A home for EVERYONE!

Nausea is kicking my ass. I'm so tired and nauseous. I have zofran but that makes me even more tired.
Tryingmommy, it should get better in a few weeks when your hormones even out a bit.
Ooo all these baby bumps! Yay! How are you ladies doing? Morning sickness? Tired? Vent here to us as needed! OH Grace that is a lot to take in! Yes will take some getting used to! But another adorable little munchkin to love... we will try to help you see the happy in it!

Tryingmommy... oh man I know how you feel... I was tired a ton and felt so sick and puking didn’t make me feel better. Try to focus on stuff to keep your mind busy... like planning the nursery or the baby registry??

Oh man Janelle! What a story!!!! Sounds like the kids did great through all that chaos. Mine would have drove me insane! And oh geez no way would Siena be quiet so we could sleep! The trip home sounded so awful. Definitely changes things... most people would be wishing they weren't home... and you are just glad you made it!!
AFM - No AF yet... not even spotting. Colton is a super crawler and also pulls up now... but not walking. But yeah he is definitely more skilled physically than Siena. He feeds himself finger foods and can pick up little objects and can figure out how toys work super fast. Versus Siena... who was slow with all of that stuff, but was talking super early and is soooo verbal. Poor Colton, he won't be able to get a word in! All he can say is daaa and baaa etc but none of it means anything yet.
Misty - Ticker is up!

Janelle - I am okay. I worried so much during my pregnancy with Ethan that I vowed I wouldn't do the same with the next one, and here I am worrying again. Although now my worries aren't about the pregnancy and more about Ethan and how I feel like his baby time is being cut short because #2 is on the way. Then I think about how great it will be for them to grow up together. I was an only child and I really didn't want Ethan to be an only child so now that's not as big a worry. LOL. So I'm trying to enjoy it.

Libby - Glad to hear from you. I was wondering how you were.

AFM - I'm so lazy today and I'm totally going to blame it on the pregnancy. LOL.
Libby, when we were in Florida, there was this little girl that talked a mile a minute! I don't think she ever stopped to get a breath in. Dan was her favorite person to talk to, she told him her life story. Someone told her that I was Princess Rapunzel so all she wanted to do was touch my hair, but she sounded like a lollipop kid or munchkin from the wizard of oz. She had this really high pitched voice. I now imagine Siena like that.

Grace, I worried that Samuel wouldn't get as much attention with Sara around, but I think you think of it that way because of how much attention your first gets. Samuel had GERD so he was a 24 hour chore and I never got a minute to myself it seemed, but Sara is an easy baby and Samuel just loves to give her attention and she loves him sooooo much. The other day he was napping and she crawled into his room and cruised along his bed screaming at the top of her lungs trying to wake him up. They play so well together and he just loves reading to Sara. Ethan is going to be a great big brother and don't think his baby time is being cut short, because as soon as baby #2 is born, all he's going to see is a best friend. You got this!

So, my little miss went to the doctor today, bright eyed, smiles and laughed the whole way. She weighs 20 lbs, but hasn't grown an inch. What I thought was just a well check, has turned into a nightmare. Sara has had no fever. No REAL loss in appetite. Her gums are getting firm, which means teeth are on the way. Her nose has been runny, but nothing too bad. Nothing a booger sucker and some saline can't fix. She's had a slight cough, but nothing any of us are losing sleep over. She was laughing and having a fun time with her doctor, showing her the truffle shuffle and repeating boob over and over, then came time to listen to her lungs. Wheeze. In both lungs. All 5 lobes. Then of course Samuel decides he wants to chime in. Cough. Cough. So, out comes the saline packet and the giant pipe cleaner q-tip looking thing and up her nose it went. I waited 20 minutes to hear that she tested positive for RSV. Oxygen was 97. Her doctor says she's gets at least 2 cases of RSV a day. Apparently there is an outbreak going on where we live. ANYWAY, I was okay with this, it's not the end of the world. Got the prescription for her and headed to the pharmacy to get it filled. Dropped it off and was told it would be ready in 30 mins. I CALLED to make sure it was ready and the tech told me that their system is down and they can't verify that she's covered under our insurance. Uhmm... EXCUSE ME? I kind of need this medicine. So, I waited another 30 mins. Called, still down. So, I jumped hoops and called the insurance company explained my situation and what was going on and how I needed this prescription NOW, and the lady was really nice, put me on hold and called the pharmacy, so everything got squared away and they got the medicine ready. She has to do a breathing treatment every 6 hours round the clock for a week then if she sounds better they will lessen the dose. I have to call her doctor back on Wednesday to give her an update to see if she's made any progress. Which, I'm not worried. I've got the medicine and since she's chewing on everything, it will be no trouble to just let her chew on the nebulizer mouth piece, rather than making her wear that awful mask. I opted for her to do the treatment rather than the syrup. I grew up doing both and I HATED the syrup. It makes you sooo shakey and that's all I need is an unsteady shakey baby walking around my living room. So, that has been my day thus far, can I please go back to bed now????

She's napping right now.
I am alive!!! Just got done with my four day weekend...yuck!!!!!

The only real thing kicking my ass right now in this pregnancy is Blake....LAMO

Grace congrats!!! and if you ever need advice on super close babies let me know I got three of them!!!! you got this

Oh Janelle.....can a girl catch a break? yeah I had to do the breathing treatmetns with Jamie but his was MUCH worse and it was bc he was only 3 months old. sara is so close to 1 that she should do just fine! but yeah the round the clock stuff sucks. also babies who have RSV are more proven to be more likely to develop asthma later in life....Jamie of course could not get rid of his wheeze so he was on steroid breathing treatments for a total of like 4 months dr said she never had to do it for so long! but yeah when it is a confirmed case like that it sucks but the older the child is the better it is for them so good luck!!! and like I said with Samuel is will probably just turn into a bad cold but for sure listen for the wheeze! and what is that syrup you are talking about?

afm-next ultrasound for blake is on the 12th....he is a super active baby so hopefully he is doing just fine!!! its so weird bc if I lay on back flat you can actually see this big ol lump of baby easy to find him lol....ok dinner time and homework.
Wow you have all been busy!

Congrats on the scan i.hope you are ok

Sorry about sara.i.hope she feels better soon
Krissy, that's the weird thing, she isn't even acting sick. It's that Irish Warrior blood, I guess. The syrup is the albuterol syrup. I hope she doesn't develop asthma. They said Samuel would probably have it for 2 reasons. A) his mom had it and B) most babies with GERD develop it. He's beaten those odds so far and I think it's because he can't drink dairy. I swear there is a connection between dairy milk and asthma. He's never had a wheeze though, I'm listening real carefully though. His cough is pretty loose too. In fact, right this minute he's making me wear a hat on my head. We're getting ready for the party. A dog party. (Go dog go) Do you like my hat?

Another random thing.... You know how you see spiders here and there in your house? I've been finding a lot of lady bugs!! I'm not sure if I should consider myself lucky or what the deal is.
Janelle - So sorry about Sara. She's a trooper. I hope she starts feeling better soon.
Oh no Janelle!! I had a feeling it was more than teething but never thought RSV!! She and Tyler musta been swapping spit!! His cough was HORRIBLE but they kept saying his lungs sounded fine. It lasted a good 2 1/2 weeks and even still coughs occasionally but then he has another cold now. It's never ending. Like Krissy said it's better that she got it being a little older but it's still not good... takes til they're about 2 to grow out of. It can turn into pneumonia pretty quickly too. This is all what I was told. Luckily she had her wellness appt today tho so it was caught quickly. Hope she feels better soon!! My ins covered the albuterol but not the nebulizer. Like what am I supposed to use the albuterol for without the nebulizer?! Dumb...
I had a nebulizer. I'm shocked they covered the bullets but it was a ridiculous amount for my 8 dose puffer. Her doctor said all the signs that she has are normal teething signs. Said she wouldn't have even thought any different until she heard her lungs. You can't even hear the wheezing sitting next to her.
She's acting fine. Doesn't even act sick. She's been chasing Samuel around all day. Even has her "dog party hat" on. I don't get it.
WTF MAN! I can not catch a break!!! I've got two sick kids! Samuel is throwing up all over the place and has a fever. What's worse? He isn't acting sick at all. Insists on running around being a freakin' maniac! He thinks it's funny. He's running all over my house with his puke pot. Uhhhggg... it's times like these when I feel like I'm failing as a Mom. I can deal with diarrhea. I can do spit up. I CAN NOT DO PUKE! I remember when I was pregnant with Samuel and the dog puked on my carpet and I had to call Dan to come home and clean it up because I was dry heaving all over. I was talking to my Mom at the time and I remember crying to her, telling her that I was going to be a terrible parent because I can't do puke, and her answer was, "it's different with your kids, you can do puke when it's your kids" Pfftt.. My kid is puking and I can't do puke. I feel awful. I hope he doesn't remember this when he gets older. On the plus side, we did a few breathing treatments with Sara and she hasn't coughed since. Can't wait for tomorrow. I hope it's a better day. I need a break. :cry:
Janelle-um yeah puking sucks and I can hardly handle it either! luckily Joshua has only puked maybe twice in his 7 1/2 yrs, Avarie once and Jamison just did his second bout of puking on my scan date. so like a total of half a dozen times between 3 kids in 7 1/2 years.....I am doing good lol! you got this

ok ladies think I figured out a way to stay part time at work after blake is born hopefully I can get work to agree to switch the weekends I work and all is good lol. if not I go to pool or find a different job.
Janelle sounds like you're having the week I had one before last. Tyler had been sick with rsv then on that Friday we all 3 ended up with the puking crappies. So hopefully you don't end up with 2 sick parents too!!

Krissy wow that's pretty good for pukage! Pretty sure Tyler's already met that in 10 months!

Yay for ticker grace! :)
Misty, it's pretty rare that we catch what our kids have.

Sara seems fine this morning, I haven't even heard her cough and no wheezing. I haven't even had to wipe her nose since she got up either. Along with the humidifier, I think the treatments really are helping, she pretty much slept through them last night. I just held the nebulizer up to her face, while she slept and she breathed in the mist. Samuel on the other hand, came into our room this morning asking to snuggle and was burning up. I gave him some Tylenol and then he took a shower with Dan and now he's acting fine. Running around, eating, laughing. No puking, but he does have a cough still.

She's a natural!
Janelle hurry and knock on wood!!! This is a bad year for illnesses. Samuel is an example, you said he never gets sick and this is the 3rd time in past couple months. It's kinda scary all the crap going around. Makes you wonder...
Janelle-my kids are the same way maybe once a year they get sick and also thinking about it when Jamie had rsv he didn't cough either....but his wheeze was so bad you could hear it across the room and made his poor little chest cave in...that is why he ended up in the ER and found out his o2 was like 89% so they had to hospitalize him to us the heavy duty suction and respitory therapy to help clear the crap out. I remember his favorite song was the L.O.V.E song....you know it goes L is for the way you look at me and so on. well whenever I sang that to him he would instantly stop crying. well it was the middle of the night and they had come in to do a treatment and was not happy. so I started singing and sure enough he stopped crying. the therapist was amazed so I said watch this...I stopped singing he started crying I started singing he stopped crying....she thought it was great! it worked on him till after he was one.....ahhh he was such a good baby....what the hell happened!!!

so I talked to my bank and IRS refund for sure in there first thing tomorrow....yay!!! time to baby shop!!!!

misty-even with my kids being in school they don't usually get sick like I said. and what is funny is Avarie is my healthiest and never breastfed lol.....she has been in school for 3 years now and has only missed a day if I had something else going on....very rare for her to even remotely get sick.....huh.....

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