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Krissy - I hope they call soon.

Zoey - You're full term!!!
well the dr finally called and said after talking to the other specialist that surgery is not a good idea at this time. instead he is suggesting radiation to try and shrink the mass. he has to get a hold of my dads oncologist first but he said my dad should start in 4-5days.....
Krissy - I pray that the mass shrinks with the radiation and I pray your dad handles the radiation well. Tough time. Lots of hugs. :hugs:
Hugs Krissy. He won this fight before, he can again! I hate that he has to though :(
Thanks for all the support ladies. honestly the hardest part of all this is trying to explain stuff to the kids so they don't get scared. I tried explaining it some to the kids the other day and the little ones just said ok grandpa not gonna feel good. Joshua on the other hand sat and thought about it. then says to me I don't want to loose grandpa...god I hate them getting older he is so smart he figures things out so easy. I told him we wont loose him he will just be sick for a while. but then I went to the bathroom and cried. now that kills me bc my parents are so important to them sometimes I think my kids love them more lol....

but yes he will fight as hard as he can and he will survive this to just not fair he has to do it again for the 3rd time and he is only 53.

ok time for school and hopefully see about getting that new car today!
Ok prewarning this could be a long post...

Ladies I am so ready to give up on EVERYTHING! it just feels like no matter what nothing ever goes right and there is always something bad or wrong happening. like yesterday my alternator died in my car after I dropped the kids off at school I was stuck for almost 3 hours! then they told my dad that they decided he needs a biopsy done first but some one will call he is in soooo much pain he is begging them to do something and talking about just giving up on everything to. then we went to look at the car and of course its gone. my bank account is low and a stupid payment I thought came out almost 2 weeks ago for some reason did not come out till today so that is 100 less we have now that I thought we did....I am so stressed over how are we gonna cover bills food and gas that I broke down and went and asked for assistance....I started the process over 2 weeks ago called today they said it could still be a few days.....I am at the point of do I pay bills or buy food? josh is trying to pick up over time and next weekend is his weekend off but he is working both days to get 24hrs over time. I don't even know if we can fix my car which causes a whole new mess of problems if I don't have a car to drive while he is gone.

like Janelle said before my jar is sooooo freaking full...I am sooooo hormonal....I cant sleep I feel sick constantly....and I keep blaming myself. maybe I could have pushed myself and kept working like did I just give up too early and took the easy way out? I love being home now but at what cost? I don't have a choice now i know i couldn't work now if i wanted to with having too much fluid and what not but i am the mom i am suppose to provide for my kids...then the added stress of my dad i just wanna scream and punch something or someone and make them hurt as bad as i do....

i got 7 weeks before the baby is born so at least 15 weeks before i can go back to work....almost 10 weeks before josh gets his raise..idk what we are going to do in the mean time....

i know everyone says have faith it will all work out in the end....but i need it to work out now.....

thanks for "listening" to the crazy preggo lady....i feel like i do a lot of complaining lately so real quick let me say i am thankful that blake should be perfectly fine and i get to see him again in a week on scan...that even though my 3 i got now dive me up the wall i wouldn't give them up for anything even though i tell them i am.....my husband who even though can piss me off in an instant but make me happy just as fast....and of course my parents who i know will help us if we need it and i don't think my kids would have turned out half as good if not for them....
Krissy!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm sorry that your jar is full. :( But just remember an arrow can only be shot forward, after it's been pulled backwards. When it rains it pours! I know life feels like it's spinning out of control right now and everything is crashing down, but I promise you, things will work out. I know you said that you have a lot of bills that are due at the moment and you also need to go grocery shopping, well call whatever company that you own the bills to and see if you can get an extension. A lot of places will give you one, without penalty, but you need to call. As for your dad, maybe they want to do a biopsy just to see exactly what they are dealing with. I know with his history everything automatically points to cancer, but maybe it's not. Maybe its something that can easily be fixed and he wont have to go through chemo. It's safe to assume that it might be cancer, but lets think optimistically and hope that it's something as simple as scar tissue or a muscle gone wild. Sounds crazy, but maybe it's just a big glob of nothing. No need in putting your Dad through chemo and what not. Maybe if they get a better idea of what the mass is, they can find and easier way to get rid of it and get him out of pain quicker.

I know you and I both and I'm sure some of the other ladies on this thread were at the point at some point of their life with some obstacle where they just wanted to give up. But you can't. Sounds cliche, but you just can't. Josh needs you, your kids need you, your Dad and Mom especially need you right now. Hell, I need you to keep me sane! I know many a times where you wanted to give up trying to get pregnant, but as hard an emotional as all of that was, you didn't give up and look, you're so close to having Blake!! It's all paid off in the end. You just have to remember to take a minute to breath. Remember that it's okay to cry, it's okay to get mad and to scream, just as long at the end of the day you remember that life goes on and it will all work out. You just have to be patient. You can't expect answers and solutions to be given all within a few hours. I promise you, it's going to be okay. :hugs: :hugs:

Alright, I gotta babysit some kid right now, so I'll have to talk to you later. Hey, look at all the trouble Lucy got herself into, remember the chocolate factory episode? Everything always worked out for her, just like it will for you and your family! :flower:

AFM, Does anyone know if they sell outdoor rugs at TJMaxx, Ross, Marshalls, Homegoods, etc. ?? I need a fairly big one 8x10 Anyone one know where I can get a decent deal? I looked at Lowes and Home depot, but I don't really like their selection.
Once again thanks ladies!!! I am feeling much better tonight....

Janelle you keep me sane to and I truly appreciate the awesome friendship we have!

ok so the ended up sending my dad to the University of Michigan hospital that is located about 2hours from me. this is bc my dad went to see our fam dr and told her the run around he has gotten the last week. so she did some calling while she was there and found out the general surgeon he was seeing had left before 3 on a Friday...then called the biopsy place he was suppose to be going to for a biopsy and they said that they had notified the general surgeon a few days ago that they would not touch him because it was too dangerous. and his oncologist had no idea of any of this. soooo this majorly pissed our dr off and said since no one wants to do anything in the last 3weeks since the masses were found she was. called up uofm and asked how to get him admitted. he was told to go to the er there and they would admit him through there and then their oncologist, some of the best in the country would take over his care at this point. so fingers crossed they do something and hopefully he is out by sunday but I doubt it. just sucks my car is broke down and josh is gone till Monday for work. my mom should be coming over tomorrow to pick me up for shopping for the baby shower....still sooo much to do and now with my dad in the hospital....ugh!!!!

some other good news. talked to my cousin who got a loan on her car and what place she used and sounds like a really good place to go to she has used them a few times and they let her do a 60 month loan so that her payments are really low. so I am thinking we are going to do that Monday and get enough to pay bills fix my car completely and maybe even pay it off.....I will see what he says in the morning....
Hi ladies, I've been a bad bnb-er lately. I keep putting off catching up on threads for "when I have time." Hahaha I don't think that's gonna happen. :( So I'll try to pick up from here.

Krissy, so many hugs :hugs: You truly have too much on your plate. I pray you can catch a break soon. Thinking of your dad and hoping he can finally get the best care possible.

Janelle did you find a rug? My grandma had one like that at Easter, but I have no idea where she got it. Places like you mentioned seem to be luck of the draw, so maybe call first? Certainly seems possible that they'd have them, but you just never know. Also wonder if someplace like Sears or Target or Kmart would have something? Or a wholesale club type place if you have access to one. Oh or maybe Bed Bath & Beyond?

Hope everyone else is doing ok. <3

AFM, I went to bed early last night (9ish), but woke up at maybe 2:45ish with a killer headache. Finally got up after about an hour when it was clear I was not going to get any more sleep with a headache like that. Got up and took a tylenol with a serving of caffeine, and I think I'm feeling maybe 90% better. Going to try to get back to sleep soon. Too bad Saturday doesn't mean much for me because it's still a work day! Other than that, just happy I haven't bled in almost 2 weeks. Waiting for 12 week appt on Monday!!
Erin-do you get a scan at your 12week appointment on Monday? I did the genetic testing so I got a scan then....shoot I have a ton of scans 7w, 11w, 18w, 22w, 24w, 28w, and now one coming up on Friday so 32w.....then I am sure more bc of the fluid and his kidneys.

afm- I have not heard anything yet and I don't wanna call and wake my mom up since I am sure she did not get home till late. so I sit and wait....
Nope my next scan won't be til the morphology scan. I got a couple of "bonus" ones at 8+5 and 9+6 because of the SCH and car accident.
Good evening ladies! I am finally home! I was gone for the last 11 hours! my mom ended up picking us up this morning and we made the 2 hour trip to go see my dad at the hospital. he was in a ton of pain still, even though they have him hooked up to a morphine drip. he we was all smiles for my kids though. he will get a needle biopsy done by Monday if not tomorrow. he will then be discharged, as long as pain is managed, on Monday or Tuesday. once back home he will start radiation treatments at our local hospital. he will have to do them the next 14 days straight to try and shrink the masses. he is so scared right now hopefully it all turns out ok and those 3 weeks that were wasted wont hurt him too bad!

time for bed it is almost 10pm here and tomorrow is my babyshower!
Wow what a full day! Glad they're taking care of your dad now, bless him. Hope the biopsy goes well and he's feeling well enough to leave on Monday or Tuesday.

Have a fun fun day tomorrow! Can't wait to see pictures! ;) :thumbup:
Seriously 530am I woke up and cant fall back to sleep it is now almost 630 hopefully I can fall back to sleep soon for a least another hour.

Baby shower is in less than 8 hours!
So sleep was a no go....sigh....but I did talk to my dad this morning and finally his pain is getting to a manageable level. they are going to see how it is for today and if he is doing good then they know what to put him on for at home.

I am not too sure how many people are actually going to make it to the baby shower so we will see how it turns out. my mom should be here any minute so we can get to setting up and have plenty of time to get ready.

have a great day ladies!

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