A home for EVERYONE!

Krissy - I hope he getc better. I can understand being scared. Teaching the kids how to call is a good idea. Does he have hypoglycemia? How is he treating it? Could stress be making it worse?
Grace-hope the house hunting/buying is going well!! Josh is a type 1 diabetic and has been since he was 14 so 15 years now. what I am figuring happened is he over calculated how many carbs he ate and took too much insulin. that is why he needs to be checking his blood sugar more often...its more accurate to know how much insulin to take rather then how many carbs ate bc different kinds of carbs metabolize differently. he is fine now just got a good butt chewing.

ok so I have decided I am going to get my first tattoo. I want to get the ribbion for prostrate cancer which is a light blue and above it to say my hero and below it to say my daddy. I think it will look super cute!
Krissy - I get it. Glad you all know what is going on. The tattoo sounds beautiful. Where will you get it? House hunting is going. They had accepted our offer, but the inspection revealed too much wrong with the house so we will keep looking. We move this weekend into an apartment and have to be completely out of this house by Wednesday.
Grace-I am glad you are taking this whole house thing in stride...not easy when your pregnant and have a toddler I know!

I am thinking on my calf right above my ankle not too big though. I did talk to josh bc he has always said he does not want me to get a tattoo but once I showed him the design and explained it he said ok....not like I really needed his permission but its nice to know he is behind me on this.

here is a pic of what I am going to get. but above it it will say my hero and below it my daddy.


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so tired! they had a butt load of call in yesterday so even though it was my day off I went in for a few hours to help out. then blake slept most of yesterday for whatever reason so up a lot last night. now he is all stuff...poor baby...we are hanging out now.

hubby is doing much better for now. he has his yearly well check in a few weeks so they will look over everything then.

one thing that has been on my mind a lot lately is blakes heart defect. he still has to get the echo done again and see the specialist which I have been playing phone tag trying to get that apt set up. just afraid they are going to say that the valve is still too thick and they have to put him on meds or surgery....
Krissy - I love the tattoo. So touching. I hope Blake's heart is fine.
Grace-thanks! find any other houses that look promising? I am sure his heart will be ok just as a mom ya worry ya know? how are your feelings about handling to little ones? like I said it can be done even that close together. avarie and Jamison are only 17months apart in age and wasn't too bad at all. now they can almost pass as twins...Jamie is tall and ava is short lol. also nice bc you aren't of the baby stage much easier! I swear this time around I feel like a first time mom all over again when as before the kids were so close together I never had a chance to get out of the baby stage to notice a real differenc lol.

ok...well got a lot of school shopping done today...went to applebees with my momma and it is so nice when we get a chance to hang out. I am truly blessed with the parents I have.
Good day ladies,

I read almost every post but do not always get a chance to reply.

Grace.. That sucks the house was not suitable

Janelle.. Not sure if I said it, but love your hair and congratulations on the weight loss. I find it difficult to exercise 30 minutes a day - time being the issue

Krissy.. Love the tattoo

:wave: Erin, Misty, Libby, and Zoey
Hope I did not forget anyone

So, when my son talks, his tongue goes to the side. This is not, for the lack of a better word, 'normal', is it? I am worried.
Grace, glad you got an inspection!! Find any other prospects yet?

Erin how are you doing?

Aspe he may just be figuring out he has a tongue and experimenting with it? Does he get food down and swallow ok?

Krissy I sincerely hope and pray Blake's heart is ok. Love the tattoo.

S'mores face!!


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Misty.. He gags with chunky food but not as much as he used to. Other than that, he drinks and eats perfectly.

He tries so hard to talk and sometimes goes red in the face trying.

As a first time Mom, everything makes me wonder.

By the way, adorable picture of your little man.
Tyler did the same thing with the gagging. I think Ethan did too, right Grace? It just takes time. He'll get used to it eventually. It took Tyler a while!! How many teeth does he have? Tyler was slow going on those too. Didn't start getting them til 9 months. He just cut 3 more at one time so is up to 9 teeth now lol.
He has two bottom teeth now and one on the top is just starting to break through the skin now
Aspe - Misty is right; Ethan gagged on chunky food until he was like 12 or 13 months. Now he gags when I give him something he doesnt like. He hates green beans so if I give him those straight he gags, but he's just faking. If i mix green beans with carrots or rice he's fine. Baby P will get it. Ethan has been stuck on 6 six teeth for what seems like forever.

Misty - So glad we got that inspection. The house had rats and a bad roof. They said 15-20k for a new roof. No way I'm doing that without negotiating the price down by the same amount. And the rats just grossed me out. Nothing else has come up for us that we like. I've got one neighborhood I want and I'm willing to wait a few months until something pops up.

Janelle - hope you're okay. Haven't heard from you in a while.

Krissy - I know you're crazy busy right now but I hope all is well.

Erin - Where are you? We need our update.

Libby & Zoey - :hi: Y'all have been MIA too. What's going on?

AFM - We are settled into our temporary residence. Hopefully we won't be here long, but I love being in the middle of the city. Everything is so close. And this little apt will be so much easier to clean while pregnant than our house. Now off to search the Internet to see if they've listed anymore houses in that neighborhood.
Grace ewwwwwww!! Rats woulda done it for me, even if it had a new roof!! Are you in a month to month apt right now? Tyler was the exact same way... stuck at 6 teeth for months! He had 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. Now recently he just cut 3 at once... 2 molars on top and 1 front one on the bottom. So he has 6 teeth on top and only 3 on the bottom lol. Seems out of whack to me!

Anybody else's kid this goofy and have an obsession with putting stuff on top of their head?? Sigh...


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Misty - I wanted to back out because of the rats but the pest control guy convinced me they could rid of them before closing and that it was because of the holes left in the house after they built it. Said when the holes are patched, the rats will move on to another house. And Ethan loves putting stuff in his hair. Dirt, mulch, gravy, chicken, hats, and anything else he can balance on his head.
aspe-thankfully I never had a problem with the gaging for my kids picky yes.....if it really concerns you doesn't hurt to make a dr apt and get it checked out.

grace-even though waiting is hard I agree that is the best choice....no need to settle on a house that in the end is not worth it no matter what neighborhood it is in.

misty-adorable pics! my kids did crazy stuff like that all the time...still does lol! finally got his appointment set for the 27th. they will do they echocardiogram first then we will see the dr. then they will decide if he needs a full out consultation or if it has resolved itself enough that his normal dr can handle it.

erin-i agree with everyone how have you been? been a while since we heard from ya...

zoey-how are you? how did the move go?

Oh and Janelle is adjusting to her meds again but she is doing ok.

ok got to work again and again and again lol
hello sorry i have been mia ive been busy unpacking ect. moving was stressful but we did it.

my friends who drove the hire van hired a van which is too small so we had to throw stuff out and give stuff to mil (she was not happy but whats new ;) ) they were going to come in a smaller van but we would of had to send them back there would be no way it would of fitted any smaller! atm matt is trying too get a job and im waiting for my cloth nappies to finish arriving so i can start to put ella in cloth nappies!

ella rolled over the other day she has only done it twice because she wiggles so much, she hasent found her feet yet so he can't do it on her own accord yet :haha: ive also put away her newborn clothes now. it was upsetting (co im waaay to emotional) bu at 2 months old she is finally in 0-3 months old clothes :cloud9:

we will hopefully hav internet put in tomorrow so i will (in theory) be ble to on more often but that depends on ella tbh.

hope everyone is ok i have read the posts but ive missed too much for personal replies!
Sooooop Tyler has been exposed to hand foot and mouth disease. Freaking AWESOME. Siiiiiiigh
And here we are 3 days after exposure and he has a fever. Who'da thunk?? Oh yeah, I did!! My poor baby... Don't know what I'm going to do about work either :(
Ahhh poor Tyler. He can't seem to catch a break. Hopefully it's just a coincidence and it's nothing serious. :hugs:

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