than enough time to catch our flight in San Francisco. But then we got another call, and another call. So, it turned out we only had 30 minutes to catch our connecting flight. I was pretty confident that we would catch it, but then we got to the airport and apparently it's illegal for them to let you fly with only 30 mins to catch your connecting flight, so they weren't even going to let us fly without having a back up flight to catch. So, we said to let us fly and we'd figure it out when we got there if we missed the connecting flight.

We were suppose to start boarding the plane at 7:10 but that time came and went and no one had even gotten off the plane. Finally, we started boarding and we had to leave by 8:00 to make it to San Francisco on time. 8:00 came and we started moving, but then the plane stopped and we were told there was a light on that needed to be turned off in order to take off. I guess it was just a warning light. So we waited and waited realizing we weren't going to make our connecting flight. Then the pilot came back on and said there was a mechanical error and we needed to go back to the gate. I was so pissed!!! BUT we got free cable the whole flight so I just drowned myself in movies. Kids slept the whole time. Dan and I both had a whole row to ourselves. So, Sara slept in his row and Samuel slept in mine. We finally arrived in San Francisco at midnight (3am Florida time) Which was when we were suppose to be in Reno, had to made the connecting flight.. Only to hear the only connecting flight we could get, would be at midnight Thursday and they would put us up in a hotel, but we would need to check out and hang out in an airport from 11 am until midnight. Uhmmm... NO THANKS. So, we decided to just get our bags and rent a car. It's a 4 hour drive from San Francisco to Reno, but during the night with no traffic it's maaybe 3 hours. We went to baggage claim only to find they didn't have our bags. No one knew where they were. Finally, after waiting and talking they brought our two bags, but couldn't find our car seat. I sent Samuel away with Amma and Papa while I flipped the fuck out!!! I literally freaked out. I think I scared the shit out of the United guy. I don't think I've ever been that mad, even the security guy was like whoa! A bunch of people went to look for the car seat and Dan's parents bags. Finally someone brought the car seat and their parents bags. We didn't leave the airport until 2am. My back was starting to hurt really bad and I just wanted to get home. We got our mini van, got all our stuff loaded. The back of the van's floor was wet, like the trunk part, but we thought nothing of it. So, I climbed into the back of the van to nurse Sara and hit the road. IT WAS SOAKING WET!!!! I was so tired, I didn't even care anymore. I got Sara fed, put on the croods for Samuel to watch and we all hit the road. I fell asleep for a little bit, but woke up because my back was really stiff. We had to get off the highway because there was a big accident so we got lost somewhere in California because we couldn't figure out how to get back on the highway. Then we had to stop in Auburn and find a store that was open to buy chains for the mini van because it was dumping snow over the pass. Finally found a gas station and they had one pair left. Let me tell you, it's scary driving in a blizzard, but it's even scarier when 4 adults have had no sleep and we're driving through a blizzard. We were going like 35 mph tops the entire way. All of us looking like a dear in headlights. We didn't get home until 7am and I couldn't even move. I was in pain, cold, and wet! I was walking like a flamingo, my butt was straight out, my back hurt so freakin' bad. I literally crawled to my bed. Sara snuggled right up into her crib, Samuel was wide awake so, we gave him a bunch of food and told him to be quiet while we all got some sleep.

We only slept for a couple of hours then Dan had to get up and go to work. Sara slept for almost 24 hours straight! I would wake her up every couple of hours to nurse her, but she would nurse herself back to sleep. She was only awake for a few hours yesterday total and that's like 30 mins here, 30 mins there. Dan went to feed her cereal last night and she was completely out of it, fell asleep on the living room floor. She slept through the night I woke up this morning at 6am because my boobs were engorged. Busted out 12 oz!! Have no idea where all that milk came from. Sara got up about 7:30, nursed and went back to sleep after being awake for maybe 45 mins. She's still sleeping!! Samuel slept forever too. He finally fell asleep about 3:30 yesterday after bumping his head on the coffee table and crying himself to sleep in my arms and slept straight through until 6 this morning when I got up.

This may sound crazy, but after that awful adventure home. It was REALLY nice to come home to a clean house with everything done. All I had to do was unpack our suitcases and put everything away, I had washed all our clothes the day before we left to come home.

I'm still sort of groggy, but I'm glad it's over and it will definitely be a "fun" story to "laugh" about when the kids are older.

Tryingmommy, that awesome about your scan, it only gets better from here on out!

Grace, I'm so turned around I read your post and thought today was Monday. :dohh: I was like, "WHY IS SHE POSTING AND NOT TELLING?!?!" Happy to read you're feeling well. Hopefully, you'll feel well the entire time. :winkwink:

Zoey, Is it still raining where you are? It's suppose to rain and snow here, where I live, but haven't seen a drop yet. Storm maybe stuck on the other side of the mountain. 26 weeks, that's awesome! It's going to fly by!!

Krissy, where you at?! How was your meeting at work??
I forgot to tell you ladies, Sara's first real word. She says, Mom, Hey, and Hi. But Dan and I woke up either Sunday or Monday morning to Sara saying over and over, "boob" She only says it when she's hungry and I blame this all on Samuel, because he's always saying, "mommy put your boob away" or "you feeding Sara with your boob?" But I've noticed when ever she's hungry the "boob, boob, boob" starts. So, I think she's connected boob with hungry.
Janelle - What a horrible trip. Glad y'all made it home safe. How in the world did Dan go to work after all of that? Go Sara on the words. That is awesome!
Sorry about the horrible trip :hugs:

I feel and can see if i look carefuly Ella kicking away. I.get small kicks too which.im guessing is.her hands. Right now she has. Been quiet the last couple of days but i have been super tired which normally means a growth spurt a couple of days later because bump then grows.

Ive noticed she is very active most the night and not half as much in the day i have a night owl :dohh:

Weather wise we have had a.day off rain for a change it was nice to see the sun even if it wasnt warm there is meant to be a huge storm over the.whole of the uk coming on the weeked though. Not looking forward to.it! It looks massive
Well, I'm pregnant. Still doesn't feel real. Baby is measuring right on and the heart rate was normal. I think my doctor is more excited than I am. LOL.
Glad all is well grace!! Now for that ticker... I don't know how far along you are!
That's great, Grace. I hope you're doing well emotionally. This has to be a lot to deal with at once, but Ethan is going to have an awesome bond with his brother or sister with them being so close together in age. Live comfortably in maternity jeans!! ;)
Afu, Sara has a well check today at 11. Pretty sure she's getting a tooth. Has all the signs for teething. Runny nose, slight cough, chewing on anything she can get her hands on. She's nursing like a champ, but eating half the amount in solids. Still sleeping through the night. I think the hum of the humidifier helps. Like white noise.

And period started yesterday. So I'm positive the spotting was ovulation bleeding.

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