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Janelle- I am jealous! you saw pics of ava that girl was pretty bald till she was over the age of 2! oh and as far as the teeth thing avarie has the same problem. she got hit in the mouth by someone swinging and they said basically her tooth is bruised 3 years later still that way. not as dark but they don't do much since it is a baby tooth basically the root behind is dead and if it had been an adult tooth they would have done a root canal to restore proper blood flow since it was just a baby tooth no. and only pull if an abscess happens.

erin-i found a wonderful pediatric dentist my kids love. I think mostly bc they get a new tooth brush floss and a toy from the toy chest every time they go lol. but hey whatever works! fingers crossed on no cavities since I got pregnant I have been slacking on keeping track of them brushing ooops....

as far as sleep goes actually slept in yay! since kids did not have to go to school today bc of their appoitments they all slept in till 9 which is good considering we are normally up no later than 730 most days.

my dad should be getting his PET scan right now and my mom is headed up there so she will give me a call later on to let me know what is going on.

ok we got to leave in an hour talk to you fine ladies later one!
Midwife today and this madam is still 3/5 engaged! but she isnt going to move out now apparently :dohh: this madam is going to keep me waiting me thinks
zoey-sorry little miss is not moving out faster! idk how warm it I there but hopefully not too bad. we are starting to hit 60/70 degrees F and I am not liking it lmao!

ok so did kids appointments. Jamie no cavities yay, Joshua one boo....but avarie omg 5! I want to know how the hell that one happen bc 6 months ago she had none or they missed some then! I also talked them into pulling her two top teeth. I will get a phone call in a couple days to set up the appointments for her.

my dad had his PET scan and they think they found other spots to biopsy but wont try till Friday. also the dr said initial reports are showing cancerous spot on his lung and in his...hopefully it is a false negative!
Krissy, believe it or not, that makes me feel a lot better! I've never missed a day of him brushing his teeth, at least I can't recall a day, so I would be really surprised if it were decay, but I guess it's possible.

Well, I had a terrible migraine yesterday, which means my period is right around the corner. I woke up this morning with a migraine as well, which I'll admit, these migraines are really starting to piss me off! I wish they would just go away. They seem worse when I ovulate, and I get THE WORST ovulation cramps ever. So annoying, but it is what it is I guess.

You know how I'm always starting projects and never really finishing them? Well, I've found another project that I'm going to start this weekend and finish it! LOL now that I think about it, we've got a bunch of projects that we've started over the past few weekends and none are really finished, but my goal is to get them finished before Sara's birthday. We found a park bench for our front porch that we bought from a really sweet old couple off of craigslist. Dan sanded it all down and got it all smooth, but it's still sitting on our porch waiting to get stained and sealed. That doesn't take long, so I'm going to do that this weekend, but the real project that I'm starting is going to be an ottoman made from a tire. The previous owner that lived here left this huge gigantic tire. I've tried to give it away to just about everyone, but no one wants it. I thought about making a tire swing for Samuel out of it, but I think it's too big. I thought about painting it and planting something in it to put next to our garden, but then I remembered that I found something on pinterest a long long time ago, where you cover the tire in rope and make it look like an ottoman. So, I'm going to attempt to do that this weekend. Every tutorial that I've found says to use a glue gun to stick the rope to the tire, but that just doesn't make sense to me, after the winter here, I would come out to a pile of rope on my patio, it would just all fall off. So, I'm thinking super glue, but it's a big tire, and all super glue comes in is a small little tube. I'll figure something out.

Not sure if I posted it on here, but we have this weird side yard thing next to our patio that was full of tree limbs, random pieces of 2x4's and pretty much just of bunch of random wood scraps. Usually every winter we use it to burn in our fireplace, but because this winter was so warm, we didn't get much of a chance to burn, and when it was cold enough to burn, the code was always red. So, needless to say we had a bunch of wood that I didn't want. So I put that, our old frame to the 8' sliding glass door, an old screen door, and a stainless steel washer drum on craigslist for free, hoping for the best. Some guy, came and got all of it!!! It's so nice to have that side yard cleaned up! We had this fence thing that went around our patio and I remember when we were tearing down our fireplace, looking at the fence wondering what it would look like if we cut one side of it down, so being easily side tracked, I went out there and cut it down! Now, we have all this wood that looks really old, rustic like. PERFECT to make raised planter for a garden. And since they are already in long sections, it will be really easy to make! So, that's what my weekend is going to consist of. Stain the bench, make an ottoman, and build planter boxes.

My list of things to get done before Sara's birthday is ridiculous. We NEED to get the kitchen finished, paint the built-ins, and paint and caulk the stupid wall around our bay window. Ugh, so much to do, but I'm determined to do it!!
OMG, Krissy, my heart just sunk. I hope that it was a false positive and that everything turns out okay and that they are able to get the ball rolling soon.
Janelle-thanks sweety. just hate all this waiting around! he wont be home now maybe sat or sunday depending on what happens.... and I know I texted this to you already but for the others to know to. the kids cavities are not due to lack of brushing rather than not enough flossing. all the cavities are inbetween the teeth so the dentist said we have to up flossing from 2x a week to 3x a week and see if that helps.

have you guys ever flossed a little kids teeth....no fun at all for anyone lol.
Its roughly 22 Celsius here in my house too hot for me but for a non preggo perfect temperature :haha:

Ella is currently trying to escape out my belly (well feels.like that anyway) wrong way out little one :rofl:

Sorry about your dad :hugs:

Oh maybe af is on the way for you then? I tend to get migraines around af too
Zoey-i feel like blake is always trying to escape to lmao! 6w3d!
Krissy - I hope it's a false positive as well. When your dad makes it through this he's going to have an awesome testimony.

Zoey - Ella must be really comfy in there. My mother-in-law always tried to make me feel better by saying it's easier to go places when the baby is inside, but it never made me feel better. Ella will come when everything is perfect. :)
Grace, by any chance do you still have that brownie recipe I gave you a long time ago? Dan wanted me to make brownies, but I can't find it anywhere!!!! I fear I might have thrown it away. :cry:
I forgot you even sent that to me. I've deleted my inbox several times since then. Now I want some brownies. :(
Lmao! That was the best recipe too! Oh well, if I ever find it, I'll send it to you again. :)
Good day ladies,

I have not posted lately, but I have been reading.

Erin.. I am not sure if I did, but congratulations on your pregnancy. Are you hoping for a boy this time? You mentioned ovulating from left could mean boy, according to an old wives tale. I do believe I ovulated from my right and I had a boy. ��

Krissy.. your pregnancy seems like it flew by. Eviction notice soon. ��. Sorry to hear about your Dad. That is great your children look forward to the Dentist. The Dentist called to make an appointment for baby P, but he do not have any teeth yet. Glad you had a good baby shower. They are great. Can not go wrong with clothes. Everytime baby P outgrows clothes, I spend probably another $500 on the next size.

Misty.. Do your dh still want another baby? You agree yet? �� hehe

Grace.. It is your choice whether you want to find out the gender. You did find out the first time though, right? I can not imagine not knowing. Lol

Zoey.. Baby soon. Yahooooo!! Sooo exciting ��

Janelle.. Wow! Beautiful long hair. Love the pictures you post. Baby P is in a FR car seat. Once he reaches 22 pounds, he got to turn to FF. He is at 17 pounds now. It makes me sad how fast he is growing, but if he was not growing, something would not be right. I guess a way to look at the positive lol. We are undergoing a project as well. Our front lawn has to be tore up by a machine to take out the tree and rose bush stumps. Then got to get it filled and layer sods. Then got to put a 152 foot fence around. Whew! Exhausted just saying that lol

Hope I never missed anyone. I guess Nicole decided not to come back. Also, I never heard much from Angel.

Now, a bit on my baby. He is a little over 7 months. He has no teeth yet and is gearing up to say 'mom'. He talks all day long. All jaw he is. Hehe. He is double jointed so he probably will take a little longer to crawl and walk, according to the paed. He has acid reflux and has to take zantac. Premature babies are prone to acid reflux.
Aspe-happy to hear all is well there! when do you plan on going back to work?

Janelle and grace-do you guys really need to talk about brownies in front a pregnant woman? now I want them....but then again I did have my cookie dough ice cream last night yum!

Afm-my uncle is going to try and come over this afternoon to fix my car hopefully if it don't rain! 50/50 chance. we have yet to decide what we are doing car/money wise that is what we got to figure out next week since josh is gone till sat afternoon so he can work some over time.

oh and I so think nesting is setting in! I all of a sudden have this urge that everything needs to get done like now. I keep having dreams that blake is going to come before my csection date. last dream was my water broke at 37weeks. I have my ultra sound tomorrow so I will find out then how big he is how much fluid and how my cervix looks on the screen......anyways off I go got to get kids ready my mom is taking the to school for me because I have no car lol
At year's end. So I got to go back in September.
Aspe-glad you could spend so much together!

ok ladies finally something good happen....I found the baby swing I have been wanting on craiglist for $45! it does not have the plug in but no biggie as long as it is not broke...the swing I had I had broke mine any ways lol....I can order a new one but it still takes batteries.....anyways I have been looking for ever and I get to pick it up tomorrow!

here is a picture of what it basically looks like I loved it for my younger two!


  • baby swing.png
    baby swing.png
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Krissy - That's a really cool looking swing.

Aspe - I guess since it still hasn't hit me that there's a baby in there, it's easier not to know.

Janelle - Don't remind me about those brownies if you don't have a recipe for me. LOL. I need to check my office and see if I printed it out, but I'm really bad about not printing stuff off. Okay, I just looked and I found it!!! I'm sending it to you in a PM.

AFM - Anatomy scan on Monday. Can't believe I'm almost at the half way mark. This pregnancy is just flying by. When your babies switched from purees to solid food, did they poop less? Ethan is still pooping 3 times a day, and I'm sick of cleaning up poop. Especially when I'm going to be cleaning poop for two in 4 1/2 months. Ethan is just now taking the stage 3 foods with chunks, but he's still not ready for real solids. I'm just hoping that once he gets to real solids his poops will slow up a bit.
this swing is the best! the seat can be switched in 4 different ways, comes out so you can rock them on the floor and vibrates. the swing has an ipod plug in plus all the soothing sounds. also graco carseats can pop into the base rather than the seat so like when the baby is sleeping in the car just pop into the swing and baby keeps moving. my daughter slept in it for the first month or so.

grace-there you go again talking about brownies! but I have had terrible heartburn allllll day so actually nothing sounds good!

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