A home for EVERYONE!

Aspe- I am so sorry girl! hopefully you guys can work on it a baby changes a relationship so much and guys don't even realize it! I know me and josh had to go through a big adjustment when we had Joshua and finally it took me telling him that I will always love my son more than him and I will always do things for my son before I do him and I expect he would feel the same way. after that things got better but it did take some work especially since josh was used to getting all my attention.

Janelle-I love it!!! you wanna build me one?

Erin-enjoy that one on one time you get with her right now till baby comes!

Grace-I still want to know!!!!! now even before the tech told me blake was boy you could TELL do you think you saw one way or the other? but seriously so happy you got a clean bill of health for the baby!

afm-took a while but my dad finally got my car fixed yay I got wheels again!!! just in time to josh took off to work a bit a go lol.
Grace, GIRL! Next time, you have the ultrasound tech write it down and put it in an envelope and you just mail it to me. My lips will be sealed! ;)

Krissy, geez...make you brownies, build you a built-in. I'm starting to think this is more of a Mugsy and Rocky friendship, rather than Lucy and Ethel. :haha: Just kidding. I don't have time for anymore built-ins. I've decided that I want to tile another section of my kitchen. We have a bunch of tile left over, so I'm going to talk to my tile guy and see if he can squeeze me in one day. I am so tired though. Seriously. Sara's birthday is going to be here and I'm going to look so run down in the pictures. Oh well, I'll have completed projects!!
Thanks everyone. We went not talking yesterday and all night. He did come home from work until probably midnight. My heart will be shattered if we are over but I do not want to stay if he do not want to talk or look at me. I am here by myself as well, like in this province. My whole family is 7000 miles away.

He slept on the couch and when I came out in the living room, he went in our room. I just wish he would talk to me or tell me to leave. Rather, than this 'no talking'. He left for work this morning without talking to me or our son.

I can see how my first mother's day is going to be. Moving.
Can sore boobs and frequent peeing be ovulation signs?
Janelle-I only ask you to do those things because I am not a baker and I am not crafty lol. now if you need me to read a book for you and tell you all about it I am your girl or write a paper....I am more book smart type rather than hands on type that's josh. make sure you give yourself at least one day in between all these projects and sara's bday so you can attempt to look rested lol. but it does feel good to be accomplished don't it?

afm-feeling so freaking sick! Idk if its allergies or if its a cold or what but I had a headache all night and congested. finally took some meds a few hours ago and helping a little bit. got to take my kids to school then come home and write a paper for my mom for her class tonight trying to help her out since she has been so occupied with my dad. then go to a dr appointment with my dad before picking the kids up and today is library day after school....looks like early bed time again for me!
nosey family members on mine and matts side who never speak to us normally. suddenly asking me on fb how im feeling. urh get lost you nosey people *hides under a rock* . they only want a bit of gossip - well sorry there isnt any :dohh:

dad asked me if she had arrived last night i was in tears laughing when he asked "are you ok? "yes" "thats bad were is this baby?" - followed by a laugh "do jumping jacks that is what i made your mum do" :rofl:

well jumping jacks didnt work for my mum as she had to be induced with all of us but the image of my mum heavily pregnant doing jumping jacks just to shut my dad up is hilarous :rofl:
Aspe - Is he at least telling you what's wrong? I'm not asking you to tell us what it is, but is he at least letting you know. I really hope you can work things out.

Zoey - That is so hilarious. I wouldn't dare try to do jumping jacks that pregnant. You're almost 39 weeks! Not much longer to go now.
Grace.. No, he never spoke a word to me.
Zoey-LMAO omg I heard about people doing it but seriously too funny!!!!! I am so clumsy I would never dare to do that while pregnant...and you are almost to the finish line!!!

afm-good news my car seems to be acting soooo much better! what I thought was a bad sensor in my transmission making it act funny I think was all tied to alternator. thank god my dad could fix it!
Aspe - :hugs: I can't imagine how you feel being so far from family and him not talking to you like that. :hugs:
Aspe- I don't know what I would do being so far from family and dealing with that. honestly you need to try and make him sit down and talk and really get out what is going on. how is he with baby p? good luck again sweety!!

Grace- how did your family respond to the scan pics? do they have any guesses?
Hi girls!! Sorry I've been MIA. Been busy with a sick and crabby baby :( He's had bronchiolitis since weekend before last so he's been hacking up a lung and wheezing. Doc said it's a virus do all I could do is give him Tylenol for fever and breathing treatments which he said only helps in like 40% of patients. Then he got all stuffed up and green snot so I knew ears would be next. Sure enough yesterday we woke up to his ears draining and he puked all over. Jake stayed home with him and took him to the dr. Double ear infections. Sigh... Feel so bad for him. A friend of mine had planned a 40th birthday party for me this past weekend and I wasn't sure I was gonna make it to my own birthday party! I was worried he was going to end up with pneumonia. He didn't tho and his sister watched him so that I didn't have to cancel on everybody at the last minute. Had a good time and I drank for the first time in a loooooong time. I turned 40 yesterday.... what an old hag! lol

Grace I was going to request the same thing as Janelle... have the tech put an ultrasound pic in an envelope and mail it to me!! I wanna knoooooow!! lol How fun tho to get the surprise at birth. You have WAY more will power than I do! What a handsome man you have, by the way.

Krissy, I've been following along and hoping & praying for your dad's health. LOVE the ultrasound pics!!! You got some good ones! Good boy, Blakey :) He's such a cute chunker!

Aspe, sorry for what you're going thru with DB. Hope it works out. Glad you got Baby P on reflux meds. I had a feeling that's what he had from what you described before. I dealt with the same stuff!!

Janelle, you... as usual... are a rock star and God's gift to your hubby and amazing children. Love the built in. So jealous!!

Zoey, almost there!! I'm excited!!

Erin, so glad u joined our group! Love your personality and writing style. I always get a kick out of it :)

Lunch I over... back to work!
Misty - Happy Belated Birthday!!! I'm glad Tyler didn't get pneumonia. We didn't get any good scan pics, but we did get to see baby in 3D again. No more ultrasounds unless something goes wrong. So even if I get weak later on, I won't have the temptation.
No chance of me doing jumping jacks i trip over my own feet as it is :rofl:
zoey-well if you get the urge to do any of those old wives tales to get baby ella moving record it so we can watch to lol.

misty-nice to see your still alive! I know its hard having a sick little especially with you both starting your jobs not long ago. happy belated bday!

grace-will power of steel lol!

ok I have not been feeling so good lately....been nauseas off and on for days now....hands and feet feel swollen and today I have had more contractions then I have had in weeks. debating on calling the dr worried about bp it was up at the high risk dr on Friday 130 something/ 97 first time then 130 something/92 the second time....idk what to do, my parents will be over soon I will talk to my mom.
I hope its nothing for you its still early for you! Thougj go to hospital if your worried :kiss:

You have had more labour signs than me! Madness :dohh:

I promise if i ever get desperate enough to try jumping jacks i shall record it so you can all have a good laugh :rofl:
yeah I am gonna go get checked out after a while...more than likely nothing but better safe than sorry.

this is my fourth big baby though my body has had enough! lol
so went and got checked out last night. blood pressure was up but all blood work came back as ok as far as preeclampsia. but my ob office called me today to say that the dr last night recommends they move my csection date up to 37weeks instead of 39weeks bc of my blood pressure and swelling issues to try and prevent it turning into preeclampsia.....CrAZY! I wont know for sure tillmy dr appointment tomorrow morning. I actually hope they do bc that means I could have my baby as little as 3 weeks from Saturday!
Oh wow eek so close to your baby arriving!

For the ladies who love to labour watch - I've felt "off" for the last couple of days. I have a really bad tummy, feeling sick, increased watery discharge.
Zoey - just watery or is it your bloody show? that was a sign for me. show was on sunday went into labor on monday and had ethan tuesday morning at 1:50 am.
No bloody show just watery. The last time I kept an eye on my cm I was ttc :haha:

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