A home for EVERYONE!

So I did an annoying woman thing and instead of asking my DH to get me an apple, I was like hey do you want an apple? ;) ;)

He said how about you just ask?

So I said okay can you please cut me an apple? And you can get yourself one too if you want to haha.

Then he was like...maybe later.

15 minutes later I am sitting here with no apple and he says I'm pregnant not crippled. :(

I guess I'll go get my own danged apple. :p

He could have just said no to begin with. But at least he's busy formulating an excellent strategy for some random mobile game....

(He's usually nice and helpful, and I shouldn't do the passive aggressive thing, but this is annoying me.)

Edit: So I got up to get my apple, and I told him next time I cook dinner I'm just cooking it for DD and me lol. He started to get up and was like, "I guess you did ask directly..." And I said NOPE too late hahahahaha.
Janelle - I didn't mean that Dan would step out. I just meant that women around here will get bolder and bolder if given the opportunity. I will not be disrespected so they will know from the beginning to not pull that foolishness around me. LOL. And going out there while you're breastfeeding Sara. That is hilarious.

Erin - The festival was nice. I got some great pictures of my little man and dh with my new camera. I couldn't stay long though because it got hot and I was looking for a bench every 5 minutes. LOL.
Grace, glad you enjoyed the festival. Yay for cute pics with a new camera, fun! Sorry it was hot and tiring, but glad you could find benches. ;)
So I did an annoying woman thing and instead of asking my DH to get me an apple, I was like hey do you want an apple? ;) ;)

He said how about you just ask?

So I said okay can you please cut me an apple? And you can get yourself one too if you want to haha.

Then he was like...maybe later.

15 minutes later I am sitting here with no apple and he says I'm pregnant not crippled. :(

I guess I'll go get my own danged apple. :p

He could have just said no to begin with. But at least he's busy formulating an excellent strategy for some random mobile game....

(He's usually nice and helpful, and I shouldn't do the passive aggressive thing, but this is annoying me.)

Edit: So I got up to get my apple, and I told him next time I cook dinner I'm just cooking it for DD and me lol. He started to get up and was like, "I guess you did ask directly..." And I said NOPE too late hahahahaha.

That is so mean :(. My DH does things for me all the time without me even having to ask. He is so thoughtful <3.
He has offered me apples and other snacks many times without me asking. It was just this time. But this time I got my own. He offered to do it when I finally got my butt up to do it, but by then I was like forget it. I really just wanted to eat an apple and go to bed. :p
Oh my all this talk about hoochie mommas! lmao! josh is so oblivious when it comes to when chicks are checking him out or flirting that its funny. I remember this was one time it was obvious that this guy was trying to flirt with me in front of josh. we were getting lunch at the mall we had met up on his lunch break so we had drove seperatly and I had the kids in tow so by the time I got to the food court he had already ordered his food and then stood there waiting for it while I ordered mine and the kids. well the cashier guy had made a comment about my driver photo and I just laughed it off like yeah whatever and ever rolled my eyes at josh. well he thought I was liking this creepy ass guy hittig on me when I just basically ignored it....he was soooo pissed off it was soooo funny to me because I was happy to see that (then 5 yrs into our relationship) a guy hitting on me still made him jealous.....

oh and avarie loves skirts and dresses to! the only skirts I buy her are the ones with the shorts built in and the ones I get at walmart are a good length. I even sometimes buy them bigger and take them in just for the extra length. then when she does where dresses in the winter she always has the supper thick tights on so no seeing through and in the summer I buy those knit/biker shorts for her to wear under her dresses. I am obsessed with her not showing her butt/underwear at all lol. and personally for me I am a capri type of person or the "boy" shorts or like erin pointed out the normal shorts. the short shorts are my pjs lol.

Janelle- I think josh would agree with the sailor mouth on the streets for me to...I am terrible I really need to watch it lol. piss me off and yeah I am not nice at all. I maybe be little but damn it I can hold my own!

so we didn't end up getting that car. after I called the dealer for the third time they said the chick bought it but oh is there anything else...I say yeah freaking right! if she did buy it she got ripped off bc I KBB it and they had it listed like $1500 above even the excellent condition. oh well not meant to be on to the next one.

oh and I am getting sick of this wake up at 5:30 wide awake and not tired again till time for kids to get up...guess I know what time blake will be getting up lol.

ok time to get butt moving didn't realize it was so late got to get me and the kids ready for church then it is yard work day and get my alternator done!!!
I've been starving constantly today but nothing else :rofl: im currently debati
G cooking or going to the chip shop for tea :haha:
Here's my little man from yesterday.


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Your little man is adorable :D

Atm i feel really homesick. I want to go home so bad. I want my family and i want to have ella in my hometown in a hospital i know and trust. :cry:

Don't get me wrong my life is good here, i have a home, enough money to pay the bills. I have a amazing fiance and a baby on the way and of course my fur baby. All of whom i love with all my heart. I have lots to be greatfull for which i am very grateful for.

But i wish i so wish i could go home (with matt, ella and timothy of course) I miss my family so much :cry: i don't think it helps that matts family (not matts fault at all) are so difficult :/

Sorry to rant and for the downer im just really hormonal and feeling alone i guess :blush:
Zoey - :hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry you can't be with your family right now. That must really suck. Will they be able to come up and visit you once Ella gets here?
Yeah as soin as im definitely in labour my mum will drive down to see me and to stay for a couple of days afterwards. She will probably miss me being in labour though because its a 5 hour journey down here by.car :nope: and depending on the timw thwre will be a huge amount of traffic because she has to drive by London to get to me. She dosent go through London though which is good
Zoey-i am so sorry you are missing your family, especially you mom right now. I know if I HAD to move away from my parents I would but it would kill me. especially in a time like this you need your mommy I know I do!

Erin-don't know how I missed your post earlier lol. josh says crap to me like that all the time and I don't take it too heart too often lol. but I do get pissed when I ask him to do something and he don't then turns around and ask me to do it...boy does he get a mouth full lol....I hope today was nice for you and you get some nap time tomorrow. does your daughter go to daycare on Mondays or home with you? oh wait your mom watches her right? boy now I am confusing myself!!!

Janelle-little miss fix this weekend...missed our chatter! but of course the new week starts tomorrow and since dan will be at work and you wont be able to stare at him while he works you MIGHT contact me again....lol...seriously happy you are getting so much accomplished!

Grace-ethan is soooooo cute!!!!!

afm-had a wonderful time at church although many tears shed as people talked to us about my dad...at one point my dad goes I aint dead yet and that's not why were crying it is just so nice to have such a wonderful church family showing so much support in a time when you need it!!

ok time to tuck kids in and go to sleep myself!
MY BACK IS KILLING ME!!!! From pain, not from the sunburn. I've been painting and caulking again today! So, this is what we got done this weekend.... Refinished the park bench for our front porch, FINISHED the built in, FINISHED THE KITCHEN!!!!! touched up all the caulking spots on the siding trim from when we put in the french doors, got my circles cut out to start the ottoman, which I can work on during the week... I got the bay window all caulked and painted, well primed... but you can't tell the difference. AND we put down grass seed in the back yard. I. AM. EX.HAUS.TED!!!

Krissy, I'll text you tomorrow, when I'm more alive.

Grace, cute pic of handsome man Ethan.

Zoey, sorry you're missing your family. Soon enough you will see them again.

AFM, I feel so freakin' lucky to have married the man that I did. He is absolutely awesome. I'm starting to finally feel chipper that all these Half (ass) projects are getting finished. Here is a picture of the built-in. DONE!!! Now please excuse me while I take a LONG over due bubble bath.

Grace, how do you not die of cuteness overload every single day? He is so adorable!

Zoey, so sorry you are feeling homesick. :( I think it's only natural. Just because you have a lot to be thankful for doesn't mean you can't miss your hometown and your family too. Big hugs to you. Glad your mom can go see you and stay for a bit. I'm not wishing a long labor on you, but I do hope she can get there in time to be there with you if that's what you want.

DH is super sweet a lot of the time, but then sometimes some of that selfish only child stuff comes out. Not that all only children are selfish, that's not what I'm trying to imply. But sometimes it's clear that he's not used to having to do certain things or think about certain things because for so long it was just about him. Not an excuse, and really he's good most of the time. I have a personal rule not to gripe about my husband to people, so I don't mean to be too gripey. He is a very loving guy, and he really cares deeply about all the most important things. But sometimes I just want to smack him ya know? :)

Today was good. After church, I did get to take a nap. So that was fabulous.

Mondays are my day with my daughter. :) Sometimes we visit daddy for lunch, run errands, or just stay home to catch up on stuff. But yeah my mom watches her Tuesday through Friday. They are BFFs. :)

Glad church was wonderful but sorry it was so emotional. It is truly a blessing to have a group of people there to help hold you up!

Janelle, that looks amazing!
Janelle, wow! That is beautifullll

So, I need to rant. My db (of 10 years) may call it quits. This is his house, so I will have to move. If he do not want me, I am not going to fight for it.
Omg, aspe!! I'm so sorry! I hope that he changes his mind and things start looking up for you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Anatomy scan went well. Everything looked good and the high risk doctor said he wouldn't need to see me anymore unless something goes wrong. :happydance: So no more ultrasounds, and we still don't know the gender!

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